App Store Connect Help

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App Store Connect homepage

The home page provides access to all sections of App Store Connect. Within each section, you have access only to the functionality that’s related to your user role.

Return to the homepage at any time by clicking App Store Connect at the top of any page.

Note: Keep in mind that the language in which App Store Connect is shown to you is impacted by the language settings on your browser or device.



Apps icon

Apps: Add apps to your account, edit app information, create new versions, and submit your app for review. Configure features and services, such as Game Center, in-app purchase, and TestFlight.

App Analytics icon

App Analytics: Gain insights into your app's performance on the App Store in areas related to user acquisition, engagement, and monetization.

Learn about App Analytics.

Sales and Trends icon

Sales and Trends: View reports that show sales and trends over time.

Learn about Sales and Trends.

Payments and Financial Reports icon

Payments and Financial Reports: View and download your monthly financial reports and payment information from the App Store, including earnings, amount owed, and last payment.

Learn about Payments and Financial Reports.

Users and Access icon

Users and Access: Add users, delete users, create sandbox testers, change user roles, change user notifications, manage API keys, and manage access to the source code for Xcode Cloud.

Business icon

Business: Sign agreements and download agreements. Enter tax information and set up electronic banking information to receive earnings payments from Apple.