




Xcode won't open
Have been using Xcode 16.0 on this Mac successfully but now Xcode won't open. The welcome screen appears but the rotating indicators run apparently forever. MacBook Air recently updated to Sequoia 15.0
Issue Adding FirebaseFirestoreSwift Package in Xcode
Hello, I am currently learning SwiftUI through a paid course and am working on integrating Firebase into my project. While trying to add the Firebase package through Xcode, everything seems to work fine except for the fact that I am unable to find the FirebaseFirestoreSwift package. I am using the latest versions of both Xcode and macOS. I have attached a screenshot from the package manager where I couldn't locate the FirebaseFirestoreSwift package. Could you kindly assist me in resolving this issue? How can I correctly add this specific package to my project? Thank you for your support.
Can I Join the Apple Developer Program on a UK Skilled Worker Visa if I’m Not Publishing to the App Store?
Hi everyone, I’m currently learning Swift application development for Apple devices and I’m eager to get the latest knowledge and features that Apple offers. My goal is to test sample apps on my iPhone, primarily for learning, and I have no intention of selling or publishing anything on the iOS App Store. I’m curious if I am legally allowed to join the Apple Developer Program given that I’m on a UK skilled worker visa. Would this impact my ability to enroll? Thanks for your help! Apple Developer License UK Skilled Worker Visa:
Xcode 16 Beta not recognizing Apple Vision Pro on devices
I downloaded the new Xcode 16 Beta and AVP OS 2.0, But I saw that in Windows --> Devices + Simulators, my Mac was not recognizing that I had updated the Vision Pro's OS. So, I disconnected the AVP and tried connecting it again, but the device is not showing up. I've tried going into Remote Devices within the headset, disabling/enabling Developer Mode, turning off/on Wifi, restarting both devices. Is this an issue with XCode 16 Beta and/or Vision OS 2.0?
Jun ’24
CreateML for Image recognition with a spreadsheet catalog
I want to use createML to generate an image recognition model. This works when I put the images in separate sub-folders. But my data consists of many images in one folder with a spreadsheet index of the photos according to several different attributes. I suppose I could write a script to move the images into the correct folders, and repeat this for each of the attributes. But I was hoping there’s a way of doing this directly in createML since I’m sure it’s a common requirement. Anyone know if createML can do this or does anyone know of an app that would save me writing the script?
XCUITest target invalid config sets both USES_XCTRUNNER and either TEST_HOST or RUNTIME_TEST_HOST
I am trying to add an XCUITest target to an existing application. When I try to run the tests, I get the error "Invalid configuration: MyProjectUITests sets both USES_XCTRUNNER and either TEST_HOST or RUNTIME_TEST_HOST". I have seen information stating that it might be because I have multiple apps built from different build configurations in the same scheme, but I could not resolve the issue with any of the suggestions I saw. I've attached a screenshot of the error message and a link to a project stripped down to just the existing configuration to help with diagnosing this issue. I would really love to be able to get some UI tests running. My Project
CarPlay Development Resources for Head Unit
There are CarPlay resources from Apple ( but it seems entirely geared towards iOS app development. Are there any resources or documentation that help with CarPlay integration on the vehicle/head unit side of things? I believe you need to download the CarPlay Communication Plug-In and integrate that with the head unit platform and applications, but there isn't much documentation that comes along with the Plug-In .zip download. Is there a different place where resources for head unit developers is located?
The iOS Simulator and preview in Xcode takes forever to load
I’ve recently begun learning how to utilize Xcode. I have an app in Xcode that closely resembles the iOS App template. Whenever I initiate a build, it successfully completes, but it never finishes installing views into the iOS Simulator. This issue is also present when I attempt to preview the app within the Xcode editor. I am currently using a 2020 MacBook Air (M1). Have you encountered a similar problem? If so, how did you resolve it? [Written using Apple Inteligence Writing Tools]
Unable to obtain APNS token in xCode Swift after iOS 18 Upgrade
After upgrading to iOS 18, in my app development using xCode 16.0 (16A242d) and Swift, I am totally unable to obtain an APNS token from my own device using didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken The delegate simply won’t fire. I was able to do so repeatedly in the same app a week earlier, using iOS 17xx. That part of the code has not changed. I just now restored my phone and installed a clean version of iOS 18, but the issue has not changed. Have tried using WiFi and also cellular networks. It is a no-go.
Selecting Metal 3.2 as language causes crash on iPhone 11 Pro (iOS 17.1.1)
XCode 16 seems to have an issue with stitchable kernels in Core Image which gives build errors as stated in this question. As a workaround, I selected Metal 3.2 as Metal Language Revision in XCode project. It works on newer devices like iPhone 13 pro and above but metal texture creation fails on older devices like iPhone 11 pro. Is this a known issue and is there a workaround? I tried selecting Metal language revision to 2.4 but the same build errors occur as reported in this question. Here is the code where assertion failure happens on iPhone 11 Pro. let vertexShader = library.makeFunction(name: "vertexShaderPassthru") let fragmentShaderYUV = library.makeFunction(name: "fragmentShaderYUV") let pipelineDescriptorYUV = MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor() pipelineDescriptorYUV.rasterSampleCount = 1 pipelineDescriptorYUV.colorAttachments[0].pixelFormat = .bgra8Unorm pipelineDescriptorYUV.depthAttachmentPixelFormat = .invalid pipelineDescriptorYUV.vertexFunction = vertexShader pipelineDescriptorYUV.fragmentFunction = fragmentShaderYUV do { try pipelineStateYUV = metalDevice?.makeRenderPipelineState(descriptor: pipelineDescriptorYUV) } catch { assertionFailure("Failed creating a render state pipeline. Can't render the texture without one.") return }
Xcode 16 Objective-C Documentation Missing
In Xcode 16.0 and 16.1 beta 2, running on macOS 15.1 beta 4, Developer Documentation for Objective-C is (at least partially) missing in the Navigator. Many of the entries appear to be for Swift. In Xcode 16.1 beta (i.e. beta 1), the documentation is normal. I did not find any posts in this forum about this, which is surprising and makes me wonder if the issue is isolated to particular configurations. In any event, I would appreciate any information anyone may have about this.
Mac OS 15, XCode 15.3
We recently upgrade our OS from Sonoma to Sequoia and have been using Fastlane to generate our ipa(s) However since the upgrade we are facing the following error: 00:26:30 + xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportOptionsPlist /var/folders/sk/_k2v73dd5hscn2mcvcqc43gs69_8bc/T/gym_config20240930-10121-gjvg0h.plist -archivePath /Users/ejeniossvc/jenkins/workers/workspace/local-jenkins-build32/-1449677665/452/build-dir/rqa-EnterpriseDistribution/dist/MY.xcarchive -exportPath /var/folders/sk/_k2v73dd5hscn2mcvcqc43gs69_8bc/T/gym_output20240930-10121-27pj6 -allowProvisioningUpdates -skipPackagePluginValidation -skipMacroValidation CODE_SIGN_STYLE=Manual DEVELOPMENT_TEAM=xxxxxxxxxxxx 00:26:30 error: Couldn't load -exportOptionsPlist: The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format. 00:26:30 00:26:30 Swift.DecodingError.dataCorrupted(Swift.DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [], debugDescription: "The given data was not a valid property list.", underlyingError: Optional(Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Encountered unexpected character s on line 1 while looking for close tag for key" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Encountered unexpected character s on line 1 while looking for close tag for key})))
rvictl creates Link local connection.
When using rvictl, I notice that it creates 2 interfaces. One of which establishes a link local connection between the iPhone and the Mac. What is this connection for? Why is it so talkative? and why can I only bring one of the created interfaces down but not the other? When I try to bring down the interfaces with the ifconfig enX down command it stops the DHCP requests and several TCP DUP ACK, but the other interface is persistent and will not stop talking. Can someone explain what type of traffic is being transmitted between the Mac and the iPhone?
Xcode 16 unable to use iOS 16.2 - 17.5 Simulators
When testing on Xcode Cloud I am unable to use any simulators between iOS 16.2 and 17.5. I'm glad that there are options for <= 16.1, but given how small those userbases must be at this point it feels rather odd. Similarly, iOS 18 is still very new so it also has a disproportionately small number of users on it. Does not seem to matter if explicitly selecting Xcode/macOS versions. Am I configuring something incorrectly? Picked something wrong on a dropdown, checked the wrong box when setting up the workflow? Xcode 15.4 allows building to iOS 17.5, but not iOS 18. 🙃
Xcode Instruments: Mismatch Time Profiler results vs. CPU Cycles
Recently, we reworked a crucial part of our app and managed to half the amount of CPU cycles our app requires (according to Xcode Instruments). Nonetheless, when using the Time Profiler component in instruments, it shows that the CPU time spent was either higher or the same (depending on execution). The main time-consuming factor here: libsystem_pthread.dylib - the amount of CPU time spent by this library has doubled from original implementation to reworked implementation. Therefore, I'm having a few questions: How should I interpret this result? How is this even possible if the CPU clock cycles halved? What is the better metric here, the CPU cycles or the time profiler? How can I reduce the impact of that said library? What does that library do and how can I influence its performance? Thanks in advance.
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About technotes Technotes are focused, timely documents from Apple Developer Technical Support. They explore a wide range of development topics and provide guidance for developers creating apps and accessories for all of Apple’s platforms. Learn about specific development topics through these in-depth technical articles. You can subscribe to this RSS feed to get notified when new technotes are published. We encourage you to discuss the technotes here in the forums and share your feedback via Feedback Assistant. Let us know if a technote is helpful, or what we can do to improve it. We would appreciate it if you include a Feedback Assistant (FB) number in your forums post, so we can easily track your feedback, and let you know when it’s resolved. Tagging your post When tagging your post, please add the relevant tags for the technology area it applies to. You can also add the Technotes tag, if you wish. Providing feedback To create new feedback about a specific technote (or technotes as a whole) using Feedback Assistant, use the following path: What are you seeing an issue with? Developer Tools Which area are you seeing an issue with? Developer Documentation What does the documentation issue you are reporting involve? Technotes Please provide the URL of the content you reporting an issue with: The complete URL of the technote. For example, If you wish to leave feedback on Technotes in general, use for the URL. Then complete the remaining fields appropriately. We appreciate and look forward to your feedback.
Oct ’22
Question with Message Filter Extension
Hi. I created a Message Filter Extension target to filter spam sms messages, deferring the request to my backend. The extension makes the call and send this payload: POST /server-endpoint HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 148 { "_version": 1, "query": { "sender": "14085550001", "message": { "text": "This is a message" } }, "app": { "version": "1.1" } } My question is, is possible modify this payload to send the "receiver" number (is possible get the receiver number in this extension?), or use an identifier, to let my backend know which user number the filter was applied to. I think is impossible because the extension makes the call and create the payload, and I don't see anything in docs to add other prop, but there's other way to know the "receiver" number of the sms? Thanks:)
App Not Appearing in "Available Apps" List in Watch App
I’ve developed an Apple Watch extension for an existing iOS app. When I run the app on the watch via Xcode using the simulator, everything works fine. However, when I try to install it on my iPhone, the Watch app doesn’t show it in the "Available Apps" list, so I can't install it on the watch. The Apple Watch is connected to my iPhone, and I can see other apps available for installation without any issues. I also created a brand new project with watchOS support to troubleshoot, but the same problem occurred. Any ideas on how to resolve this?