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TestFlight within App Store Connect allows you to invite and manage testers who can install and beta test your iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps using the TestFlight app on the App Store.

Posts under TestFlight tag

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TestFlight Public Links on the forums
TestFlight Public Links are a great way to share beta versions of your apps with other members of the Apple Developer Program. With this new channel, you can share your TestFlight Public Links with the developer community, to gather valuable feedback on crucial elements, like technical implementation, user experience, design, and more. To maximize the benefits of posting TestFlight Public Links in the Developer Forums, here are some best practices to keep in mind: Provide details: Give comprehensive information about your app, like new features and test cases, and note specific areas where you seek feedback. The more detailed your post is, the better equipped the community will be to provide insight. Select platforms: Select the platforms that your beta app supports. Enter categories: Enter the App category you’ve selected or plan to select for your app on the App Store. Categories are critical to ensuring your post can be easily found by interested users. Stay connected with notifications: Enable web and push notifications so you’ll know when you receive feedback on your post. Note: The TestFlight app is still the most comprehensive way to gather feedback. This space is meant as a helpful secondary channel.
Aug ’23
Build for Breathegolf does not appear in the Test Flight though after distributed successfully from Xcode
Hello, we have distributed the build for "Breathegolf" app successfully from XCocde, but it did not appear in the Test Flight section of the "Breathegolf" app. We have also created an internal testing group for the app and added a tester in the group. In the Test flight section, the version 1.0.0 appeared for some times but after after refreshing, it showed "No Builds". Why this is happening? Please suggest a solution. Breathegolf, App ID - 6720740834
TestFlight Stuck on Redeem Code Page, Unable to Access Beta Apps or Builds on iPhone
I am currently facing an issue with the TestFlight app on my iPhone, where I am stuck on the redeem code page and unable to access the apps I am testing. Interestingly, I am able to access TestFlight without any issues on my MacBook (MacOS), but the problem persists only on iOS. Here is a detailed breakdown of the issue: Issue Description: Upon opening TestFlight on my iPhone, I am immediately directed to a redeem code page with no option to exit or view the main screen, where I should see the apps and builds I am testing. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Open TestFlight on iPhone. 2. TestFlight opens directly to the redeem code page with no option to access other parts of the app. 3. Enter a valid redeem code (used immediately after receiving it). 4. Receive an error message stating the code is invalid or expired. 5. Attempt to access TestFlight via an email invitation link, but it redirects back to the redeem code page. Expected Result: I expect to see TestFlight’s homepage with all the apps and builds I am currently testing. Actual Result: I am stuck on the redeem code page with no option to exit, and valid redeem codes are not being accepted. I have tried using new codes, accessing the app via email invitations, and reinstalling the app, but the issue continues. Any help or guidance on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.
Managed Apple ID - Testflight not useable
Hi, I run a midsize business. Apple recommends for company owned devices and for other reasons to use Apple Business managed Apple IDs for the employees. After that, you have to use a MDM System for e.g. deploying apps and licenses. Testflight is an app that can be deployed too. But....Testflight can not more than to say "Hello" on a managed device. The use of Testflight and to test our developed apps is not possible with a managed ID. Can anyone explain to me this thinking or what is recommended than. Setting up a private Apple ID for that purpose...which on the other hand, Apple do not want or does not recommend.
Can't find the option to review and accept the updated license agreement in my login as Account Holder
Hello, Here is the problem we are facing when we are trying to create a new app in App Store Connect. I can't find find the option to review and accept the updated license agreement in developer account. I'm the Account Holder and I'm supposed to see that option somewhere when I login to developer.apple.com. Could someone help me how to solve this issue? Regards, Prem
TestFlight / Beta
Hi all I’m learning and aspiring to become a Developer. Right now I’m really trying to get involved with App Store Connect / TestFlight so I can try out other developers apps and software really willing to try out anything for IOS. Im real interested in Security, Data wipe, encryption, AI, Reverse Image Search softwar, Facial Recognition software and many more. However until I’m educated enough to join Apple developer program I’m having issues finding TestFlight links that work any suggestion? Thanks all for readin!
Incorrect Company Name Displayed in TestFlight Invitation
I received two different emails from Apple regarding my developer account: An App Store invitation email stating: "You're invited to join a development team, Acme Corp, in the Apple Developer Program so you can help develop, distribute, and manage their apps." The company name here correctly shows "Acme Corp." A TestFlight invitation email with the subject line: "TechSolutions LLC has invited you to test ShopEasy." In this email, "TechSolutions LLC" appears as the company name, but it should be either "Acme Corp" or simply the app name, "ShopEasy." For context, I have two apps in my account: ShopEasy and TechApp. They are created as separate apps under Acme Corp, which is the entity registered in my Apple Developer account membership. Despite this, when I build ShopEasy for TestFlight, the email subject uses "TechSolutions LLC" as the company name, which is confusing for testers. Could someone help me understand where "TechSolutions LLC" is coming from, and how I can fix this so that the correct app name or entity (Acme Corp) is shown in the TestFlight emails? Thanks for your assistance!
Invalid Swift Support error
I've been working on my app, and I've been recently uploading version 2.0 builds to testflight. All was going well until now, where I can run the app in xcode, but can't publish to app store connect because of the error: "Invalid Swift Support. The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it." Any help is appreciated.
Error while Distribution of application to App Store Connect.
I’m trying to upload a build to App Store Connect. During the build upload process, at the final step, I get the following error: “Invalid Info.plist value. The value of the EXExtensionPointIdentifier key, com.apple.live-lookup, in the Info.plist of ‘Livecaller.app/Extensions/CallerIDExtension.appex’ is invalid. Please refer to the App Extension Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/General/Conceptual/ExtensibilityPG/Action.html#/apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014214-CH13-SW1.” In my app, I am using the new Lookup Caller ID Extension feature: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/sms_and_call_reporting/getting_up-to-date_calling_and_blocking_information_for_your_app I cannot use any other identifier, as the extension will not work otherwise. Am I missing something? What do I need to do to be able to upload the build to TestFlight and submit it for review?
Unable to test builds on testflight, "The requested app is not available or doesn’t exist."
Hello! As with many developers, I am unable to install builds on Testflight. I get the infamous "the requested app is not available or doesn't exist". This is the case for all apps and all builds. I can't send builds to beta review also, get the "There was an error processing your request. Please try again later." message everytime. I highly suspect the solution is highly on Apple's side, but my support mails remains unanswered. Creating a second account also isn't a solution, because as you know lots of people are unable to process their payements. Has there been anyone that had this problem and was able to solve the issue realising that they did something wrong, maybe changed a configuration on Xcode or something else?
Crash on launch from all TestFlight builds, but when loading the app from Xcode
We are preparing a launch for iOS 18, and we experienced crashes from iOS 17 devices. If I load the app right from Xcode 16 RC to the iOS 17 device, then it works fine, but if I download it from TestFlight, the nit crashes. The app crashes immediately upon launch due to a missing symbol in the Foundation framework. I'm hoping someone can provide insights or suggestions on how to resolve this. Error Message CopySymbol not found: _$s10Foundation14NSDecimalRoundyySpySo0B0aG_SPyADGSiSo14NSRoundingModeVtF Referenced from: <C1ABDA48-29EE-3674-8554-669220A76F81> /Volumes/VOLUME/*/CamPlan.app/CamPlan Expected in: <D92E19C1-6299-3E94-8614-C505D5ABCCDB> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Foundation What I've Tried Verified that the app is compiled with the latest Xcode version Checked for any usage of private APIs (none found) Reviewed usage of Foundation framework methods, especially those related to NSDecimalRound Questions What could be causing this symbol to be missing? Are there any known issues with NSDecimalRound or related functions in recent iOS versions? How can I identify which part of my code is trying to use this missing symbol?
Upload an application to appstore connect failed. (90022, 90713)
Asset validation failed (90022) Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions >= 10.0. To support older versions of iOS, the icon may be required in the bundle outside of an asset catalog. Make sure the Info.plist file includes appropriate entries referencing the file. Asset validation failed (90713) Missing Info.plist value. A value for the Info.plist key 'CFBundleIconName' is missing in the bundle 'com.....'. Apps built with iOS 11 or later SDK must supply app icons in an asset catalog and must also provide a value for this Info.plist key
XCode Cloud "Latest Release" set to RC
I have been investigating a recent breakage where apps being installed via Testflight are crashing on launch with no helpful crash reports, or even console-accessible logging. More detail: The app launches just fine on iPadOS 18 beta (ipad) but the same build doesn't work on iPadOS 17.6.1 At my wit's end, I checked the entire build environment - was I using XCode beta still somewhere? Well, in the XCode Cloud workflow, I had selected "Release" for the latest released version of XCode. And MUCH to my surprise, I see that XCode 16 RC is selected. Why? That's not released yet... Anyway, this is just a friendly PSA to check your XCode Cloud workflows if you choose "release" when new XCode releases are upcoming... or peg your XCode Cloud environment versions. And I still don't have an explanation why Testflight XCode 16 RC is producing builds that crash on iPadOS 17.6.1 (for us) but not the latest iPadOS 18 public beta...
Family Controls Distribution Approval
I've submitted several requests for Family Controls Distribution access for all of my app targets over two weeks ago and have not gotten any response. The app I've been working on for over a year is finally ready to beta test to 200+ waitlisted users but this final roadblock is killing me! Anyone know what to do? Is there anyone else I could reach out to other than the apple request form to get help with this? Thank you!
Testflight issue: "Could not install <app_name>. The requested app is not available or doesn't exist."
I get the message as seen in the attached image. I recently enrolled in the Apple Developer program last month. Initially, I was working for a client and everything was working fine locally. Builds were executing fine and running as well in emulators and physical devices. But when I archive the build and distribute it to TestFlight via AppStore Connect, I always get this error message as shown below. There are no warnings or errors in the console or in Xcode. I already took care of everything and all compliance related issues. I am not sure what even is wrong at this time. I resubmitted the builds at-least 8 times but still getting same message. Moreover, as a test run, I submitted a build containing a simple "Hello World" component as well. It's getting the same error. I have wrote to Apple Support as well but haven't heard back from them yet. If anyone knows how to resolve this please please guide me. This is really annoying and frustrating now since testers are not able to test the application.
"Invalid Provisioning Profile" Error on TestFlight
I have a Safari Extension deployed to test flight built and deployed using CLI tools in Azure Devops. It appears to be building, signing, and deploying properly. But when users try to install on TestFlight, they see an error saying something about an invalid provisioning profile. This seems to just be on the "installer" portion of the app. The extension shows up in safari settings and is otherwise useable. The users just aren't seeing the splash screen that instructs them to go to Safari Settings. I'm not really sure what's wrong here. This is what my build pipeline looks like - task: Bash@3 displayName: "Build export.plist file" inputs: targetType: 'inline' script: /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :method string mac-application" $(Pipeline.Workspace)/export.plist &amp;&amp; /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :provisioningProfiles dict" $(Pipeline.Workspace)/export.plist &amp;&amp; /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :provisioningProfiles:$(APP_IDENTIFIER) string $(InstallDistProvisioningProfile.provisioningProfileUuid)" $(Pipeline.Workspace)/export.plist &amp;&amp; /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :signingCertificate string '$(InstallDistCerts.signingIdentity)'" $(Pipeline.Workspace)/export.plist &amp;&amp; /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :signingStyle string manual" $(Pipeline.Workspace)/export.plist &amp;&amp; /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :teamID string $(APPLE_TEAM_ID)" $(Pipeline.Workspace)/export.plist &amp;&amp; /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :iCloudContainerEnvironment string Production" $(Pipeline.Workspace)/export.plist &amp;&amp; /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :stripSwiftSymbols bool true" $(Pipeline.Workspace)/export.plist &amp;&amp; /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :compileBitcode bool false" $(Pipeline.Workspace)/export.plist - task: Xcode@5 displayName: "Build Safari Extension" inputs: action: "archive" sdk: "macosx" packageApp: true xcodeVersion: "15" args: "-verbose CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=Yes CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=Yes" exportOptions: "plist" exportOptionsPlist: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/export.plist' exportMethod: "mac-application" archivePath: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/SafariDesktopExtension.xcarchive' signingOption: "default" - script: | xcodebuild -exportArchive \ -archivePath $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/SafariDesktopExtension.xcarchive \ -exportPath $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) \ -exportOptionsPlist $(Pipeline.Workspace)/export.plist displayName: 'Export Distribution-signed App' - task: DownloadSecureFile@1 displayName: "Download Provisioning Profile" name: downloadProvisioningProfile inputs: secureFile: $(PROVISIONING_PROFILE_DIST) - script: | cp "$(downloadProvisioningProfile.secureFilePath)" "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/SafariDesktopExtension.app/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile" displayName: "Embed provisioning profile in Top-Level Executable" - script: | cp "$(downloadProvisioningProfile.secureFilePath)" "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/SafariDesktopExtension.app/Contents/PlugIns/SafariDesktopExtension Extension.appex/Contents/embedded.provisionprofile" displayName: "Embed provisioning profile in Extension" - script: | codesign --deep --force --verify --verbose --sign "$(InstallDistCerts.signingIdentity)" --entitlements "$(rootFolder)/safari/SafariDesktopExtension/SafariDesktopExtension/SafariDesktopExtension.entitlements" $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/SafariDesktopExtension.app displayName: "Codesign" - task: Bash@3 displayName: "Package Application" inputs: targetType: "inline" script: | productbuild --sign "$(InstallInstallerCert.signingIdentity)" --component "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/SafariDesktopExtension.app" /Applications "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/SafariDesktopExtension.pkg" I'm sure there's a bit of garbage here as I'm new to developing in the apple ecosystem. But it appears to work and the resulting .pkg can be submitted successfully. Effectively, that's building an archive using a plist for export options, exporting the archive for distribution, copying the distribution provisioning profile for the top-level executable (the one that's not working) and the extension itself, code signing, and packaging using the installer cert. The provisioning profile (attached to a Mac distribution certificate) mentioned has the correct application identifier and matches the entitlements. I'm not really sure what's going on here and the generic "invalid provisioning profile" error isn't helping. Any help would be appreciated. I'd also love to know if this could hold up a release.