App Store Connect

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App Store Connect is a suite of tools for submitting and managing your apps and in-app purchases on the App Store.

App Store Connect Documentation






Mac App Store - Search Results for My App Going to Wrong Tab
I recently released a macOS native version of an app. Previously, the iPadOS version of the app was available via the Mac App Store as Designed for iPad. The macOS version of the app requires macOS 15+ The listing appears correct when I open the actual app in the Mac App Store, however my issue is that when I search for the name of my app, the Mac App Store (on 15/Sequoia) always defaults the results tab to "iPhone & iPad Apps" where my app is no longer found. I can switch to the "Mac Apps" tab and see my app, but it's confusing if I direct people to the Mac App Store manually. Is there a setting in App Store Connect I'm missing? Is this possibly a bug I should submit via Feedback Assistant? Thanks for any help.
StoreKit 2 does not change default store location on purchase
Hi, I've implemented a custom StoreKit2 manager, which can handle nonConsumable and autoRenewable products. All works as expected on the developer machine. Problem 1: But when I archive the build, distribute to TestFlight, change to a new system user without Apple ID and starting the app, a login popup appears. There I enter the login data from App Store Connect Sandbox User and a message pops up: If I hit the "Change Store" button, another message pops up which says (in German): "Connection to App Store not possible". Problem 2: Also the paywall shows the translated text for the German test user, but the products are not using their translations. Here is what I did: I've setup 1 nonConsumable product and 2 autoRenewable products in App Store Connect I've translated the products for US in English(default) and German In Xcode I created a synced Products.storekit file The storekit file syncs with App Store and shows all product data and translations correctly In the build scheme I've added the Products.storekit file under Options for "StoreKit Configuration" For every TestFlight build I change the build number On the developer machine: With the storekit file selected, I can change the default Storefront and default localisation through menu entry Debug all data shows correctly and purchasing is possible. Everything works as expected On the test machine: it does not work and shows the dialogs with the title "Account Not in this Store" What am I missing here? Thanks for your help! Arne
Determing cause of a crash with a generic stacktrace
We've recently realized there's a pretty large discrepancy between the crash rate Crashlytics has been reporting and the crash rate reported in App Store Connect. Historically, we've been hovering at above 99% crash-free users / sessions as reported by Crashlytics. However, recently we've noticed App Store Connect has reported our crash rate to be between 3.5% and 4% for much of our app's recent history (i.e. the last year). How is this crash rate determined? After diving into Xcode's organizer to look at crashes, we found one particular crash that has been occurring quite a bit. Unfortunately, it has a pretty generic name and stacktrace: CoreFoundation: __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 160 8 UIKitCore -[UIApplication _run] 9 UIKitCore UIApplicationMain 10 tenpercenthappier main 11 dyld start Are these crashes being missed by Crashlytics, or is there some issue with dSYSMs in Crashlytics? Any thoughts or suggestions for how to figure out what's going on here would be much appreciated.
app distribution failed because of asset validation
Asset validation failed (90680) Invalid directory. The bundle Payload/ is not contained in a correctly named directory. It should be under Frameworks. (ID: ea5bb445-d7e8-42e4-a7c7-a3067fdec27f) Asset validation failed (90680) Invalid directory. The bundle Payload/ is not contained in a correctly named directory. It should be under Frameworks. (ID: 149a6e7d-1ec1-4e20-86d4-d74e3c23059b) Asset validation failed (90535) Unexpected CFBundleExecutable Key. The bundle at 'Payload/' does not contain a bundle executable. If this bundle intentionally does not contain an executable, consider removing the CFBundleExecutable key from its Info.plist and using a CFBundlePackageType of BNDL. If this bundle is part of a third-party framework, consider contacting the developer of the framework for an update to address this issue. (ID: e6941470-2215-49c2-a7a6-9303587559b6) Asset validation failed (90680) Invalid directory. The bundle Payload/ is not contained in a correctly named directory. It should be under Frameworks. (ID: 0ae7d7b2-6ba3-47e6-abb5-cb39791f3873) Asset validation failed (90680) Invalid directory. The bundle Payload/ is not contained in a correctly named directory. It should be under Frameworks. (ID: 4fb729bb-7f30-450b-be09-cbc3513b5dc6) Asset validation failed (90680) Invalid directory. The bundle Payload/ is not contained in a correctly named directory. It should be under Frameworks. (ID: 2e434f90-d2b3-4627-ac3b-bed7aec7f007) Asset validation failed (90680) Invalid directory. The bundle Payload/ is not contained in a correctly named directory. It should be under Frameworks. (ID: e9c647d5-62fb-4100-b103-04ec7ee5481e)
suspected IAP refund abuse by single user
Hi, Pretty sure abusive refunds are hurting our app placement. Noticed we had two refunds in the exact same hour from Poland and thought it odd since Poland makes up a very small part of our user base. Extra odd since we've had few refunds in general (~2% when comparing against activations + renewals) so I was worried our backend servers were down and the app not working but noticed no problems. I then checked the past 5 months (life time of our app) and noticed that over 60% of our refunds are all from Poland even though it makes up a very, very tiny amount of our sales. I then also remembered my user support team member telling me they get endless emails from one user in Poland who is making rather unusual and paranoid statements about how various governments are out to get them along with complaining about our app not stopping least that's what the machine translation is telling us, it's all in Polish. Assuming it's all done by this one guy, their pattern is purchase, a few days later a refund, a few days go by, another sale, a day or two later, refund, etc. Then one day two sales and then two weeks later, two refunds at the same exact hour (presumably from two different Apple IDs this person has). As I was writing this it happened again, two more refunds (although this time I don't see the purchases they are tied to). I'm considering just removing Poland from the list of countries for my IAPs. I don't want my app placement ruined by refunds associated with one user in one country! I've already noticed a sudden drop in installs in the past week corresponding to this guy increasing the frequency of this and I'm starting to get very worried! I also noticed that nothing is pro-rated, the refunds match the proceeds exactly while the person does things with the app that cost us money on the server/cloud costs side. Fortunately it's not a lot so more surprised than concerned. I thought each day they waited after a purchase to request a refund they would still owe 1/30 of the monthly subscription price. My questions are: Can this truly be the same user or would Apple have blocked them from doing this cycle by now? I assume even if they used a new Apple ID that using the same purchase method would get them flagged. Are a few refunds hurting our app placement in the App Store or as long as we're relatively low overall it's fine? It's been a marked change in # installs per day in the past week... Is there a way to ask Apple to block one specific person from buying your app? I know their Apple ID (or at least one of them) since they emailed our support team with it. Is 2% refunds an acceptable rate? We'd be below 1% if not for Poland. Aren't IAP refunds pro-rated? I checked events for Poland over the lifetime of the app and I get the following, which seems odd to me. Like how could we have a reactivation or does a purchase after a refund count as that? If so, would mean same Apple ID being used. 9 refunds 7 activations 3 reactivations 1 cancellation 1 enter grace period 1 entered billing retry 1 renewal Thank you! Colin
Apple developer program issue
Hello, I have enrolled in apple developer program, and the money has been debited from my credit card 3 days ago, but I can't access App Store Connect, and start using the team, I contact apple support via live chat and Skype, and they told me to use developer support, but no one is responding to the cases, can anyone help please?
Compliance: As per beneficiary bank policy
Payment was returned twice with notification: Your payment was returned by your bank. Your bank indicated: COMPLIANCE: AS PER BENEFICIARY BANK POLICY. You can review your banking information and make any necessary changes in the Banking section for: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Bank Payment Reference Number: xxxxxxxxx My Kyrgyzstan Bank support claimed he didn't get the payment with that Number Is anyone else facing the same issue ? Regards
developer account is closed
Hello, when I login developer Apple got account status is Closed from 5 July 2024. Basically, I didn't receive any warning email. And When I check App Store Connect, my account has the role of Finance. How can I re-open account in Appstore connect and change role Finance to Admin Holder Please, tell me how can re-open develop account.
What does this mean by this error? Guideline 4.2 - Design - Minimum Functionality
We found that the usefulness of your app is limited by the minimal amount of content or features it includes. We only observed a limited task manager, which is well represented on the App Store. Next Steps We encourage you to review your app concept and incorporate different content and features that are in compliance with the App Review Guidelines. We understand that there are no hard and fast rules to define useful or entertaining, but Apple and Apple customers expect apps to provide a really great user experience. Apps should provide valuable utility or entertainment, draw people in by offering compelling capabilities or content, or enable people to do something they couldn't do before or in a way they couldn't do it before. Can you guys help me with explaining what does this error mean please? I’m building a collaborative task management app for people who live with roomies or partner but I’m not sure what does this error mean exactly. Thanks in advance!
Why the sudden appearance of an invalid privacy manifest warning?
I just received a message upon app submission saying "Although submission for App Store review was successful, you may want to correct the following issues in your next submission for App Store review. Invalid privacy manifest - The PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file from the following path is invalid" This is due to a 3rd party dependency being used by the app, but the thing is I was able to submit the app a few weeks ago, and a few months ago prior to that, and this warning wasn't present despite the exact same version of the 3rd party dependency being in those previous submissions as for the current submission. As the deadline for including privacy manifests was earlier this year, and as the message says " you may want to correct the following issues in your next submission", then whats the point, is there any point in this message? The wording doesn't even say must or should resubmit, it simply says "may like to". Is there therefore any need to address this or not bother if the message just says "may like to"?
Clarification Needed on Default Release Behavior in App Store Connect API
We have a requirement for our app to set "Automatically release this version" and "Release update to all users immediately." Essentially, we want the build to be released to 100% of users once it is approved, without any further action needed from our side. We are using App Store Connect APIs to release our app. To achieve this: I am creating an App Store version by setting AppStoreConnectReleaseType enum to AFTER_APPROVAL in AppStoreVersionCreateRequestData. I am not enabling phased release. I am submitting the app for review. My main concern is understanding the App Store's default behavior for app submissions, particularly whether the default action is to release the update to 100% of users immediately or in a phased manner. If the default behavior is to release to 100% of users, our implementation should meet the requirement. However, if the default is a phased release, I am uncertain if our approach will fulfill our requirement. Any insights into the App Store's default release behavior would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, I'm encountering an issue when trying to upload a build to App Store Connect. I'm receiving an 'Invalid Binary' error with the following message: ITMS-91093: Invalid Binary - The app contains a binary [path to a zip file] that cannot be processed. The error appears to be linked to a folder containing zip files that is referenced in the 'Build Phases' under the 'Copy Bundle Resources' section. Everything was working fine until a few days ago.