Apple Search Ads

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Help potential customers discover your app on the App Store with Apple Search Ads.

Posts under Apple Search Ads tag

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Are Deep Links on Custom Product Pages working?
I created a new Custom Product Page with a Deep Link, according to the WWDC '24 session "What's new in App Store Connect", and everything has been approved, but the Deep Link does not appear to be working. Is this feature fully operational yet? When the app is installed via this product page, the user should be directed to a specific page in the app, however this does not happen. It does work properly when installing directly via the Deep Link This is the link to the product page:
Evaluating Apple Search Ads for Game Monetization: User Experiences and Cost-Effectiveness
This inquiry seeks insights from individuals with experience running Apple Search Ads campaigns for games on the App Store. The primary focus is on understanding the effectiveness of this platform for game monetization. Specifically, valuable contributions would include: Performance: Sharing experiences with Apple Search Ads, both positive and negative. Cost-Effectiveness: Insights into the cost per install (CPI) and return on investment (ROI) achieved through Apple Search Ads campaigns. Conversion Rates: Data on the percentage of users who clicked on the ad and ultimately bought, downloaded or made in-app purchases within the game. By sharing this information, we can collectively gain a clearer understanding of the potential of Apple Search Ads as a monetization strategy for mobile games.
Use Apple Search Ads as a private individual from Sweden
I'm trying to understand if I, as a Swedish private individual developer without a company, can use the Apple Search Ads in App Store to promote my apps. The problem is that it's not clear if the prices for advertising on App Store is including Skatteverkets "moms", or if it's without it and I need to report it to Skatteverket on my own? I don't have a momsregistreringsnummer (VAT registration number) since I'm a private person.
This account has been placed on hold because your tax information is invalid or pending verification
Hello Our ASA account is on hold pending tax verification, does anybody know how long this usually takes? We're an Indian entity and have submitted GST details. I contacted Apple and the response was "We regularly validate tax information but can't give you any timeline or details of the process". Wondering if anybody else had this problem and how long it took to get resolved Thanks
May ’24
Apple Search Ads attribution data request returns 404 after releasing app version built with Xcode 15.3
Greetings, We're using MMP attribution (AppsFlyer), and also track attribution via manually. After releasing a new app version with the latest Xcode 15.3 / iOS 17.4 (the previous store version was built with the older software), our Apple Search Attribution in MMP statistics got worse. In out error log we can see that returns 404, although we're calling API in 5 min after token is retrieved. Are there any issues observed with Apple Search Ads attribution on iOS 17.4? Thanks
Apr ’24
Unexpected behaviour in Get User ACL
Hi, For some of the ASA account Get User ACL api is working fine without X-AP-Context in the header. But for some of the ASA account we are getting 403 response code. As per API details X-AP-Context is not a mandatory field. If we provide X-AP-Context for failed ASA account it works fine. Looks like there some changes in ASA api based on the account that may cause this issue. Thanks Shankara
Mar ’24
App is not showing up in search results
Hello Everyone, I have published my app few months back . The app does not show up in search when I search with the app name . It's a social media app and i provided the right key words . FYI- But when I search the app with combining the company name and app name it shows up. I am in contact with apple support for last 1 month and all the time , i get the an answer that the engineers are woking on it. They even suggested me to include the app name in the Key words, which I did , but no results. Today the supervisor suggests that support team might not be able to do much and I have to revisit my settings. I don't know what else to change other than the key words. . He also highlighted that since Language EN was chosen and the my app name is not an english word, could be also the reason for it not showing up in the search. Can someone please help to provide a solution to this.
Mar ’24
Install-validation postback is not received
Hi, We have Apple Search Ads for promoting our app. We are able fetch attribution records of those ads using AAAttribution inside app and send to our server and it is working fine. Now, we would like to receive Install-validation postbacks by setting NSAdvertisingAttributionReportEndpoint into our domain name and configured the server to receive HTTPS POST messages as per the instruction provided in the below link. Steps done Set NSAdvertisingAttributionReportEndpoint into our domain name Our server configured the server to receive HTTPS POST messages Made sure that updatePostbackConversionValue is called while app is launched. In our live app, we are keep getting attribution records using AAAttribution inside our app and sending them to our server. It is working fine now. But we did not receive any Install-validation postback yet into the URL provided in NSAdvertisingAttributionReportEndpoint. To troubleshoot this, i clicked Apple Search Ad of our app in App Store, i installed our app and opened it and in the console i can see the below error message. Error updating install attribution pingback for app: <OUR_APP_ID>, error: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=1208 "SKAdNetwork: No pingbacks found while attempting to register/ update." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=SKAdNetwork: No pingbacks found while attempting to register/update.}, result: 0 I have attached console log for your reference. Is there any step i am missing to receive Install-validation postback in our server? Is there any way to validate domain name provided in nsadvertisingattributionreportendpoint so that we can check if any server configuration issue? Please advise on getting Install-validation postback in our server, Thank you.
Feb ’24
Apple Search Ads | Apple Developer Documentation
Topics Essentials Implementing OAuth for the Apple Search Ads API Manage secure access to Search Ads accounts. Generate a Private Key API users need to create a private key. If you’re using MacOS or a UNIX-like operating system, OpenSSL works natively. If you’re on a Windows platform, you need to download OpenSSL. openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -noout -out private-key.pem Hello, I'm interested in finding out how to generate a private key for the with the inline code I specified in my post for the referred documentation topic. Best Regards
Feb ’24
Ads Attribution with Firebase without IDFA consent
Hi everyone, I'm using the Firebase SDK in my app, and I'm planning to monitor ad attribution. The primary reason is to determine how many sales are generated from ads. After exploring ad attribution, I see two options: Use Firebase for ad attribution – this appears to be the quickest and easiest method. Implement it myself and send the data to my server. However, I don't want to ask users for IDFA consent. All I need is the standard payload response, and I understand that I don't need consent for that data. Managing this data with my server is more of a hassle compared to using Firebase. So, is there a way to use Firebase without asking for consent? Just to retrieve the standard data that doesn't require consent anyway. Thank you for your help!
Dec ’23
Is it ideal to run an Apple Ads Basic campaign?
Hello everyone! We have a running Apple Ads Basic campaign - we actually just found out recently as it wasn't visible on the Advanced ads manager. We saw how good the performance is based on the CPI. Our previous CPI ranges between $1-$5, that's why we paused everything under Apple Ads. But seeing the performance on the one under Basic, we're now thinking if it's ideal to continue this or pause it. We have a few questions and we're hoping someone here would give us recommendations or would share their thoughts! How does the Apple Ads Basic's algorithm works? Does it only run on one placement, the Search Results? Is it cost-effective because it's only triggering branded keywords? We also did a few research but still left confused. On #1, we only saw that it maximizes download. On #2, we found some articles saying this but we'd still love if someone would confirm. On #3, we saw an article that if it's our first time to run a campaign, it would only trigger branded keywords. But we've ran multiple campaigns on Advanced, even in different placements, so this is somehow related to question #1. Please share if you have any thoughts or experience! Thank you so much 😊
Nov ’23
Is AAAttribution.attributionToken safe for the main thread?
I'm seeing some hang reports for my app in the Xcode organizer that boil down to [AAAttribution attributionTokenWithError:]. The docs for that method talk a lot about a request to Apple's services, but it looks like that's about passing the fetched token up to be decoded...but is the method also making a network request? Or is it doing something else that shouldn't be done on the main thread? If it wasn't main-thread safe I'd expect it to be documented as such, or for the Swift version to be async...
Oct ’23
Can't invite or create an Apple Search Ads API user
I'm trying to invite an Apple ID as a search ads api user, however when I try to accept the invitation from the invited Apple ID, I get the error "Unable to create Search Ads Basic account". When I try to login directly to search ads using that account, I get the message "We're sorry. This Apple ID is no longer authorized for Apple Search Ads." I've also tried this with a separate Apple ID account, and the same problems happened. I've followed the steps in this article: Is there something I'm missing? Do I need to create a brand new Apple ID for this to work?
Oct ’23
My app does not appear in any search results in the App Store
My app, which has been live for about 2 years, suddenly became invisible in App Store search results 2 months ago. Even when the full name of the app is searched, it does not appear in the search results. This has caused the app to not receive any users from search results, despite being downloaded by a total of about 3 million users in the last 2 months. When I look at Apple Connect Analytics, I see that the number of users coming from App Store searches is 0. This shows that my app is not visible in search results at all.Also, due to this problem, we cannot advertise on Apple Search Ads because the system cannot find our application even though it is live. We can only gain users through the ads we give at the moment. The Apple Support team has not been able to solve the problem for about 1.5 months. What could be the solution to this problem? Thanks
Oct ’23
I recently start getting SERVER_ERROR in apples ads api. Endpoint: Below is the reponse I get [{"messageCode"=>"SERVER_ERROR", "message"=>"The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete request: 44198a85-4731-4a31-b14b-3e22da558dad", "field"=>""}] This happens sporadically.
Sep ’23