Capturing more than one display is no longer working with macOS Sequoia.
We have a product that allows users to capture up to 2 displays/screens. Our application is using gstreamer which in turn is based on AVFoundation.
I found a quick way to replicate the issue by just running 2 captures from separate terminals. Assuming display 1 has device index 0, and display 2 has device index 1, here are the steps:
install gstreamer with
brew install gstreamer
Then open 2 terminal windows and launch the following processes:
terminal 1 (device-index:0):
gst-launch-1.0 avfvideosrc -e device-index=0 capture-screen=true ! queue ! videoscale ! video/x-raw,width=640,height=360 ! videoconvert ! osxvideosink
terminal 2 (device-index:1):
gst-launch-1.0 avfvideosrc -e device-index=1 capture-screen=true ! queue ! videoscale ! video/x-raw,width=640,height=360 ! videoconvert ! osxvideosink
The first process that is launched will show the screen, the second process launched will not.
Testing this on macOS Ventura and Sonoma works as expected, showing both screens.
I submitted the same issue on Feedback Assistant: FB15900976
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I have two macOS applications: Application A, named My with the bundle ID com.comp.myapp, and Application B, named My with the bundle ID com.comp.myapp2. Both applications have the same name. Application A is installed at /Applications/My When I run the installer for Application B, it gets installed in a folder at /Applications/My App.localized/My Even if I remove Application A using the preinstall script of Application B's installer, the result remains the same.
Does the installer determine the installation path with the new folder before the preinstall script executes?
How can it be addressed so the new folder will not be created?
We have a composite package that contains multiple components. Instead of just running pkgbuild, we use our own components.plist rather than a synthesized one. The components.plist is attached.
The PackageInfo for Application B is also attached.
import Cocoa
@available(macOS 10.13, *)
let imagePboardType = NSPasteboard.PasteboardType.fileURL
class DragSourceView: NSImageView {
weak var dragSourceDelegate: NSDraggingSource?
override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
let pasteboardItem = NSPasteboardItem()
if #available(macOS 10.13, *) {
pasteboardItem.setDataProvider(self, forTypes: [NSPasteboard.PasteboardType.fileURL])
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions
let draggingItem = NSDraggingItem(pasteboardWriter: pasteboardItem)
draggingItem.draggingFrame = NSRect(x: 100 , y: 10, width: 100, height: 100)
draggingItem.imageComponentsProvider = {
let component = NSDraggingImageComponent(key: NSDraggingItem.ImageComponentKey.icon)
component.frame = NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 16, height: 16)
component.contents = NSImage(size: NSSize(width: 32,height: 32), flipped: false, drawingHandler: { [unowned self] rect in {
self.image?.draw(in: rect)
return true
return [component]
self.beginDraggingSession(with: [draggingItem], event: event, source: self.dragSourceDelegate!)
extension DragSourceView: NSPasteboardItemDataProvider {
func pasteboard(_ pasteboard: NSPasteboard?, item: NSPasteboardItem, provideDataForType type: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType) {
// let data = self.image?.tiffRepresentation
let data = "/Users/slowdony/Desktop/640.jpeg"
let dataUrl = String.Encoding(rawValue: NSUTF8StringEncoding))!
item.setData(dataUrl, forType: type)
import Cocoa
class ViewController: NSViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var sourceView: DragSourceView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.sourceView.dragSourceDelegate = self
extension ViewController: NSDraggingSource {
func draggingSession(_ session: NSDraggingSession, sourceOperationMaskFor context: NSDraggingContext) -> NSDragOperation {
if (context == .outsideApplication){
return .copy
return .generic
func draggingSession(_ session: NSDraggingSession, willBeginAt screenPoint: NSPoint) {
print("draggingSession beginAt \(screenPoint)")
func draggingSession(_ session: NSDraggingSession, movedTo screenPoint: NSPoint) {
print("draggingSession movedTo \(screenPoint)")
func draggingSession(_ session: NSDraggingSession, endedAt screenPoint: NSPoint, operation: NSDragOperation) {
print("draggingSession endedAt \(screenPoint)")
I am dragging an image to the desktop through the above code, failed, help
I am using the window.level set to .floating as described here:
The setting itself works okay. However, in a multi monitor setup, the floating window is appearing on both the screens.
How can I prevent this? My users report that before macOS Sonoma, this used to not happen. Has this behaviour changed? How can I revert back to the old behaviour?
Accessing a directory on my custom distributed filesystem results in a kernel panic.
According to the backtrace, the last function called before the panic is triggered is mac_label_verify().
See the backtrace file attached.
The panic manifests itself given the following conditions:
Machine-a: make a directory in Finder.
Machine-b: remove the directory created on machine-a in Finder.
Machine-a: access the directory removed on machine-b in Finder. Kernel panic ensues.
The panic is reproducible on both Apple Silicon and x86-64.
The backtrace is for x86-64 as I wasn't able to symbolicate it on Apple Silicon.
Not sure how to tackle this one.
Any pointers would be much appreciated.
ASCredentialProvider had been almost identically implemented on both iOS and macOS so far, but the ProvidesTextToInsert feature was only added to iOS. It would have been a crucial point to make Credential Providers available in all textfields, without users having to rely on developers correctly setting roles for their Text Fields.
It's right now impossible to paste credentials into Notes, or some other non-password text box both in web and desktop apps for example, in a seamless, OS-supported way without abusing Accessibility APIs which are understandably disallowed in Mac App Store apps. Or just pasting an SSH key, or anything. On macOS this has so many possibilities. It could even have a terminal command.
It's even more interesting that "Passwords..." is an option in macOS's AutoFill context menu, just like on iOS, however Credential Providers did not gain this feature on macOS, only on iOS.
Is this an upcoming feature, or should we find alternatives? Or should I file a feature request? If it's already in the works, it's pointless to file it.
I have two thunderbolt LG 4K monitors. After upgrading to beta 3 the startup hangs half way through the progress bar. If I unplug one monitor the system starts up normally. Once up I can plug the second monitor in and all works as expected.
I encountered a strange behavior that reminded me of when .sheet() modifiers didn't inherit environment objects. Unless I'm missing something very obvious, it seems to me that TableColumn may expose the same issue. At least on macOS, because the very same code does not crash on iOS.
I'm posting this here before reporting a SwiftUI bug.
Below is a gist for a playground:
I also observe inconsistent behavior when building with Xcode 16.1 or 15.4, specifically:
The workaround I resorted to is re-propagating the environment from the parent:
we are in the process of exploring how to create an installer for our array of apps.
We have come to the conclusion that regular .pkg installers produced by pkgbuild and productbuild are unfulfilling of our expectations. [1]
Regardless, our installer needs to place files at privileged locations (/Library/Application Support) so we are looking into how to best solve this problem, with the user having
the largest clarity on what they are about to do (so no shady "wants to make changes" dialogs)
the least steps to do to install these files in the right place (so no targeted NSSavePanel-s)
Now, we have done our light reading via some nicely collected posts on the topic ( for example) and the single missing option in the list of privilege escalation models seems to be a one-time privilege escalation from a GUI app.
Our reasons for declaring so:
AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges is long deprecated and we are trying to build a futureproof solution
NSAppleScript is just putting up a shady ("wants to make changes") dialog when trying something like this:
$ osascript -e "set filePath to \"/Library/Application Support\"" -e "do shell script \"touch \" & the quoted form of filePath & \"/yyy.txt\" with administrator privileges"
Is there another way to request a one-time authorization from the admin to perform such a simple operation as copying a file to a protected location?
I know it's possible to externalize and internalize Authorization Rights, but they are just an interface to create extra rights and use them as barriers, because they don't actually pass the required right to further operations based on this documentation.
Using SMAppService to register a daemon, which has to be manually allowed by the user adds a lot to the complexity of this installation process, and is something we would like to avoid if possible. (And it's also not the right security model if we want to be honest - we don't want ongoing administrator rights and a daemon)
Is there something we haven't taken into consideration?
[1] preinstall scripts run after the choices are presented during installation and we would need advanced logic (not the limited JavaScript system/files API provided by Installer JS) - plus, the GUI is obviously very limited in a .pkg :(
I'm confused by documentation and information I found regarding compatibility between versions of Xcode and macOS.
The site is listing "Minimum OS required".
To my understanding it means "this particular version of macOS and all later/newer versions".
Also release notes for Xcode are consistently stating "Xcode xx.x. requires a Mac running macOS yy.yy.y or later."
But I also found statements like " In general, new versions of macOS will not run old versions of Xcode." in this forum, see, which is the opposite to "requires macOS version X or later".
I'm also experiencing issues when trying to run Xcode 12.4 on macOS 14.5 (Sonoma), means XCode is not running.
It would be great if some of Apple Engineers here would shed some light on it :-)
Many thanks in advance!
I recently updated my macbook pro 14 inch 2021 model to macOD Sequoia Version 15.1. After the update, my in-built camera resolution has reduced, its all fuzzy and grainy. Please help to fix this. Thank you.
I'm new to developing with SwiftUI and I created a Pomodoro app for macOS that runs in the menu bar. I added 4 animations and when the user selects the snow animation, it starts snowing on the screen. But the app uses 20%-30% of the CPU and has high energy consumption. I can't reduce it and I couldn't find a solution.
// snow animation
import SwiftUI
struct SnowflakeView: View {
@State private var flakeYPosition: CGFloat = -100
@State private var isAnimating = false
private let flakeSize: CGFloat = CGFloat.random(in: 10...30)
private let flakeColor: Color = Color(
red: Double.random(in: 0.8...1),
green: Double.random(in: 0.9...1),
blue: Double.random(in: 1...1),
opacity: Double.random(in: 0.6...0.8)
private let animationDuration: Double = Double.random(in: 1...3)
private let flakeXPosition: CGFloat = CGFloat.random(in: 0...310)
var body: some View {
.font(.system(size: flakeSize))
.position(x: flakeXPosition, y: flakeYPosition)
.onAppear {
if !isAnimating {
withAnimation(Animation.linear(duration: animationDuration).repeatForever(autoreverses: false)) {
flakeYPosition = 280 + 50
isAnimating = true
I also have how I run the animation below.
ZStack {
ForEach(0..<10, id: \.self) { index in
if selectedAnimal == "Snow" {
} else if selectedAnimal == "Rain" {
}else if selectedAnimal == "Leaf"{
}else if selectedAnimal == "Confetti"{
I am currently working on a project that involves periodically querying OSLog to forward system log entries to a backend. While the functionality generally operates as expected, I have encountered a memory leak in my application. Through testing, I have isolated the issue to the following simplified code example:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <OSLog/OSLog.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool {
while(1) {
NSError *error = nil;
OSLogStore *logStore = [OSLogStore storeWithScope:OSLogStoreSystem error:&error];
if (!logStore)
NSLog(@"Failed to create log store: %@", error);
return 0;
When running this example, the application exhibits increasing memory usage, consuming an additional 100 to 200 KB per iteration, depending on whether the build is Debug or Release.
Given that Automatic Reference Counting is enabled, I anticipated that the resources utilized by logStore would be automatically released at the end of each iteration. However, this does not appear to be the case.
Am I using the API wrong?
I would appreciate any insights or suggestions on how to resolve this issue.
Thank you.
I've been facing an issue with notarizing a macOS app with an Enterprise API Key.
Due to some misunderstanding setting up the project some years ago, the notarization step was using a developer's accounts API Key. I am looking to fix it to have everything centralized in the Enterprise account we work with, but I get "Debug [JWT] Generating new JWT for key ID" with the new key. This is using the xcrun notarytool directly to get more input.
Using Fastlane it fails as:
Error polling for notarization info:
[11:29:25]: unexpected token at ''
The project is deployed via MDM, so we need it to prevent the security warning.
I used this documentation to create the key:
I have tried a Developer and an Admin access key, and the Account Holder has also created an Admin key but the errors keep the same.
I just updated my Fastlane script to use the new key with the updated values. The old developer account key still works.
I am not sure if I am missing any steps in the documentation or if this is not achievable.
Important to add that all the profiles and certificates were already set up properly in the Enterprise account, the only error was using an App Store Connect Key instead of an Enterprise Key.
Thanks in advance for the help.
I am trying to develop MacOS application which will be connecting to USB devices and should be available in AppStore.
So it must be Sandbox and probably I've to use permission
I've following requirements:
I need to detect USB devices with file system
I need to have ability to upload & download files from this device
I need to read device serial number
I wonder if I can use IOKit for this and it will be compliant with AppStore rules or not?
We use as content filter in our app to monitor flows, we gather data about the flow and block flows deemed suspicious.
Our content filter is activated/deactivated by a UI app but the flows are reported via XPC to a separate daemon process for analysis.
As of macOS 15, we are seeing cases where flows are missing or flows are not received at all by the content filter. The behaviour is not consistent, some devices seem to receive flows normally but others don't. It appears Intel devices are much less prone to showing the problem, whereas Arm devices routinely exhibit missing flows.
On macOS 14 or earlier, there is no sign of missing flows.
Testing on earlier beta versions of macOS 15 did not appear to show the problem, however I can't rule out if issue was present but it wasn't spotted.
Experimenting with simple examples of using a content filter (e.g. QNE2FilterMac) does not appear to reproduce the issue.
What has changed between macOS 14 and 15 that could be the cause of the lack of flows?
Is our approach to using an app activated content filter reporting to a daemon connected via XPC unsupported?
I have some problems with my macOS after updating to Sonoma. I am running a intel based MacBookPro 2018.
After update to Sonoma I had some Kernel panic. Log attached. Also I had some problems running my LaunchDaemon for starting macFUSE and connecting to SSHFS.
This used to work before.
Now, my plan forward is to restore a backup from the MacBook before update. I will restore the backup and remove any redundant/not in use .plist jobs ( especially ) LaunchDaemon jobs. When this is done I will try to update macOS again. I have many .plist jobs also Daemon.
Please supply information on how I can remove any redundant / not in use .plist jobs.
I belive the reason for the kernel panic was the
io.macfuse.filesystems.macfuse.23 4.7.2. ( attached log )
I want to keep the
io.macfuse.filesystems.macfuse.23 4.7.2
, but I want to remove other kexts not in use and other .plist not in use.
Please supply info in how to identify redundant kexts not in use and redundant .plist not in use.
How do I know if the induvidual kexts is needed or not ?
Best regards
Tormod Willassen
We are developing remote desktop app on macOS and recently got user's report about unexpected app crash on macOS 15.2 beta.
On macOS 15.2, there's strange app crash on NSDictionary extension method.
We have narrowed down the steps and create the sample code to duplicate this issue.
Create a cocoa app project in objective-c
Try to access [NSNull null] value in NSDictionary
Use specific method name for NSDictionary extension - (long long)longLongValueForKey:(NSString*)key withDefault:(long long)defaultValue;
The console output for the example app is like below, the method pointer seems to be wrong when trying to get value with longLongValueForKey:withDefault: method to a [NSNull null] object.
********* longLongValueForKey: a: 0
********* longLongValueForKey: b: 100
********* longLongValueForKey: c: 0
********* longLongValueForKey:withDefault: a: -1
********* longLongValueForKey:withDefault: b: 100
********* exception: -[NSNull longLongValue]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7ff8528d9760
********* longLongValueForKey:withDefault1: a: -1
********* longLongValueForKey:withDefault1: b: 100
********* longLongValueForKey:withDefault1: c: -1
Please create an objective-c app project and add below code to reproduce this issue.
// AppDelegate.m
// DictionaryTest
// Created by splashtop on 2024/11/13.
#import "AppDelegate.h"
#define IsNullObject(id) ((!id) || [id isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]])
@interface NSDictionary (extension)
(long long)longLongValueForKey:(NSString*)key;
(long long)longLongValueForKey:(NSString*)key withDefault:(long long)defaultValue;
(long long)longLongValueForKey:(NSString*)key withDefault1:(long long)defaultValue;
@interface AppDelegate ()
@property (strong) IBOutlet NSWindow *window;
@implementation AppDelegate
(void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
// Insert code here to initialize your application
NSDictionary* dict = @{
@"b" : @(100),
@"c" : [NSNull null],
@try {
long long a = [dict longLongValueForKey:@"a"];
NSLog(@"********* longLongValueForKey: a: %lld", a);
long long b = [dict longLongValueForKey:@"b"];
NSLog(@"********* longLongValueForKey: b: %lld", b);
long long c = [dict longLongValueForKey:@"c"];
NSLog(@"********* longLongValueForKey: c: %lld", c);
@catch(NSException* e) {
NSLog(@"********* exception: %@", e);
@try {
long long a = [dict longLongValueForKey:@"a" withDefault:-1];
NSLog(@"********* longLongValueForKey:withDefault: a: %lld", a);
long long b = [dict longLongValueForKey:@"b" withDefault:-1];
NSLog(@"********* longLongValueForKey:withDefault: b: %lld", b);
long long c = [dict longLongValueForKey:@"c" withDefault:-1];
NSLog(@"********* longLongValueForKey:withDefault: c: %lld", c);
@catch(NSException* e) {
NSLog(@"********* exception: %@", e);
@try {
long long a = [dict longLongValueForKey:@"a" withDefault1:-1];
NSLog(@"********* longLongValueForKey:withDefault1: a: %lld", a);
long long b = [dict longLongValueForKey:@"b" withDefault1:-1];
NSLog(@"********* longLongValueForKey:withDefault1: b: %lld", b);
long long c = [dict longLongValueForKey:@"c" withDefault1:-1];
NSLog(@"********* longLongValueForKey:withDefault1: c: %lld", c);
@catch(NSException* e) {
NSLog(@"********* exception: %@", e);
@implementation NSDictionary (extension)
(long long)longLongValueForKey:(NSString*)key {
long long defaultValue = 0;
id value = [self objectForKey:key];
if (IsNullObject(value) || value == [NSNull null]) {
return defaultValue;
if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]] || [value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
return [value longLongValue];
return defaultValue;
(long long)longLongValueForKey:(NSString*)key withDefault:(long long)defaultValue {
id value = [self objectForKey:key];
if (IsNullObject(value) || value == [NSNull null]) {
return defaultValue;
if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]] || [value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
return [value longLongValue];
return defaultValue;
(long long)longLongValueForKey:(NSString*)key withDefault1:(long long)defaultValue {
id value = [self objectForKey:key];
if (IsNullObject(value) || value == [NSNull null]) {
return defaultValue;
if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]] || [value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
return [value longLongValue];
return defaultValue;
Anyone else notice that Finder no longer shows most photos exif data when in column mode - usually it appears below the photos image.
I am creating a macOS app with the following requirements:
Automatic Startup: After initial installation, the app should automatically start, even after the OS restarts.
Notarized Installation: The installation package (.pkg) should be notarized to avoid user have to make security exception.
In my current setup I’ve created a script, ci_scripts/, which uploads the package file $CI_APP_STORE_SIGNED_APP_PATH/<appName>.pkg to GitHub via Xcode Cloud. While I can successfully download the app, I’m encountering two main issues:
Notarization (I assume): I’m unsure how to get Xcode Cloud to notarize the .pkg file. Currently, upon opening the .pkg file for the first time, users have to go to System Settings > Privacy & Security to allow an exception for the package, after which installation proceeds successfully on second try. I’d like to automate the notarization process to eliminate this extra step.
Adding Additional Files to PKG installer: My current .pkg file only includes the app binary. I need to configure Xcode Cloud to include a postinstall script and a launchd daemon configuration file within the package. This would ensure that necessary files are set up on installation and that the app is properly registered as a launch daemon.