Demystify code signing and its importance in app development. Get help troubleshooting code signing issues and ensure your app is properly signed for distribution.

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macOS 15 – Is AppleScript a Gatekeeper workaround ?
I have tried to manually install binaries using Finder by clicking and dragging from the Desktop into "/usr/local/bin/". The binaries come with a collection of frameworks etc. All the binaries are adhoc signed. macOS asks for Admin credentials which is fine. But then, when I execute the binaries in Terminal, Gatekeeper shows the now expected "'[binary"] Not Opened Apple could not verify ........" etc. It shows that dialog for every component and requires user input 2-3 times to allow each component of which there are perhaps dozens. BUT, none of that happens if I install those binaries using AppleScript. So, it might have a call like this: do shell script "curl -L " & download_URL & " -o " & download_binary_zip with administrator privileges do shell script "unzip -o " & download_binary_zip & " -d " & usr_bin_folder with administrator privileges The resulting installs work perfectly. Is this intended ? Using both install methods requires Admin credentials. Why does using a script work but using Finder does not ?
Mac App Notarization Stuck 'In Progress' Several Days
Hello, I'm currently facing issues with the notarization process for my macOS app, which has been in progress for several days without completion. I’ve submitted multiple builds over the past few days, but they all remain stuck in "In Progress" status. { "message": "Successfully received submission history.", "history": [ { "status": "In Progress", "id": "3bab3c0e-203d-4d66-87e5-e9c46e366a6c", "name": "Offer鸡.zip", "createdDate": "2024-09-29T19:20:39.240Z" }, { "createdDate": "2024-09-29T18:28:08.522Z", "status": "In Progress", "name": "Offer鸡.zip", "id": "9bb19fae-e7c2-485b-90c5-7158a1639225" }, { "createdDate": "2024-09-29T12:31:52.458Z", "name": "Offer鸡.zip", "id": "ff0ec784-7014-412e-9e42-30feae65b546", "status": "In Progress" }, { "status": "In Progress", "id": "4be0d351-e3db-43cb-a2ce-71ebdecd623a", "createdDate": "2024-09-29T05:39:23.409Z", "name": "Offer鸡.zip" }, { "status": "In Progress", "createdDate": "2024-09-28T18:15:00.601Z", "name": "Offer鸡.zip", "id": "2a4947e0-3a4b-45e0-832a-723fdf221cbf" }, { "id": "e50fbd60-8448-4f12-8539-22dcf24caee5", "name": "", "createdDate": "2024-09-27T07:47:50.919Z", "status": "In Progress" }, { "createdDate": "2024-09-26T21:45:10.596Z", "name": "", "status": "Rejected", "id": "fc3490e9-3ff5-49f8-a08a-5bfac7cca81d" }, { "createdDate": "2024-09-26T06:59:51.950Z", "id": "d003f48c-01ec-48f7-89e0-8b8f5ad700bd", "name": "", "status": "Invalid" } ] } I also encountered two previous submission failures: (submitted on 2024-09-26 at 21:45) - Rejected (submitted on 2024-09-26 at 06:59) - Invalid Could anyone provide insight into what might have caused the earlier failures? And is it common for notarization to take this long? Any advice on how to expedite or resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for your help.
Revoking Certificates
My Mac died and I need to revoke all Developer ID certificates which I cannot do myself. I have 5 of each so can't currently add new ones. How do I get these removed. I have submitted a ticket to Apple 10 days ago but other than the acknowledgment have heard nothing. I am totally stuck!
Signing is wrong
Hello, I have a problem signing the application. I'm trying to sign 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer, but it says Invalid: ➜ Desktop productbuild --component /Applications --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: KARLOS KORTES ()" --product TechView.pkg productbuild: Adding component at /Users/wildwolf/Desktop/ productbuild: Signing product with identity "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: KARLOS KORTES ()" from keychain /Users/wildwolf/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db productbuild: Adding certificate "Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority" productbuild: Adding certificate "Apple Root CA" productbuild: Wrote product to TechView.pkg productbuild: Supported OS versions: [Min: 10.13, Before: None] ➜ Desktop xcrun notarytool submit TechView.pkg --key /Users/wildwolf/Desktop/AuthKey_26Z7J3RBZQ.p8 --key-id 26Z7J3RBZQ --issuer 2af626b1-ffca-4ec1-b9d0-cb1bbdc94742 --wait Conducting pre-submission checks for TechView.pkg and initiating connection to the Apple notary service... Submission ID received id: 3cbfd59c-69a9-42e9-8fd9-074aee705ab9 ^Rload progress: 60.47 % (33.4 MB of 55.2 MB) ^Rload progress: 61.49 % (33.9 MB of 55.2 MB) Upload progress: 100.00 % (55.2 MB of 55.2 MB) Successfully uploaded file id: 3cbfd59c-69a9-42e9-8fd9-074aee705ab9 path: /Users/wildwolf/Desktop/TechView.pkg Waiting for processing to complete. Current status: Invalid...................... Processing complete id: 3cbfd59c-69a9-42e9-8fd9-074aee705ab9 status: Invalid When I sign the Developer ID Installer, everything goes well: ➜ Desktop productbuild --component /Applications --sign "Developer ID Installer: KARLOS KORTES ()" --product TechView.pkg productbuild: Adding component at /Users/wildwolf/Desktop/ productbuild: Using timestamp authority for signature productbuild: Signing product with identity "Developer ID Installer: KARLOS KORTES ()" from keychain /Users/wildwolf/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db productbuild: Adding certificate "Developer ID Certification Authority" productbuild: Adding certificate "Apple Root CA" productbuild: Wrote product to TechView.pkg productbuild: Supported OS versions: [Min: 10.13, Before: None] ➜ Desktop xcrun notarytool submit TechView.pkg --key /Users/wildwolf/Desktop/AuthKey_26Z7J3RBZQ.p8 --key-id 26Z7J3RBZQ --issuer 2af626b1-ffca-4ec1-b9d0-cb1bbdc94742 --wait Conducting pre-submission checks for TechView.pkg and initiating connection to the Apple notary service... Submission ID received id: ad1ecc74-5445-43e1-9d45-30b14f0e7132 Upload progress: 100.00 % (55.2 MB of 55.2 MB) Successfully uploaded file id: ad1ecc74-5445-43e1-9d45-30b14f0e7132 path: /Users/wildwolf/Desktop/TechView.pkg Waiting for processing to complete. Current status: Accepted........................ Processing complete id: ad1ecc74-5445-43e1-9d45-30b14f0e7132 status: Accepted Certificates in the system: ➜ Desktop security find-identity -p codesigning -v E6E85E18DB601386F0B6DCDBA728D31BAD2A19F2 "Apple Development: KARLOS KORTES (**************)" 3CC85A4F196339D3B23DF6A5D2519F427D89BA75 "Apple Distribution: KARLOS KORTES (**************)" 351BA454290A9ACAC14DC3D7B3491BAF81CD4CA1 "Developer ID Application: KARLOS KORTES (**************)" 3 valid identities found ➜ Desktop security find-identity -p codesigning -v E6E85E18DB601386F0B6DCDBA728D31BAD2A19F2 "Apple Development: KARLOS KORTES (**************)" 3CC85A4F196339D3B23DF6A5D2519F427D89BA75 "Apple Distribution: KARLOS KORTES (**************)" 351BA454290A9ACAC14DC3D7B3491BAF81CD4CA1 "Developer ID Application: KARLOS KORTES (**************)" 3 valid identities found ➜ Desktop security find-identity -p basic -v B7D14C5A225C2D08A78F10801DF5FBD600F41977 "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: KARLOS KORTES (**************)" (CSSMERR_TP_CERT_REVOKED) 1F4AB0AE48760BA22F17AFB1E488D7A5F3AA1C72 "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: KARLOS KORTES (**************)" E6E85E18DB601386F0B6DCDBA728D31BAD2A19F2 "Apple Development: KARLOS KORTES (**************)" 3CC85A4F196339D3B23DF6A5D2519F427D89BA75 "Apple Distribution: KARLOS KORTES (**************)" 036AB7D7CD8862B5C6EA2B759ADB69E88C3B9F30 "Developer ID Installer: KARLOS KORTES (**************)" 351BA454290A9ACAC14DC3D7B3491BAF81CD4CA1 "Developer ID Application: KARLOS KORTES (**************)" 6 valid identities found What have I tried already, reinstalled, deleted, added new certificates, but the signature with 3rd Party Mac Developer Installer does not work, what am I doing wrong?
Notarization issue
TL;DR - What have I messed up on this notarization workflow? I'm completely new to Apple development. I have been trying to notarize an application I have written, that is then packaged as a .dmg. I am trying to notarize it using the command line tools (as it is an existing app, and not written in Xcode/Swift). My steps so far are as follows: All libraries, frameworks, and other executables have been signed (.dylib, .so etc.). I have avoided using --deep as I understand this is not recommended. The above includes all similar files included within zip archives (the cross platform framework I use places some inside a zip container). I have unzipped, signed, and rezipped. I have signed the main executable within "[NAME].app/MacOS" and the "[NAME].app" with an .entitlements file, and a certificate. codesign --verify --verbose --sign "$DEVELOPER_ID_APP_CERT" --timestamp --force --entitlements "$APP_NAME.entitlements" "$BUILD_DIR/$$APP_NAME" codesign --verify --verbose --sign "$DEVELOPER_ID_APP_CERT" --options runtime --entitlements "$APP_NAME.entitlements" "$BUILD_DIR/$" --force --timestamp echo "Checking for unsigned components..." codesign --verify --deep --verbose=4 "$BUILD_DIR/$" echo "Verifying entitlements..." codesign --display --entitlements :- "$BUILD_DIR/$" Both of the above checks come back as ok. Then, I have the following script lines which package the app as a .dmg and submit it to notarisation. hdiutil create -volname "$APP_NAME" -srcfolder $BUILD_DIR/$" -ov -format UDZO "$BUILD_DIR/$DMG_NAME" # Sign the DMG codesign --force --verify --verbose --sign "$DEVELOPER_ID_APP_CERT" "$BUILD_DIR/$DMG_NAME" # Notarize the DMG xcrun notarytool submit "$BUILD_DIR/$DMG_NAME" --key "[AUTH_KEY_LOCATION].p8" --key-id "[KEYID]" --issuer "[ISSUERID]" --wait # Staple the notarization ticket to the DMG xcrun stapler staple "$BUILD_DIR/$DMG_NAME" # Verify the notarization xcrun stapler validate "$BUILD_DIR/$DMG_NAME" After a 20 hour wait, I get the following back from the notarization service: id: 41931e00-2f34-4389-b5e1-fd76707c2162 status: Invalid Processing: [PATH]/[APP].dmg CloudKit query for [APP].dmg (2/a428f96446e143497380c0ae1f2b70661050aed6) failed due to "Record not found". Could not find base64 encoded ticket in response for 2/a428f96446e143497380c0ae1f2b70661050aed6 The staple and validate action failed! Error 65. Processing: [PATH]/[APP].dmg FotoLabAI.dmg does not have a ticket stapled to it. On a seperate submission, I noticed something about a note about audit.log not being found, but I can't find a reference to this on Google. So far as I understand, this is the file that is supposed to help me debug notarization errors. Normally I'd try more debugging myself, but I can't afford to wait 24h for feedback.
Asset validation failed (90161)
I uploaded the ipa package to the Apple Developer Center, and it keeps showing the error "Asset validation failed (90161): Invalid Provisioning Profile." The provisioning profile included in the com.ttlock.roommaster bundle (Payload/keeperapp) is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate]. It says that my certificate is invalid, but I have created it many times and followed all the procedures correctly. However, I still cannot upload it successfully! I don't know how to solve this problem.
Added trusted certificate without prompting the user
Hi, I need to import a trusted certificate to the system keychain without prompting the user. I’m importing the certificate with this command line: sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain" <certificate> that running from the post install script of my PKG. I'm running the PKG from my daemon service. The certificate is imported to the keychain but it's not trusted. This is the error that i'm getting: sectrustsettingssettrustsettings: the authorization was denied since no user interaction was possible. What is the right why for doing it? Thanks
Family Controls Capabilities missing from capabilities menu in XCode
I am developing an app that will utilize the Family Controls capability to use the DeviceActivity API. I understand that I need to request access to the Family Controls entitlement before releasing the app, but I am nowhere near that stage. I want to be able to test the Family Controls/Device Activity APIs while developing the app in debug mode, but I don't have the ability to add the Family Controls capability to my app. When I go to add it, it doesn't show up in the available options of capabilities to add. Do I need authorization for the Family Controls entitlement to even use the APIs in testing/development? Am I missing a prerequisite checkbox somewhere that would add the capability to the available options? I'm using XCode 16.0.
Correct settings to setup Xcode/xcodebuild in a CI using automatically managed signing ? (Xcode 16)
Hello, We are using automatic signing for a couple of projects, and we're struggling to get it to work in a CI with Xcode 16. It was working with Xcode 15 but with Xcode 16 we get the following errors : error: The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to log in with account ''. The login details for account '' were rejected. error: Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile:" doesn't include signing certificate "Apple Development: Foobar (TEAMID)". Any ideas ?
Notarization progress status
I have requested for notarizatiohn of my application with "95a8605f-9854-4984-8c07-484ea5a6303f", it is taking more than 2 days of time, how can check about the progress status, like where exactly process is proceeding, right now we are in process darkness, how we can get some visibility on this?
Developing iOS Applications with Delphi 11: Crashing Issues and Troubleshooting
I am developing a mobile application with Delphi 11. I compiled the application using iOS SDK 17.5. I uploaded it to the Apple Store for testing and first tested it on an iPhone 7 (software version 15.7.1). The application worked smoothly. Later, I tested it on an iPhone 14 (software version 17.6.1) and an iPhone 11 (software version 18). On both of these devices, the application crashed before opening. Since the same application is available on the Apple Store, I downloaded it from there and saw that it worked fine on the last two devices. I thought that the SDK needed to be upgraded for newly compiled and submitted applications. However, in that case, it should have thrown an error when submitting the application to the Apple Store. I updated macOS and Xcode and upgraded to SDK 18. I also set SDK 18 in Delphi. When I compiled with these settings, I again saw that it worked normally on my first device, while the application crashed on the next two devices. Considering it could be an issue with a module in the application, I compiled a blank form by removing all permission requests for testing, but the result did not change. What can I do about this? Do you have any suggestions?
error: exportArchive: Code signing "FBAEMKit.framework" failed.
When I make ipa by commond tools,Some errors have occurred.Has anyone encountered it before? Ps:debug mode is ok,release mode is not ok. error: exportArchive: Code signing "FBAEMKit.framework" failed. Error Domain=IDEDistributionPipelineErrorDomain Code=0 "Code signing "FBAEMKit.framework" failed." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Code signing "FBAEMKit.framework" failed., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=View distribution logs for more information.}
app can't be opened, even if signed and notarized.
I'm developing an electron app using electron-builder I code-signed and notarized it and can confirm with codesign and spctl commands like below: % codesign --verify --deep --verbose ./ ./ valid on disk ./ satisfies its Designated Requirement % spctl -a -vvv -t install ./ ./ accepted source=Notarized Developer ID origin=Developer ID Application: XXXXX.,Ltd. (XXXX) But I cannot open it as if weren't signed. "MyApp" can't be openend" If I try to open it in terminal with open command: The application cannot be opened for an unexpected reason, error=Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10810 "kLSUnknownErr: Unexpected internal error" UserInfo={_LSFunction=_LSLaunchWithRunningboard, _LSLine=2735, NSUnderlyingError=0x600003aa0900 {Error Domain=RBSRequestErrorDomain Code=5 "Launch failed." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Launch failed., NSUnderlyingError=0x600003aa09c0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Launchd job spawn failed}}}}} What could be wrong here? I'm strongly suspecting that my apple developer program and certificate has some issues. As this happened after I renew my program this month. Or could there be some other reason for this error?
Looks like the signed app losing entitlements
We would like to codesign up for the app that uses LuaJIT to be downloadable as the app with the identified developer on Apple silicon macOS. It means no targeting to the App Store which can be problematic due to LuaJIT usage. Looks like there is no problem making the application run with the signature, but the performance is really bad. All times are for running on an M2 chip, MacOS Sonoma 14.6. Our x86_64 build works fine. Reference LuaJIT benchmark takes around 0.15 seconds (seed 2, 100 runs). Same build for arm64 with ad-hoc signature, no entitlements, and needs around 1.8 seconds (seed 2, 100 runs) to run the same benchmark code. I created luajit_app in Xcode to investigate. It simply opens a window, you select Lua script, and it runs it and prints output to the text area. Signed by my developer ID, run from Xcode immediately after build: I see the same behaviors for the x86_64 build. It needs around 0.43 seconds (seed 2, 1000 runs) to finish the benchmark code. The arm64 build without added entitlements needs around 16 seconds (seed 2, 1000 runs). Added entitlements The arm64 build typically needs around 0.14 seconds (seed 2, 1000 runs). Added entitlements which fixed LuaJIT to use MAP_JIT flag: The arm64 build typically needs around 0.14 seconds (seed 2, 1000 runs). 2nd and other app runs need around 19 seconds for benchmark. Ad-hoc signed without developer ID and team, Run from Xcode The first app runs after the build/rebuild The arm64 build typically needs around 0.14 seconds (seed 2, 1000 runs), but the first run sometimes takes around 5 seconds (seed 2, 1000 runs). 2nd and next runs of the app The arm64 build typically needs around 19 seconds (seed 2, 1000 runs). Bad signed, signature fix from the command line: Signed with codesign --force --deep --sign MYID -o runtime --entitlements entitlements.plist or AD-HOC Behaviors are similar to Xcode runs. The first time the app runs usually takes around 5 seconds and 0.14 seconds later for benchmark script. Sometimes first benchmark runs takes 5 seconds, the second run 19 seconds and later runs take 0.14 seconds. Later app runs typically fall to 19 seconds needed to do benchmark script. End I have also tried ad-hoc and the developer signature with both entitlements for the origin app, but no difference in time needs for the benchmark was observed. Any ideas what is going on?
Apple Notarization service failing on app that notarized successfully some weeks ago
We're having failures reported back to us from the notarization service as of the 4th of September. It's complaining about binaries inside .jar files, saying some aren't signed and others aren't signed with a valid developer certificate. These are third party jars; we unzip the unsigned binaries from these jars, sign them then put them back in using "jar -ufv". Notarizing is only complaining about binaries inside jars and not anything else, which implies our certificates are valid. Nothing has changed regarding these jars between the notarizing service accepting and rejecting our app. To confirm our suspicions that the notarizing service may be behaving differently, we sent it an app package that previously had succeeded in notarizing. Now the notarizing service fails, citing issues with the same jars as described above. Are you able to confirm whether anything has changed? Any ideas on what we could look at?