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Notarization is the process of scanning Developer ID-signed software for malicious components before distribution outside of the Mac App Store.

Posts under Notarization tag

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Notarisation Resources
IMPORTANT altool is deprecated for the purposes of notarisation and will stop working on 1 Nov 2023 [1]. If you’re currently notarising with altool, switch to notarytool now. For specific advice on how to do this, see TN3147 Migrating to the latest notarization tool. General: DevForums tag: Notarization WWDC 2018 Session 702 Your Apps and the Future of macOS Security WWDC 2019 Session 703 All About Notarization WWDC 2021 Session 10261 Faster and simpler notarization for Mac apps WWDC 2022 Session 10109 What’s new in notarization for Mac apps — Amongst other things, this introduced the Notary REST API Notarizing macOS Software Before Distribution documentation Customizing the Notarization Workflow documentation Resolving Common Notarization Issues documentation Notary REST API documentation TN3147 Migrating to the latest notarization tool technote Fetching the Notary Log DevForums post Q&A with the Mac notary service team Developer > News post Notarisation and the macOS 10.9 SDK DevForums post Testing a Notarised Product DevForums post Notarisation Fundamentals DevForums post The Pros and Cons of Stapling DevForums post Many notarisation issues are actually code signing or trusted execution issue. For more on those topics, see Code Signing Resources and Trusted Execution Resources. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" [1] See Apple notary service update.
Mar ’24
Mac App Notarization Stuck 'In Progress' Several Days
Hello, I'm currently facing issues with the notarization process for my macOS app, which has been in progress for several days without completion. I’ve submitted multiple builds over the past few days, but they all remain stuck in "In Progress" status. { "message": "Successfully received submission history.", "history": [ { "status": "In Progress", "id": "3bab3c0e-203d-4d66-87e5-e9c46e366a6c", "name": "Offer鸡.zip", "createdDate": "2024-09-29T19:20:39.240Z" }, { "createdDate": "2024-09-29T18:28:08.522Z", "status": "In Progress", "name": "Offer鸡.zip", "id": "9bb19fae-e7c2-485b-90c5-7158a1639225" }, { "createdDate": "2024-09-29T12:31:52.458Z", "name": "Offer鸡.zip", "id": "ff0ec784-7014-412e-9e42-30feae65b546", "status": "In Progress" }, { "status": "In Progress", "id": "4be0d351-e3db-43cb-a2ce-71ebdecd623a", "createdDate": "2024-09-29T05:39:23.409Z", "name": "Offer鸡.zip" }, { "status": "In Progress", "createdDate": "2024-09-28T18:15:00.601Z", "name": "Offer鸡.zip", "id": "2a4947e0-3a4b-45e0-832a-723fdf221cbf" }, { "id": "e50fbd60-8448-4f12-8539-22dcf24caee5", "name": "", "createdDate": "2024-09-27T07:47:50.919Z", "status": "In Progress" }, { "createdDate": "2024-09-26T21:45:10.596Z", "name": "", "status": "Rejected", "id": "fc3490e9-3ff5-49f8-a08a-5bfac7cca81d" }, { "createdDate": "2024-09-26T06:59:51.950Z", "id": "d003f48c-01ec-48f7-89e0-8b8f5ad700bd", "name": "", "status": "Invalid" } ] } I also encountered two previous submission failures: (submitted on 2024-09-26 at 21:45) - Rejected (submitted on 2024-09-26 at 06:59) - Invalid Could anyone provide insight into what might have caused the earlier failures? And is it common for notarization to take this long? Any advice on how to expedite or resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for your help.
Notarization issue
TL;DR - What have I messed up on this notarization workflow? I'm completely new to Apple development. I have been trying to notarize an application I have written, that is then packaged as a .dmg. I am trying to notarize it using the command line tools (as it is an existing app, and not written in Xcode/Swift). My steps so far are as follows: All libraries, frameworks, and other executables have been signed (.dylib, .so etc.). I have avoided using --deep as I understand this is not recommended. The above includes all similar files included within zip archives (the cross platform framework I use places some inside a zip container). I have unzipped, signed, and rezipped. I have signed the main executable within "[NAME].app/MacOS" and the "[NAME].app" with an .entitlements file, and a certificate. codesign --verify --verbose --sign "$DEVELOPER_ID_APP_CERT" --timestamp --force --entitlements "$APP_NAME.entitlements" "$BUILD_DIR/$$APP_NAME" codesign --verify --verbose --sign "$DEVELOPER_ID_APP_CERT" --options runtime --entitlements "$APP_NAME.entitlements" "$BUILD_DIR/$" --force --timestamp echo "Checking for unsigned components..." codesign --verify --deep --verbose=4 "$BUILD_DIR/$" echo "Verifying entitlements..." codesign --display --entitlements :- "$BUILD_DIR/$" Both of the above checks come back as ok. Then, I have the following script lines which package the app as a .dmg and submit it to notarisation. hdiutil create -volname "$APP_NAME" -srcfolder $BUILD_DIR/$" -ov -format UDZO "$BUILD_DIR/$DMG_NAME" # Sign the DMG codesign --force --verify --verbose --sign "$DEVELOPER_ID_APP_CERT" "$BUILD_DIR/$DMG_NAME" # Notarize the DMG xcrun notarytool submit "$BUILD_DIR/$DMG_NAME" --key "[AUTH_KEY_LOCATION].p8" --key-id "[KEYID]" --issuer "[ISSUERID]" --wait # Staple the notarization ticket to the DMG xcrun stapler staple "$BUILD_DIR/$DMG_NAME" # Verify the notarization xcrun stapler validate "$BUILD_DIR/$DMG_NAME" After a 20 hour wait, I get the following back from the notarization service: id: 41931e00-2f34-4389-b5e1-fd76707c2162 status: Invalid Processing: [PATH]/[APP].dmg CloudKit query for [APP].dmg (2/a428f96446e143497380c0ae1f2b70661050aed6) failed due to "Record not found". Could not find base64 encoded ticket in response for 2/a428f96446e143497380c0ae1f2b70661050aed6 The staple and validate action failed! Error 65. Processing: [PATH]/[APP].dmg FotoLabAI.dmg does not have a ticket stapled to it. On a seperate submission, I noticed something about a note about audit.log not being found, but I can't find a reference to this on Google. So far as I understand, this is the file that is supposed to help me debug notarization errors. Normally I'd try more debugging myself, but I can't afford to wait 24h for feedback.
Notarization progress status
I have requested for notarizatiohn of my application with "95a8605f-9854-4984-8c07-484ea5a6303f", it is taking more than 2 days of time, how can check about the progress status, like where exactly process is proceeding, right now we are in process darkness, how we can get some visibility on this?
Notarization and application development
We have an organization with multiple developers trying to develop apps. There are times where they want to find out if their app will pass notarization or not? We have a Developer ID Application certificate that we use to sign files right before production deployment and then for notarization approval. But this is not possible when developers are working in their sandboxes. Providing each developer their own Developer ID Application certificate for distribution is both not feasible and perhaps not very secure. Is there a way in which they can find out if their apps would pass the notarization tests without actually uploading to Apple?
Notarization failing due to account migration: any suggestions?
Our company changed its name as a result of a merger, and the development group responsible for our mobile apps decided to migrate from our "legacy" Apple developer account to a new account associated with the new company name. I found this out last Friday when the notification step in the build script for our Mac applications stopped working — the notification server accepts the request but never responds; we were using the --wait flag with notarytool, and as a result it hangs indefinitely. Apparently our old developer account was deactivated unexpectedly, and while it's been temporarily turned back on to allow the mobile apps team to finish migrating their apps, the notarization step continues to hang. I haven't yet tried using the new team account, because my product requires an Endpoint Security entitlement, which is associated with the old Team ID. The long-term answer is probably to re-apply for a new entitlement, but that took over a month the last time we did this, and of course we were scheduled to release a product update in two weeks. At the moment we're dead in the water. Are there any other options to get us going again? (I considered opening a code-level support request, but as this issue isn't exactly "code-level", I was worried that would be a waste of time and/or money.)
Xcode won't notarize app with network extension
The archive build part works, and uses the correct entitlements file: [Key] [Value] [Array] [String] app-proxy-provider-systemextension That's from codesign -dv --entitlements - ...../ However, the distribution log shows "Error Domain=DVTPortalProfileErrorDomain Code=4 \"Cannot create a Developer ID provisioning profile for \"com.kithrup.NetworkExtensionExperiment\".\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot create a Developer ID provisioning profile for \"com.kithrup.NetworkExtensionExperiment\"., IDEDistributionIssueSeverity=3, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=The Network Extensions capability is not available for Developer ID provisioning profiles. Disable this feature and try again., NSUnderlyingError=0x600013e719b0 {Error Domain=DVTPortalProfileTypeErrorDomain Code=0 \"Cannot create a Developer ID provisioning profile.\" UserInfo={UnsupportedFeatureNames=(\n \"Network Extensions\"\n), NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot create a Developer ID provisioning profile., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=The Network Extensions capability is not available for Developer ID provisioning profiles. Disable this feature and try again.}}}", "Error Domain=IDEProfileLocatorErrorDomain Code=1 \"No profiles for 'com.kithrup.NetworkExtensionExperiment' were found\" UserInfo={IDEDistributionIssueSeverity=3, NSLocalizedDescription=No profiles for 'com.kithrup.NetworkExtensionExperiment' were found, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Xcode couldn't find any Developer ID provisioning profiles matching 'com.kithrup.NetworkExtensionExperiment'.}" which, given that I was able to build a signed version with the entitlement as shown first, seems to be a problem. All my years of hating xcode are coming back to haunt me, I can tell.
Signing application with app extensions
We have developed an electron app which we want to extend with an action extension. The action extension is written in swift in Xcode. Our plan was to build the .appex file and insert it into the PlugIns folder in our electron app, but I don't think this is the right way to do it? If we insert the .appex file before notarization then we get an error that we are "replacing existing signature". If we manually insert it after the notarization then we get an error with the app is damaged and can’t be opened. Can anybody provide a procedure for this kind of merge I would imagine that it goes something like: Sign app Sign extension Add extension to App Notarize app For signing the app we use electron-builder.
packet-tunnel-systemextension OSSystemExtensionErrorDomain 8
Hi, can't activate system-extension. in any case getting Domain=OSSystemExtensionErrorDomain Code=8 "Invalid code signature or missing entitlements" (sometimes get code = 9) P.S. In debug running all is working. (The system is asking to activate sysex) Has to read huge amount of forum, samples, and docs. But no luck What and how i've tried steps which i've doing #- signing sysextension binaries with Developer ID Application #- signing system extension with Developer ID Application #- signing application with Developer ID Application #- checking all signatures with Developer ID Application #- building pkg installer #- signing installer with Developer ID Installer #- checking signing #- sending installer for notarization #- waiting for installer verification #- after success I call stapler staple #- When calling sysex activation I get (But the problem is persist when i've try to move signed app to application folder, or try to notarize zip) or in any case which possibly mention on forum, i've get sign command sample codesign --force --timestamp --options runtime --sign "Developer ID ***" Also has to tried with ** --deep,** but no luck. Result of steps descrribed here: App has System Extension compatibility, Sysex haven't System Extension. App is used the same bundle id as in AppStore (also has to tried separate one, but no luck) In console just two informative message regarding it, but nothing specific default 01:08:04.745310+0200 sysextd client activation request for default 01:08:04.745330+0200 sysextd attempting to realize extension with identifier default 01:08:04.750996+0200 appName-Mac-External [0x13a9496f0] invalidated because the current process cancelled the connection by calling xpc_connection_cancel() Could you please assits with solve issue?
Error: HTTP status code: 401. Invalid credentials. Username or password is incorrect. Use the app-specific password generated at Ensure that all authentication arguments are correct.
HERE IS THE COMPLETE LOG FROM THE SYSTEM.. please help me with the issue. Downloads % xcrun notarytool submit appName.pkg --apple-id “appleid --team-id <app_id> --wait --verbose [17:21:08.220Z] Debug [MAIN] Running notarytool version: unknown (0), date: 2024-09-09T17:21:08Z, command: /Applications/ submit _090624.pkg --apple-id <apple_id_hidden>--team-id <app_id> --wait --verbose Conducting pre-submission checks for _090624.pkg and initiating connection to the Apple notary service... [17:21:08.222Z] Debug [PREFLIGHT] _090624.pkg is a flat installer package. [17:21:08.223Z] Debug [PREFLIGHT] Finished completing determination of file type for _090624.pkg. Operation took 1ms. Password for <apple_id_hidden>: [17:21:13.354Z] Info [API] Initialized Notary API with base URL: [17:21:13.357Z] Debug [CTXMGR] Created temporary directory at: file:///var/folders/bj/ct_f469n03b2l596c_00n27c0000gp/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_notarytool_hkXwCu/ [17:21:13.359Z] Debug [CTXMGR] Copied _090624.pkg -- file:///Users/w525362/Downloads/ to file:///var/folders/bj/ct_f469n03b2l596c_00n27c0000gp/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_notarytool_hkXwCu/_090624.pkg [17:21:13.360Z] Debug [FILEHASH] Generating md5 and sha256 digest with buffer size 1048576 for file:///var/folders/bj/ct_f469n03b2l596c_00n27c0000gp/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_notarytool_hkXwCu/_090624.pkg [17:21:13.486Z] Debug [FILEHASH] MD5 digest: bd49fd77dfe36a9bbfb4c7efc329c6fe [17:21:13.486Z] Debug [FILEHASH] Base64-encoded MD5 Digest: vUn9d9/japu/tMfvwynG/g== [17:21:13.487Z] Debug [FILEHASH] SHA256 digest: 03466bf60dc33f57a2bbb2ba54402eb882529085e98f9d18e1e42ceeecd9d0aa [17:21:13.487Z] Debug [FILEHASH] Finished generating file hashes for _090624.pkg. Operation took 126ms. [17:21:13.487Z] Debug [API] Sending submissions payload: submissionPayload(submissionName: "_090624.pkg", md5: "bd49fd77dfe36a9bbfb4c7efc329c6fe", sha256: "03466bf60dc33f57a2bbb2ba54402eb882529085e98f9d18e1e42ceeecd9d0aa", notifications: []) [17:21:13.488Z] Info [API] Preparing POST request to URL:, Custom Headers: private<Dictionary<String, String>> [17:21:13.488Z] Debug [AUTHENTICATION] Delaying current request to refresh app-specific password token. [17:21:13.488Z] Info [API] Preparing GET request to URL:, Parameters: [:], Custom Headers: private<Dictionary<String, String>> [17:21:13.488Z] Debug [AUTHENTICATION] Authenticating request to '/notary/v2/asp' with Basic Auth. Username: appleID, Password: private, Team ID: <app_id> [17:21:13.489Z] Debug [TASKMANAGER] Starting Task Manager loop to wait for asynchronous HTTP calls. [17:21:14.774Z] Debug [API] Received response status code: 401, message: unauthorized, URL:, Correlation Key: QHGCOMLZWZVN4SEAKHS3SBGLS4 [17:21:14.775Z] Error [TASKMANAGER] Completed Task with ID 2 has encountered an error. [17:21:14.775Z] Debug [TASKMANAGER] Ending Task Manager loop. [17:21:14.783Z] Debug [CTXMGR] Removed temporary directory: Optional(file:///var/folders/bj/ct_f469n03b2l596c_00n27c0000gp/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_notarytool_hkXwCu/) Error: HTTP status code: 401. Invalid credentials. Username or password is incorrect. Use the app-specific password generated at Ensure that all authentication arguments are correct.
Embedded helper app fails to launch
I recently changed the architecture of my app by moving some of the logic into a helper app, which is embedded together with the main app. The main app's bundle looks like this: - Contents - MacOS - Main - It all works fine during development, and I could successfully archive and notarize it. However, when I try to launch the notarized version of the helper app, it fails with the signing issues. failed to fetch error=-10 I have tried a few things, but could not find any working solution. Any help is appreciated!
productbuild: notarize .pkg with non-binary sub package
Hi, we have .pkg install package consisting of various sub packages. One of them contains presets and needs to be installed the the default preset location /Library/Audio/Presets. If this non-binary preset package is the only one in a .pkg choice notarization fails with: "logFormatVersion": 1, "jobId": "*", "status": "Invalid", "statusSummary": "Archive contains critical validation errors", "statusCode": 4000, "archiveFilename": "", "uploadDate": "2024-08-22T21:24:03.251Z", "sha256": "*", "ticketContents": null, "issues": [ { "severity": "error", "code": null, "path": "", "message": "Package has no signed executables or bundles. No tickets can be generated.", "docUrl": null, "architecture": null }, { "severity": "warning", "code": null, "path": "", "message": "b\"Invalid component package: mypackage_vstpreset Distribution file's value: #com.mycompany.mypackage.vstpreset.pkg\\n\"", "docUrl": null, "architecture": null } ] } Not sure, but maybe its worth noting that the causing sub packge only generates a warning, but the parent package seems to escalate this into an error. How can a non-binary sub package be included in a notarized parent package? Any hints or thoughts are highly appreciated, Thanks!
Has the Apple Notarization Service Recently Changed to Inspect Files Inside ZIP Archives?
Hi everyone, Been working with Apple's notarization process for a while, and we've recently noticed some unexpected behavior. It seems like the notarization service might be looking inside ZIP archives contained within my app's distribution package. In the past, we don't recall the notarization process digging into ZIP files like this—only the main app bundle and its contents were scanned for signatures. Has there been a recent change or update to the notarization service that now includes inspecting files within ZIP archives? If so, are there specific guidelines or documentation updates regarding this change? Can anyone point me to what to expect and how to adjust my workflow accordingly. While "signing all the files" is the default answer, is there a more cohesive answer to this question? Thanks
Aug ’24
Notarization issue not fixed for 1.5 years
I've the common "Team is not yet configured for notarization" issue and I've had it since the beginning of last year, where I contacted Apple about the issue, after going through some generalized useless advice that the support agent gave me I was finally able to escalate the issue and they supposedly had their "engineers" working on it. About every month I would send 1-2 emails asking for status update and everytime the response was "the engineers are working on it", and about the 8th-9th month they stopped responding. Now I've paid for developer program again, I have the same issue, it has not been fixed. I am in fact being scammed at this point and I've opened an issue via the provided link in the related thread below, it's been a week, Apple has not responded and the fact is, this is the worst platform to develop for. I really am starting to hate this company.
Aug ’24
Notarization Status: Accepted. What does it mean?
I submitted my macOS app for notarization. Here's what I see: Successfully received submission info createdDate: 2024-08-21T11:25:46.063Z id: 9e787992-5737-4ca8-b8b5-23d267f6476c name: status: Accepted What does it mean? Are there more stages in this process? The reason I am asking is because trying to staple a ticket gives me 'error 65' which means there is no ticket.
Aug ’24
XCode Cloud Developer ID Can't Codesign DMG File
I am using Xcode Cloud to build my Mac Catalyst app for Developer ID Distribution as a DMG package that must be codesigned and notarized. I have a script that runs after the Archive action. This needs to perform the following tasks: Produce a DMG from the provided exported archive located at CI_DEVELOPER_ID_SIGNED_APP_PATH Codesign that DMG using the same certificate identity that Xcode Cloud used when automatic code signing the exported archive using cloud signing. Notarize that code signed dmg with the notary service Generate a Sparkle appcast.xml file Upload the DMG and appcast.xml file to s3 The issue I am having is that I do not have access to the cloud signing keychain identity that Xcode Cloud uses to automatically codesign the exported archive. I check for identities and none are found. Running: security find-identity -v -p codesigning There are no code signing identities available. Make sure you have a "Developer ID (Application)" certificate (with the private key) installed on your Mac with Keychain Access. How can I access the cloud signing identity in this script so I can sign my DMG file before notarizing it? I am currently experimenting with installing my own certificate in the build server keychain and run my own archive + export commands after the Build action completes. This is not ideal. Thanks, Andrew
Aug ’24
Persistent Notarization Issues with Electron App
I am runnning persistent notarization issues with my macOS Electron application. Despite multiple attempts to resolve these issues, the notarization status remains "Invalid," and the errors in the report are consistent. What I'm doing Sign the code like this codesign --sign "Apple Distribution: Name Lastname (123456)" --deep --force --timestamp=auto path/to/ I then get: replacing existing signature I then verify the signing with: codesign --verify --deep --strict --verbose=4 path/to/ I then get: --prepared:/path/to/ --validated:/path/to/ --prepared:/path/to/ --validated:/path/to/ valid on disk satisfies its Designated Requirement I then build: npm build I then package: zip -r I then upload: xcrun notarytool submit --apple-id your-apple-id --team-id your-team-id --password your-app-specific-password Then I check for status and I get: Successfully received submission info createdDate: 2024-08-15T18:21:31.520Z id: 55daf39a-4be9-4dd6-a490-1890d33f9e75 name: status: Invalid In the report generated I get issues like: "path": "path/to/", "message": "The signature of the binary is invalid.", "docUrl": "", "architecture": "arm64" and "path": "path/to/", "message": "The signature does not include a secure timestamp.", "docUrl": "", "architecture": "arm64" What am I doing wrong? I tried signing each issue separately and rerun the entire process, it's not working.
Aug ’24
Unable to Notarize
I have been trying to notarize an app since yesterday tried about 20 times at various times of the day. Most times it stops during the upload and produces an error message "Couldn't communicate with a helper application" which occurs at various places while downloading. Three times the upload appeared to complete but then produced an error "This operation could not be completed (SotoS3.S3ErrorType.Multipart.error.1 I then looked in the status log which had several entries: Prepared archive for uploading (green check to left) Upload failed (red x to left) Notary error (red x to left) The operation couldn't be completed (SotoS3.S3ErrorType...) In Progress (grey timer icon to left)
Aug ’24
Developer ID target can't be signed or notarized automatically
macOS application Mulligan's Eagle (403115926) macOS deployment - macOS 10.14 (Mojave) through Sonoma 14.5 macOS targets - Mac App Store, ad hoc direct drag-to-install image Xcode version 15.4, various development Macs (Intel, M1, M2) Eagle delivered since pre-Mac App Store days - derived from System 7 MacApp development. App most recently delivered with min system Mac OS 10.12 through current Sonoma 14.5, dual target for Mac App Store automatically signed with Apple Development credentials and for outside release automatically signed with Developer ID credentials. Recent revisions to the software to bump min system to 10.14 (Mojave) with typical continuing development for tech, reqm'ts, etc. Updates (a couple since previous release) to Xcode - now using version 15.4, which recommended some config changes that made sense, except min system. Popular application with lots of older (uh... elder) users running Macs servicing golfers. The application is ready to distribute with automatic signing, but wasn't able to do so with Developer ID credentials, but Xcode note (and reading of tips in this forum and my poor understanding) managed to submit for notarization - failed. Tried to manually sign... and reviewed signing info in Xcode... So I reviewed Certificate(s) etc. that should have been used when previously signing Dev ID for notarization and release. I have (I think) six Developer ID Application certs and six Developer ID Installer certs and I can't find any combination of those certificates - some with duplicate dates or expirations - that allows me to use one to automatically sign code to notarization or delivery. What do I do? I've lived a peaceful solo developer life for 25 years delivering and signing code for the Mac and as long as iOS has existed. I'm terrified about this issue however... My early Mac OS using customers (since Lion - pre sandbox) still have serial numbers for this software and have bought a Mac every 6 - 10 years so they could get my latest release. We've never required that they re-purchase from the App Store... they have a perpetual license. Sandboxing was a shock they never felt - we kept delivering updates to them and if they decided sandboxing mattered, they purchased from Apple and we included the container-migration entitlement in the App Store version to move their data to the new sandbox. Pretty slick. Until we built an install disk to test it on an unsandboxed version of Eagle in our office. It "lost" its data - vanished by remaining in the old Application Support directory while the new hardened runtime version looked for it in the sandbox - finding nothing. Just imagine encountering that if you're 80 years old running a golf league. How can I "reset" the futzed-up certificate Developer ID mess? I have multiple machines, all with varying subsets of what seem to be good certificates. And Xcode builds new provisioning profiles just for the heck of it, it seems. I'm afraid to revoke or throw out any certificates because I can't tell which ones are good, bad or duplicates - they're all valid. And I can't create any more Developer ID certs because there's a max to control certificate-miscreants like me (yes, I've read Quinn's protection of your Dev ID note - I screwed it up with only 1 employee). I depend on automatic signing because I'm still, after 58 years of coding, just a novice. Is it true that I should still specify in my build settings that I'm using Developer ID credentials for my ad hoc development and distribution schemes? And that the proper settings for those should NOT enable hardened runtime or app sandboxing? Sorry for my intensity here.... It's been 2 weeks since App Review bonked an initial submission with just an "it's broken" reject message, and DTS decided this is not such an emergency that the Developer Forum shouldn't be able to handle it. I'm truly hoping it's so.
Aug ’24