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Create app extensions that lets users send text, stickers, media files, and interactive messages using Messages.

Posts under Messages tag

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Messages App Extension won't hit breakpoints
Greetings,I've been struggling some time with this issue. I have this App which I'm developing a Messages App Extension. App works fine but I can't debug it. I can add NSLog sentences to check for workflow but when I try to add a breakpoint it won't stop there, even if the NSLog nearby is triggered (i.e. It doesn't stop on a breakpoint in viewDidLoad from my MSMessagesAppViewController subclass). I've tried to create a project from scratch and it works fine. It's just with this project (created from XCode 7) that I'm not able to hit any breakpoint. I've tried deleting the extension and recreating a new one with no success. When I try to debug the App target It works just fine, it's this extension target I cannot reach any breakpointAny ideas?
Oct ’23
App rejection - UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities
Anyone see something like this on app submission?We are developing an iMessage app with SpriteKit. The message we received from App Review was:"We were unable to install the app on iPhone. The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key in the Info.plist is set in such a way that the app will not install on an iPhone. Specifically, the app fails to appear in Messages."We are not having any issues on test devices on our end.Our app plist contains only one UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key: "armv7"The extension does not include any UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities.
Oct ’23
Send iMessage AND Text (SMS) from the Command Line
This code sends a text message from the command line on run {targetBuddyPhone, targetMessage}   tell application "Messages"     set targetService to 1st service whose service type = SMS      set targetBuddy to buddy targetBuddyPhone of targetService     send targetMessage to targetBuddy   end tell end run  And this code sends an iMessage from the command line on run {targetBuddyPhone, targetMessage}   tell application "Messages"     set targetService to 1st service whose service type = iMessage     set targetBuddy to buddy targetBuddyPhone of targetService     send targetMessage to targetBuddy   end tell end run  I’m looking for a solution to combine this code into a single snippet that will try to send an iMessage if the recipient has iMessages, but if they do not, then the code will send a SMS message.
Jul ’23
How Can I run an automation on SMS messages that are coming from my Bank
I would like to perform certain actions when I receive messages from the Bank. There is an option in shortcuts to run the automation when receiving messages from certain contacts. The problem is that I can't store the bank in my contacts as they do not have a phone number or something. I want to achieve this goal in any possible way. What I have tried is to store - their contact - in my contacts so that I will be able to set up the automation. When I tried to store iPhone just shows me the prompt to create a contact with NO values whatsoever. SO it will just be an empty contact. Any ideas how on how I can achieve that?
Sep ’23
create memoji programatically
Does apple expose any apis to manipulate a Memoji programatically? I find Apple's way of creating memojis extremely unpleasant to use - and would like to create an alternative. So I'd essentially be looking at some way of listing the parameters available (eye colour, hair style etc) - listing the set of choices for each parameter, and producing a Memoji from a set of parameters. (And for extra credit, taking a picture of said memoji, or reading an existing emoji as a set of parameters). Thanks, Darren
Sep ’23
App Clip iMessage Sharing Not Working
We have been having problems with our app clip not working when sharing through iMessage. The app and app clip are published and work correctly when scanning a QR code that points to the URL: however if this same URL is shared through the iMessage app, a link to the website displays and not the app clip card. We have confirmed that: AASA file is available and has the type application/json Both devices are above iOS 14 Both devices are in each other's contacts The website has the meta tag for the smart app clip banner The website has a meta tag for the og:image Launch experiences have been configured on AppStoreConnect - as said before, the QR codes work correctly The link leads to a 404 page, I wasn't sure if there needs to be an actual page that the link points to as app clips seem to work fine without when scanning the QR code through the camera app.
Sep ’23
Is there a way to use any kind of server authentication in Message Filtering iOS App extension?
Greetings! I am currently working on Message Filtering iOS App extension: We are using the approach to defer the query to an associated server: Although iOS ensures that no other app extension can make these requests to the server via associated domains feature, the security team is concerned a lot about creating an endpoint which has no client-server authentication at all (OAuth or bearer token authentication). It means that the endpoint may potentially be used by some thirdparty scripts, apps, etc, and we won't be able to distinguish this from valid clients on the backend. I am aware of the note in documentation saying For privacy reasons, the system handles all communication with your associated server; your Message Filter app extension can’t access the network directly. Your app extension also can’t write data to containers shared with the containing app. But maybe there is a way to add any client-server network authentication to requests made by deferring the message filter query to our server? Thanks in advance, Konstantin
Aug ’23
Messages Check in Dev Beta vs Public Beta
Does anyone know if the check in feature of messages works for public beta? Im running dev beta 3, a friend has public beta 1 running of 17. She can send me a check in, but when I try to send her a check in, it says Check In is not available to send to this recipient. I have my location services on for messages, she did not, but does now, but I still cant send one to her
Jul ’23
Can't debug ILMessageFilterExtension
I have an application that filters messages using ILMessageFilterExtension. I have app groups set up and sertificates/profiles. The filtering worked a couple of months ago, but recently I noticed that I can't debug the extension( ILMessageFilterExtension's init() didn't called). When I connect to the "Messages" process, I get the following errors. What could be the problem? 2023-07-17 19:52:31.450808+0200 MobileSMS[2344:373404] [ServerBag] Checked bag access permission -- allowed? YES {self: <IDSCourierServerBag: 0x2816a0240>, hasMachAccess: YES, hasEntitlements: YES} 2023-07-17 19:52:31.498361+0200 MobileSMS[2344:373407] [AppConfiguration] [] Error when getting current app configuration for action identifier ConversationListFocusFilterAction, error='Error Domain=DNDErrorDomain Code=1007 "No current action is available. Supply the caller with the default." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No current action is available. Supply the caller with the default.}' 2023-07-17 19:52:31.545894+0200 MobileSMS[2344:373351] [ViewController] Calling -viewWillAppear: directly on a view controller is not supported, and may result in out-of-order callbacks and other inconsistent behavior. Use the -beginAppearanceTransition:animated: and -endAppearanceTransition APIs on UIViewController to manually drive appearance callbacks instead. Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewControllerAlertForAppearanceCallbackMisuse to catch this in the debugger. View controller: <CKSearchViewController: 0x979059000> 2023-07-17 19:52:31.550596+0200 MobileSMS[2344:373351] [CompositionalLayout] Invalid absolute dimension, must be > 0.0. NOTE: This will be a hard-assert soon, please update your call site. 2023-07-17 19:52:31.550619+0200 MobileSMS[2344:373351] [CompositionalLayout] Invalid absolute dimension, must be > 0.0. NOTE: This will be a hard-assert soon, please update your call site. 2023-07-17 19:52:31.550632+0200 MobileSMS[2344:373351] [CompositionalLayout] Invalid absolute dimension, must be > 0.0. NOTE: This will be a hard-assert soon, please update your call site. 2023-07-17 19:52:31.550642+0200 MobileSMS[2344:373351] [CompositionalLayout] Invalid absolute dimension, must be > 0.0. NOTE: This will be a hard-assert soon, please update your call site. 2023-07-17 19:52:31.614473+0200 MobileSMS[2344:373408] [PAAccessLogger] Failed to log access with error: access=<PATCCAccess 0x2800b90e0> accessor:<<PAApplication 0x2800a8370 identifierType:inProcess assumedIdentity:(null)>> identifier:EECF4598-342E-4DC7-9BC4-277B1E7B294F kind:intervalEvent timestampAdjustment:0 visibilityState:0 assetIdentifierCount:0 tccService:kTCCServiceAddressBook, error=Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service with pid 1317 named" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service with pid 1317 named} 2023-07-17 19:52:31.618769+0200 MobileSMS[2344:373351] [Warning] Could not determine if is a recent or favorite! 2023-07-17 19:52:31.620785+0200 MobileSMS[2344:373351] [Warning] Could not determine if is a recent or favorite! 2023-07-17 19:52:31.630814+0200 MobileSMS[2344:373351] [Warning] Could not determine if is a recent or favorite! 2023-07-17 19:52:31.803429+0200 MobileSMS[2344:373404] [General] Failed to get any results from PersonalizationPortrait. (null)
Oct ’23
for what top level domains does Apple Messages automatically create links for besides .com?
There are so many top-level domains now and my app is using the top-level domain ".sh". Unfortunately, I cannot get iOS to link these URLs when my clients send texts to their users. <- this is not linked and is pretty much useless <- this would work fine, but I do not use .com <- this URL is linked, but takes up precious SMS characters Is there a way to petition to have new top-level domains linked in Messages such as .app, .sh. or others?
Jul ’23
Can I manipulate Messages App UI Using AppExtensions or from other iOS Apps?
Hi, I want to manipulate the Messages App UI and render some information by Using other iOS Apps or AppExtensions. My queries are below mentioned: For messages received from unknown sender, I want to replace the person avatar with some logo. Screenshot1 attached for reference. I want to customise the unknown message sender mobile number with some text e.g. +91-xxxxxxx74 with some company name like Apple without intervening and registering with operators. Screenshot2 attached for reference. Last, After filtering with MessageFilterExtension when we open a message, just below the message I want to show some information like Unsafe or Suspicious. Screenshot3 attached for reference. If there is any other way to show the information to user that message received is not safe or suspicious.
Jul ’23
Unable to register custom URL for MessagesExtension app
I'm trying to authenticate with a OAuth2.0 service when my MessagesExtension app loads. I see that one of the parameters the service requires is a redirect_uri, which will pass back an authorization code to my application through the redirect callback. However, I'm unable to provide a redirect_uri that will invoke my application since MessagesExtension applications do not have an appDelegate. Is it just not possible to authenticate with services requiring a redirect_uri with a MessagesExtension application?
Jul ’23
Quick Reply payload giving error
When trying to trigger Quick reply payload, Apple is returning 400 response without any info what is missing. I have followed the documentation given so cannot find what attribute is missing. Can anyone help share a working payload for: Quick reply Payload 2.Agent-To-User Typing Payload I was using "sourceId": "{{source-id}}", "destinationId": "{{urn-id}}", "v": 1, "type": "interactive", "id": "49384592-0742-481b-b072-a8b66e4336a1", "interactiveData": { "bid": "", "data": { "mspVersion": "1.0", "requestIdentifier": "aae65b3f-9e5d-4ac8-a99a-4708d841524f", "quick-reply": { "summaryText": " What can I help you with?", "items": [ { "identifier": "1", "title": "Watch our video" }, { "identifier": "2", "title": "Watch video" } ] } }, "receivedMessage": { "style": "large", "subtitle": "Farm fresh to you", "title": "Select Produce", "imageIdentifier": "101" }, "replyMessage": { "style": "small", "title": "this is title", "subtitle": "Subtitle to be displayed under title", "imageIdentifier": "2" } } }
Jul ’23
support and guidence
Subject: In Search of Swift Mentorship Hello Community, I'm Abdallah, a self-taught iOS developer with a solid understanding of the basics. However, I'm at a point in my learning where I need some real-world experience to truly refine my skills. I'm seeking an experienced Swift developer for personalized mentorship and guidance. I'm ready to invest my time, and I'm open to compensating for yours. I believe this will be a significant step for my growth as an IOS developer. If you're interested or can recommend someone, please let me know. I'm excited about this next phase of my journey and eager to contribute to actual projects. Best, Abdallah
Aug ’23
Cannot select sticker as a category for my app
Hi, I am unable to select Sticker as either a primary or secondary category for my app on the appstoreconnect. My app has a main app and an iMessage extension that revolves around the use of stickers (for iMessage). Looks like the person in the thread below was able to solve their issue by uploading their build first before selecting a category but that did not work for me. I assume their issue was fixed from the solution because they submitted an app that was just an iMessage sticker pack while my app has a main app and my iMessage sticker portion is not the templated iMessage sticker pack but an iMessage extension that sends stickers. Any help would be amazing, thanks!
Aug ’23
How to preview AppClip via Message without recipient adding sender as contact
Hi there! We're working on building an AppClip, and would like to promote it by sending it via SMS message to our users. We'll be sending these SMS messages via Twillio, using an approved Toll Free phone number. We have just found out here ( that the recipients of AppClip URL have to have the sender saved in contact in order to see the preview of AppClip on iMessage (a photo with "open" button) and open AppClip directly from iMessage (as opposed to be led to our website where they can click another button to open the AppClip). That pretty much defeats the purpose of this AppClip, since most users, who wouldn't have saved our marketing number as contact, would receive a text message with an URL string and no image - suspicious looking. Would anyone know: Is there any way we could promote AppClip via marketing SMS messages, that would lead to a smoother user experience? Would a 10DLC number (instead of Toll Free phone number) help? Would Apple Messages for Business ( be able send AppClip previews and direct open, without recipients having to save the sender as a contact? Thank you! Liz
Aug ’23