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Create app extensions that lets users send text, stickers, media files, and interactive messages using Messages.

Posts under Messages tag

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Shared Web Credentials usage when creating a Message Filter App Extension
Feedback on Documentation Page for Message Filter App Extension Documentation: Creating a Message Filter App Extension Hello, I am writing to provide feedback on the documentation for creating a message filter app extension. We followed the instructions on the page, particularly the section regarding setting up shared credentials. The instructions state: "Then, you must set up shared credentials as described in Shared Web Credentials, substituting messagefilter for webcredentials throughout the steps. Lastly, you must specify the domains in your Info.plist file, which should look similar to the dictionary shown below." However, when we tried to implement this, we encountered the following error while attempting to save credentials via the SecAddSharedWebCredential function from the message filter extension: Error Code=3 "<connection: 0x12e0d4500> { name =, listener = false, pid = 0, euid = 4294967295, egid = 4294967295, asid = 4294967295 }: Connection invalid - failed at lookup with error 159 - Sandbox restriction" UserInfo={numberOfErrorsDeep=0, NSDescription=<connection: 0x12e0d4500> { name =, listener = false, pid = 0, euid = 4294967295, egid = 0, asid = 4294967295}: Connection invalid - failed at lookup with error 159 - Sandbox restriction} The specific call we did: func SecAddSharedWebCredential( _ fqdn: CFString, _ account: CFString, _ password: CFString?, _ completionHandler: @escaping (CFError?) -> Void ) This error seems related to sandbox restrictions. The documentation does not provide enough information on how to properly set up the environment or what additional configurations might be needed to avoid such sandbox restrictions. More detailed guidance on configuring sandbox permissions and any additional steps required for setting up shared credentials in a message filter extension context would be highly beneficial. Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to any updates or clarifications you can provide to improve the implementation.
CoreML Text Classifier in Message Filter
Hi all, I'm trying to build a scam detection in Message Filter powered by CoreML. I find the predictions of ML reliable and the solution for text frauds and scams are sorely needed. I was able to create a trained MLModel and deploy it in the app. It works on my container app, but when I try to use and initialise the model in the Message Filter extension, I get an error; initialization of text classifier model with model data failed I have tried putting the model in the container app, extension, even made a shared framework for container and extension but to no avail. Every time I invoke the codes to init my model from the extension, I am met with the same error. Here's my code for initializing the model do { let model = try Ace_v24_6(configuration: .init()) let output = try model.prediction(text: text) guard !output.label.isEmpty else { return nil } return MessagePrediction(rawValue: output.label) } catch { return nil } My question is: Is it impossible to use CoreML in MessageFilters? Cheers
Message Filtering with CoreML
Hi there, I am trying to create a Message Filter app that uses a trained Text Classification to predict scam texts (as it is common in my country and is constantly evolving). However, when I try to use the MLModel in the MessageFilterExtension class, I'm getting initialization of text classifier model with model data failed Here's how I initialize my MLModel that is created using Create ML. do { let model = try MyModel(configuration: .init()) let output = try model.prediction(text: text) guard !output.label.isEmpty else { return nil } return MessagePrediction(rawValue: output.label) } catch { return nil } Is it impossible to use CoreML in Message Filter extensions? Thank you
Sticker Pack App Not Working in Sim
Hello, Im trying to create a sticker pack app. I have all the png in correct sizes however when running a simulation it does not show up. objc[19306]: Class CKDetailsTUConversationCell is implemented in both /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_21F79/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 17.5.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ChatKit.framework/ChatKit (0x7ff84276a840) and /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_21F79/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 17.5.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/Applications/ (0x103257b98). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. mkdir: path=/var/mobile/tmp/ mode= -rwx------: [2: No such file or directory] mkdir: path=/var/mobile/tmp/ mode= -rwx------: [2: No such file or directory] setAllowableTypes_block_invoke:1242: *** CGImageSourceSetAllowableTypes - ignoring unknown: 'public.avci' Received Connection Invalid mkdir: path=/var/mobile/tmp/ mode= -rwx------: [2: No such file or directory] Synchronous remote object got an error attempting to post setup, reason: Couldn’t communicate with a helper application. [] Error when getting current app configuration for action identifier ConversationListFocusFilterAction, error='Error Domain=DNDErrorDomain Code=1007 "No current action is available. Supply the caller with the default." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No current action is available. Supply the caller with the default.}' Calling -viewWillAppear: directly on a view controller is not supported, and may result in out-of-order callbacks and other inconsistent behavior. Use the -beginAppearanceTransition:animated: and -endAppearanceTransition APIs on UIViewController to manually drive appearance callbacks instead. Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewControllerAlertForAppearanceCallbackMisuse to catch this in the debugger. View controller: <CKSearchViewController: 0x10886a400> XPC error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 3 - No such process." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 3 - No such process.} Invalid absolute dimension, must be > 0.0. NOTE: This will be a hard-assert soon, please update your call site. Invalid absolute dimension, must be > 0.0. NOTE: This will be a hard-assert soon, please update your call site. Invalid absolute dimension, must be > 0.0. NOTE: This will be a hard-assert soon, please update your call site. Invalid absolute dimension, must be > 0.0. NOTE: This will be a hard-assert soon, please update your call site. Duet query failed: Couldn’t communicate with a helper application. Synchronous remote object got an error attempting to post setup, reason: Couldn’t communicate with a helper application. UIColor created with component values far outside the expected range. Set a breakpoint on UIColorBreakForOutOfRangeColorComponents to debug. This message will only be logged once. Error registering for delegate callbacks. Error: Error Domain=SKStatusSubscriptionErrorDomain Code=-4000 "System iCloud account does not exist or is not statuskit capable" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=System iCloud account does not exist or is not statuskit capable} Error retrieving subscription for handle. Error: Error Domain=SKStatusSubscriptionErrorDomain Code=-4000 "System iCloud account does not exist or is not statuskit capable" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=System iCloud account does not exist or is not statuskit capable} handle: <SKHandle: 0x600000005df0; handleString = "+18885551212"> Error fetching subscription service for handle: "+18885551212" Error: Error Domain=SKStatusSubscriptionErrorDomain Code=-4000 "System iCloud account does not exist or is not statuskit capable" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=System iCloud account does not exist or is not statuskit capable} Checked bag access permission -- allowed? YES {hasMachAccess: YES, hasEntitlements: YES} failed to create XPC connection Unknown invokeXPCSynchronousCallWithBlock error: Error Domain=TransparencyErrorXPC Code=-108 "failed to create XPC connection" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=failed to create XPC connection} API MISUSE: Resuming an NSURLSessionTask with nil URL. Task .<1> finished with error [-1002] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1002 "unsupported URL" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x600000c93720 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1002 "(null)"}, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask .<1>, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=( "LocalDataTask .<1>" ), NSLocalizedDescription=unsupported URL} Requested keyboard snapshot but UIKeyboard.usesInputSystemUI returned NO. Failed to get pid info for pid 0: Operation not permitted Remote app card controller timed out during delayed presentation Failed to get pid info for pid 0: Operation not permitted unhandled process MobileSMS
ShareLink Rich URL Previews in Messages
I am using ShareLink to share a URL. That URL is using the opengraph tags for audio (og:audio). If a users taps messages on the share sheet before the preview is rendered then sends the messages, they never see the rich URL preview. I don't know if this is a bug in the share sheet or if there is something I should be doing differently. If the user waits until the preview is rendered on the share sheet everything works fine. Also, if I go to Safari and share the same URL it works as expected.
What is a timeout period for message filter extension's network query
In the documentation of deferQueryRequestToNetwork method which is used to do a network request on message filter extension. There is no mention of timeout period applied to network requests. So my question is what is the timeout period of the deferQueryRequestToNetwork method? And is there some changelog to know has this value changed in some iOS version.
What is timeout period in message filter extension's network query
In the documentation of deferQueryRequestToNetwork method which is used to do a network request on message filter extension. There is no mention of timeout period applied to network requests. So my question is what is the timeout period of the deferQueryRequestToNetwork method? And is there a changelog that this timeout has changed at some point during iOS update?
Unable to see sticker pack in simulator
Hello, I am trying to update my 3 sticker packs. I updated them a few years ago with no problem. I have uploaded my new stickers and when I try to test with simulator, they are not showing up. I tried making a new pack with only 3 small stickers (total of 44kb for all 3) using the template and I got the same errors, nothing shows up in simulator. This is what I get: mkdir: path=/var/mobile/tmp/ mode= -rwx------: [2: No such file or directory] mkdir: path=/var/mobile/tmp/ mode= -rwx------: [2: No such file or directory] setAllowableTypes_block_invoke:1242: *** CGImageSourceSetAllowableTypes - ignoring unknown: 'public.avci' Received Connection Invalid mkdir: path=/var/mobile/tmp/ mode= -rwx------: [2: No such file or directory] Synchronous remote object got an error attempting to post setup, reason: Couldn’t communicate with a helper application. [] Error when getting current app configuration for action identifier ConversationListFocusFilterAction, error='Error Domain=DNDErrorDomain Code=1007 "No current action is available. Supply the caller with the default." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No current action is available. Supply the caller with the default.}' Calling -viewWillAppear: directly on a view controller is not supported, and may result in out-of-order callbacks and other inconsistent behavior. Use the -beginAppearanceTransition:animated: and -endAppearanceTransition APIs on UIViewController to manually drive appearance callbacks instead. Make a symbolic breakpoint at UIViewControllerAlertForAppearanceCallbackMisuse to catch this in the debugger. View controller: <CKSearchViewController: 0x103857600> Invalid absolute dimension, must be > 0.0. NOTE: This will be a hard-assert soon, please update your call site. Invalid absolute dimension, must be > 0.0. NOTE: This will be a hard-assert soon, please update your call site. Invalid absolute dimension, must be > 0.0. NOTE: This will be a hard-assert soon, please update your call site. Invalid absolute dimension, must be > 0.0. NOTE: This will be a hard-assert soon, please update your call site. Synchronous remote object got an error attempting to post setup, reason: Couldn’t communicate with a helper application. UIColor created with component values far outside the expected range. Set a breakpoint on UIColorBreakForOutOfRangeColorComponents to debug. This message will only be logged once. Error registering for delegate callbacks. Error: Error Domain=SKStatusSubscriptionErrorDomain Code=-4000 "System iCloud account does not exist or is not statuskit capable" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=System iCloud account does not exist or is not statuskit capable} Error retrieving subscription for handle. Error: Error Domain=SKStatusSubscriptionErrorDomain Code=-4000 "System iCloud account does not exist or is not statuskit capable" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=System iCloud account does not exist or is not statuskit capable} handle: <SKHandle: 0x600000011490; handleString = "+18885551212"> Error fetching subscription service for handle: "+18885551212" Error: Error Domain=SKStatusSubscriptionErrorDomain Code=-4000 "System iCloud account does not exist or is not statuskit capable" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=System iCloud account does not exist or is not statuskit capable} failed to create XPC connection Unknown invokeXPCSynchronousCallWithBlock error: Error Domain=TransparencyErrorXPC Code=-108 "failed to create XPC connection" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=failed to create XPC connection} XPC error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 3 - No such process." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 3 - No such process.} Duet query failed: Couldn’t communicate with a helper application. Checked bag access permission -- allowed? YES {hasMachAccess: YES, hasEntitlements: YES} API MISUSE: Resuming an NSURLSessionTask with nil URL. Task .<1> finished with error [-1002] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1002 "unsupported URL" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x600000c62610 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1002 "(null)"}, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalDataTask .<1>, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=( "LocalDataTask .<1>" ), NSLocalizedDescription=unsupported URL} unhandled process MobileSMS Thank you for any help.
Send Custom Interactive Layout in iMessage Extension
Hi, I am integrating iMessage app where I have audio which I want to send as Message. But My requirement is to send a custom layout with play button on it and by tapping on it I can play/pause audio. Also On tapping on sent message view presentation style changes to expanded while I want to not have any presentation change. I just want to tap on message to play audio, nothing else. recently I tried to make a custom layout and then by taking its screenshot I sent it as image, but issue is I cant make this view interqctive. I can play audio on tap of message but I also want to update the layout of the selected message. func sendCustomViewMessage(url:URL) { let customView = MessageView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 150, height: 50)) //CustomView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 200)) // Initialize your custom view customView.audioURL = url let customViewImage = imageFromView(view: customView) // Convert custom view to UIImage let layout = MSMessageTemplateLayout() layout.image = customViewImage // Set the image of the message layout layout.mediaFileURL = url layout.caption = "Firt Message" let message = MSMessage() message.layout = layout message.url = url self.activeConversation?.insert(message, completionHandler: nil) } I am searching since days about this but I couldn't get any appropriate solution, can anyone help me on this?
May ’24
Automating messages sending from google sheet data
Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I'm reaching out to seek guidance on automating a task that involves sending 50 messages simultaneously using data stored in a Google Sheets document. Here's a brief overview of what I'm trying to achieve: I have a Google Sheets document containing pre-written messages along with associated recipient phone numbers. My goal is to automate the process of retrieving this data and sending the corresponding messages to each recipient in one click. While I'm familiar with using Shortcuts on my iPhone to automate certain tasks, I'm unsure about the best approach to handle this particular scenario. I've explored options such as using the "Get Content of URL" action to fetch data from the Google Sheets document, but I'm unsure how to proceed from there to automate the message sending process efficiently. If anyone has experience or insights on how to accomplish this task effectively using Shortcuts or any other automation tool, I would greatly appreciate your guidance. My aim is to streamline this process and save time by sending these messages automatically with just one click. Thank you in advance for any assistance or suggestions you can provide!
May ’24
IMessage doesn't respect og:video dimensions
Hi, I'm trying to get IMessage to display a video as part of a link preview with specific dimensions. The video appears, however the dimensions are incorrect. I've set the following tags: &lt;meta property="og:video:url" content={url} /&gt; &lt;meta property="og:video:secure_url" content={url} /&gt; &lt;meta property="og:video:width" content="600" /&gt; &lt;meta property="og:video:height" content="982" /&gt; The video in question is 600x982, 1.1MB in size and an mp4. I've also tried setting the og dimensions to 390x736 since a separate working example url has those, but no luck. Does anyone know what may be the issue?
May ’24
Texting a Contact who's blocked my number but not Apple ID email
So, a bit of a complex situation. My device is an iPhone 15 Pro. Basically, this person is a contact on my phone, and she has blocked my phone number. However, my Apple ID email is not blocked. When I text this number on my iPad from the Apple ID, the message delivers and is Read. All normal so far. My question here is: On my iPhone 15, when I select "START NEW CONVERSATION FROM" and enable my Apple ID .. Will iMessage merge the prior text conversation initiated using my phone number (which is now blocked), or how will it handle these 2 threads (one from my phone number, the other the Apple ID)? She won't unblock, but she responds to my Apple ID email on iMessages. My goal here is to be able to receive and respond using my Apple ID on my phone, but I have a prior text conversation with this Contact on my Phone. Thanks!
Apr ’24
Limited Access for Contacts like for Photos to prevent certain apps to collect our data.
Hi Everybody, I would like to see the feature, that allows us to limit the access for selected apps to get access to our Contacts. Especially apps like WhatsApp cannot be trusted, in my opinion, so I would love to see the possibility to prevent, that they just analyse our full Contact book and sell the data. With a limited access feature, we can at least decide, which information we wanna share with suspicious companys. What do you think and how could we reach the developers attention to get this with the next major update. Greetings from Europe
Open Graph iMessage og:image with Signed S3 Urls
I am generating link previews with Open Graph specification and my server is returning a meta tag og:image with an image that is a shortlived signed S3 url. This signed URL works in every other platform that supports open graph however iMessage does not display the image. Is there documentation on why it would or would not support a long signed url?
Apr ’24
Trader Account - Phone Verification
Hello, I'm trying to enroll on the trader account program but after filling out the form, then entering the email verification code that was sent I don't ever receive the phone OTP code that I'm supposed to receive. I'm not from the US, my country code is +51 so I select that on the dial code combo-box then enter my number that is 9 digits long. However, I tried with a US phone from a friend and it works just fine, he does receive the confirmation code. How can I fix this? I already have an app stuck for over 1 week because of this. I've called apple support multiple times and they send me to send evidence via email which I have. They've told me it was "scaled" to the engineering them but of course that's gonna take a long while for it to be fixed. Has anyone encountered a similar problem? I believe there's gotta be a quirk or something in that form that will actually get the system to work.
Apr ’24