Messages App Extension won't hit breakpoints


I've been struggling some time with this issue. I have this App which I'm developing a Messages App Extension. App works fine but I can't debug it. I can add NSLog sentences to check for workflow but when I try to add a breakpoint it won't stop there, even if the NSLog nearby is triggered (i.e. It doesn't stop on a breakpoint in viewDidLoad from my MSMessagesAppViewController subclass). I've tried to create a project from scratch and it works fine. It's just with this project (created from XCode 7) that I'm not able to hit any breakpoint. I've tried deleting the extension and recreating a new one with no success. When I try to debug the App target It works just fine, it's this extension target I cannot reach any breakpoint

Any ideas?

You shuold be using XCode 8 Beta 6

I dont hit break points even on Xcode 8 Beta 6 and I am not able to use NSLog either to print out variable values either. The app does seem to work.

we had that issue as well. sometimes you gotta wait and swipe the imessage compact screen back and forth to your app until the debug tracker "latches" on.

  1. Run your extension in the simulator.
  2. You may need to pause.
  3. Go to Menu -> Debug -> Attach to Process -> Choose your extension's name in the menu.

are you starting the extension from xcode, and not the app? I have the same scenario (main app created in xcode7, extension in xcode8beta6). But you have to start the extension, not the app, from xcode, otherwise you aren't debugging the messages extension.

I encountered the same issue. The problem was I was running the main app but selecting the extension's scheme worked. OSlog and breakpoints worked then!

Messages App Extension won't hit breakpoints