App rejection - UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities

Anyone see something like this on app submission?

We are developing an iMessage app with SpriteKit. The message we received from App Review was:

"We were unable to install the app on iPhone. The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key in the Info.plist is set in such a way that the app will not install on an iPhone. Specifically, the app fails to appear in Messages."

We are not having any issues on test devices on our end.

Our app plist contains only one UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key: "armv7"

The extension does not include any UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities.

Answered by sebastiancrab in 202409022

In case anyone digs this up in the future, the error appears to have been falsely reported and was not due to the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities.

We renamed our app on iTunes Connect while the app was in App Review and the names didn't match.

Your plist contains one key. That key is the problem, and it doesn't do what you probably think it does.

You likely didn't have any problems on your end because you were using one of the test methods that bypasses that plist, like directly installing the app using Xcode.

Previous builds were approved by App Review with the same plist.

"That key is the problem, and it doesn't do what you probably think it does."

Well obviously - that was the App Review feedback. Any insight other than restating the problem?

Accepted Answer

In case anyone digs this up in the future, the error appears to have been falsely reported and was not due to the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities.

We renamed our app on iTunes Connect while the app was in App Review and the names didn't match.

I'm curious to see the app. Not a lot of iMessage apps use Sprite Kit. Mind not-so-shameless promoting it with a link.... =)

Hello, Did you get it right? I am facing the same problem, however it installs normal on my devices .. Only Apple that reports this problem. I do not know what to do.

I have the exact same issue

Yes I have exact issue reported by Apple.

This is what I have in my info.plist on the base project

UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities >>> arm64

What is the solution then??

My solution is removing UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key.

Hey, another SpriteKit-using iMessage app here - Touchgram has been on the store since 2019, massive update coming real soon now.

I just checked my app info.plist and I have armv7 same as the original poster.

This does ring faint bells for me of the early days but couldn't find a diary entry about it. Be very careful about your names matching including case sensitivity.

Hello, I do not have the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key added in my Info.plist. Could you assist me in resolving this issue?

Additionally, the terms of use in the metadata are included in the Privacy section of the app in the App Store Connect. Where else should I add them? Thank you very much.

App rejection - UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities