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Link to a Precompiled Static C Library in a Swift Library Package
I want to build a Swift library package that uses modified build of OpenSSL and Curl. I have already statically compiled both and verified I can use them in an Objective-C framework on my target platform (iOS & iOS Simulator). I'm using XCFramework files that contain the static library binaries and headers: openssl.xcframework/ ios-arm64/ openssl.framework/ Headers/ [...] openssl ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/ openssl.framework/ Headers/ [...] openssl Info.plist I'm not sure how I'm supposed to set up my Swift package to import these libraries. I can use .systemLibrary but that seems to use the embedded copies of libssl and libcurl on my system, and I can't figure out how to use the path: parameter to that. I also tried using a .binaryTarget pointing to the XCFramework files, but that didn't seem to work as there is no module generated and I'm not sure how to make one myself. At a basic high level, this is what I'm trying to accomplish: where libcrypto & libssl come from the provided openssl.xcframework file, and libcurl from curl.xcframework
Swift app is failing to build with Xcode 15.4 on Sonoma Silicon
HI, I have a app with Swift Programming language. It is built successfully on my Monterey Intel by using Xcode 14. I am trying to built same app on Sonoma Silicon arm64 by using Xcode 15.4. But app is failing to build with below errors. Can anyone suggest reason for this? Copy /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/TESTFileProvider.appex/Contents/Resources/swift-nio__NIOFileSystem.bundle /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/swift-nio__NIOFileSystem.bundle (in target 'TESTFileProvider' from project 'TEST') cd /Users/testuser/git/agent/dgagent/agent/macosx/dgc/TEST builtin-copy -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -exclude .svn -exclude .git -exclude .hg -resolve-src-symlinks /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/swift-nio__NIOFileSystem.bundle /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/TESTFileProvider.appex/Contents/Resources error: /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/swift-nio__NIOFileSystem.bundle: No such file or directory (in target 'TESTFileProvider' from project 'TEST') Copy /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/TESTFileProvider.appex/Contents/Resources/swift-nio_NIOPosix.bundle /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/swift-nio_NIOPosix.bundle (in target 'TESTFileProvider' from project 'TEST') cd /Users/testuser/git/agent/dgagent/agent/macosx/dgc/TEST builtin-copy -exclude .DS_Store -exclude CVS -exclude .svn -exclude .git -exclude .hg -resolve-src-symlinks /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/swift-nio_NIOPosix.bundle /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/TESTFileProvider.appex/Contents/Resources error: /Users/testuser/git/agent/out/Darwin/Release/swift-nio_NIOPosix.bundle: No such file or directory (in target 'TESTFileProvider' from project 'TEST')
How to save to specific stores/configurations in Core Data
I'm currently syncing core data with the CloudKit private and public databases, as you can see in the code below, I'm saving the private database in the default configuration in Core Data and the public in a configuration called Public everything works fine when NSPersistentCloudKitContainer syncs, what I'm having an issue with is trying to save to the public data store PublicStore, for instance when I try to save with func createIconImage(imageName: String) it saves the image to the "default" store, not the PublicStore(Public configuration). What could I do to make the createIconImage() function save to the PublicStore sqlite database? class CoreDataManager: ObservableObject{ static let instance = CoreDataManager() private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "CoreDataManagerQueue") @AppStorage(UserDefaults.Keys.iCloudSyncKey) private var iCloudSync = false lazy var context: NSManagedObjectContext = { return container.viewContext }() lazy var container: NSPersistentContainer = { return setupContainer() }() init(inMemory: Bool = false){ if inMemory { container.persistentStoreDescriptions.first!.url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/dev/null") } } func updateCloudKitContainer() { queue.sync { container = setupContainer() } } private func getDocumentsDirectory() -> URL { return FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)[0] } private func getStoreURL(for storeName: String) -> URL { return getDocumentsDirectory().appendingPathComponent("\(storeName).sqlite") } func setupContainer()->NSPersistentContainer{ let container = NSPersistentCloudKitContainer(name: "CoreDataContainer") let cloudKitContainerIdentifier = "iCloud.com.example.MyAppName" guard let description = container.persistentStoreDescriptions.first else{ fatalError("###\(#function): Failed to retrieve a persistent store description.") } description.setOption(true as NSNumber, forKey: NSPersistentHistoryTrackingKey) description.setOption(true as NSNumber, forKey: NSPersistentStoreRemoteChangeNotificationPostOptionKey) if iCloudSync{ if description.cloudKitContainerOptions == nil { let options = NSPersistentCloudKitContainerOptions(containerIdentifier: cloudKitContainerIdentifier) description.cloudKitContainerOptions = options } }else{ print("Turning iCloud Sync OFF... ") description.cloudKitContainerOptions = nil } // Setup public database let publicDescription = NSPersistentStoreDescription(url: getStoreURL(for: "PublicStore")) publicDescription.configuration = "Public" // this is the configuration name if publicDescription.cloudKitContainerOptions == nil { let publicOptions = NSPersistentCloudKitContainerOptions(containerIdentifier: cloudKitContainerIdentifier) publicOptions.databaseScope = .public publicDescription.cloudKitContainerOptions = publicOptions } container.persistentStoreDescriptions.append(publicDescription) container.loadPersistentStores { (description, error) in if let error = error{ print("Error loading Core Data. \(error)") } } container.viewContext.automaticallyMergesChangesFromParent = true container.viewContext.mergePolicy = NSMergeByPropertyObjectTrumpMergePolicy return container } func save(){ do{ try context.save() //print("Saved successfully!") }catch let error{ print("Error saving Core Data. \(error.localizedDescription)") } } } class PublicViewModel: ObservableObject { let manager: CoreDataManager @Published var publicIcons: [PublicServiceIconImage] = [] init(coreDataManager: CoreDataManager = .instance) { self.manager = coreDataManager } func createIconImage(imageName: String) { let newImage = PublicServiceIconImage(context: manager.context) newImage.imageName = imageName newImage.id = UUID() save() } func save() { self.manager.save() } }
App Crashes when loading webview " *** Assertion failure in -[UIApplication _performAfterCATransactionCommitsWithLegacyRunloopObserverBasedTiming:block:]"
In my app I am trying to load webview with an URL , I am checking is it loading on main thread also loading webview in main thread using DispatchQueue.main.async { self.loadRequest() } , webview loads successfully, then showing below error app crashes , unable to find the reason. "*** Assertion failure in -[UIApplication _performAfterCATransactionCommitsWithLegacyRunloopObserverBasedTiming:block:]" Thanks in advance
Generating Live Photo from JPG and MOV fails
I am working on an iOS application using SwiftUI where I want to convert a JPG and a MOV file to a live photo. I am utilizing the LivePhoto Class from Github for this. The JPG and MOV files are displayed correctly in my WallpaperDetailView, but I am facing issues when trying to download the live photo to the gallery and generate the Live Photo. Here is the relevant code and the errors I am encountering: Console prints: Play button should be visible Image URL fetched and set: Optional("https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/...") Video is ready to play Video downloaded to: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/.../tmp/CFNetworkDownload_7rW5ny.tmp Failed to generate Live Photo I have verified that the app has the necessary permissions to access the Photo Library. The JPEG and MOV files are successfully downloaded and can be displayed in the app. The issue seems to occur when generating the Live Photo from the downloaded files. struct WallpaperDetailView: View { var wallpaper: Wallpaper @State private var isLoading = false @State private var isImageSaved = false @State private var imageURL: URL? @State private var livePhotoVideoURL: URL? @State private var player: AVPlayer? @State private var playerViewController: AVPlayerViewController? @State private var isVideoReady = false @State private var showBuffering = false var body: some View { ZStack { if let imageURL = imageURL { GeometryReader { geometry in KFImage(imageURL) .resizable() ... } } if let playerViewController = playerViewController { VideoPlayerViewController(playerViewController: playerViewController) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity) .clipped() .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) } } .onAppear { PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization { status in if status == .authorized { loadImage() } else { print("User denied access to photo library") } } } private func loadImage() { isLoading = true if let imageURLString = wallpaper.imageURL, let imageURL = URL(string: imageURLString) { self.imageURL = imageURL if imageURL.scheme == "file" { self.isLoading = false print("Local image URL set: \(imageURL)") } else { fetchDownloadURL(from: imageURLString) { url in self.imageURL = url self.isLoading = false print("Image URL fetched and set: \(String(describing: url))") } } } if let livePhotoVideoURLString = wallpaper.livePhotoVideoURL, let livePhotoVideoURL = URL(string: livePhotoVideoURLString) { self.livePhotoVideoURL = livePhotoVideoURL preloadAndPlayVideo(from: livePhotoVideoURL) } else { self.isLoading = false print("No valid image or video URL") } } private func preloadAndPlayVideo(from url: URL) { self.player = AVPlayer(url: url) let playerViewController = AVPlayerViewController() playerViewController.player = self.player self.playerViewController = playerViewController let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(url: url) playerItem.preferredForwardBufferDuration = 1.0 self.player?.replaceCurrentItem(with: playerItem) ... print("Live Photo Video URL set: \(url)") } private func saveWallpaperToPhotos() { if let imageURL = imageURL, let livePhotoVideoURL = livePhotoVideoURL { saveLivePhotoToPhotos(imageURL: imageURL, videoURL: livePhotoVideoURL) } else if let imageURL = imageURL { saveImageToPhotos(url: imageURL) } } private func saveImageToPhotos(url: URL) { ... } private func saveLivePhotoToPhotos(imageURL: URL, videoURL: URL) { isLoading = true downloadVideo(from: videoURL) { localVideoURL in guard let localVideoURL = localVideoURL else { print("Failed to download video for Live Photo") DispatchQueue.main.async { self.isLoading = false } return } print("Video downloaded to: \(localVideoURL)") self.generateAndSaveLivePhoto(imageURL: imageURL, videoURL: localVideoURL) } } private func generateAndSaveLivePhoto(imageURL: URL, videoURL: URL) { LivePhoto.generate(from: imageURL, videoURL: videoURL, progress: { percent in print("Progress: \(percent)") }, completion: { livePhoto, resources in guard let resources = resources else { print("Failed to generate Live Photo") DispatchQueue.main.async { self.isLoading = false } return } print("Live Photo generated with resources: \(resources)") self.saveLivePhotoToLibrary(resources: resources) }) } private func saveLivePhotoToLibrary(resources: LivePhoto.LivePhotoResources) { LivePhoto.saveToLibrary(resources) { success in DispatchQueue.main.async { if success { self.isImageSaved = true print("Live Photo saved successfully") } else { print("Failed to save Live Photo") } self.isLoading = false } } } private func fetchDownloadURL(from gsURL: String, completion: @escaping (URL?) -> Void) { let storageRef = Storage.storage().reference(forURL: gsURL) storageRef.downloadURL { url, error in if let error = error { print("Failed to fetch image URL: \(error)") completion(nil) } else { completion(url) } } } private func downloadVideo(from url: URL, completion: @escaping (URL?) -> Void) { let task = URLSession.shared.downloadTask(with: url) { localURL, response, error in guard let localURL = localURL, error == nil else { print("Failed to download video: \(String(describing: error))") completion(nil) return } completion(localURL) } task.resume() } }```
Issue with AVAsset access in iOS 18 beta
NSString *filePath = @"/var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE/IMG_0800.MP4"; NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath]; AVURLAsset *asset = [[AVURLAsset alloc] initWithURL:fileURL options:nil]; Before iOS 18, you could access AVAsset using the method mentioned above, but starting from the iOS 18 beta version, the following error appears Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=257 "未能打开文件“IMG_0800.MP4”,因为你没有查看它的权限。" UserInfo={NSURL=file:///var/mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE/IMG_0800.MP4, AVErrorFailedDependenciesKey=( "assetProperty_AssetType" ), NSUnderlyingError=0x30c497f60 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-12203 "(null)"}}
PDF Text Selection Crashes When Cursor Moves Over QR Code Only on iOS 18
We are experiencing a crash when selecting text in a PDF and moving the cursor over a QR code. This happens when the QR code at the end of the PDF file with no text following it. [Only on iOS 18] Steps to Reproduce: Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/aliakhtar49/ios18-pdf-crash/tree/main cd ios18-pdf-crash Run the application to load the provided PDF Select some text and move the cursor over the QR code several times Observe the crash. You can see the gif in the repo Expected Behavior: The application should not crash Actual Behavior: The application crashes: Environment: iOS version: 18.0 Device: iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max Additional Context: This issue occurs when the QR code is at the end of the PDF file with no text following it StackTrace `thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x19f3e6ec0) * frame #0: 0x000000019f3e6ec0 CoreGraphics`void PageLayout::ConvertTextRangesToStringRanges<std::__1::span<CFRange, 18446744073709551615ul>, std::__1::back_insert_iterator<std::__1::vector<CFRange, std::__1::allocator<CFRange>>>>(std::__1::span<CFRange, 18446744073709551615ul>&&, std::__1::back_insert_iterator<std::__1::vector<CFRange, std::__1::allocator<CFRange>>>&&) const + 664 frame #1: 0x000000019f424c5c CoreGraphics`CGPDFPageLayoutGetStringRangeIndexNearestPoint + 100 frame #2: 0x000000022b4c096c PDFKit`-[PDFPage characterIndexNearestPoint:] + 128 frame #3: 0x000000022b450950 PDFKit`-[PDFTextInputView _closestPositionToPoint:withinRange:] + 420 frame #4: 0x00000001a0bd02f0 UIKitCore`-[UITextSelectionInteraction _hasTextAlternativesAtLocation:] + 120 frame #5: 0x00000001a03e3834 UIKitCore`-[_UIRemoteKeyboardsEventObserver _hasTextAlternativesForTouch:] + 256 frame #6: 0x000000019fa4e0f8 UIKitCore`-[_UIRemoteKeyboardsEventObserver _endTrackingForTouch:] + 212 frame #7: 0x000000019fa4ca38 UIKitCore`-[_UIRemoteKeyboardsEventObserver _trackTouch:] + 132 frame #8: 0x000000019fa4c94c UIKitCore`-[_UIRemoteKeyboardsEventObserver peekApplicationEvent:] + 220 frame #9: 0x000000019fa4c304 UIKitCore`-[_UIRemoteKeyboards peekApplicationEvent:] + 84 frame #10: 0x000000019fa35dc4 UIKitCore`__dispatchPreprocessedEventFromEventQueue + 4180 frame #11: 0x000000019fa3ef7c UIKitCore`__processEventQueue + 5696 frame #12: 0x000000019f936df4 UIKitCore`updateCycleEntry + 160 frame #13: 0x000000019f934d28 UIKitCore`_UIUpdateSequenceRun + 84 frame #14: 0x000000019f934978 UIKitCore`schedulerStepScheduledMainSection + 172 frame #15: 0x000000019f93580c UIKitCore`runloopSourceCallback + 92 frame #16: 0x000000019d126f9c CoreFoundation`__CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 28 frame #17: 0x000000019d126f30 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 176 frame #18: 0x000000019d124a08 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 244 frame #19: 0x000000019d123c14 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 856 frame #20: 0x000000019d123424 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 608 frame #21: 0x00000001e93211c4 GraphicsServices`GSEventRunModal + 164 frame #22: 0x000000019fc6a130 UIKitCore`-[UIApplication _run] + 816 frame #23: 0x000000019fd1855c UIKitCore`UIApplicationMain + 340 frame #24: 0x0000000105e77c38 MyApp.debug.dylib`main at HSAppDelegate.swift:19:20 frame #25: 0x00000001c3058a74 dyld`start + 2724`
I tried to add a overlay window onto app in full screen mode but failed
As the topic mentioned, I want to add a overlay window onto Apps that are in full screen mode, trying to create some blur effect on the screen. But Apple seems to treat full screen mode Apps differently as a "space." So currently I can only apply the blur effect like this. (This is my Desktop page) But When it doesn't affect the full screen mode Apps. (For example: My Xcode) And I know some of the App down this kind of stuff. Like this This is my current code. Hope someone can tell me how to solve it.
PiP not launching from a WKWebview Sandboxed app
Hi, I am developing an app that has a WKWebView and it can open sites like Youtube. The app is sandboxed as it is meant to be uploaded to the mac App Store. It has a feature PiP where we start the native PiP by calling a browser Javascript where we tell the WKWEBView to fire the PiP. It works well when we are running the code from XCODE in Debug scheme. When we run the code from release mode by archiving it or directly from the build folder, the WKWebView is not able to fire the PiP Agent and thus the Native PiP window is not visible, while the site shows that PiP is opened and we can here the sound being played. But PiP window is not visible. I cannot see PiPAgent in activity monitor. Why does it not work from within the release build outside xcode. But when I try to run the build directly from the Finder in builds folder, this PiP feature does not work. Request technical help for this. Thanks!
Cast Any to Sendable
I'm continuing with the migration towards Swift 6. Within one of our libraries, I want to check whether a parameter object: Any? confirms to Sendable. I tried the most obvious one: if let sendable = object as? Sendable { } But that results into the compiler error "Marker protocol 'Sendable' cannot be used in a conditional cast". Is there an other way to do this?
Exclude C runtime library from linking?
Hi, I am writing my own little toy programming language and when I try to link the binary object file (.o file) it requires a _main symbol. I wonder if there is a way to exclude this, presumably, a C runtime requirement? Is it safe to provide a stub _main symbol, or provide a the _main as the entry point to my own little runtime? What is the correct way to invoke the linker with the appropriate flags?
Swift FileManager.default.copyItem(at: URL, to: URL) folder permission error
I'm working on creating a tiny app that copies a random sampling of files from a source folder to a destination folder: https://github.com/belovachap/Select-Random-Files-Mac I choose folders in my user's Documents folder, am able to get the random sampling of files but then run into permission errors when trying to copy to the destination folder. I've tried adding a call to startAccessingSecurityScopedResource on the destination URL but it doesn't seem to help. Is this having the same problems on anyone else's computer??
Issue with privileged Auth mechanisms macOS
I am trying to develop a custom plugin. Below is my auth plugin plist. However, the mechanism marked as privileged is not being triggered by macOS. If I remove the privilege, it gets called. Any pointers on this? TestPlugin:MyLogin and TestPlugin:MyUser,privileged are my custom plugins. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>class</key> <string>evaluate-mechanisms</string> <key>comment</key> <string>Login mechanism based rule. Not for general use, yet.</string> <key>created</key> <real>728811899.153513</real> <key>mechanisms</key> <array> <string>builtin:prelogin</string> <string>TestPlugin:MyLogin</string> <string>TestPlugin:MyUser,privileged</string> <string>builtin:login-begin</string> <string>builtin:reset-password,privileged</string> <string>loginwindow:FDESupport,privileged</string> <string>builtin:forward-login,privileged</string> <string>builtin:auto-login,privileged</string> <string>builtin:authenticate,privileged</string> <string>PKINITMechanism:auth,privileged</string> <string>builtin:login-success</string> <string>loginwindow:success</string> <string>HomeDirMechanism:login,privileged</string> <string>HomeDirMechanism:status</string> <string>MCXMechanism:login</string> <string>CryptoTokenKit:login</string> <string>PSSOAuthPlugin:login-auth</string> <string>loginwindow:done</string> </array> <key>modified</key> <real>740052960.218761</real> <key>shared</key> <true/> <key>tries</key> <integer>10000</integer> <key>version</key> <integer>10</integer> </dict> </plist>
iOS Developer Beta 18
I want to ask about NSDecimalNumber. is it any changes for use this function ? i test use number like this. example: a = "1000000.0" var a i make number formatter use NumberFormatter b = NSDecimalNumber(string: a with number formatter).decimalValue i try to print b. the value return 1. Anyone can help ?
Content Filter Reporting
I created a content filter app in iOS (swift). The app lets me toggle the content filter ON or OFF. When the content filter is on, it restricts access to one particular url. This works as intended; however, I would like to generate a log that shows the url from each inspected flow (I'm using NEFilterFlow to inspect the url from each webkit flow). Ideally, I'd like the url, the verdict, and the verdict timestamp appended to the log each time a flow passes through the content filter for a decision. I cannot figure out how to capture any data from the flow. I'm even trying to use the NEFilterReport class, but I can't seem to capture any of the data in the report. Can the url even be extracted from a NEFilterReport? I assume it can, since it's part of the flow. I understand that FilterDataProvider can only communicate with FilterControlProvider (on a very limited basis). However, it is my understanding that FilterControlProvider can communicate with the main target. So how can I send the url from FilterDataProvider over to FilterControlProvider, and then onward to the main target to print to the console? I'm starting to read about IPCConnection. Hopefully that is the answer to my question and I will get there in the coming days. If not, please help. There is very limited information out there on the network extension framework and content filtering.