Universal Links

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Allow your users to intelligently follow links to content in your app or to your website using universal links.

Posts under Universal Links tag

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Why does my universal links not work??
I implemented a universal link according to this guidance. https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/717 However, my universal links seem to never work. apple-app-site-association https://hajimenavi.web.app/.well-known/apple-app-site-association Xcode settings The link I am trying to open https://hajimenavi.web.app/familyId/ZBEJSJXyPNT7G team id I validated with apple's analyzation that the server has no problem (with Setting app>Developer>Universal Links analysis. What else should I check?? I am wasting a whole day with this. Please please help.
National domains
I have a punycode link of the following type: https://xn--d1aqf.xn--p1ai/.However, clicking on this link, or opening it through the simulator, opens the page in the browser, not in the application. The system does not see that this domain is present in one of the applications, however, any other domain (example.com , for example), is validated by the system. What could this be related to?
Universal Link with query parameter
Hi guys! I'm using a universal link to match with iOS and Android. I'm trying to open my app when user clicks in a link like this: https://mywebsite.com/?invite=TI878IU I've tried many different ways to create the file apple-app-site-association. But any of them I could use this parameter directly. Do you have any guidance in how I could do that? This is my file: { "applinks": { "apps": [], "details": [ { "appIDs": [ "ABC12345AB.com.example.app" ], "paths": [ "*" ], "components": [ { "/": "/*", "comment": "Matches any URL with a fragment parameters to open it as universal link" }, { "/": "/privacy.html", "exclude": true, "comment": "Matches any URL with a path that starts with /help/website/ and instructs the system not to open it as a universal link." } ] } ] } }
AASA file not being downloaded, returning error
Hi Apple, We have been using Associated Domains and Universal Linking for years now, without any problem. Recently, users began having problems accessing the app through Universal Links. A quick look in the swcutil_show.txt file (through Analytics gathering in the sysdiagnose) at what the system tried to download revealed that the Apple Server had issues downloading our AASA file: Error Domain=SWCErrorDomain Code=7 "SWCERR00101 Bad HTTP Response: 502 Bad Gateway -- {"status":"502 Bad Gateway"}" UserInfo={Line=275, Function=-[SWCDownloader URLSession:dataTask:didReceiveResponse:completionHandler:], NSDebugDescription=SWCERR00101 Bad HTTP Response: 502 Bad Gateway -- {"status":"502 Bad Gateway"}, UnderlyingError=Error Domain=HTTP Code=404 "(null)" UserInfo={Line=275, Function=-[SWCDownloader URLSession:dataTask:didReceiveResponse:completionHandler:]}} I was wondering if there was ANY way of knowing what cause the 404? Thanks!
Do Universal Links work when the link is wrapped by another link?
Hello, I work for an email marketing company where we send emails through SendGrid. The links go to ebay.com. SendGrid will wrap the links for click tracking purposes, so instead of the link appearing as https://www.ebay.com, it will be something like https://u99798501.ctc.sendgrid.net/... which will then redirect to eBay. We've noticed that when clicking on these SendGrid-tracked links that redirect to eBay, the links do not open in the eBay app, even though we have the eBay app installed. They will instead open up in Safari. Clicking on the https://www.ebay.com links without the wrapping will open in the links in the eBay app. This makes me think that the URL being wrapped by another URL is preventing Universal Links (links opening in the app) from working. However, we're pretty sure this did work at one point. Does anyone know the status of Universal Links with wrapped URLs? Did it change recently? The iOS version that we tested with is 17.5.1. We are opening links from the iOS Gmail app. Thank you!
Issue regarding universal links
Hello, we are experiencing an issue that is not systematic regarding universal links on our application. In some cases, after the application is installed, the universal links do not open the application but instead open in Safari. We have conducted tests on several devices and with the same link. In some cases, the links open the application after installation, and in other cases, they open in Safari. I should mention that in all test cases, we did not force the opening via the menu accessible through a long press on the link. We performed sysdiagnose in the different cases and we observed the same configuration for the universal links in the swcutil_show.txt file: User Approval: unspecified Site/Fmwk Approval: approved At this stage, I do not think the problem comes from our application or the configuration of the apple-app-site-association file. Is this a known issue? Is there anything we can do on our side to work around it ?
Custom Domain deeplink
My SampleApp, named "myApp," already supports deep links such as "https://myApp.com/tab/record/10020." When this link is clicked, it navigates to myApp, and AppDelegate handles the further process. Now, I need to support another link (domain), "https://appcloud.com/tab/record/10020," so that clicking this link also navigates to myApp. Is there any way to solve this kind of problem without adding "apple-app-site-association"?
Bug: AASA file not fetched on app install
~5% of our users when downloading the iOS application from the Apple Store for the first time are unable to enrol a Passkey and experience an error saying the application is not associated with [DOMAIN]. The error message thrown by the iOS credentials API is "The operation couldn't be completed. Application with identifier [APPID] is not associated with domain [DOMAIN]" We have raised this via the developer support portal with case id: 102315543678 Question: Why does the AASA file fail to fetch on app install and is there anything that can be done to force the app to fetch the file? Can this bug be looked at urgently as it is impacting security critical functionality? Other Debugging Observations We have confirmed that our AASA file is correctly formatted and hosted on the Apple CDN. Under normal circumstances the association is created on install and Passkey enrolment works as intended. We have observed that when customers uninstall/reinstall the app this often, but not always, resolves the issue. We also know this issue can resolve itself overtime without any intervention. We have ruled out network (e.g VPN) issues and have reproduced the issue across a number of different network configurations. We have ruled out the Keychain provider and have reproduced it across a variety of different providers and combinations of. We observed this across multiple versions of the iOS operating system and iPhone hardware including the latest hardware and iOS version.
Universal links redirection issue when user credentials are auto filled and auto submitted on iOS
Hello, My App use OIDC for user authentication and universal linking for redirection from browser to App. When user use autofill to enter credentials, sometime autosubmits happens automatically and after successfully login user sticks in the web. No redirection in the App happens in this situation. Could you please look into it? In my view universal linking/redirection should work even on autosubmit.
Universal app link with query parameters is not working
I have configured AASA file to support path such as https://domain/forgot-password?token=asadsad3ddsd. It is not opening in browser nor app. I have tried different iterations to support the above url. iteration 1 : components : [ { "/" : "/forgot-password" , "?" : { "token" : "?*} ] iteration 2 : components : [ { "/" : "*" } ] iteration 3 : components : [ { "/" : "/forgot-password" , "?" : { "token" : "?????..." } ] my token is of length 36. so I have kept 36 question marks. do we need to configure something in flutter app delegate to support query parameters.
Deep link works on my side but not on App Store reviewer's side
Hello, my app was rejected because deep linking doesn't work as expected according to the reviewer. I have reinstalled the app and tested it on the same device and iOS version as the reviewer, but everything still works fine for me. I also asked a few friends (three people) to test it, and they all confirmed that the deep linking works as intended. Have you ever experienced a similar issue before, or do you have any insight into why this might be happening? Thank you in advance.
May ’24
Universal Links / Deep link not working
THE ISSUE - Hi there guys we have been through documentation and gone back and forth on forums and we can not get universal links / Deep link to work for us. OUR SETUP - We are running Flutter and are looking to post images from the Gallery into the app only issue is it does not pick up the page its meant to open once the share button is clicked. We have tired all the steps meticulously and still can not get it to work. Are they any known issues with this ?
May ’24
Universal link for another app from another developer
Hi, Can a single domain serve a /.well-known/apple-app-site-association file for multiple apps from different developers? We currently have our own domain, let's say example.com, which serves https://example.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association which lists our app, let's say "ABCDEFG.com.example.AppA" for path "/app/a". We're talking with another developer who has another app on the store. Can we add their app, "MNOPQR.com.different.AppB" on our site, https://example.com/.well-known/apple-app-site-association, add their app ID for path "/app/b", ask them to add our example.com domain in their associated-domains entitlement, and would it work? I mean would https://example.com/app/a open our app "ABCDEFG.com.example.AppA" and https://example.com/app/b open their app "MNOPQR.com.different.AppB" ? We want to open https://example.com/redirect/app redirect to either /app/a or /app/b depending on the query parameters and launch our or their app. Thanks in advance!
Is there a maximum number of associated domains for applinks?
An archived documentation article about Universal Links, https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Conceptual/AppSearch/UniversalLinks.html states: "In your com.apple.developer.associated-domains entitlement, include a list [...], prefixed with applinks:, such as applinks:sub.mywebsite.com. Limit this list to no more than about 20 to 30 domains." This document was updated last in 2016 and it appears to be archived since 2018. Newer documentation, like https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/supporting-associated-domains or https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/configuring-an-associated-domain do not mention any limitations and since iOS 14 there is also an Apple provided CDN that apps use to fetch domain association data, which lets one think that the limit may have been lifted. However, I'm in the process of implementing universal links and shared web credentials for a portal app with many customers, a few hundreds of them have their own domain, and would like to be sure this is supported before putting all the work into it. So if anyone with a similar setup or someone from Apple could share/verify that there is no such limit anymore (or if any, what number) I would highly appreciate it. Bests bbjay
May ’24
Universal Linking Issue with Edge Browser in iOS App
I have managed enterprise app. universal link is working as expected from the safari but when I tried the same functionality from the managed edge browser, edge does not detect the universal link. Unable to open our managed app from the edge browser, although from the safari it's working as expected. Unable to open our managed app from the outlook/Team. although from a non-manged app, we can open our managed app. Does edge browser support universal link? iOS version : 17.4.1
Apr ’24
macOS app with associated domains feature - not launching after deployment on other machines.
Hi, I have added associated domains support for our desktop app and it works fine on my machine. But when I deploy it on other machines, it is not launching. It throws ‘The application ““ can’t be opened” message. It works fine when I install provisioning profile on those machines. Xcode is not allowing me to code sign the app manually as part of build process. Till now we were **** the same for other apps. Associated domain need a provisioning profile and I have created one distribution profile and code signed it. Now it works fine only on my machine and not working on other machines. It works only on other machines if I install provisioning profile. What should be the issue? How do I work this macOS app on other machines without installing provisioning profile?
Apr ’24
AASA Limiting Wildcard to URL part
We've got a AASA file on our site that has a list of URLs that our App can handle. These URLs follow a REST standard, but also have resource identifiers in them, for example /site/:siteId /site/:siteId/service/:serviceId Our service IDs are limited to specific numbers, which we've hardcoded in our AASA file so that only specific service URLs will open. Our AASA file looks like the below { "applinks":{ "apps":[], "details":[ { "appID":"${appIdPrefix}.${bundleIdentifier}", "paths":[ { "/":"site/*/service/1/" }, { "/":"site/*/" } ] } ] }, "webcredentials":{ "apps":[ "${appIdPrefix}.${bundleIdentifier}" ] }, "appclips":{ "apps":[ "${appIdPrefix}.${bundleIdentifier}.clip" ] } In this example, hitting a URL like /site/1/service/1 works correctly - however, hitting a URL like /site/1/service/999 will also open the app, despite it not being a valid URL. I'm assuming that the wildcard on site/*/ is causing the invalid URL to match. How can I set my AASA up so that the site ID can still be any value, but the URL is matched strictly?
Apr ’24