I'm developing two native apps and one is a authentication app and other one is business app. In the main flow if buisness application is on the foreground and did nothing for at least 10 minutes it will automatically time out and redirect to the autentication app for token refresh. In this flow universal link redirect to the authetication app without opening Safari.
But if i execute the below flow buissness app redirect to the Safari.
Buisness App In Foregorund → Displaying a OS screen while app is in Foreground(Like Push Notification Center) → On this satate leave device for 10 minutes → Buisness app will automatically timeout and rediret to Safari(In safari 「NoSuchKey The specified key does not exist.」message is displaying but authentication app Universal link Start button is showing) → After click the Universal Link start button in Safari Authentication App open.
I use the below code to start the Universal Link:
if let url = URL(string: path) {
So i would like to know is there a special reason that when Displaying a OS screen while app is in Foreground(Like Push Notification Center) affect the normal flow of Universal redirection to another app?