Apple Developer Program

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Create and deliver software for users around the world on Apple platforms using the the tools, resources, and support included with Apple Developer Program membership.

Apple Developer Program Documentation






Failed to generate new user info using transfer_sub (Sign in with Apple)
Hello, I’m transferring an app from my individual account to my corporate developer account. I’m the primary owner of both accounts. I’m trying to transfer the users that used Sign In with Apple and this is what I did: I generated the transfer identifier for all the users that used Sign In with Apple from the database (50.000 users → 100% success rate) I’m using the transfer identifier previously generated to create the new Apple ID and private email address of the user. (40% success rate) I successfully generated new Apple ID and private email address for 20.000 users but for the other 30.000 users I cannot generate it because I get { error: 'invalid_request’ } on the migration endpoint (/auth/usermigrationinfo), even though I'm using the same request parameters as the ones that are working. I couldn’t find any difference between users that could be migrated and the users that couldn’t. It doesn’t matter if they are old users or new users. What I found is that I can generate the new Apple ID and private email address if the user signs in with Apple for the first time after the app transfer. Then I can use the “transfer_sub” that I have stored for the user to generate the new user details. The same process worked fine for another app that I transferred. Something seems to be broken only for this app on 60% of the users that used Sign In with Apple. Please let me know if you need further information Best, Cosmin
Aug ’24
Apple Developer Account Creation Issue
Hi I have completed the all of the steps to enroll in Apple Developer Program , And at the end it pay $99 , but these are not deduct from my Account. But got that email , " Thank you for your order. Here's a summary of your order request, which will be processed within 2 business days. We'll notify you when your items are ready. Order Details: Apple Developer Program US$ 99 Best regards, Apple Developer Relations " But when i go to my account again then this message was showing. " Purchase your membership. To continue your enrollment, complete your purchase now Your purchase may take up to 48 hours to process " . Is my account has created, under processing or failed. And when i tried to pay again then get this message , "We are unable to complete your order There was an issue when we processed your order. Verify that your information is correct and try again. If you need further assistance contact us. Duplicate order"
Aug ’24
Cell service shot
Ever since updating to the latest ios18 I have had virtually no cellular connection. Even with four full bars I can’t actually connect to service. Sometimes I’ll get notifications, but sending anything, Waze, websites…not a chance. I sure hope they fix this fast. What’s the point of a smart phone and iOS that makes a phone unusable??
Aug ’24
I has api keys, but when i request appstore connect api, it return 401 NOT_AUTHORIZED.
<?php // Path to the private key file $file_path = '/www/wwwroot/'; // Read the private key from the file $private_key = openssl_pkey_get_private("file://$file_path"); if (!$private_key) { echo "Error retrieving the private key: " . openssl_error_string(); exit; } // Setup the Header without 'alg' ,Also with 'alg' the code didn't work properly $header = json_encode([ 'kid' => 'WAJVXXXXXX' // Key ID ]); // Setup the Payload $payload = json_encode([ 'iss' => '69a6de97-1498-47e3-e053-xxxxxxxxxxxx', // Issuer ID 'exp' => time() + 3600, // Token validity for one hour 'aud' => 'appstoreconnect-v1' // Audience ]); // Encode Header and Payload to Base64 $header_base64 = base64_encode($header); $payload_base64 = base64_encode($payload); $data = $header_base64 . '.' . $payload_base64; // Sign the data $signature = ''; if (!openssl_sign($data, $signature, $private_key, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256)) { echo "Error signing the data: " . openssl_error_string(); exit; } // Encode the signature to Base64 $signature_base64 = base64_encode($signature); // Create the JWT $jwt = $header_base64 . '.' . $payload_base64 . '.' . $signature_base64; echo "JWT: " . $jwt; ?> { "errors": [{ "status": "401", "code": "NOT_AUTHORIZED", "title": "Authentication credentials are missing or invalid.", "detail": "Provide a properly configured and signed bearer token, and make sure that it has not expired. Learn more about Generating Tokens for API Requests" }] }
Aug ’24
macOS Sequoia beta external startup drive "out of date"
Getting alert "The version of macOS on this startup disk is out of date" for a Sequoia 15 beta 8/8/24 installed and used macOS Sequoia on an external drive (on Apple Silicon) Since then, updated main OS (also on external) to 14.6.1 No changes to external drive mounts or availability Now unable to switch startup disk to macOS Sequoia I see no other comments on the forums about this. Anyone else? Any tips? Would it be better on the internal drive? It's a fair bit of time to install and configure; I'd hate to think any update bricks all that. (Surprised/confused not to find forum tags for the beta systems, macOS, etc?)
Aug ’24
ITC Sales and Trends report download with multiple vendorIDs Reporter service fail
We have an app associated with an account on itunesconnect that has three country specific vendor ids. I am able to see the vendor IDs when I run this script: java -jar Reporter.jar m=Robot.XML Sales.getVendors I am also able to get Finance reports for these vendor Ids java -jar Reporter.jar a=*** Finance.getReport XX, ZZ, Financial, 2024, 7 downloads a report! But every time I attempt to download a Sales report using one of these vendor Ids I get the same generic and totally wrong error that I have an invalid vendorId. This is not a permissions issue btw. Both myself and two other developers who have even more access than me cannot download Sales reports with the below script and all three of us can download sales reports through the UI. java -jar Reporter.jar a=*** Sales.getReport ***, SubscriptionEvent, Summary, Daily, 20240601, 1_3 Invalid vendor number specified. Try again. When someone else in my organization reached out to apple support about this issue they told us to concatenate the catalog, content and variant ids to create a vendor id...I am a bit besides myself here. We are just trying to automate the download of daily vendor Id (or ideally account id level that combines all vendor ids) subscription reports - specifying a catalog or piece of content makes zero sense. We were specific that we were trying to use Reporter to get Sales reports so I do not really understand the confusion there. Also to add more frustration I am unable to even locate these ids even with my developer access anyway. I think because I am just working on reporting and I am not involved at all in content delivery these ids are not accessible. It is very frustrating that this has been so difficult to navigate and there is zero documentation of how to navigate this error, where to find these ids and which roles has access to them, not to mention that there are no directions on how to correctly setup reporter to be able to download Sales reports for multiple vendor ids on a single account - if we are to concatenate the vendors ids with other ids, whatever they are, I think that should definitely be documented somewhere. I think this is a bug but correct me if I am wrong and this is just very bad documentation practices. Please someone out there advise.
Aug ’24
Cannot see Beta Update option for Developer Beta (no matter the device platform)
Apple Developer Support stated that they don’t have any technical support for this and suggested posting in the Forums or Feedback Assistant app. Hoping someone here may have encountered this before and maybe has a fix. On any of my devices (macOS, visionos, watchOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and iOS) Beta Update will not show Developer Beta as an option for my Apple Account/ID. The only option would be Public Beta. As visionOS is only available for Developer Beta, this wouldn’t help with my workflow unfortunately. My question is whether anyone here has seen that Developer Beta did not show up under Beta Update and what they had to do to get that fixed.
Aug ’24
LockedCameraCapture 主App怎么拿到capture信息
在插件里面,我把数据写到临时目录下面 let directoryURL = self.session.sessionContentURL let fileURL = directoryURL.appendingPathComponent("saved_image.jpg") do { try data.write(to: fileURL) } catch { } 当打开主app的时候我改怎么拿到这个saved_image.jpg图片呢? 当我热启动App时,我可以在- (void)sceneWillEnterForeground:(UIScene *)scene里面调用 for await update in LockedCameraCaptureManager.shared.sessionContentUpdates { switch update { case .initial(let urls): // Process captured content from existing session content directories. break case .added(let url): // Process captured content from a new session content directory. break case .removed(let url): // Process captured content from a removed session content directory. break default: // An unknown sessionContentUpdate was received. break } } 拿到url。 但是当我的主app没有启动时,我使用上述方法拿不到值。 所以我应该怎么拿这个值呢? 请问苹果有没有demo啊??? 太难了!
Aug ’24
Problem enrolling in the Apple Developer Program
I've been trying to enroll in the Apple Developer Program for about a week now. The problem seems to be that I'm not in my home country. I'm currently in Japan, but I'm not Japanese. When I go to enter my billing information, it always says that I "should check it for mistakes," and recently it says "try again later." Here's the kicker - every time I ask form help from an advisor, they tell me to contact someone from the Developer Team - but absolutely nobody on the Developer Team can help me in English (really???!!!). As a result, they always send me away to talk to someone who works in another department and who consequently cannot understand what my problem is and who tells me to talk to someone on the Developer Team - continuing the vicious cycle. Does anybody know how I can get through this? I just want to sign up for the Apple Developer Program....
Aug ’24
IOS 18 Beta Astrology Wallpaper Idea!
Okay so in one of the new IOS 18 Beta’s you can select a specific wallpaper genre that has to do with Planets (Earth, Mars, Saturn, ex.). There is one called “Earth Detail” where it zooms in and when you open your iPhone it will do a pulse of a green circle (showing where you are in the world) pretty cool feature. In “Earth Detail” you can also see the clouds and all the lights during the night, but what if you could see the northern lights at that specific time when they are visible in the sky? I think this would be a minor feature but a cool little easter egg to have. Let me know what you guys think of this. Thanks!
Aug ’24