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Spotlight App Extension does not persist custom Attributes
We are in the process of updating our legacy Spotlight MDImporter to the new macOS Spotlight App Extension. The transition works well for standard attributes such as title, textContent, and keywords. However, we encounter an issue when adding custom attributes to the CSSearchableItemAttributeSet. These custom attributes are not being persisted, which means they cannot be queried using a Spotlight NSMetadataQuery. Has anyone an idea on how to append custom attributes so that they are included in the indexed file status, as displayed by the shell command mdimport -t -d3 <path> A sample project illustrating the problem is available here:
How can I access audio attachment from INSendMessageIntent
I'm trying to add Siri support to my app for sending voice messages. I've implemented INSendMessageIntentHandling in my main app target. It looks like it's getting as far as recording the voice message and passing my intent handler an INSendMessageIntent with an audio attachment, but I'm not able to read the attachment file. func handle( intent: INSendMessageIntent, completion: @escaping (INSendMessageIntentResponse) -> Void ) { if let attachment = intent.attachments?.first, let audioFile = attachment.audioMessageFile, let fileURL = audioFile.fileURL { // This branch runs // fileURL is "file:///var/mobile/tmp/SiriMessages/89F738F7-6092-439A-B4FA-2DD9A99F0EED.caf" let result = processMessageAudio(url: fileURL) completion(result) return } // This line isn't reached completion(.init(code: .failure, userActivity: nil)) } private func processMessageAudio(url: URL) -> INSendMessageIntentResponse { var fileRef: ExtAudioFileRef? if url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() { logDebug("File access allowed") } else { // This branch runs logDebug("File access not allowed") } defer { url.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() } let openStatus = ExtAudioFileOpenURL(url as CFURL, &fileRef) // openStatus is -54 (kAudio_FilePermissionError) return INSendMessageIntentResponse(code: .failure, userActivity: nil) } I'm not sure what I'm missing. It looks like there should be an audio file, and Siri shows a preview of the audio for confirmation.
cannot find certificate signing request/Certificate Assistant
I've been working on creating a CSR for about two hours now and I cannot find a Certificate assistant anywhere. I can open up keychain access, on the left I have login and cloud and system and system roots. there are 6 submenus under keychain access: All Items, Passwords, Secure Notes, My Certificates, Keys, and Certificates. I have used the search menu to find both in the search bar 'Certificate Assistant" and also Certificate Signing Request, and neither is anywhere to be found. I've looked on the developer Account help, I've read several places what you are supposed to do, I've see the illustrations where you enter the email and leave the CA email blank, I just can't find it anywhere around Keychain access. It is really really well described on the Developer account help, and the eskimo makes it sound really easy too, only nothing appears in my keychain access. I've scrolled through all of the submenus trying to find it and it is nowhere to be fount. Any help would be much appreciated
Can't get audio data from INSendMessageIntent
guard let fileURL = intent.attachments?.first?.audioMessageFile?.fileURL else { print("Couldn't get fileNameWithExtension from intent.attachments?.first?.audioMessageFile?.fileURL?.lastPathComponent") return failureResponse } defer { fileURL.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() } let fileURLAccess = fileURL.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() print("FileURL: \(fileURLAccess)") let tempDirectory = FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory let tempFileURL = tempDirectory.appendingPathComponent(UUID().uuidString + "_" + fileURL.lastPathComponent) do { // Check if the file exists at the provided URL guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: fileURL.path) else { print("Audio file does not exist at \(fileURL)") return failureResponse } fileURL.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() // Check if the temporary file already exists and remove it if necessary if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: tempFileURL.path) { try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: tempFileURL) print("Removed existing temporary file at \(tempFileURL)") } // Copy the audio file to the temporary directory try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: fileURL, to: tempFileURL) print("Successfully copied audio file from \(fileURL) to \(tempFileURL)") // Update your response based on the successful upload // ... } catch { // Handle any errors that occur during file operations print("Error handling audio file: \(error.localizedDescription)") return failureResponse } guard let audioData = try? Data(contentsOf: tempFileURL), !audioData.isEmpty else { print("Couldn't get audioData from intent.attachments?.first?.audioMessageFile?.data") return failureResponse } Error: FileURL: false Audio file does not exist at file:///var/mobile/tmp/SiriMessages/BD57CB69-1E75-4429-8991-095CB90959A9.caf is something I'm missing?
Feb ’24
Built-in Spin Control?
On and off I've been trying to figure out how to do hang detection in-application (at least from the user's point of view). Qualitatively what I'd like to do is have a process which runs sample(1) on the application after it's been unresponsive for more than a second or so. Basically, an in-app replacement for Spin Control. The problem I've been stuck on is: how do I tell? There used to be Core Graphics SPI (CGSRegisterNotifyProc with a value of kCGSEventNotificationAppIsUnresponsive) for doing this, but it doesn't work anymore (either due to sandboxing or system-wide security changes, I can't tell which but it doesn't matter). One thought I had was to have an XPC service which would expect to receive a checkin once per second from the host (via a timer set up by the host). If it didn't, it would start sample(1). This seems pretty heavyweight to me, since it means that once per second, I'm going to be consuming cycles to check in with the service. But I haven't been able to come up with a scheme that doesn't include some kind of check-in by the target process. Are there any APIs or strategies that I could use to accomplish this? Or is there some entitlement which would allow the application to request "application became unresponsive"/"application became responsive" notifications from the window server?
Issues with Apple Nearby Interaction app not detecting DWM3001CDK accessory
Hi everyone, I’m having trouble getting my iPhone 11 to detect a DWM3001CDK as an accessory using the Apple Nearby Interaction app. Here’s the background: Two years ago, I successfully tested UWB ranging between the same devices (iPhone 11 and DWM3001CDK, which is based on the Qorvo DW3110 IC and an nRF52833 SoC with Bluetooth 5.2). At that time, the Nearby Interaction app was in beta and worked well for my tests. Now, with the stable version of the app, I’m encountering an issue. Here’s what I’ve done so far: I erased the DWM3001C and flashed it with the Qorvo Nearby Interaction firmware (v3.2.0, "DWM3001CDK-QANI-FreeRTOS_full_QNI_3_0_0.hex") using J-Flash Lite V7.86g on Windows. With this configuration, I can connect the iPhone 11 to the accessory using the Qorvo NI apps, both in the foreground and background. However, when I compile and run the project "ImplementingSpatialInteractionsWithThirdPartyAccessories" (available on the Apple Developer website) on my iPhone 11 (running iOS 17.7), the app remains stuck on the "Scanning for accessory" screen and doesn’t find the device, even though I’ve given the app permission to use Bluetooth. Could this be due to an issue with the firmware I flashed on the DWM3001CDK, or might there be something else causing the problem? Any help or insights would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Supported URL Schemes
Some Apple URL schemes are documented for third-party use. It’s fine to use those URL schemes for their intended purpose. Other Apple URL schemes are not officially documented. Their use is unsupported. If you rely on such implementation details, things might work, or they might not, and that state might change over time. IMPORTANT If you ship via the App Store, pay attention to clause 2.5.1 of the App Review Guidelines. The Apple URL scheme documentation is not always easy to find. I’m aware of the following: Apple URL Scheme Reference QA1924 Opening Keyboard Settings from a Keyboard Extension [This Q&A was retired years ago.] The doc comments for es_new_client in <EndpointSecurity/ESClient.h> (macOS only) Developer > Bug Reporting describes the applefeedback scheme Additionally, as questions about this most commonly crop up in the context of opening Settings (System Settings on macOS), I wanted to highlight the following: UIApplication.openSettingsURLString property (in Objective-C this is UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString) AccessibilitySettings.openSettings(for:) method FIFinderSyncController.showExtensionManagementInterface() class method SMAppService.openSystemSettingsLoginItems() class method If your app needs to perform some action that’s not covered by the above, file an enhancement request for a supported way to do that. Make sure to describes your use case in detail. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Revision History 2024-10-01 Added info about the applefeedback URL scheme. 2024-09-29 Added a link to SMAppService.openSystemSettingsLoginItems(). 2024-09-27 Added a titbit for Finder Sync extension developers. Added an invitation to file feedback. 2024-08-05 First posted.
Aug ’24
Determining "volumes" of paths on macOS and iOS.
Hi, so as I understand it is not possible to know what all possible sources of files are available on iOS using some api call (by sources I mean smb shares connected, iCloud, gdrive, etc), the only paths I can get are the app sandbox, app group container and the same on iCloud. I can get the list of mount points in macOS using getmntinfo(), app/group sandbox and apart from these whatever standard locations I have given access to to my sandboxed app. Are there other paths that I can get? I want to know how I can determine the volume given a user picks a file using a file picker. Say, they picked 10 files from gdrive and another 5 from local storage. If I encounter some errors on the files from gdrive I want to stop working on all 10 of them but to do that I need to be able to determine that that are on this particular volume. Is there a way to do this programmatically? Ex: gdrive on iOS : "/private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/6208BBEE-24BF-4CC9-A9ED-846F987C0442/File Provider Storage/39822865/1P8WD1tWEaq81ZB_DodTTZhXm0p00QaF7/test.txt" on MacOS: "/Users/username/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-useremailid/My Drive"
Adding group between watchOS 11.1 and iOS 18.1 results in Error on data save
I am developing an iOS and watchOS app that share data using App Groups. The App Group identifier is group.(myteamid).dev.christopherallen.vtipz. The iOS app saves a QR code URL to the shared App Group container, and the watchOS app reads this URL to display the QR code image. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Configure both the iOS and watchOS targets to use the App Group group.(myteamid).dev.christopherallen.vtipz in the "Signing & Capabilities" tab in Xcode. 2. Save the QR code URL to the shared App Group container in the iOS app using UserDefaults. 3. Attempt to read the QR code URL from the shared App Group container in the watchOS app using UserDefaults. Code Snippets: iOS App Code to Save URL: private func saveQrCodeUrlToAppGroup(url: URL) { if let sharedDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "group.(myteamid).dev.christopherallen.vtipz") { sharedDefaults.set(url.absoluteString, forKey: "qrCodeUrl") } } watchOS App Code to Read URL: private func loadQrCodeImage() { if let sharedDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "group.(myteamid).dev.christopherallen.vtipz"), let urlString = sharedDefaults.string(forKey: "qrCodeUrl"), let url = URL(string: urlString) { fetchAndSaveImage(from: url) } else { showError = true } } Error Encountered: When attempting to read the QR code URL from the shared App Group container in the watchOS app, the following error is logged: Couldn't read values in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x300b19880> (Domain: group.(myteamid).dev.christopherallen.vtipz, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: Yes): Using kCFPreferencesAnyUser with a container is only allowed for System Containers, detaching from cfprefsd Troubleshooting Steps Taken: 1. Confirmed that the App Group identifier is correctly set up in the Apple Developer portal. 2. Ensured that both the iOS and watchOS targets have the same App Group enabled in the "Signing & Capabilities" tab in Xcode. 3. Verified that the App Group identifier used in the code matches exactly with the one configured in Xcode. Request for Assistance: I am seeking assistance to understand why this error occurs and how to resolve it. • Are there any additional steps required to properly access the shared App Group container? • Any insights or suggestions to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Any workaround for expanding a large category in FamilyActivityPicker?
I’m developing a self-management app using Family Controls, but I’ve encountered a FamilyActivityPciker's crash due to an XPC(or UIRemoteView) issue when there are too many tokens(maybe 200+ items) in a category. This makes bad UX, so I’m looking for a workaround. (I guess that the crash reason is cross process memory limitations, such as App Extension 50MB memory limitation.) A lot of web domains contribute to increase the number of tokens, However, even after clearing Safari’s browsing history, the tokens displayed in the FamilyActivityPicker remains unchanged. Is there any workaround that a 3rd party developer can implement to address this issue? prevent FamilyActivityPicker crashes or reduce the number of web domain tokens? For example, if there’s a way to reset the web domain tokens shown in FamilyActivityPicker from the Settings app, I could offer a help to users. Does anybody have ideas? Expanding SNS Category (29 items) It succeeded. Expanding Productivity & Finance (214 items) It failed. The screen froze, then appears blank. When the number of items is around 100, the crash rate is 50%, but when the items are over 200, the crash rate is 100%. Search Bar Problem The search bar also has same problem. If the number of search results are small, it works good without any blank, but if there are a lot of search results (200+), the XCP crashes and the screen appears blank. Code to Reproduce import SwiftUI import FamilyControls struct ContentView: View { @State private var selection = FamilyActivitySelection() @State private var isPickerPresented: Bool = false var body: some View { VStack { Button("Open Picker") { isPickerPresented = true } } .familyActivityPicker(isPresented: $isPickerPresented, selection: $selection) } } Steps to Reproduce Prepare a category that has 200+ items Try to open the category in the picker The screen will freeze, then appears blank. Errors in Console [u EDD60B83-5D2A-5446-B2C7-57D47C937916:m (null)] [] Connection to plugin interrupted while in use. AX Lookup problem - errorCode:1100 error:Permission denied portName:'' PID:2164 ( 0 AXRuntime 0x00000001d46c5f08 _AXGetPortFromCache + 796 1 AXRuntime 0x00000001d46ca23c AXUIElementPerformFencedActionWithValue + 700 2 UIKit 0x0000000256b75cec C01ACC79-A5BA-3017-91BD-A03759576BBF + 1527020 3 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010546ca30 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 32 4 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010546e71c _dispatch_client_callout + 20 5 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001054765e8 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 828 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105477360 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 408 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001054845f0 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_wlh + 328 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000105483c00 _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 580 9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000224f77c7c _pthread_wqthread + 288 10 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x0000000224f74488 start_wqthread + 8 ) Error acquiring assertion: <Error Domain=RBSAssertionErrorDomain Code=2 "Specified target process does not exist" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Specified target process does not exist}>
How to correctly use AppIntentsExtension with AppShortcutsProvider
I've watched the following 3 WWDC videos on intents and after watching, decided to try and implement an AppIntentsExtension. All my intent action does is run a network request in the background. So it seems like I should be putting it in an AppIntentsExtension instead of in the main app to avoid having to launch the app in the background, and instead have it run directly in the extension. 2022 2023 2024 If I just put the intent and shortcut provider code I need inside an AppIntentsExtension, everything works fine except for 1 thing. I have no way to call updateAppShortcutParameters on my AppShortcutsProvider from the main app because it is defined inside the extension. So I have no way to let siri know to re-query my parameterized phrases, and so siri doesnt expose any new phrases when things in the app are updated. So to solve this, I somehow need a way to access the AppShortcutsProvider from within the main app to be able to call updateAppShortcutParameters What is the recommended way to do this? Should I be trying to create a separate framework with the shortcut provider, which is then used by both the main app an extension? I tried doing this but ran into a few build errors. I tried changing the target membership of the AppShortcutsProvider to have the file in the extension, but include both the main app and intent extension, this seems to work, but I am unsure if this is the correct approach.
Instant access to call log with new ios 18 commands
Hello, I am wondering about developing my application. Can the new commands available with iOS 18 give me access to the call log (recent calls)? With a request prior to installing the application for example. I saw that Truecaller has just launched an update on iOS to offer the same features as Android, i.e. capture the call log. Apple allows applications like Truecaller to integrate their spam databases into the iOS caller ID system. I wonder by which command! Otherwise, I can perhaps use the "SMS and Call Spam Reporting" commands and divert them to retrieve the call log. To tell you the truth, I'm trying to find, for my application, a way to retrieve recent call data to create a call dashboard of certain calls, by retrieving the name or phone number, call date, call time and call duration. Does anyone have an idea?
How to create Stick Pack with custom UI
Hi, I'd like to develop sticker packs for iMessage. In particular, I'd like to have custom UIs so user can select different groups of stickers under the same sticker drawer. Based on what I read in the developer doc, sticker pack does not allow custom UIs, and I have to go to iMessage apps. However, I discovered quite a few sticker packs have custom UIs. For example, GIPHY, Fluffcorn, Animal Stickers, Mochj Cat, they are in sticker drawer but they still have custom UIs with tabs. How is this possible? Is there something I'm missing from the developer doc? Thanks a lot!
NFCTagReaderSession host card emulation (HCE) exception
I'm trying to read a tag generated by my app that emulates event input tags; in my NFC reader app and I get this error: &lt;NSXPCConnection: 0x300a108c0&gt; connection to service with pid 62 named Exception caught during decoding of received selector didDetectExternalReaderWithNotification:, dropping incoming message. Exception: Exception while decoding argument 0 (#2 of invocation): Exception: decodeObjectForKey: class "NFFieldNotificationECP1_0" not loaded or does not exist ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x0000000192b00f2c 76A3B198-3C09-323E-8359-0D4978E156F5 + 540460 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x000000018a9a32b8 objc_exception_throw + 60 2 Foundation 0x0000000191932584 D27A6EC5-943C-3B0E-8D15-8840FD2914F0 + 38276 3 Foundation 0x0000000191930d10 D27A6EC5-943C-3B0E-8D15-8840FD2914F0 + 32016 4 Foundation 0x000000019198f460 D27A6EC5-943C-3B0E-8D15-8840FD2914F0 + 418912 5 Foundation 0x000000019198c510 D27A6EC5-943C-3B0E-8D15-8840FD2914F0 + 406800 6 Foundation 0x00000001919e4cf4 D27A6EC5-943C-3B0E-8D15-8840FD2914F0 + 769268 7 Foundation 0x00000001919e3a60 D27A6EC5-943C-3B0E-8D15-8840FD2914F0 + 764512 8 Foundation 0x00000001919e31c4 D27A6EC5-943C-3B0E-8D15-8840FD2914F0 + 762308 9 Foundation 0x00000001919e307c D27A6EC5-943C-3B0E-8D15-8840FD2914F0 + 761980 10 libxpc.dylib 0x00000001ef5a1cbc CD0F76A8-713A-3FDB-877E-386B089BC2D1 + 72892 11 libxpc.dylib 0x00000001ef5a3908 CD0F76A8-713A-3FDB-877E-386B089BC2D1 + 80136 12 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010401e87c _dispatch_client_callout4 + 20 13 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010403bec4 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 516 14 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001040264a4 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 376 15 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010403cea8 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 480 16 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001040264a4 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 376 17 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010402743c _dispatch_lane_invoke + 460 18 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000104034404 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_wlh + 328 19 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000104033a38 _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 444 20 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001ef550934 _pthread_wqthread + 288 21 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001ef54d0cc start_wqthread + 8 ) ( 0 CoreFoundation 0x0000000192b00f2c 76A3B198-3C09-323E-8359-0D4978E156F5 + 540460 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x000000018a9a32b8 objc_exception_throw + 60 2 Foundation 0x000000019198f680 D27A6EC5-943C-3B0E-8D15-8840FD2914F0 + 419456 3 Foundation 0x000000019198c510 D27A6EC5-943C-3B0E-8D15-8840FD2914F0 + 406800 4 Foundation 0x00000001919e4cf4 D27A6EC5-943C-3B0E-8D15-8840FD2914F0 + 769268 5 Foundation 0x00000001919e3a60 D27A6EC5-943C-3B0E-8D15-8840FD2914F0 + 764512 6 Foundation 0x00000001919e31c4 D27A6EC5-943C-3B0E-8D15-8840FD2914F0 + 762308 7 Foundation 0x00000001919e307c D27A6EC5-943C-3B0E-8D15-8840FD2914F0 + 761980 8 libxpc.dylib 0x00000001ef5a1cbc CD0F76A8-713A-3FDB-877E-386B089BC2D1 + 72892 9 libxpc.dylib 0x00000001ef5a3908 CD0F76A8-713A-3FDB-877E-386B089BC2D1 + 80136 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010401e87c _dispatch_client_callout4 + 20 11 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010403bec4 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 516 12 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001040264a4 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 376 13 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010403cea8 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 480 14 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001040264a4 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 376 15 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000010402743c _dispatch_lane_invoke + 460 16 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000104034404 _dispatch_root_queue_drain_deferred_wlh + 328 17 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000104033a38 _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 444 18 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001ef550934 _pthread_wqthread + 288 19 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001ef54d0cc start_wqthread + 8 )
Family Controls Entitlement Request: How Long for Approval?
A few weeks ago, I submitted a request for the Family Controls & Personal Device Usage Entitlement to enable my app to access the Managed Settings and Device Activity frameworks in the Screen Time API. The app is nearly complete, with the only remaining component being the Family Controls capability. As of now, I haven’t received a response regarding the request. I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced a similar situation or can provide insight into the following: • How long does it typically take to receive feedback on this type of entitlement request? • Is there a way to check if a request is still active and under review? • Is a finished website required for the entitlement to be granted? Any information or guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Apple app site association CDN cache does not work with IPv6 only servers.
Hi, We have an IPv6 only server setup, where we have put AASA file as required: But Apple CDN does not found it: Is there any restriction on IPv6 only servers? Everything works with our other IPv4 servers. Note: With alternate mode configuration in application, the AASA is accessible to devices. There is no any geo restriction or IP filtering for server. What is missing to force CDN cache the file fro mentioned server?
Detection of installed web browsers on Mac OS
Platform: macOS, Sonoma 14.6 Technology stack: Electron v29, TypeScript Hello, We're developing a desktop app for macOS that helps with automation of some browser related tasks, using Puppeteer and Chrome/Chromium browsers. One of the conditions of our app running is having Chrome/Chromium installed on the computer. To check if someone has installed one of the supported browsers our app runs the following command in the shell: mdfind "kMDItemKind == \'Application\'" it produces the list of installed apps and then we scan the list in the search of Chrome or Chromium. Recently we found out that the command's result is not consistent, because on some macOS computers the result is empty and we don't know why. Are we misunderstanding the usage of mdfind? Or maybe we should try a different way to check if Chrome or Chromium is installed on the computer running our app? Thank you.