WebKit JS

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Access and modify DOM elements within a webpage, including touch events and visual effects, using WebKit JS.

Posts under WebKit JS tag

49 Posts
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how can i get camera access in ios12 application embedded html
i can sure the app already hava the camera access, but in the embedded html, i still cannot open the camera. And this HTML page is work at Safari, but cant work on app when the page is embedded in app. there is the error message: DOMException: undefine is not an object (evaluating 'navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia') and i also try to use 'navigator.getUserMedia' and 'navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices()', this all dont work.
WKWebKit crash - blank screen
We are using a WKWebKit based Cordova application and we are getting WKWebKit crash resulting in blank page. The same web app is working in browser and other platforms. Upon investigation we found the memory used in iOS app using safari debugger / profiler. The total memory used is 870.13 MB. Break up of that is Page: 549MB JavaScript: 321.13MB However, the max comparison for memory shown in safari is 1.37GB while the current usage is 870.13MB. Is there any internal memory calculation for crash cutoff? In this case the current memory is around 62% of the max comparison. Hence, we need to know whether this is the expected behaviour from iOS platform. JetsamEvent-2024-05-23-102822.ips
JavaScript Not Executing in WebView When Modally Presenting UIViewController on iOS 17.5.1
Issue Summary: I have encountered an issue where JavaScript does not execute in a WebView when another UIViewController is presented modally with modalPresentationStyle.fullScreen. This problem only occurs on physical devices running iOS 17.5.1. The issue is not present on iOS 17.5 simulators or devices running iOS 17.4.1 or earlier. Reproduction Steps: Create a ViewController with a WebView. Load a web page (e.g., https://apple.com) in the WebView. Present another ViewController modally with modalPresentationStyle.fullScreen. Verify that JavaScript execution in the initial WebView stops working. Test Code: import UIKit import WebKit class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Set up the WebView let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration() let webView = WKWebView(frame: view.frame, configuration: configuration) view.addSubview(webView) webView.frame = view.frame if #available(iOS 16.4, *) { webView.isInspectable = true } else { // Fallback on earlier versions } webView.load(URLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://apple.com")!)) } override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewDidAppear(animated) let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: TargetViewController()) navigationController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen present(navigationController, animated: true) } } class TargetViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Set up the WebView let webView = WKWebView(frame: view.frame, configuration: WKWebViewConfiguration()) view.addSubview(webView) webView.frame = view.frame if #available(iOS 16.4, *) { webView.isInspectable = true } else { // Fallback on earlier versions } webView.load(URLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://apple.com")!)) } } Observations: The JavaScript within the WebView stops executing only on physical devices running iOS 17.5.1. This issue does not occur on the iOS 17.5 simulator. Devices running iOS 17.4.1 or earlier do not experience this issue. Request for Assistance: Could you please provide any insights or potential workarounds for this issue? Additionally, if this is a known bug, any information on upcoming fixes would be highly appreciated. Thank you.
Facing live broadcast issue when open the camera feed for face verification in webview
Hi In my app I've to complete the IDV [Identity verification] by capturing the face os user and his/her documents, for this the backend developer provides me the URL from the IDV 3rd party, which URL I do open in webview, so before during loading the camera captureing screen in webview the Live Broadcast screen pops up from no where. I don't want this Live Broadcast screen but somehow it opens anyway. Although it is good thing that my expected camera screen was still open in background so I can go further from there. First time I'm also bit confused like how this kind of screen popsup even if I did't code for it. Also it takes me a little bit time to figure out how to close that screen. Simple peoples/users who're going to use my app they don't know how to close it. Please check the screenshots I attached. Please help me to rid of this popup. Thank You
May ’24
window.open() does not return a valid object since MacOS14.4
I have the following html that is opened in a WKWebView. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <title>Popup Window Test</title> </head> <body> <textarea id="myTextarea" cols="5" rows="1">Empty</textarea> <script> function openWindow() { const popup = window.open( "https://www.apple.com/", "PopupSample", "width=400,height=400,dialog=yes,dependent=yes,scrollbars=yes,location=yes" ); console.log("Popup closed: ", popup.closed); document.getElementById("myTextarea").value = popup.closed ? "Closed" : "Open"; const timer = setInterval(() => { console.log(popup.location.href); if (popup.closed) { clearInterval(timer); console.log("Popup closed: ", popup.closed); document.getElementById("myTextarea").value = "Closed"; } }, 1000); } </script> <button onclick="openWindow()">Open Window</button> </body> </html> When I click the button and open page "https://www.apple.com/" in another WKWebView, the javascript code does not work as expected here, the popup object returned from window.open() does not refer to the valid window object, and the closed property is set to true even the new popup window is still alive. This is a regression since MacOS14.4 updated, I've reported to apple DTS, but they said it's out of their scope. Does anyone has any clue about this?
May ’24
Blob URLs not Working on iOS 17.4.1
Hi Apple Team, We have a PWA which supports downloading and playback for audio and video content. Downloaded content is stored in IndexedDB in the form of blobs and blob URLs are generated on runtime through which content is played. We have observed that the blob URLs have stopped working on iOS 17.4.1. They work on iOS 17.4 and iOS 17.3 as well. This feature is very critical for us as it is the heart of the offline mode of the app. Thanks!
May ’24
API Authentication
I am trying to migrate some of my mapkit code to the Map Server API. My JWT is fine and I can use that within the API Playground just fine. However, when I try to implement a test using PHP and cURL to get my Map token, I receive a 401 Not Authorized Error. My code is below: <?php $URL="https://maps-api.apple.com/v1/token"; $accesstoken = "<MY TOKEN HERE>"; $authorization = 'Authorization: Bearer'.$accesstoken; $headers = []; $ch = curl_init($URL); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [$authorization]); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, function($curl, $header) use (&$headers) { $len = strlen($header); $header = explode(':', $header, 2); if (count($header) < 2) // ignore invalid headers return $len; $headers[strtolower(trim($header[0]))][] = trim($header[1]); return $len; } ); $result=curl_exec($ch); $status_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); //get status code curl_close ($ch); print_r($headers); echo($result); echo($status_code); ?> Now the exact response that I am receiving is: Array ( [date] => Array ( [0] => Thu, 18 Apr 2024 18:32:15 GMT ) [content-type] => Array ( [0] => application/json;charset=utf8 ) [content-length] => Array ( [0] => 51 ) [connection] => Array ( [0] => keep-alive ) [cache-control] => Array ( [0] => max-age=0 ) [x-rid] => Array ( [0] => c9507281-bc32-46ac-be3b-dc59e97e7fed ) [strict-transport-security] => Array ( [0] => max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; ) ) {"error":{"message":"Not Authorized","details":[]}} 401 Any help getting this to work would be appreciated.
Apr ’24
WKWebview's language is not applied with App's language setting.
Hello Our app met issue after iOS 17.4 update. Native view works properly with App language setting. But WKWebview's language is set with general OS setting's language. In example, When OS language is Korean and App language is English, Native view is shown with English, but WKWebview is shown with Korean. We found that navigator.language is Korean. This problem has been occurring since iOS 17.4 version. If anyone knows anything about this issue, could you please share?
Apr ’24
WKWebView iOS: Double-tapping the space bar doesn't insert a period.
Even when iOS's '"." Shortcut' keyboard setting is enabled, double-tapping the spacebar in WKWebView doesn't insert a period. While making WKWebView editable , "." shortcut is not working. It works fine when any other external keyboard is used. I am facing this issue in WKWebView using apple keyboard. Even forceful adding javascript to replace double tap of space bar to period character logic is not working.
Mar ’24
I can't see a property on Safari after add an script on WKWebView
After insert this script I can't see the property window.app.isNative = true on Safari, What I'm missing here? Thanks in advance userContentController.addUserScript(WKUserScript(source: """function() { if (!window.app) { window.app = {}; } window.app.isAndroid = false; window.app.isIOS = true; window.app.isNative = true; originWhitelist={['*']} } """, injectionTime: .atDocumentStart, forMainFrameOnly: true))
Mar ’24
How to detect the location of a mouseDown event using Swift?
How to detect the location of a mouseDown event using Swift? With the following code snippet, I get the error "Cannot find type 'NSEvent' in scope"? import SpriteKit func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) { if let ourScene = GameScene(fileNamed: "GameScene") { let location = event.location(in: view) let node:SKNode = ourScene.atPoint(location) if (node.name == "creditsInfo") { showCredits() } } // if let ourScene } // mouseDown Anybody have a floodlight to shine on this very basic error?
Feb ’24
WKWebView very slow on GC resulting App Crash
Hi Team, We are working on one of the Acute Healthcare Imaging application and application is running under WKWebview controller. We have observed many crashes when GC doesn't get executed in timely manner. This is very critical healthcare app which has direct impact on patient care. Appreciate any guidance or direction to force GC or optimized dereferenced objects. Thanks in advance for your attnetion. -RA
Feb ’24
In safari for IOS17 audio is broken
Hello community, first post I hope to meet the guidelines. I am developing a web site that uses a library that involves audio playback. This playback is accompanied by an animated canva, and in the IOS17 version in safari, this does not work. The audio is muted and the canva does not animate. However, in ios16 safari it works perfectly. I have also tried in safari on MacOs and ipadOs and it works, which makes me see that the problem is with ios 17 safari. The library in question is this: https://github.com/foobar404/Wave.js/ I don't think the failure is in the library since it works as I said in all other platforms. Specifically the code is here: https://github.com/foobar404/wave.js/blob/main/src/index.ts and makes me think that some HTML element is being incompatible. It is necessary to emphasize that in ios17 it does not work, but it does not appear any error in console. I would love to get help or know if this is a bug to report it.
Feb ’24
Videojs player issue on iOS 17 software update
Hi, After iOS 17 software update, we've encountered an anomaly with the video element within our videojs player. Upon video load, there's a noticeable shift and recentring of the video to its correct position. This issue becomes more pronounced when the player is in a horizontal orientation while the video being played is vertical. Additionally, we've observed resizing and cropping issues during the initialization of the player, which were not present in earlier versions. In our current implementation, we have a canvas element inserted before the player. Due to resizing, the video sticks to the canvas and fails to return to the correct position. <div> <video class="vjs-tech" webkit-playsinline playsinline src="hls video source"> </video> <canvas style="filter: blur(15px)" class="vjs-tech custom-canvas" width="412" height="320"> </canvas> </div>
Feb ’24
Error after GetProduct IAP on my app
I'm finding some issues with my iOS application that are related to the WebKit framework. I'm receiving the following errors in the application log: 01:05.995.258 Error Space Warhog (2434) com.apple.WebKit IPC 0x114088220 - Connection::dispatchIncomingMessages: IPC throttling was triggered (has 2'458 pending incoming messages, will only process 60 before yielding) 01:05.995.286 Error Space Warhog (2434) com.apple.WebKit IPC 0x114088220 - Connection::dispatchIncomingMessages: first IPC message in queue is WebUserContentControllerProxy_DidPostMessage It happens just when I make a purchase in the app. It does the whole process correctly (apparently), but once the "Purchase successful" pop up appears, the result is duplicated. If I make a second purchase, once I get the correct coins, the APP freezes and I have to restart it. Thank you for your help!
Feb ’24
WKWebView cannot load non-app-bound domains
WKWebView question...I've set up WKAppBoundDomains and am using limitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains to enable evaluateJavaScript, Service Workers, etc. That's all working great. However, I'm no longer to able to load a WKWebView with any domain that is not one of the app-bound domains. For these other webviews, I don't need any of the special restricted APIs. I just want them to load and do basic website stuff. My impression from the docs is that this should be fine. Does it require explicitly setting config.limitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains = false? Unfortunately I can't do that in all cases; some of the WKWebViews are created by external libraries where I can't edit the WKWebViewConfiguration Is there another step I need to take? Or, maybe something with a ContentWorld?
Feb ’24
[iOS 17+/Browser] While video player is fullscreen, the video doesn't fill the whole screen if you run video.load() 2+ times.
It didn't happen before upgrading to iOS 17. I can't find any posts about this yet so I post this one. On any browser(Safari, Chrome, Edge, ...), you activate the fullscreen mode of the video. And with dev console, or you add the event listener to "play" event, you run video.load() 2+ times. Then the size of the video is not as fullscreen. You can see this on Twitch because they use video.load() on their live streaming service so that they show the live moment of contents to users every time users hit the play button. When I pinch to zoom in or out or deactivate fullscreen mode, it gets back to fullscreen size. Has anyone experienced the same thing??
Jan ’24