watchOS is the operating system for Apple Watch.

Posts under watchOS tag

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Ios 18.2 beta 2 - unable to pair Apple Watch - iPhone out of date Error
I'm unable to pair my Apple Watch Ultra (watch os 11.1 GA) onto Ios 18.2 beta 2 (had same issue with beta 1). I get a Phone out of date Error and was wondering if someone had a workaround. I tried backing up my phone, restoring on a 18.1 GA phone and tried to pair there (in hopes of later restoring backup on 18.2 b2) but I got the same error on 18.1 after the restore; I'm guessing somewhere in the backup it incorrectly restores the iOS version. I am able to pair watch on a non restored 18.1. HELP!
watchOS App crashes only in Production/TestFlight
Hello, Our watchOS App users on Apple Watch3 are experiencing crashes. PROBLEM only happens in production/testflight apps. app crashes immediately on launch if I build the app in Apple Watch3 device from a local machine, the app runs fine. app runs fine on an Apple Watch3 simulator What could possibly cause crashes only on Production/TestFlight while working fine on local builds? Any advice about what I could do to narrow down the cause would be greatly appreciated. THINGS I'VE TRIED Tried disabling Dead Code Stripping option in the Build Settings without any success. ENVIRONMENT Apple Watch 3, most of them on watchOS 8.8.1(19U512) our App is in SwiftUI our App's minimum supported OS version is watchOS 8.0 Thank you.
Defer system gestures in a WatchKit app
Hi, I'm making a WatchKit game app with SpriteKit and Objective-C, and I'm encountering an annoyance where system gestures, namely long-pressing the top and bottom edges to pull Notification/Control Center, interfere with the controls of the game. In iOS, this can be mitigated by using overriding preferredScreenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures in UIViewController, but I couldn't find any equivalent API in any WatchKit class, and searching for similar symbols only yielded a single private API (-[_UISystemAppearanceManager screenEdgesDeferringSystemGestures]) that isn't ever called on watchOS. Any idea how to achieve a similar effect on watchOS?
Screen on Apple watch turn off even when "Always On" is active
Our company has developed a product available, which measures body composition. During the measurement process, lasting 40 seconds, we require the device screen to remain illuminated. We are actively using the "Always On" feature and have set the timer on the watch to 70 minutes to prevent the screen from dimming. However, we are encountering issues where the screen may still turn off during the measurement. Could you please provide guidance on how to keep the screen active with backlighting across all Apple Watch models during measurements?
FocusState and pickers error
Hello, since the last version of iOS and WatchOS I have a problem with this code. This is the minimal version of the code, it have two pickers inside a view of a WatchOS App. The problem its with the focus, I can't change the focus from the first picker to the second one. As I said before, it was working perfectly in WatchOS 10.0 but in 11 the problems started. struct ParentView: View { @FocusState private var focusedField: String? var body: some View { VStack { ChildView1(focusedField: $focusedField) ChildView2(focusedField: $focusedField) } } } struct ChildView1: View { @FocusState.Binding var focusedField: String? @State private var selectedValue: Int = 0 var body: some View { Picker("First Picker", selection: $selectedValue) { ForEach(0..<5) { index in Text("Option \(index)").tag("child\(index)") } }.pickerStyle(WheelPickerStyle()).focused($focusedField, equals: "first") } } struct ChildView2: View { @FocusState.Binding var focusedField: String? @State private var selectedValue: Int = 0 var body: some View { Picker("Second Picker", selection: $selectedValue) { ForEach(0..<5) { index in Text("Option \(index)").tag("childTwo\(index)") } }.pickerStyle(WheelPickerStyle()).focused($focusedField, equals: "second") } } When you do vertical scrolling on the second picker, the focus should be on it, but it dosnt anything. I try even do manually, setting the focusState to the second one, but it sets itself to nil. I hope that you can help me, thanks!
Lose my variables when my watch turn off
Hello guys, I have such a big coding problem since a half year now about data saving. I have a fitness app where we can add our exercices depend of the muscle, so you can choose it and then select your weight and number of repetitions and valid your exercise. But when I do my exercises and my watch screen is also turn off, my muscle and muscleExercise variables are going back to their default value. Here some code for you : @EnvironmentObject var dataManager: DataManager @Environment(\.modelContext) private var context @AppStorage("savedGroupName") private var savedGroupName: String = "" @AppStorage("savedExerciceName") private var savedExerciceName: String = "" @State var groupName: String = "À choisir" @State var ExerciceChoose: String = "À choisir" I use my variables here : HStack { Text("Muscle:") Spacer() NavigationLink(destination: MusclesView()) { Text(savedGroupName.isEmpty ? "À choisir" : savedGroupName) } .buttonStyle(PlainButtonStyle()) } .onAppear { savedGroupName = groupName } HStack { Text("Exercise:") Spacer() NavigationLink(destination: MuscleExercicesView(groupName: groupName, ExerciceChoose: ExerciceChoose)) { Text(savedExerciceName.isEmpty ? "À choisir" : savedExerciceName) } .onAppear { savedExerciceName = ExerciceChoose } .buttonStyle(PlainButtonStyle()) } The value of my muscle variable is taking in an other view : struct MusclesView: View { let muscleGroup = ExerciceData.muscleGroups var body: some View { NavigationStack { List(muscleGroup, id: \.name) { group in NavigationLink(destination: MuscleExercicesView(groupName:, ExerciceChoose: "À choisir")) { Text( } } } } } #Preview { MusclesView() } and the value of the exerciseMuscle variable is also taking in an other view : ```import SwiftUI struct MuscleExercicesView: View { let exerciceGroup = ExerciceData.muscleGroups @State var groupName: String @State var ExerciceChoose: String var body: some View { if let group = ExerciceData.muscleGroups.first(where: { $ == groupName }) { List(group.exercices, id: \.id) { exercice in NavigationLink(, destination: CurrentInformationsView(groupName: groupName, ExerciceChoose: } /*.onTapGesture { print("Selected exercise: \(ExerciceChoose) for muscle group: \(groupName)") }*/ .navigationTitle(Text("Exercices pour \(groupName)")) } else { Text("Aucun exercice trouvé pour \(groupName)") .navigationTitle(Text("Erreur")) } } } #Preview { MuscleExercicesView(groupName: "Pectoraux", ExerciceChoose: "À choisir") } I tried many things (like userDefault, put my values in an array to save it etc..) to keep my variables with the same value during the session but nothing works. I wish I could have some help from you guys. Have a good day ! Cyrille
Data sharing between WidgetWatchExtension and watchOS/iOS app
When I try to access the data in my IntentTimelineProvider in the recommendations function using App Groups, it is always empty "no data". func recommendations() -> [IntentRecommendation<IndicatorIntent>] { if let sharedUD = UserDefaults(suiteName: "group.measurements") { let jm = JanitzaMeasurementValue(identifier: "1", display: "2") let intent = IndicatorIntent() intent.indicatorWidgetData = jm let desc = sharedUD.string(forKey: "string") ?? "no data" return [IntentRecommendation(intent: intent, description: desc)] } return [] } Although I write this in both the watchOS and iOS app using App Groups. if let sharedUD = UserDefaults(suiteName: "group.measurements") { sharedUD.set("test", forKey: "string") } What is the right way to dynamically implement the widgets for Complications in watchOS? Like for example in Shortcuts App. **Thanks for support **
How to make a FocusState on WatchOS
Hey guys, I'm creating a fitness app on WatchOS and I need to realize a focus on a variable but it doesn't work. I will show you my code to understand the problem : @State var WeightChoose: Double = 0.0 @FocusState private var isWeightActive: Bool var body: some View { HStack { Text("Poids:") Spacer() Text("\(String(format: "%.0f", WeightChoose)) KG") .focused($isWeightActive) .foregroundColor(isWeightActive ? .green : .white) .digitalCrownRotation($WeightChoose, from: 0.0, through: 300.0, by: 1.0, sensitivity: .medium) .animation(.easeIn(duration: 1), value: WeightChoose) .padding() Here my code don't show me any error but the focus doesn't work at all. Before, I used the old way to focus with @State private var isWeightActive = false instead of @FocusState and .focusable(true) { focused in isWeightActive = focused } Instead of .focused() But now the .focusable() method is depreciated since watchOS 8 and we have to go on FocusState and .focused but it doesn't work for my code. If you could help me with that it would be awesome. Thank you Cyrille
Critical Bug in iOS 18.1 RC and watchOS 11.1 RC - WidgetKit Complications Not Syncing
I've encountered a major issue with the iOS 18.1 RC and watchOS 11.1 RC. It appears that complications running on WidgetKit cannot be synced as .watchface to these new release candidates. The error message indicates that "the Watch Faces app and complication are not available," which is affecting all apps utilizing WidgetKit. This issue renders all WidgetKit-based complications unusable on watchOS 11.1 RC. It’s a serious problem for those of us who rely on these complications for our apps and for users expecting consistent functionality. APPLE, PLEASE FIX THIS ISSUE ASAP! This bug is a significant setback for developers and users alike, and any guidance or updates would be greatly appreciated.
Local notification not working with ios app installed
I have an iOS and watchOS app where both can run independently, I am not using WatchConnectivity to send data back and fourth. The issue I'm having is that if I schedule a local notification on the watch and the phone is unlocked, it will not show on the watch for about 10-15 seconds. If I uninstall the iOS app or have the phone locked, it will show immediately on the watch. To my understanding, this is somewhat the expected functionality but is there a way to bypass it? My app is a timer app and it really should not have a delay.
How to send a simple request when HKObserverQuery triggered in background?
Hi everyone, I am trying to send a request to my server in my watch application when HKObserverQuery is triggered. This is working fine when my app is in foreground however the request is not sending when the app manually terminated or in background. HKObserverQuery works fine and triggered in these cases however the request is not sending. I researched about URLSessionConfiguration.background and background sessions but I could not figure it out. I don't want to download or upload a file, I just want to send a simple request when HKObserverQuery is triggered. Can you show me to a path way to make it possible? I am trying to test my watch app with my iPhone, I am assuming the behavior of these scenarios might be same in both device, am I correct? let urlsession = URLSession(configuration: URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: "enablement"), delegate: self, delegateQueue: nil) let dataTask = urlsession.dataTask(with: urlRequest) dataTask.resume() As shown in the code snippet, I tried to set background configuration to my URLSession. I enabled background fetch in background modes. Apple documentation says, dataTask can not run in background -> However I don't want to perform a long running task such as downloading or uploading.
Text(date, style: .timer) issues with watchOS widget
I'm using Text(date, style: .timer) to display a timer in a WatchOS widget, which works great. The problem is that when the watchface goes dim the time goes from showing the time as "MM:SS" to showing "M minutes". Why is this occuring and how can I change the behavior? I understand it needs to remove seconds to preseve battery life, but why it is putting the word "minutes" at the end, this is messing up my layout. Thanks.
My Custom Watchface
Dear all, i am a music conductor and developer, and to fulfill my joy with music i recently developed a WatchFace and some apps for a non-apple watch called "PineTime". My whole development is done in c++ and is available at Since I am aswell an apple developer, and most of my friends have apple watches, i am now porting those c++ apps to the apple watch. I just finished the very first one, that is actually a watch Face I now ported it to appleWatch and it looks pretty similar too (here a screenshot from the simulator) I would like to now remove the annoying digital hour on the top right corner, and then sell it as new custom face, together with my other swift-ports of my original c++ applications. Looking forward any feedback.