Health & Fitness

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Explore the technical aspects of health and fitness features, including sensor data acquisition, health data processing, and integration with the HealthKit framework.

Health & Fitness Documentation






Workout Effort Scores
Is there anywhere that describes in detail how third party workout apps can use the new effort score functionality? I can't see much in the documentation or any of the WWDC videos. In particular it would be useful to know if an effort score is automatically calculated for workouts created with third party apps? It doesn't seem to happen but some people say it takes weeks / months before watchOS starts calculating it for third party apps. If it doesn't happen automatically then how can the app set it? I tried the new relateWorkoutEffortSample API but that didn't work for me (see If I could get it working then how should I determine a default effort score based on the workout metrics? Is that something that the app should do? If so then it would be good to be consistent with watchOS so some idea of how that is calculating effort scores would be useful. Sorry for all the questions, especially if there is an article in the documentation or a video that I have missed.
How the iOS 18 Control Widget displays an AppIntentError to the user.
My app is an outdoor exercise tracking app that allows you to start exercising from the Control widget。 I want to prompt the user with an AppIntentError.PermissionRequired.location error when the user doesn't authorize Core Location permissions. When I throw error in the Intent, tap the Control widget doesn't do anything and doesn't give the user any indication of what's happening
HealthKit bugs related to new workout effort score - heart rate samples take forever to fetch, Health app displays invalid data
I am encountering issues on my device running iOS 18 that fetching heart rate samples associated to a given workout is very slow. Like 10+ seconds slow. This is unacceptable and unexpected. In producing a video to attach to a feedback, I also observed that Apple Health app displays incorrect information if a workout effort score is associated to a workout. In this image, you can see the Health app bug: Total Resting Energy != Estimated Workout Effort Score Here is the same workout after I delete the workout effort score using the Apple Health app: Can anyone else see if attempting to view 'heart rate' data within the workout summary in Apple Health is unbearably slow if that workout also has an effort score associated? My steps: Record workout (Apple Activity app on watchOS) Associate effort score View the workout on Apple Health (iOS) Attempt to view it's heart rate samples Observe very slow loading times Observe the incorrect cell label and value and disappearance of resting energy cell data Remove/disassociate the effort score from the workout by tapping the workout effort row, and swipe to delete the value. Navigate back, navigate back, and then go into the workout detail again At this time the UI fixes itself, but the loading of heart rate data is still super slow FB15269657 - HealthKit: Sample query to fetch heart rate samples associated to a workout is taking over 10 seconds - computing 'time in heart rate zone' FB15278790 - Health: Workout summary 'Total Resting Energy' label has value of 'Estimated Workout Effort Score' for a value, pushed view shows empty
recoverActiveWorkoutSession() inaccurate for paused sessions
When a workout session is being recovered, if it is paused, the elapsed time will be incorrect. It will seem like that workout never was paused. The recovery works fine if the workout was never paused. Steps to reproduce: Implement recoverActiveWorkoutSession Start workout Pause session and print the elapsed time Stop simulator / cause crash When recoverActiveWorkoutSession is called the elapsed time will not equal the elapsed time when the session was paused. Here is my implementation. I haven't seen any examples online. guard let recovered = try? await healthStore.recoverActiveWorkoutSession() else {return} self.session = recovered self.builder = recovered.associatedWorkoutBuilder() self.session?.delegate = self self.builder?.delegate = self self.builder?.dataSource = HKLiveWorkoutDataSource(healthStore: healthStore, workoutConfiguration: recovered.workoutConfiguration) self.sessionState = recovered.state
How to start a legit companion App from iPhone App which uses CoreMotion?
I have an iOS application for the iPhone that works with a companion app on the Apple Watch, using CoreMotion to provide data. How can I launch the Apple Watch companion app from the iPhone app before starting data recording? Can startWatchAppWithWorkoutConfiguration(...) be used for this without registering an actual workout with HealthKit? Or can I register this action as a new custom workout?
HKLiveWorkoutBuilder only reporting heart rate - No other measurements
I'm using Healthkit with the following H/W specs: Apple Watch, series 8, OS: 10.6.1 (21U580) iPhone 11 Pro, OS: 17.6.1 Mac Studio M1 Xcode ver: 16.0 (16A242d) I am trying to get Apple Watch to report heart rate, HRV, respiratory rate, and body temperature using Healthkit's HKLiveWorkoutBuilder implementing HKLiveWorkoutBuilderDelegate's workoutBuilder method. However, the only reported value that is found from the workoutBuilder method's collectedTypes (a Set of HKSampleType objects) is HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeartRate. Nothing for HRV, respiratory rate, or body temperature. All entitlements are set up, the plist filled in, and capabilities in place. Not sure why only the heart rate is reported from the watch but nothing else. I've scoured StackOverflow, Apple developer forums, even ChatGPT but none of the solutions work. Any help most appreciate! The model code is: import Foundation import HealthKit class WatchModel: NSObject, HKLiveWorkoutBuilderDelegate, HKWorkoutSessionDelegate { private let healthStore = HKHealthStore() private var workoutSession: HKWorkoutSession! private var workoutBuilder: HKLiveWorkoutBuilder! override init() { super.init() requestAuthorization() startWorkoutSession() } private func requestAuthorization() { let heartRateType = HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .heartRate)! let respiratoryRateType = HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .respiratoryRate)! let HRVRateType = HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .heartRateVariabilitySDNN)! let temperatureRateType = HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .bodyTemperature)! let healthDataTypes: Set = [heartRateType, respiratoryRateType, HRVRateType, temperatureRateType] healthStore.requestAuthorization(toShare: healthDataTypes, read: healthDataTypes) { (success, error) in if !success { print("Authorization failed") } } } func workoutSession(_ workoutSession: HKWorkoutSession, didChangeTo toState: HKWorkoutSessionState, from fromState: HKWorkoutSessionState, date: Date) { } func workoutSession(_ workoutSession: HKWorkoutSession, didFailWithError error: any Error) { } func workoutBuilderDidCollectEvent(_ workoutBuilder: HKLiveWorkoutBuilder) { } func startWorkoutSession() { let configuration = HKWorkoutConfiguration() configuration.activityType = .other configuration.locationType = .indoor do { workoutSession = try HKWorkoutSession(healthStore: healthStore, configuration: configuration) workoutBuilder = workoutSession.associatedWorkoutBuilder() workoutBuilder.delegate = self workoutBuilder.dataSource = HKLiveWorkoutDataSource(healthStore: healthStore, workoutConfiguration: configuration) let dataSource = HKLiveWorkoutDataSource(healthStore: healthStore, workoutConfiguration: configuration) let respiratoryRate = HKQuantityType(.respiratoryRate) dataSource.enableCollection(for: respiratoryRate, predicate: nil) let bodyTemp = HKQuantityType(.bodyTemperature) dataSource.enableCollection(for: bodyTemp, predicate: nil) let hrv = HKQuantityType(.heartRateVariabilitySDNN) dataSource.enableCollection(for: hrv, predicate: nil) workoutSession.delegate = self workoutSession.startActivity(with: Date()) workoutBuilder.beginCollection(withStart: Date(), completion: { (success, error) in if let error = error { print("Error starting collection: \(error.localizedDescription)") } }) } catch { print("Failed to start workout session: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } func workoutBuilder(_ workoutBuilder: HKLiveWorkoutBuilder, didCollectDataOf collectedTypes: Set<HKSampleType>) { print("collected types: \(collectedTypes)") for type in collectedTypes { if let quantityType = type as? HKQuantityType { if quantityType == HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .heartRate) { if let heartRateQuantity = workoutBuilder.statistics(for: quantityType)?.mostRecentQuantity() { let heartRateUnit = HKUnit(from: "count/min") let heartRateValue = heartRateQuantity.doubleValue(for: heartRateUnit) print("heart rate: \(heartRateValue)") } } if quantityType == HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .heartRateVariabilitySDNN) { if let hrvQuantity = workoutBuilder.statistics(for: quantityType)?.mostRecentQuantity() { let hrvUnit = HKUnit.secondUnit(with: .milli) let hrvValue = hrvQuantity.doubleValue(for: hrvUnit) print("HRV: \(hrvValue)") } } if quantityType == HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .bodyTemperature) { if let bodyTempQuantity = workoutBuilder.statistics(for: quantityType)?.mostRecentQuantity() { let tempUnit = HKUnit.degreeCelsius() let tempValue = bodyTempQuantity.doubleValue(for: tempUnit) print("body temp: \(tempValue)") } } if quantityType == HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .respiratoryRate) { if let respRateQuantity = workoutBuilder.statistics(for: quantityType)?.mostRecentQuantity() { let respRateUnit = HKUnit(from: "count/min") let respRateValue = respRateQuantity.doubleValue(for: respRateUnit) print("breathing: \(respRateValue)") } } } } } }
WatchOS Fall Detection Consequences
My team and I are working on an app for a private emergency helpline. Now as far as I understand the (sparse) API documentation for fall detection, given the appropriate entitlement, the following happens upon a detected fall: The Standard UI will be opened with the options to a) call SOS b) acknowledge the fall but state that you're fine though, c) deny the fall, and (implicitly after 60 seconds on inactivity) call SOS because you didn't react. All fall detection apps will then receive a bit of background time and get the func fallDetectionManager(CMFallDetectionManager, didDetect: CMFallDetectionEvent, completionHandler: () -> Void) called with the appropriate event value. Now that's all good and it sounds like the custom fall detection is additive to the standard system. But but why is there something like that in the entitlement request form sheet: For any emergency calling features that you do not provide, explain any mitigations you use to make sure the user receives emergency services support that’s as close as possible to what they’d receive had they placed an emergency call natively. This sounds like our app would rather be a drop-in to the standard SOS service ­– in contrast to being additive and also in contrast to what the API documentation infers. Am I misunderstanding something?
Regular step count fetch and upload to API
Hello all, I am quite new to iOS and Swift, and before venturing further, I feel it's better to ask for advice. I have build a Type I diabetes simulator running as a NodeJS application on a server. The clients authenticate via a browser using Fitbit/Google oauth2, set up a virtual patient, then take care of the patient 24/7. The app imports the users steps and heartrate, as these influence the blood sugar variations. ( I designed a companion app with Expo, adding high/log blood glucose alerts with push notifications. If the user doesn't have a Fitbit tracker or doesn't use Google Fit, I'd like to send their HealthKit step counts to the backend. (Using sensor data directly in Android). It works using Expo's Background Fetch and TaskManager, but the uploads from the iOS device are very irregular. I set up silent push notifications from the backend to wake up the app in the background and trigger the step count upload. It works, but it is not reliable enough. I now wrote my first local native module for iOS, where a HKObserverQuery listening for new step events, making the upload and sending the count to the JS for rendering. I used enableBackgroundDelivery and BackgroundTask for uploading the results. All the entitlements and Info.plist entries should be ok. Still my app works well only in the foreground, and not upload at all happens when in the background. As we all do, I asked Claude, and it assured me th app should work. I have doubts though, as I noticed how strict iOS is about executing background tasks. So... should I even expect this to work ?
Adding workoutEffortScore to HKWorkout
I'm trying to hook into the new workoutEffort score supported in iOS 18, I am collecting this information from users when they submit their workout and trying to add a sample to the HKWorkout in the same manner as I've been adding other samples like bodyweight, calories burned, etc. I'm receiving the error: HKWorkout: Sample of type HKQuantityTypeIdentifierWorkoutEffortScore must be related to a workout I tried adding the samples using HKWorkoutBuilder.add([samples]) as which has been working perfectly for calories burned & bodyweight, but I am receiving the above error for workoutEffortScore As a second approach, I tried adding the sample after I called finishWorkout on the HKWorkoutBuilder and received back the HKWorkout object using HKHealthStore.add([samples], to: HKWorkout) and am still receiving the same error! I don't know otherwise how to relate a sample to a workout, I thought those were the APIs to do so? I'm using Xcode 16.0 RC (16A242) and testing on an iOS 16 Pro simulator
Overlapping Segments and Duplicate Start Times in Workout Data
Hello, We're encountering overlapping segments and discrepancies when analyzing running/workout data for a 5-mile run. The expected splits for the run are: 8:39 9:06 8:30 8:39 8:43 0:08 However, the raw data includes segments where start times begin before the previous segment ends, and there are duplicate start times. Below is a sample of the raw data: "startDate": "2024-09-09T19:32:00.308-0400", "eventType": "segment", "eventTypeInt": 7, "endDate": "2024-09-09T19:37:56.135-0400" }, { "startDate": "2024-09-09T19:32:00.308-0400", "eventType": "segment", "eventTypeInt": 7, "endDate": "2024-09-09T19:41:08.476-0400" },``` // Here's an example of where the second segment start time falls in side the first segments startDate and endDate "startDate": "2024-09-09T19:54:22.658-0400", "eventType": "segment", "eventTypeInt": 7, "endDate": "2024-09-09T19:59:41.215-0400" }, { "startDate": "2024-09-09T19:58:44.624-0400", "eventType": "segment", "eventTypeInt": 7, "endDate": "2024-09-09T20:07:23.216-0400"
Workouts, activity rings, samples and more not syncing across devices running iOS 18 RC and watchOS 11 RC
I noticed last night that workouts I have been recording on my main carry device running 17.6.x have not been syncing to my beta devices running iOS 18 RC, iPadOS 18 RC and watchOS 11 RC. All devices are using the same Apple Account and I have iCloud enabled for Health data. The iPad running the RC has the syncing enabled in Profile. Is anyone else experiencing health data not propagating to the 18.x devices? Some of data exists on all devices but not all. For good measure I left the device unlocked on the health app last night for a long period of time to let it do its thing. This morning the data still hadn't propagated. I disabled and reenabled the synchronization on my iPad having chosen to delete all samples when disabling it. Hopefully all of my data dating back to the first Apple Watch in 2014 restores. FWIW my data set according to iCloud settings my health dataset is just shy of 650 MB. FB15102443 - Health / HealthKit: Workouts, activity rings, sample data, and more not syncing via iCloud to 18 RC device
Wake-up detection with HealthKit
Hello HealthKit Experts & Enthusiasts! I am building an app called one sec which forces people to take a deep breath before they can use social media apps (it’s using Shortcuts Automations for that). One important feature of one sec is the Good Morning Countdown: For a specified time after waking up (e.g. 30mins) selected apps are blocked completely. This helps to start the day screen-free. They way it works is, the user grants access to read HKCategoryTypeIdentifier.sleepAnalysis data. I have implemented a HKObserverQuery and enableBackgroundDelivery in order to be informed whenever new HKCategoryTypeIdentifier.sleepAnalysis becomes available. I noticed that when I have my device connected to Xcode, this works as expected. However, when I quit the app and launch it from my Home Screen, my observer query is not informed about new sleep data (except when my app is running in foreground). Any ideas? Furthermore, I have noticed that sometimes sleep data is provided delayed to HealthKit, many minutes (sometimes even longer) after waking up, no sleep samples are to be found in the Health app. Of course, for my app it is crucial to get accurate + timely so apps can be blocked accordingly. Is this an issue that the Apple Watch first needs to send the samples to the phone? Thanks a lot for your help!
Health Export not complete
Good evening, when I use the automatic export feature from my iPhone, it successfully exports data. When reading the Export.xml file it is dispayed completely, with about 3 mio lines. When I check the file I see, that a lot of data is missing. E.g. the iPhone dispays the heart rates for several exercises (from last year), which don't have any correspondence in the export.xml file. Current exercises have. I am a developer myself and parsed all files without any error. My iPhone has enough free space (200GB or so) and iCloud has more than a TB free. Internet is connected via 1GBit line, WLAN with 800MBit and everything runs smooth. I would like to get a COMPLETE export of all the health data, without having to write a program on my own to accomplish this. Thank you. /C
Aug ’24
HealthKit quantity types are not documented when generated by the system and on which Apple Watch models
Finally at last Apple Health supports saving .distancePaddleSports, .distanceCrossCountrySkiing, .distanceRowing, .distanceSkatingSports, and much more. The backstory. In the land of 10,000 lakes, there hasn't been a way to save 'canoe' or 'kayak' distance and I've been asking for it for years. Thank you health team for adding it this year! FB7807993 - Add HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.paddleDistance for canoeing, kayaking, etc type workouts (June 2020) Prior we could just save the totalDistance to a workout, but since the HKWorkout initializers were deprecated we no longer have a supported way to save these distances in our workouts. The iOS 18 / watchOS 11 introduction addresses this. If you want to know more why you can't do this in earlier versions you can check these feedback titles: FB10281482 - HealthKit: Deprecation of totalDistance on a workout session of paddleSports breaks apps that used that to save distance to the workout because there is no "paddleDistance" type available to save as sample data (June 2022) FB12402974 - HealthKit: Deprecation of HKWorkout completely breaks support for third party fitness apps from saving non-standard workout distance (June 2023) Great, so there is new support that solves all of these requests and issues for the new version of the OSes. However, the downside is now that there is not much for documentation. Unlike the .runningSpeed and .runningPower introduced in iOS 16 / watchOS 9, none of the new iOS 18 / watchOS 11 types have documentation, at all. To some degree this is understandable, but types from last year still remain undocumented too. Without this information for the data types introduced in both iOS 17/18 and watchOS 10/11 it makes building and integrating with these new types difficult to say the least. We can't make assumptions about anything. Can we get a documentation update for new (and existing) quantity types for when Apple Watch will automatically generate samples? FB14236080 - Developer Documentation / HealthKit: Update documentation for HKLiveWorkoutDataSource typesToCollect for which sample types are automatically collected by watchOS 10 and 11 (July 2024) FB14942555 - HealthKit / Documentation: App Update Release Issue - HKQuantityTypeIdentifiers are missing documentation describing when the system automatically adds data (today) I know that the behavior has changed from release to release for some of these types, so documentation would be based on OS version. If you didn't catch it, watchOS 11 will now associate .cyclingSpeed for cycling workouts both indoor and outdoor. FB12458548 - Fitness: Connected cycling speed sensor did not save samples to health via cycling workout (June 2023 - received reply that only saved for indoor cycling, but not documented otherwise) FB14311218 - HealthKit: Expected outdoor cycling to include .cyclingSpeed quantity type as a default HKLiveWorkoutDataSource type to collect (July 2024) To the other third party fitness apps out there, how are you managing the knowledge of which devices collect which data types on which versions of the OS? Sure, we could look at the HKLiveWorkoutDatSource and inspect the typesToCollect property across a bunch of devices, but again that is trial by error not 'as documented'. Is the behavior of simulators guaranteed to match the behavior of real devices? Maybe, but also maybe not. Fingers crossed for a nice documentation update to spell out all of the behavioral details. Apple folks / DTS, many of the above feedbacks are addressed and I plan to update or close them after the releases this fall. Some are still outstanding. P.S. I hope that .paddleSports gets deprecated and split into individual activity types like skiing did years ago. Their MET scores are different according to the research on the physical activity compendium site. FB7807902 - Split HKWorkoutActivityType.paddleSports into their own activity types (June 2020)
Aug ’24
Developer Build Icon not showing in Apple Fitness
I am building an app that sends workout data to Apple Fitness. During development I noticed that my App Icon does not show up in Apple Fitness and it's just a blank space. The Icon seems to show just fine in Apple Health but not in Apple Fitness. I did the same test with the production version of my app and I can see the production icon just fine in Apple Fitness. I am trying to find information about which app Apple Fitness uses since it seems to differ from the one Apple Health uses. ChatGPT seems to think that Apple Fitness uses the App Store Connect icon (which I have for my prod app but not my dev app), but I cannot seem to verify that assumption with any kind of documentation. Can I please get information about which icon specifically Apple Fitness uses when displaying third party app integration information?
Aug ’24
Health app iOS 18 Public Beta: Can't record Sleep Process with iPhone only (without wearable)
Hello! My sleep process isn't recorded with iPhone only (without wearable device) on iOS 18. On previous iOS versions it was recorded but now it doesn't work. I compare iOS 17 and iOS 18 Beta and I see the difference that in Full Schedule was deleted tumbler "Track Time in Bed with iPhone" that helped to track sleep process without wearable device (I found it here: Health app -> Browse -> Sleep -> Your schedule block and tap on "Full Schedule & Options" -> Scroll to the bottom). I didn't find any information from Apple about this changes in change log. And one more time: I don't use Apple Watch or any wearable device. Do you have any information about sleep tracking with iPhone only? Can I track sleep process only with iPhone?
Aug ’24