




Scripting Zoom App - A Work In Progress
I know that is not technically scriptable with Applescript but I have gotten so tired of repeatedly doing the same things when I set up a Zoom session that I started trying to automate the process using System Events and tell process. I was surprised by how much I could automate but then ran into a couple of brick walls. If anyone else is interested in this I'd like to brainstorm on the forum to see how much is possible. Here's some scripting steps I have been playing with. Part of what I decided to do in order to simplify the data entry involved in scheduling a new meeting and sending an email to the client was to run everything from Filemaker. The variables shows as $theMonth, $theDay, etc are being set in FileMaker before the Perform Applescript step so this is not a viable Applescript. You could use three separate Applescript dialog boxes to get the name date and time. The key code 48 is a tab to move between fields on the zoom interface. Key code 76 is the enter key which will OK the automatic entries in the Calendar so that I can quit Calendar and get back to zoom. There seems to be no way to stop zoom from automatically posting a new session in the Calendar. tell application "" to activate tell application "System Events" tell process "" repeat until window "Schedule Meeting" exists click menu item "Schedule Meeting..." of menu "" of menu bar 1 delay 0.2 end repeat set topicField to text field 1 of "Schedule Meeting" keystroke "Whatever You Want It To Be"" key code 48 keystroke $theMonth as text key code 48 keystroke $theDay as text key code 48 keystroke $theYear as text key code 48 keystroke $theHour as text key code 48 keystroke $theMinute as text key code 48 keystroke $theMonth as text key code 48 keystroke $theDay as text key code 48 keystroke $theYear as text key code 48 keystroke ($theHour + 1) as text key code 48 keystroke $theMinute as text Delay 2 key code 36 key code 76 key code 76 end tell end tell tell application "Calendar" to quit tell application "" to activate tell application "System Events" tell process "" repeat until window "Schedule Meeting" exists click menu item "Schedule Meeting..." of menu "" of menu bar 1 delay 0.2 end repeat select button ?????? end tell end tell The interface for Meetings has what appear to be buttons for each scheduled meeting. I am trying to figure out how to select the right button so that I can then copy the invitation to put in an email. Tabbing does not let me select the button. If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them, and if my further experiments produce any results, I'll post them. Thanks
May ’21
ASIdentifierManager.advertisingIdentifier hanging
Is there any threading assumption/requirement for ASIdentifierManager.advertisingIdentifier? Please see the complete issue and stack trace here. The main thread was waiting for the worker thread, which was blocked in ASIdentifierManager.advertisingIdentifier. Thread 68: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x188abf0f4 mach_msg_trap (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 8 1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x188abe5a0 mach_msg (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 72 2 libdispatch.dylib 0x188924880 _dispatch_mach_send_and_wait_for_reply (in libdispatch.dylib) + 500 3 libdispatch.dylib 0x188924d10 dispatch_mach_send_with_result_and_wait_for_reply$VARIANT$mp (in libdispatch.dylib) + 52 4 libxpc.dylib 0x188b8391c xpc_connection_send_message_with_reply_sync (in libxpc.dylib) + 204 5 Foundation 0x189aafa28 NSXPCCONNECTION_IS_WAITING_FOR_A_SYNCHRONOUS_REPLY (in Foundation) + 12 6 Foundation 0x189892f60 -[NSXPCConnection sendInvocation:orArguments:count:methodSignature:selector:withProxy:] (in Foundation) + 3608 7 CoreFoundation 0x188f3276c forwarding (in CoreFoundation) + 552 8 CoreFoundation 0x188f3475c forwarding_prep_0 (in CoreFoundation) + 92 9 CoreServices 0x1b1896ce4 -[LSApplicationWorkspace deviceIdentifierForAdvertising] (in CoreServices) + 160 10 AdSupport 0x198f70a60 -[ASIdentifierManager advertisingIdentifier] (in AdSupport) + 56 I don't see any thread related information in the document. I tried to recreate the scenario, but I could not reproduce the issue with the simplified test below. #import "ViewController.h" #import "AdSupport/AdSupport.h" #import "AppTrackingTransparency/AppTrackingTransparency.h" @interface ViewController () {  dispatch_queue_t _queue; } @end @implementation ViewController - (void)viewDidLoad {  [super viewDidLoad];  _queue = dispatch_queue_create("IdentityWorkerQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);  dispatch_set_target_queue(_queue,               dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0));  if (@available(iOS 14, *)) {   [ATTrackingManager requestTrackingAuthorizationWithCompletionHandler:    ^(ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatus status) {    NSLog(@"Status: %lu", (unsigned long)status);   }];  } } - (IBAction)action:(id)sender {  __block NSString *adId1 = nil;  dispatch_async(self->_queue, ^{   sleep(1);   adId1 = ASIdentifierManager.sharedManager.advertisingIdentifier.UUIDString;  });  __block NSString *adId2 = nil;  dispatch_sync(self->_queue, ^{   adId2 = adId1;  }); } @end Is there any threading assumption/requirement for ASIdentifierManager.advertisingIdentifier? For example, would it wait for the main thread to finish a certain task when an error happens?
Jun ’21
about how to implement Picture in Picture mode for the new video calling service
I have a question about how to implement Picture in Picture mode for the new video calling service, I have already read some of the documentation provided by Apple. Is it possible to implement Picture in Picture mode even if I use an external SDK for video calling such as Agora to implement the video calling service? Is it possible to set the call screen to Picture in Picture mode for a non-video call? Do you think it would be difficult to implement on iOS15 or earlier (e.g. iOS14)? (I read this article.) In iOS 15 and earlier, you cannot keep the camera active during PiP, so unfortunately video calls are not possible. However, in iOS 15, the "Multitasking Camera Access Entitlement" allows you to use the AVPictureInPictureController to keep the camera recording while in PiP mode). Is this definitely feasible this fall when iOS15 is available?
Jun ’21
Manually define a CKRecord ID for a given NSManagedObject instance
I have an app that is already running with CoreData, and I want to allow the users to upload their data to iCloud so, in the case they need to delete their apps or change devices, they don't lose it. Every time the app is opened, there is a synchronization that happens between CoreData and a JSON file fixture, in order to fill the app with its base values (creating NSManagedObject instances from the aforementioned fixture). Before the iCloud sync, the CoreData model had some constraints for different entities, to enforce uniqueness, but these had to be stripped since CloudKit doesn't support them. Most of these constraints were basically ids that came from the JSON and represent an item in our Firebase database. Given that, I want to make the underlying the same as these ids, so I can avoid the situation where, if a person open the app in a second device, the fixture data is repeated, since the fixture runs before the sync with the iCloud happens. Is that possible? Any help would be appreciated.
Jul ’21
Programmatically open popup in Safari Web Extension
I have a Safari web extension that needs the ability to open the popup when the user interacts with a modal coming from the content script. There is a native message handler that comes with the safari web extension when you first create it: import SafariServices import os.log class SafariWebExtensionHandler: NSObject, NSExtensionRequestHandling { func beginRequest(with context: NSExtensionContext) { let item = context.inputItems[0] as! NSExtensionItem let message = item.userInfo?[SFExtensionMessageKey] os_log(.default, "Received message from browser.runtime.sendNativeMessage: %@", message as! CVarArg) let response = NSExtensionItem() response.userInfo = [ SFExtensionMessageKey: [ "Response to": message ] ] print("hit") context.completeRequest(returningItems: [response], completionHandler: nil) } } I have the permissions to send a native message, I've seen some examples online where you can access the SFSafariApplication module from SafariServices and open the popover. But I can't seem to access SFSafariApplication in this module.
Jul ’21
SharePlay and Multiple Apps
I was hoping to add support for SharePlay, but my app is not Universal, because it is around 5 years old. The macOS and iOS versions have different bundle ids, and making a universal app would be a bag of hurt (loss of reviews, migrating data in sandboxed environments and lots more). Am I correct that SharePlay will only work with a single bundle id? I was hoping by simply choosing the same activity type in each app they could connect, but I don't really see how it can given the activity type is hard coded, rather than configured in the Info.plist. If this is the case, it seems like a lost opportunity, not only for "legacy" apps like ours, but also for anyone who might want to work between apps in an app group. Presumably rather than hard coding the activity type, it could have been registered as an Info.plist configuration or entitlement, allowing apps to partake with different bundle ids, the same way it works for iCloud for example.
Jul ’21
Crash with NSURL URLWithString
I am seeing crash reports with our users at this line of code NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:self->urlAddress]; self->urlAddress is never nil. My understanding is that if self->urlAddress is malformed in someway then URLWithString should return nil but it seems to crash the thread as below. Has anybody any suggestions as t what might be wrong? Thread 3 name: Thread 3 Crashed: 0 CoreFoundation 0x00000001a73704a0 CFStringGetLength + 60 (CFInternal.h:889) 1 CoreFoundation 0x00000001a739b5b4 _CFURLCreateWithURLString + 84 (CFURL.c:2046) 2 Foundation 0x00000001a8635908 +[NSURL(NSURL) URLWithString:relativeToURL:] + 52 (NSURL.m:463) 3 Dubline 0x0000000102f3391c __58-[settingsAccountViewController reloadDublineSettingsPage]_block_invoke + 1024 (settingsAccountViewController.m:273) 4 CFNetwork 0x00000001a79f23dc __40-[__NSURLSessionLocal taskForClassInfo:]_block_invoke + 540 ( 5 CFNetwork 0x00000001a7a04768 __49-[__NSCFLocalSessionTask _task_onqueue_didFinish]_block_invoke + 244 ( 6 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001a6fb9a84 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 32 (init.c:1466) 7 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001a6fbb81c _dispatch_client_callout + 20 (object.m:559) 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001a6fc3004 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 620 (inline_internal.h:2557) 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001a6fc3c34 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 456 (queue.c:3862) 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001a6fce4bc _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 764 (queue.c:6589) 11 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f304a7a4 0x1f3047000 + 14244 12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001f305174c 0x1f3047000 + 42828
Jul ’21
MPNowPlayingInfoCenter MPRemoteCommandCenter macOS, control center and media keys not working for Catalyst app
I have a Catalyst application that uses (as expected) MPNowPlayingInfoCenter to set the now playing info and MPRemoteCommandCenter to get the media events for play/pause/stop/favorite/etc. The code is shared on iOS, tvOS and watchOS and it works correctly there. It seems not to work on macOS (app is compiled as a Catalyst application) on Big Sur (and Monterey, fwiw). Media keys on the keyboard starts the Music app, the music part of the control center do not show now playing info (nor the media controls there send messages to the app). I seem to remember that it used to work in Catalina (at least the media key part) and for sure it used to work in a precedent version of the same app that used to be an UIKit one. Is this a bug (worth a feedback to Apple) or something wrong on my side? I forgot some magic capability for macOS? App is sandboxed and uses hardened runtime, in case this is significant. Thank you for any hint!
Jul ’21
iOS VoIP App running on M1 Mac Callkit and Pushkit not working
I took delivery of my first M1 Mac (iMac running Big Sur 11.4) and with great anticipation installed my iOS VoIP App from the AppStore. I was greatly disappointed to see that There were no VoIP Pushes to start an incoming call Callkit does not seem to work so I get no Audio. Am I missing something? Is there some permissions or configuration I might need to set? Or is it just that Callkit and Pushkit don't work even though it states on that they are supported on macOS 10.15+ Any advice or guidance greatly appreciated. Very disappointed :-(
Jul ’21
Minimum deployment Version for older WatchOSs and newer iOSs.
If a "Minimum Deployment Target" is updated to WatchOS7 on a product(iOS app with a companion watch app) that is already available on the App Store, watches running WatchOS6 will obviously no longer get updates. However, what is the experience for a user who has a WatchOS6 (maybe they own a Series 2) connected to an iPhone with iOS14? Will both the iPhone app and the Watch app stop getting updates? Will the Watch app stop getting updates, but the iPhone app continue receiving them and we have to manage this? Something else? Thanks in advance!
Jul ’21
Opening Safari with URL via terminal also opens URL in default browser (Chrome)
When using the command open in the terminal, there seems to be this weird issue/behavior where if run to open a specific application (in this case Safari) where my current default browser is Chrome, the following command would open up in both Safari and my default browser. open -a /Application/ Opening up a different browser, such as Firefox does not have this issue. In that case, only the specified application does run as expected. open -a /Application/ open -a Firefox Is this a bug or a desired effect? (Tested macOS 11.4)
Jul ’21
iOS Background Execution Limits
I regularly see questions, both here on DevForums and in my Day Job™ at DTS, that are caused by a fundamental misunderstanding of how background execution works on iOS. These come in many different variants, for example: How do I keep my app running continuously in the background? If I schedule a timer, how do I get it to fire when the screen is locked? How do I run code in the background every 15 minutes? How do I set up a network server that runs in the background? How can my app provide an IPC service to another one of my apps while it’s in the background? How can I resume my app in the background if it’s been ‘force quit’ by the user? The short answer to all of these is You can’t. iOS puts strict limits on background execution. Its default behaviour is to suspend your app shortly after the user has moved it to the background; this suspension prevents the process from running any code. There’s no general-purpose mechanism for: Running code continuously in the background Running code at some specific time in the background Running code periodically at a guaranteed interval Resuming in the background in response to a network or IPC request However, iOS does provide a wide range of special-purpose mechanisms for accomplishing specific user goals. For example: If you’re building a music player, use the audio background mode to continue playing after the user has moved your app to the background. If you’re building a timer app, use a local notification to notify the user when your timer has expired. If you’re building a video player app, use AVFoundation’s download support. Keep in mind that the above is just a short list of examples. There are many other special-purpose background execution mechanisms, so you should search the documentation for something appropriate to your needs. IMPORTANT Each of these mechanisms fulfils a specific purpose. Do not attempt to use them for some other purpose. Before using a background API, read clause 2.5.4 of the App Review Guidelines. Additionally, iOS provides some general-purpose mechanisms for background execution: To resume your app in the background in response to an event on your server, use a background notification (aka a ‘silent’ push). For more information, see Pushing background updates to your App. To request a small amount of background execution time to refresh your UI, use BGAppRefreshTaskRequest. To request extended background execution time, typically delivered overnight when the user is asleep, use BGProcessingTaskRequest. To prevent your app from being suspended for a short period of time so that you can complete some user task, use a UIApplication background task. For more information on this, see UIApplication Background Task Notes. To download or upload a large HTTP resource, use an NSURLSession background session. All of these mechanisms prevent you from abusing them to run arbitrary code in the background. As an example, consider the NSURLSession resume rate limiter. For more information about these limitations, and background execution in general, I strongly recommend that you watch WWDC 2020 Session 10063 Background execution demystified. It’s an excellent resource. Specifically, this talk addresses a common misconception about the app refresh mechanism (BGAppRefreshTaskRequest and the older background fetch API). Folks assume that app refresh will provide regular background execution time. That’s not the case. The system applies a range of heuristics to decide which apps get app refresh time and when. This is a complex issue, one that I’m not going to try to summarise here, but the take-home message is that, if you expect that the app refresh mechanism will grant you background execution time, say, every 15 minutes, you’ll be disappointed. In fact, there are common scenarios where it won’t grant you any background execution time at all! Watch the talk for the details. When the user ‘force quits’ an app by swiping up in the multitasking UI, iOS interprets that to mean that the user doesn’t want the app running at all. So: If the app is running, iOS terminates it. iOS also sets a flag that prevents the app from being launched in the background. That flag gets cleared when the user next launches the app manually. This gesture is a clear statement of user intent; there’s no documented way for your app to override the user’s choice. Note In some circumstances iOS will not honour this flag. The exact cases where this happens are not documented and have changed over time. Finally, if you have questions about background execution that aren’t covered by the resources listed here, please open a new thread on DevForums with the details. Tag it appropriately for the technology you’re using; if nothing specific springs to mind, use Background Tasks. Also, make sure to include details about the specific problem you’re trying to solve because, when it comes to background execution, the devil really is in the details. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Change history: 2024-03-21 Added a discussion of ‘force quit’. 2023-05-11 Added a paragraph that explains a common misconception about the app refresh mechanism. Made other minor editorial changes. 2021-08-12 Added more entries to the common questions list, this time related to networking and IPC. Made minor editorial changes. 2021-07-26 Extended the statement about what’s not possible to include “running code periodically at a guaranteed interval”. 2021-07-22 First posted.
Jul ’21
EtreCheck (from Etresoft, Inc)
Hello I've noticed that this product, heavily promoted on the ASC forums for many years, is no longer available from the Apple App Store. Can anyone tell me the reason why the product is no longer supported? Friends have asked me if it is 'safe' to use. Is it? Note to moderator: If I'm asking in the wrong places, please redirect my question. Thank you.
Aug ’21
Reference example of AppTest server-side implementation
Hi, We have a multi-platform application that requires integrity attestation before the backend will enable supporting services (fairly common scenario). I've read the documentation for DeviceCheck and AppAttest, as well as SafetyNet on the Android side. The Android documentation includes lots of examples of use, including server-side (though oddly in C# and Javascript... which I don't see as being server-side languages, but... oh, well). Anyway, maybe there's a server-side example of using an application attestation on the server when validating a client, as well as validating individual requests with assertions, but I've not been able to find it. It seems like a relatively important bit of functionality to ensure that apps aren't being compromised, while at the same time requiring a correct implementation... Why not give a reference implementation as a starting point to make sure developers are on the right path? Can anyone point me at an example as a Gist, etc? Thanks.
Aug ’21
NSPersistentCloudkitContainer Memory Leak -> Crash? (iOS 15 beta 4 & 5)
Background I have an established app in the App Store which has been using NSPersistentCloudkitContainer since iOS 13 without any issues. I've been running my app normally on an iOS device running the iOS 15 betas, mainly to see problems arise before my users see them. Ever since iOS 15 (beta 4) my app has failed to sync changes - no matter how small the change. An upload 'starts' but never completes. After a minute or so the app quits to the Home Screen and no useful information can be gleaned from crash reports. Until now I've had no idea what's going on. Possible Bug in the API? I've managed to replicate this behaviour on the simulator and on another device when building my app with Xcode 13 (beta 5) on iOS 15 (beta 5). It appears that NSPersistentCloudkitContainer has a memory leak and keeps ramping up the RAM consumption (and CPU at 100%) until the operating system kills the app. No code of mine is running. I'm not really an expert on these things and I tried to use Instruments to see if that would show me anything. It appears to be related to NSCloudkitMirroringDelegate getting 'stuck' somehow but I have no idea what to do with this information. My Core Data database is not tiny, but not massive by any means and NSPersistentCloudkitContainer has had no problems syncing to iCloud prior to iOS 15 (beta 4). If I restore my App Data (from an external backup file - 700MB with lots of many-many, many-one relationships, ckAssets, etc.) the data all gets added to Core Data without an issue at all. The console log (see below) then shows that a sync is created, scheduled & then started... but no data is uploaded. At this point the memory consumption starts and all I see is 'backgroundTask' warnings appear (only related to CloudKit) with no code of mine running. CoreData: CloudKit: CoreData+CloudKit: -[PFCloudKitExporter analyzeHistoryInStore:withManagedObjectContext:error:](501): <PFCloudKitExporter: 0x600000301450>: Exporting changes since (0): <NSPersistentHistoryToken - { "4B90A437-3D96-4AC9-A27A-E0F633CE5D9D" = 906; }> CoreData: CloudKit: CoreData+CloudKit: -[PFCloudKitExportContext processAnalyzedHistoryInStore:inManagedObjectContext:error:]_block_invoke_3(251): Finished processing analyzed history with 29501 metadata objects to create, 0 deleted rows without metadata. CoreData: CloudKit: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate _scheduleAutomatedExportWithLabel:activity:completionHandler:](2800): <NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate: 0x6000015515c0> - Beginning automated export - ExportActivity: <CKSchedulerActivity: 0x60000032c500; containerID=<CKContainerID: 0x600002ed3240;, containerEnvironment="Sandbox">,, priority=2, xpcActivityCriteriaOverrides={ Priority=Utility }> CoreData: CloudKit: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate executeMirroringRequest:error:](765): <NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate: 0x6000015515c0>: Asked to execute request: <NSCloudKitMirroringExportRequest: 0x600002ed2a30> CBE1852D-7793-46B6-8314-A681D2038B38 2021-08-13 08:41:01.518422+1000 Somnus[11058:671570] [BackgroundTask] Background Task 68 ("CoreData: CloudKit Export"), was created over 30 seconds ago. In applications running in the background, this creates a risk of termination. Remember to call UIApplication.endBackgroundTask(_:) for your task in a timely manner to avoid this. 2021-08-13 08:41:03.519455+1000 Somnus[11058:671570] [BackgroundTask] Background Task 154 ("CoreData: CloudKit Scheduling"), was created over 30 seconds ago. In applications running in the background, this creates a risk of termination. Remember to call UIApplication.endBackgroundTask(_:) for your task in a timely manner to avoid this. Just wondering if anyone else is having a similar issue? It never had a problem syncing an initial database restore prior to iOS 15 (beta 4) and the problems started right after installing iOS 15 (beta 4). I've submitted this to Apple Feedback and am awaiting a response (FB9412346). If this is unfixable I'm in real trouble (and my users are going to be livid). Thanks in advance!
Aug ’21