Handle requests for your app’s services from users using Siri or Maps.

Posts under SiriKit tag

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How can I access audio attachment from INSendMessageIntent
I'm trying to add Siri support to my app for sending voice messages. I've implemented INSendMessageIntentHandling in my main app target. It looks like it's getting as far as recording the voice message and passing my intent handler an INSendMessageIntent with an audio attachment, but I'm not able to read the attachment file. func handle( intent: INSendMessageIntent, completion: @escaping (INSendMessageIntentResponse) -> Void ) { if let attachment = intent.attachments?.first, let audioFile = attachment.audioMessageFile, let fileURL = audioFile.fileURL { // This branch runs // fileURL is "file:///var/mobile/tmp/SiriMessages/89F738F7-6092-439A-B4FA-2DD9A99F0EED.caf" let result = processMessageAudio(url: fileURL) completion(result) return } // This line isn't reached completion(.init(code: .failure, userActivity: nil)) } private func processMessageAudio(url: URL) -> INSendMessageIntentResponse { var fileRef: ExtAudioFileRef? if url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() { logDebug("File access allowed") } else { // This branch runs logDebug("File access not allowed") } defer { url.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() } let openStatus = ExtAudioFileOpenURL(url as CFURL, &fileRef) // openStatus is -54 (kAudio_FilePermissionError) return INSendMessageIntentResponse(code: .failure, userActivity: nil) } I'm not sure what I'm missing. It looks like there should be an audio file, and Siri shows a preview of the audio for confirmation.
Siri's voice invocation to open App and pass the intent
Hi All, requirement - "Search (placeholder) in (myApp)". When user speaks this strings, Siri should open the app and pass the placeholder. This worked for me only when i used an AppEnum (with specific defined set) with AppEntity. I want the placeholder to be dynamic and not defined via the AppEnum. Have observed this feature working fine with Youtube, Spotify & Whatsapp apps. Is there anything else that these app add specifically to make this work. ? Also in these app's Siri settings, there is a toggle named - 'Use with Ask Siri'. Could someone please help in understanding, how this option is enabled ?
iOS 18: Siri not passing string parameters to AppIntents if the string is a question
Xcode Version 16.0 (16A242d) iOS18 - Swift There seems to be a behavior change on iOS18 when using AppShortcuts and AppIntents to pass string parameters. After Siri prompts for a string property requestValueDialog, if the user makes a statement the string is passed. If the user's statement is a question, however, the string is not sent to the AppIntent and instead Siri attempts to answer that question. Example Code: struct MyAppNameShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider { @AppShortcutsBuilder static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] { AppShortcut( intent: AskQuestionIntent(), phrases: [ "Ask \(.applicationName) a question", ] ) } } struct AskQuestionIntent: AppIntent { static var title: LocalizedStringResource = .init(stringLiteral: "Ask a question") static var openAppWhenRun: Bool = false static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary { Summary("Search for \(\.$query)") } @Dependency private var apiClient: MockApiClient @Parameter(title: "Query", requestValueDialog: .init(stringLiteral: "What would you like to ask?")) var query: String // perform is not called if user asks a question such as "What color is the moon?" in response to requestValueDialog // iOS 17, the same string is passed though @MainActor func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ProvidesDialog & ShowsSnippetView { print("Query is: \(query)") let queryResult = try await apiClient.askQuery(queryString: query) let dialog = IntentDialog( full: .init(stringLiteral: queryResult.answer), supporting: .init(stringLiteral: "The answer to \(queryResult.question) is...") ) let view = SiriAnswerView(queryResult: queryResult) return .result(dialog: dialog, view: view) } } Given the above mock code: iOS17: Hey Siri Ask (AppName) a question Siri responds "What would you like to ask?" Say "What color is the moon?" String of "What color is the moon?" is passed to the AppIntent iOS18: Hey Siri Ask (AppName) a question Siri responds "What would you like to ask?" Say "What color is the moon?" Siri answers the question "What color is the moon?" Follow above steps again and instead reply "Moon" "Moon" is passed to AppIntent Basically any interrogative string parameters seem to be intercepted and sent to Siri proper rather than the provided AppIntent in iOS 18
Sirikit "Create" category show create button but siri don't accept "create" command
I develop a siri function with my App. In the custom intent, I choose "Create" category. And when I run this command, create button would be displayed. But the strange thing, when I say "create", no response. I say "yes", "okay", "sure", all of them worked. Only "create", didn't work. If we show a create button, the "create" command also need work. Can anyone help me, I want "create" command also worked.
INPlayMediaIntent `mediaSearch` mediaName unreliable when searching for playlists
We are working with an app that uses the INPlayMediaIntent to allow users to select and play music using Siri. In building out this feature, we have noticed that when selecting playlists to play, Siri will consistently leave out information from the intent that we are use to resolve the media to play in the app. It seems that there is generally no rhyme or reason as to why some information is left out. Walking through a couple test cases, here is the phrase and corresponding mediaSearch that we receive when testing: "Hey Siri, play the playlist happy songs in the app " (this is a working example) ▿ Optional<INMediaSearch> - some : <INMediaSearch: 0x114050780> { reference = 0; mediaType = 5; sortOrder = 0; albumName = <null>; mediaName = happy songs; genreNames = ( ); artistName = <null>; moodNames = ( ); releaseDate = <null>; mediaIdentifier = <null>; } "Hey Siri, play the playlist my favorites in the app " (this fails with a null mediaName) ▿ Optional<INMediaSearch> - some : <INMediaSearch: 0x114050600> { reference = 0; mediaType = 5; sortOrder = 0; albumName = <null>; mediaName = <null>; genreNames = ( ); artistName = <null>; moodNames = ( ); releaseDate = <null>; mediaIdentifier = <null>; } "Hey Siri, play the playlist working out playlist in the app " (this fails as the term "playlist" is excluded) ▿ Optional<INMediaSearch> - some : <INMediaSearch: 0x114050ae0> { reference = 0; mediaType = 5; sortOrder = 0; albumName = <null>; mediaName = working out; genreNames = ( ); artistName = <null>; moodNames = ( ); releaseDate = <null>; mediaIdentifier = <null>; } "Hey Siri, play the playlist recently added in the app " (this fails with a null mediaName) ▿ Optional<INMediaSearch> - some : <INMediaSearch: 0x1140507e0> { reference = 0; mediaType = 5; sortOrder = 0; albumName = <null>; mediaName = <null>; genreNames = ( ); artistName = <null>; moodNames = ( ); releaseDate = <null>; mediaIdentifier = <null>; } Based on the above, Siri seems to ignore playlists named "Recently Added", "My Favorites", and playlists that have the word "playlist" in them such as "Working Out Playlist". To rectify this, we attempted to set the INVocabulary for the playlist titles that a user has in the app, as suggested in this WWDC session: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10060/ let vocabulary = INVocabulary.shared() vocabulary.setVocabularyStrings(NSOrderedSet(array: [ "my favorites", "recently added", "working out playlist" ]), of: .mediaPlaylistTitle); This seems to have no effect. We understand the note in https://developer.apple.com/documentation/sirikit/registering_custom_vocabulary_with_sirikit/ stating that "a few minutes" should be waited before testing custom vocabulary, but waiting upwards of 20 minutes and even restarting the device did not result in any of the custom vocabulary making a difference. If these playlist names are set in AppIntentVocabulary.plist, "Recently Added" and "My Favorites" are able to be discovered as playlists, but the other failed test cases remain failing. The obvious shortcoming here is that these are not dynamic. <key>ParameterVocabularies</key> <array> <dict> <key>ParameterNames</key> <array> <string>INPlayMediaIntent.playlistTitle</string> </array> <key>ParameterVocabulary</key> <array> <dict> <key>VocabularyItemIdentifier</key> <string>working out playlist</string> <key>VocabularyItemSynonyms</key> <array> <dict> <key>VocabularyItemPhrase</key> <string>working out playlist</string> </dict> </array> </dict> <dict> <key>VocabularyItemIdentifier</key> <string>recently added</string> <key>VocabularyItemSynonyms</key> <array> <dict> <key>VocabularyItemPhrase</key> <string>recently added</string> </dict> </array> </dict> <dict> <key>VocabularyItemIdentifier</key> <string>my favorites</string> <key>VocabularyItemSynonyms</key> <array> <dict> <key>VocabularyItemPhrase</key> <string>my favourites</string> </dict> <dict> <key>VocabularyItemPhrase</key> <string>my favorites</string> </dict> </array> </dict> </array> </dict> </array> Given the above, our questions are as follows: Is there documentation surrounding how Siri may pass along the mediaSearch in INPlayMediaIntent and how/why information may be left out? Why does setting custom vocabulary with INVocabulary seem to have no effect, yet the same vocabulary in AppIntentVocabulary does have an effect? Is the functionality we are experiencing to be expected, or should this be reported as a bug? We've published the test app that we are using for debugging this functionality at this link: https://github.com/awojnowski/SiriTest
Aug ’24
Disable App Shortcuts without releasing a new build
I'm trying to create an App Shortcut so that users can interact with one of my app's features using Siri. I would like to be able to turn this shortcut on or off at runtime using a feature toggle. Ideally, I would be able to do something like this. struct MyShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider { static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] { // This shortcut is always available AppShortcut( intent: AlwaysAvailableIntent(), phrases: ["Show my always available intent with \(.applicationName)"], shortTitle: "Always Available Intent", systemImageName: "infinity" ) // This shortcut is only available when "myCoolFeature" is available if FeatureProvider.shared.isAvailable("myCoolFeature") { AppShortcut( intent: MyCoolFeatureIntent(), phrases: ["Show my cool feature in \(.applicationName)"], shortTitle: "My Cool Feature Intent", systemImageName: "questionmark" ) } } } However, this does not work because the existing buildOptional implementation is limited to components of type (any _AppShortcutsContentMarker & _LimitedAvailabilityAppShortcutsContentMarker)?. All other attempts at making appShortcuts dynamic have resulted in shortcuts not working at all. I've tried: Creating a makeAppShortcuts method that returns [AppShortcut] and invoking this method from within the appShortcuts Extending AppShortcutsBuilder to support a buildOptional block isn't restricted to a component type of (any _AppShortcutsContentMarker & _LimitedAvailabilityAppShortcutsContentMarker)? Extending AppShortcutsBuilder to support buildArray and using compactMap(_:) to return an empty array when the feature is disabled I haven't used SiriKit before but it appears that shortcut suggestions were set at runtime by invoking setShortcutSuggestions(_:), meaning that what I'm trying to do would be possible. I'm not against using SiriKit if I have to but my understanding is that the App Intents framework is meant to be a replacement for SiriKit, and the prompt within Xcode to replace older custom intents with App Intents indicates that that is indeed the case. Is there something obvious that I'm just missing or is this simply not possible with the App Intent framework? Is the App Intent framework not meant to replace SiriKit and should I just use that instead?
Aug ’24
CarPlay / Siri: single message display
We have an app with carplay-messaging capability, and have successfully integrated our app in order to read out the list of unread messages. However, if a single message arrives and our push notification appears, we are not able to have the Siri UI automatically read only that single message or announce it. The 'list' UI appears (siri: "would you like to read your messages...") when tapping the notification, whereas we would like the 'item' UI to appear immediately with the "reply, repeat, don't reply" buttons. Our intent handler service looks like this - basically the auto-generated one for a new Intent Handler Extension: import Intents // As an example, this class is set up to handle Message intents. // You will want to replace this or add other intents as appropriate. // The intents you wish to handle must be declared in the extension's Info.plist. // You can test your example integration by saying things to Siri like: // "Send a message using <myApp>" // "<myApp> John saying hello" // "Search for messages in <myApp>" class IntentHandler: INExtension, INSendMessageIntentHandling, INSearchForMessagesIntentHandling, INSetMessageAttributeIntentHandling { override func handler(for intent: INIntent) -> Any { // This is the default implementation. If you want different objects to handle different intents, // you can override this and return the handler you want for that particular intent. return self } // MARK: - INSendMessageIntentHandling // Implement resolution methods to provide additional information about your intent (optional). func resolveRecipients(for intent: INSendMessageIntent, with completion: @escaping ([INSendMessageRecipientResolutionResult]) -> Void) { if let recipients = intent.recipients { // If no recipients were provided we'll need to prompt for a value. if recipients.count == 0 { completion([INSendMessageRecipientResolutionResult.needsValue()]) return } var resolutionResults = [INSendMessageRecipientResolutionResult]() for recipient in recipients { let matchingContacts = [recipient] // Implement your contact matching logic here to create an array of matching contacts switch matchingContacts.count { case 2 ... Int.max: // We need Siri's help to ask user to pick one from the matches. resolutionResults += [INSendMessageRecipientResolutionResult.disambiguation(with: matchingContacts)] case 1: // We have exactly one matching contact resolutionResults += [INSendMessageRecipientResolutionResult.success(with: recipient)] case 0: // We have no contacts matching the description provided resolutionResults += [INSendMessageRecipientResolutionResult.unsupported()] default: break } } completion(resolutionResults) } else { completion([INSendMessageRecipientResolutionResult.needsValue()]) } } func resolveContent(for intent: INSendMessageIntent, with completion: @escaping (INStringResolutionResult) -> Void) { if let text = intent.content, !text.isEmpty { completion(INStringResolutionResult.success(with: text)) } else { completion(INStringResolutionResult.needsValue()) } } // Once resolution is completed, perform validation on the intent and provide confirmation (optional). func confirm(intent: INSendMessageIntent, completion: @escaping (INSendMessageIntentResponse) -> Void) { // Verify user is authenticated and your app is ready to send a message. let userActivity = NSUserActivity(activityType: NSStringFromClass(INSendMessageIntent.self)) let response = INSendMessageIntentResponse(code: .ready, userActivity: userActivity) completion(response) } // Handle the completed intent (required). func handle(intent: INSendMessageIntent, completion: @escaping (INSendMessageIntentResponse) -> Void) { // Implement your application logic to send a message here. let userActivity = NSUserActivity(activityType: NSStringFromClass(INSendMessageIntent.self)) let response = INSendMessageIntentResponse(code: .success, userActivity: userActivity) completion(response) } // Implement handlers for each intent you wish to handle. As an example for messages, you may wish to also handle searchForMessages and setMessageAttributes. // MARK: - INSearchForMessagesIntentHandling func handle(intent: INSearchForMessagesIntent, completion: @escaping (INSearchForMessagesIntentResponse) -> Void) { // Implement your application logic to find a message that matches the information in the intent. let userActivity = NSUserActivity(activityType: NSStringFromClass(INSearchForMessagesIntent.self)) let response = INSearchForMessagesIntentResponse(code: .success, userActivity: userActivity) // Initialize with found message's attributes response.messages = [INMessage( identifier: "identifier", conversationIdentifier: "convo1", content: "I am so excited about SiriKit!", dateSent: Date(), sender: INPerson(personHandle: INPersonHandle(value: "sarah@example.com", type: .emailAddress), nameComponents: nil, displayName: "Sarah", image: nil, contactIdentifier: nil, customIdentifier: nil), recipients: [INPerson(personHandle: INPersonHandle(value: "+1-415-555-5555", type: .phoneNumber), nameComponents: nil, displayName: "John", image: nil, contactIdentifier: nil, customIdentifier: nil)], messageType: .text )] completion(response) } // MARK: - INSetMessageAttributeIntentHandling func handle(intent: INSetMessageAttributeIntent, completion: @escaping (INSetMessageAttributeIntentResponse) -> Void) { // Implement your application logic to set the message attribute here. let userActivity = NSUserActivity(activityType: NSStringFromClass(INSetMessageAttributeIntent.self)) let response = INSetMessageAttributeIntentResponse(code: .success, userActivity: userActivity) completion(response) } } Is there specific configuration required to allow display of a single message via tapping on the notification?
Siri Intent Dismiss callback issue
I am opening the Siri shortcut screen from the viewDidLoad method, as follows: override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Present the Siri Shortcut screen to add Card Payment Intent let viewController = INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController(shortcut: INShortcut(intent: self.cardPaymentIntent)!) viewController.modalPresentationStyle = .pageSheet // Setting Delegate viewController.delegate = self self.present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil) } // Delegate Method Conformance :: INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewControllerDelegate @available(iOS 12.0, *) func addVoiceShortcutViewController(_ controller: INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController, didFinishWith voiceShortcut: INVoiceShortcut?, error: Error?) { controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) // The issue is here. Whether we add the or Dismiss the Siri shortcut screen without adding it, this delegate gets called. } @available(iOS 12.0, *) func addVoiceShortcutViewControllerDidCancel(_ controller: INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController) { controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } // Card Payment Intent public var cardPaymentIntent: CardPaymentIntent { let intent = CardPaymentIntent() intent.suggestedInvocationPhrase = NSLocalizedString("Pay my credit card", comment: "") return intent } Whenever I present the siri shortcut screen, either I add the shortcut or dismiss the screen without adding. In both cases , the shortcut is added. And this method is called every time func addVoiceShortcutViewController(_ controller: INUIAddVoiceShortcutViewController, didFinishWith voiceShortcut: INVoiceShortcut?, error: Error?) Any solution ? while I dismiss the screen, i want it not to be added into the shortcut
Unable to observe Focus status changes from an Intents app extension
I am writing a communication app that relies on the INShareFocusStatusIntentHandling protocol. However, it appears this API is not functional, even with the proper permissions and entitlements. Given the example code here, I am unable to trigger the logs in the INShareFocusStatusIntentHandling extension. In this code, when enabling or disabling focus, line 33 of IntentHandler.swift never gets logged, even though FocusStatusCenter is authorized for parent app, UserNotifications authorized for parent app (target), and Communication Notifications entitlement has been added to the parent app. I am also unable to hit any breakpoints in the extension. It seems as if the extension is simply never triggered -- maybe even broken at the OS-level. I have tried both iOS 17 and the latest 18 beta. Other users have reported similar difficulties in these forums. To replicate, Install the example app. Give the app UserNotifications and FocusStatus permissions. Background the app. Change focus status. Check console. Notice that the extension handler is never triggered/logged.
Jul ’24
muting SIRI via AppIntents
We're using App Intents to launch are control our app via Siri. Siri's responses have been fairly random, some with a "Done" popup, others with a verbal confirmation, others saying "I'm sorry, there's been a problem". The latter is bogus and doesn't look good to potential investors when the app is actually working fine. There appears to be no way in code that I've been able to find so far that would have been tell Siri to STFU. Let us handle our own errors. Otherwise is there a means to supply Siri with a dictionary of restored messages that could be triggered inside the app?
Jul ’24
SiriKit Extension still needed with AppIntents?
I have followed the SoupChef example in migrating Custom Intents from SiriKit to AppIntents. However, we only require one iOS release back, so we can require iOS 17. Thus, I eliminated everything that was strictly for backwards compatibility, most notably the SiriKit Extension that required enormous amounts of code to try to coordinate with the real app which worked poorly anyway. I tested for example that an NFC tag Automation created in Shortcuts works to execute an AppIntent while the app is backgrounded. I am now receiving a beta report that indicates someone trying to execute one of our migrated AppIntents from their HomePod is not working, and they say it used to work sometimes (not all the time). I'm sure most such cases used to require the SiriKit Extension in the old SiriKit world. I am terrified that I may need to rebuild that monster once again when the new (to me) AppIntent API seemed so beautiful without it and seemed to work without it. The AppIntent API documentation seems to indicate that SiriKit Extensions are no longer related or required. What is the truth here? Do I need to re-implement everything twice in the SiriKit Extension like a barbarian, or can we live in the new world with AppIntents? Thank you.
Jul ’24
Framework compilation with Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code
I am trying to extract a protocol from an app to be able to use it in a siri intent. Yet when I compile it I get: note: Injecting stub binary into codeless framework (in target 'Virtual Tags Framework' from project 'Virtual Tags Framework') /Users/fabriziobartolomucci/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Virtual_Tags_Framework-chxutmulwgujeiceazyyzaphwner/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Virtual_Tags_Framework.framework/Frameworks/ARKit.framework/Versions/A: bundle format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code
Jul ’24
AppIntentVocabulary (INPlayMediaIntent) is unstable.
I am developing an iOS app that supports INPlayMediaIntent. We are trying to increase the recognition rate of content names, which are song titles, using AppIntentVocabulary. As a sample, some extracts are shown below. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>IntentPhrases</key> <array> <dict> <key>IntentName</key> <string>INPlayMediaIntent</string> <key>IntentExamples</key> <array> <string>Mezamashi Appで湖畔の朝を再生</string> <string>湖畔の朝をMezamashi Appで再生して</string> </array> </dict> </array> <key>ParameterVocabularies</key> <array> <dict> <key>ParameterNames</key> <array> <string>INPlayMediaIntent.playlistTitle</string> </array> <key>ParameterVocabulary</key> <array> <dict> <key>VocabularyItemIdentifier</key> <string>ID1</string> <key>VocabularyItemSynonyms</key> <array> <dict> <key>VocabularyItemPronunciation</key> <string>aogamagaeru</string> <key>VocabularyItemPhrase</key> <string>青ガマガエル</string> </dict> </array> </dict> <dict> <key>VocabularyItemIdentifier</key> <string>ID2</string> <key>VocabularyItemSynonyms</key> <array> <dict> <key>VocabularyItemPronunciation</key> <string>kohon no asa</string> <key>VocabularyItemPhrase</key> <string>湖畔の朝</string> </dict> </array> </dict> <dict> <key>VocabularyItemIdentifier</key> <string>ID3</string> <key>VocabularyItemSynonyms</key> <array> <dict> <key>VocabularyItemPronunciation</key> <string>kumageratachi no uta</string> <key>VocabularyItemPhrase</key> <string>クマゲラたちの歌</string> </dict> </array> </dict> </array> </dict> </array> </dict> </plist> When running on the iOS 17.5 simulator in Xcode 15.4, the results are as follows. mediaName = VocabularyItemIdentifier mediaIdentifier = nil <INMediaSearch: 0x6000026212c0> { reference = 0; mediaType = 0; sortOrder = 0; albumName = <null>; mediaName = ID1; genreNames = ( ); artistName = <null>; moodNames = ( ); releaseDate = <null>; mediaIdentifier = <null>; } However, when running on an iOS 17.5 device, the following applies. mediaName = VocabularyItemPhrase mediaIdentifier = VocabularyItemIdentifier <INMediaSearch: 0x301efd9e0> { reference = 0; mediaType = 5; sortOrder = 0; albumName = <null>; mediaName = 青ガマガエル; genreNames = ( ); artistName = <null>; moodNames = ( ); releaseDate = <null>; mediaIdentifier = ID1; } The results are not stable, for example, sometimes everything else returns null. I have tried everything, but it is just taking a long time. Does anyone have any advice on this?
Jun ’24
Can we add an action to the 'Shortcuts' app in macOS using 'Intents extension'?
I have macOS application and I want to provide an action for it in the 'Shortcuts' app QuickAction list. I was using InApp handling to present my intent created in the intent.intentdefinition file as action in the shortcuts app and it was working. However, this action perform a very lightweight task so I intent to have the action implemented as an extension in my xcode project. According to my minimum deployment(i.e macOS 11.0) I found that 'Intents Extension' could be used. I have added the 'Intents extension' target to my main application and created an intent using the intent.intentdefinition file. However, my intent does not appear in the shortcuts app. I have verified it multiple time to ensure I am not missing anything, but still the intent is not present in the shortcuts app action. I wanted to be know, Is this even possible? cause this apple documentation only mentions about iOS and watchOS app. It also does not mention If our custom intent(created using Intents extension) in the intents extension can be exposed to the shortcuts app. For macOS 13.0+, I have used the 'AppIntents extension' and I m able to achieve the same. So, I suppose the same should be possible using the 'Intents extension'
May ’24
Issue with Siri Intent or App Intent not functioning properly in Speech Framework
Description: Problem Statement: State the problem clearly: The Siri Intent for the "Next","Previous","Repeat" command is not working as expected within the Speech Framework. Steps to Reproduce: Provide a detailed description of the steps to reproduce the issue. For example: Open the Speech Framework application. Tap on the Siri button to activate voice input. Say "Next" to trigger the intended action. Observe that the action is not executed correctly. IN Our Demo App: Steps of my demo application as below: Open SIRI Speak: Check In Response: Open dialog as below: What user wants? One 2) Next 3) Yes 4) Goodbye Speak: Next In Response: SIRI repeat same dialog (Step: 2) 3) Speak: Yes, or One or Goodbye In Response: SIRI goes to next dialog. Expected Behavior: Should be get "Next" Value in siri kit intent or app intent. Actual Behavior: But it give previous user input key word give in siri kit intent and recuresively repeat dialog in app intent. Device versions and Region and Language: Device model: IPhone 11 and OS version: 17.4.1 Region: Us and Language: English(US) Impact: User Cant use Iterative dialog in one context. Additional: How Different command work on app intent and siri kit intent on diffrent diffrent device. you can follow No vise in order. || No || Diffrent Device test on Diffrent sinario || SiriKit intent || app Intent || | 1 | ISG iPhone 11 - Next | Not | Not | | 2 | ISG iPhone 11 - Yes | Not | Yes (But Using Enum) | | 3 | ISG iPhone 11 - GoodBye | Not | Yes (But Using Enum) | | 4 | ISG iPhone 11 - One | Yes | Yes | | 5 | iPad - Next | Not | Not | | 6 | iPad - One | Yes | Yes | | 7 | iPad - GoodBye | Not | Yes | | 8 | iPad - Yes | Not | Yes | | 9 | Simulator - iPhone 15 - Next, Yes, One, GoodBye | Yes | Yes | Please help me in it...
Apr ’24
MyApp hasn't added support for that with Siri
I added a custom intents extension to my project. All seems to be correctly implemented: in Targets' Signing & Capabilities Siri appears in info.plist, NSUserActivityTypes specify the custom intent in project entitlements, Siri is specified in intent info.plist's, NSExtensionPrincipalClass specify the intent class The app asks permission to use Siri - I confirm permission. The app implements the button "Add to Siri" - I add the shortcut. If I start the shortcut manually, I'm able to perform all the provided actions. If I start the the intent selecting the app executable on the simulator, I'm able to perform all the actions using Siri with my voice But ... If I start the the intent selecting the app executable on the device, when I call Siri it responds " hasn't added support for that with Siri" If I try to call directly the shortcut with Siri on the device, Siri responds " hasn't added support for that with Siri" I googled on the Internet, but I'm still not able to understand what is going wrong. There are some settings that I'm forgetting? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Mar ’24