Xcode Version 16.0 (16A242d)
iOS18 - Swift
There seems to be a behavior change on iOS18 when using AppShortcuts and AppIntents to pass string parameters. After Siri prompts for a string property requestValueDialog, if the user makes a statement the string is passed. If the user's statement is a question, however, the string is not sent to the AppIntent and instead Siri attempts to answer that question.
Example Code:
struct MyAppNameShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider {
static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] {
intent: AskQuestionIntent(),
phrases: [
"Ask \(.applicationName) a question",
struct AskQuestionIntent: AppIntent {
static var title: LocalizedStringResource = .init(stringLiteral: "Ask a question")
static var openAppWhenRun: Bool = false
static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary {
Summary("Search for \(\.$query)")
private var apiClient: MockApiClient
@Parameter(title: "Query", requestValueDialog: .init(stringLiteral: "What would you like to ask?"))
var query: String
// perform is not called if user asks a question such as "What color is the moon?" in response to requestValueDialog
// iOS 17, the same string is passed though
func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ProvidesDialog & ShowsSnippetView {
print("Query is: \(query)")
let queryResult = try await apiClient.askQuery(queryString: query)
let dialog = IntentDialog(
full: .init(stringLiteral: queryResult.answer),
supporting: .init(stringLiteral: "The answer to \(queryResult.question) is...")
let view = SiriAnswerView(queryResult: queryResult)
return .result(dialog: dialog, view: view)
Given the above mock code:
- Hey Siri
- Ask (AppName) a question
- Siri responds "What would you like to ask?"
- Say "What color is the moon?"
- String of "What color is the moon?" is passed to the AppIntent
Hey Siri
Ask (AppName) a question
Siri responds "What would you like to ask?"
Say "What color is the moon?"
Siri answers the question "What color is the moon?"
Follow above steps again and instead reply "Moon"
"Moon" is passed to AppIntent
Basically any interrogative string parameters seem to be intercepted and sent to Siri proper rather than the provided AppIntent in iOS 18