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App Clip Card not appearing on initial page load
I have no idea why my app clip card is not showing on initial url load, it doesn't even show when I refresh the page. The only thing that works is pull to refresh (once or more times). After that, it shows up. Is it possible to fix this issue and show app clip card on url load? Here's the appclip url (for some reason I can't post href): Initial load: After pull to refresh:
Siri's voice invocation to open App and pass the intent
Hi All, requirement - "Search (placeholder) in (myApp)". When user speaks this strings, Siri should open the app and pass the placeholder. This worked for me only when i used an AppEnum (with specific defined set) with AppEntity. I want the placeholder to be dynamic and not defined via the AppEnum. Have observed this feature working fine with Youtube, Spotify & Whatsapp apps. Is there anything else that these app add specifically to make this work. ? Also in these app's Siri settings, there is a toggle named - 'Use with Ask Siri'. Could someone please help in understanding, how this option is enabled ?
Unable to Retrieve bundleIdentifier with FamilyControls .individual Authorization
Tl:dr What are some reasons my bundleIDs aren't showing up and does anyone have good resources to setup the screentime API/DeviceActivityMonitorExtension? I'm working on an iOS app that uses the FamilyControls and DeviceActivity frameworks to monitor and restrict app usage. The app allows users to select apps and set usage limits. When a limit is reached, a DeviceActivityMonitorExtension should block the selected apps. My App setup: Have a model that is called when users select apps to manage these app bundle IDs are then serialized and sent to the Device Monitor Extension via App Group so it can be used when the event threshold is reached. Cant use Application Tokens because they are not serielizable and cant be passed to the extension. Problem: While testing, I’m unable to retrieve the bundleIdentifier and localizedDisplayName from the Application objects after selecting apps. Instead, these properties are nil or empty, preventing me from saving the bundle IDs to share with the extension via App Groups. Assumptions: I suspect this issue is due to missing the entitlement, which might be required to access these properties even during development. I've requested for the entitlement but its still under review. Key Code Snippets: Authorization Request: class ScreenTimeManager: ObservableObject { static let shared = ScreenTimeManager() @Published var isAuthorized: Bool = false func requestAuthorization() async { do { try await AuthorizationCenter.shared.requestAuthorization(for: .individual) DispatchQueue.main.async { self.isAuthorized = AuthorizationCenter.shared.authorizationStatus == .approved print("Authorization status: \(AuthorizationCenter.shared.authorizationStatus)") } } catch { DispatchQueue.main.async { print("Authorization failed: \(error.localizedDescription)") self.isAuthorized = false } } } } Accessing bundleIdentifier: print("addAppGroup() Called") let managedApps = selection.applications.compactMap { application -> ManagedApp? in guard let token = application.token else { print("No token for application: \(application)") return nil } let app = Application(token: token) print("New Application instance: \(app)") guard let bundleID = app.bundleIdentifier, !bundleID.isEmpty else { print("Bundle identifier is empty or nil for application: \(app)") return nil } let displayName = app.localizedName ?? "Unknown App" print("Processing application with bundleIdentifier: '\(bundleID)' and displayName: '\(displayName)'") return ManagedApp( bundleIdentifier: bundleID, applicationToken: token, localizedDisplayName: displayName ) } if managedApps.isEmpty { print("No managed apps created. Exiting addAppGroup().") return } // Continue with creating DeviceActivityEvent... } Logs - Shows application token but never bundleID or LocalizedDisplayname Application(bundleIdentifer: nil, token: Optional(128 byte <TOKEN_PRESENT>), localizedDisplayName: nil) What I've Tried: Ensured Screen Time is enabled on the device. Verified App Group configuration in both app and extension. Checked that authorization is being requested and the status is .approved. Cleaned and rebuilt the project. Questions: Is the entitlement required to access bundleIdentifier and localizedDisplayName when using .individual authorization? Is there a way to access these properties without the entitlement, or am I missing a configuration step? Has anyone faced a similar issue and found a solution? Lastly, is there a good place for additional resources on the screentime API??
Shielding .all(except: ) unexpected behavior
Hi everyone, I’m encountering an issue with shield.applicationCategories = .all(except: applications.applicationTokens) when trying to shield all apps except a specified few. Despite using this configuration, all apps are getting shielded, including those that should be exempt. I’ve verified that the correct applicationTokens are being used and ensured that there are no conflicting schedules that might override this configuration. Interestingly, the ShieldConfiguration appears for the apps that are supposed to be blocked, but not for the ones in the exception list. Has anyone else experienced this issue, or does anyone have insights into what might be causing this behavior? Thanks in advance!
Aug ’24
Checking Equality of ApplicationToken Instances in Swift
Hi everyone, I'm working on a Swift application and trying to determine whether an application has exceeded its limit based on an ApplicationToken. I have the following function to check if the current app's token matches any of the tokens stored when the app limit is reached: private func isAppLimitExceeded(for application: Application?) -> Bool { guard let application = application, let appToken = application.token else { return false } let exceededTokens = configManager.getAppLimitExceededTokens() return exceededTokens.contains { exceededToken in appToken == exceededToken } } The function configManager.getAppLimitExceededTokens() returns a list of [ApplicationToken] that were saved in UserDefaults when an app limit is reached. The goal is to use the isAppLimitExceeded method to verify if the current shield for the app is triggered due to a limit/threshold being exceeded. This function is part of a class that conforms to the ShieldConfigurationDataSource protocol: class ShieldConfigurationExtension: ShieldConfigurationDataSource { // ... } My concern is whether comparing two ApplicationToken instances using == is a reliable method for determining if they are equal. Are ApplicationToken objects guaranteed to be comparable with == out of the box, or do I need to implement Equatable or another method of comparison? Could there be issues with tokens stored in UserDefaults not matching due to reference or serialization differences? Any guidance on how to ensure proper comparison of these tokens would be appreciated! Thanks!
iOS18 main_executable_path_missing
A crash appears when you run the app after the iOS18 update. Translated Report (Full Report Below) ... Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGKILL) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Termination Reason: GUARD 5 Triggered by Thread: 0 Thread 0 Crashed: 0 dyld 0x1bc7462b0 lsl::PreallocatedAllocatorLayout<278528ull>::init(char const**, char const**, void*) + 436 1 dyld 0x1bc73fa38 start + 1960 Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit): x0: 0x2010003030100000 x1: 0x0000000fffffc0d0 x2: 0x0000000000000006 x3: 0x00000001bc7147a7 x4: 0x0000000000000000 x5: 0x0000000000000000 x6: 0x0000000000000000 x7: 0x0000000000000000 x8: 0x2010003030100000 x9: 0x2010003030100000 x10: 0x000000016afd3dff x11: 0x00000001bc780f30 x12: 0x0000000000000050 x13: 0x0000000000000044 x14: 0x0000000000052010 x15: 0x0000000000000000 x16: 0x0000000000000000 x17: 0x0000000000000000 x18: 0x0000000000000000 x19: 0x0000000194188000 x20: 0x000000016afd3b38 x21: 0x000000016afd3ae0 x22: 0x00000001fa138050 x23: 0x000000016afd37c8 x24: 0x0000000fffffc10c x25: 0x0000000000000000 x26: 0x0000000000000000 x27: 0x0000000000000000 x28: 0x0000000000000000 fp: 0x000000016afd3860 lr: 0x00000001bc746130 sp: 0x000000016afd37c0 pc: 0x00000001bc7462b0 cpsr: 0x60001000 far: 0x00000001fa1380e0 esr: 0x92000047 (Data Abort) byte write Translation fault Binary Images: 0x1bc70c000 - 0x1bc78f693 dyld arm64e <77c1eed22ed7396aba34e770120d81d4> /usr/lib/dyld 0x104e2c000 - 0x1064b7fff main_executable_path_missing arm64 /main_executable_path_missing 0x0 - 0xffffffffffffffff ??? unknown-arch <00000000000000000000000000000000> ??? Error Formulating Crash Report: dyld_process_snapshot_get_shared_cache failed EOF
iOS 18 Control Widget that opens a URL
I already have an iOS 17 App Intent that works with a URL: @available(iOS 16, *) struct MyAppIntent: AppIntent { static let title : LocalizedStringResource = "My App Inent" static let openAppWhenRun : Bool = true @MainActor func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult{ await "myapp://myappintent")!) return .result() } } Now, with iOS 18 and Control Widgets, I want to create a Control Widget button that smply opens the app with the same URL. However UIApplication code is not allowed within extensions. For this, Apple says to use OpenIntent which is shown here: Link Apple Sample Code from the link: import AppIntents struct LaunchAppIntent: OpenIntent { static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "Launch App" @Parameter(title: "Target") var target: LaunchAppEnum } enum LaunchAppEnum: String, AppEnum { case timer case history static var typeDisplayRepresentation = TypeDisplayRepresentation("Productivity Timer's app screens") static var caseDisplayRepresentations = [ LaunchAppEnum.timer : DisplayRepresentation("Timer"), LaunchAppEnum.history : DisplayRepresentation("History") ] } WWDC session video about this does not cover this particular method in detail and also this sample code is a bit confusing. So how can I alter this code to just open the app with a URL?
Jul ’24
Request .full contacts authorization after being granted .limited
We're adjusting to the new iOS 18 .limited contacts access mode. In our app, we don't request contacts right away. We have a search bar where users can search through their own contacts and select one using the ContactAccessButton. If they do select one, then they're prompted to "Grant Limited Access", not "Grant Full Access", as the screenshot shows below. Later on, we want to offer the ability for users to sync their entire contact book with our app. This will improve their experience on the app by automatically finding all their friends already on the app, without them having to do the manual work of clicking on every single contact in the ContactsAccessPicker. Is this possible right now? It doesn't seem like it—when I call ContactsStore.requestAccess(for: .contacts) while in .limited access mode, nothing happens. But I would like to show a prompt that gives the user the ability to grant all their contacts to improve their experience.
UserDefaults.didChangeNotification not firing
Hi, I'm currently working on an app made originally for iOS 15. On it, I add an observer on viewDidLoad function of my ViewController to listen for changes on the UserDefault values for connection settings. NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(settingsChanged), name: UserDefaults.didChangeNotification, object: nil) Said values can only be modified on the app's section from System Settings. Thing is, up to iOS 17, the notification fired as expected, but starting from iOS 18, the notification doesn't seem to be sent by the OS. Is there anything I should change in my observer, or any other technique to listen for the describe event? Thanks in advance.
PDFKit PDFPage.setBounds(_:for:) returns unexpected results in Xcode16
In XCode15, if you specify mediaBox for PDFDisplayBox, the page will be shrunk to fit the specified range. However, in XCode16, the page is cropped to fit the specified range, as when cropBox is specified for PDFDisplayBox. I think it's a bug because the setBounds documentation hasn't been updated, but has anyone had the same problem? Please let me know if there are any workarounds.
Live activity sample code for Swift 6?
Hi, I'm updating our app to use Xcode 16 and Swift 6 language mode. I'm stuck on updating our live activity code. I looked at the Emoji Rangers sample project and after switching it to Swft 6 mode, it has the exact same errors as our project. The main problem seems to be that Activity is not Sendable, which prevents us from passing it to child tasks to await things like activityStateUpdates and contentUpdates (those are also not Sendable). Is there any guidance on this? Updated sample code? Another project?
iOS 18 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions called during prewaming
Hi, I have seen a lot of answers in different threads Thread 1, Thread 2 that if an app doesn't support scenes, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions shouldn't be called during prewarming. Additionally, DTS Engineer on this Thread 3 mentioned that starting from late iOS 15, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions definitely won't be called during prewarming. However, we are still seeing in our logs, that didFinishLaunchingWithOptions is called during prewarming, for some users, even on iOS 18. Our app doesn't support scenes, and our AppDelegate is completely Objective-C. The problem is that in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions we set up our CoreData and Networking stack then we make a network request to fetch data and store it in database. When the app is launching in a prewarming state, CoreData stack can't load the persistent stores because the protected data isn't accessible during prewarming. We are setting the FileProtectionType to completeUnlessOpen for NSPersistentStoreDescription, which means the Core Data files are considered protected data. When user eventually launches app, network request resumes and crashes when trying to store data in database because Persistent Stores not loaded. What would you recommend to resolve this issue? Rewriting the Core Data stack for lazy initialization is quite challenging since we're using an old library (RestKit) for networking and Core Data caching. Thanks.
Simulating & tools for testing pre-warming state
Hi there I have a large codebase with many dependencies. I have a bug which I suspect is caused by accessing the keychain when the app has launched for pre-warming and as a result the keychain is inaccessible. Are there any recommendations for simulating or testing this app state, and for identifying any static initialisers in my dependencies that could be contributing to my issue? Thanks
Live Caller ID Lookup Extension - No option in phone settings
iOS 18 (22A3354) will not offer a option in settings (> Apps > Phone) after calling openSettings to enable live caller id lookup extension. iPhone and MacBook are in the same network. The PIRService runs on MacBook and is reachable via iPhone Safari (via http://MacBookPro:8080/). Hummingbird print log: hb_method=GET hb_uri=/ [Hummingbird] Request. After deploying the application via Xcode to the iPhone no requests are printed in the terminal. The extension was added like documented and bundle id is also checked multiple times. issuerRequestUri in service-config.json is http://MacBookPro:8080/issue. As far as I can tell, everything has been set up in accordance with the Testing Live Caller ID instructions. Is there something missing?
Can from carplay when user tap an app and open the app as noralmy like Spotify
Currently, when on the phone, like Spotify, I fully close the Spotify app, and in Carplay, when the user clicks on the Spotify app, this app can open as normal. I also developed my app but when I open the app in carplay, it shows a white screen, and then the app auto-terminates (closes permanently). How Can I do the behavior like the Spotify app, My app also enabled background mode in xCode. Please help me. Thanks so much
Migrating to WidgetKit, issues with editing Watch Faces on iPhone
Anyone who has successfully migrated to using WidgetKit for their Apple Watch complications, your help would be greatly appreciated! I've migrated to WidgetKit for my Watch app. On the Apple Watch Face Editor, the new Widget names and options appear correctly. However, on the iPhone Apple Watch app, it offers both WidgetKit and old ClockKit complications... this should not be. I also have found rendering issues where Watch Faces on the main My Watch tab have blank gaps for WidgetKit complications, when selecting the Watch Face they then render (see photos) I've put in a feedback FB12460375 Have tried a full clear and reinstall of my app on both devices, no change. This issue occurs on WatchOS 9.5.2 / iOS 16.5.1 and WatchOS 10 Beta 2 / iOS 17 Beta 2 Any other ideas?
Jun ’23
ClockKit to WidgetKit migration bug
Hi, I'm migrating ClockKit complications to WidgetKit. Everything works well except when I run the WidgetKit version, I see complications appear twice each in the complications list for my app when adding them. If I restart the app from Xcode, it won't happen again, only for the first time. But on the actual device, only Watch restart or app reinstall fixes it which is frustrating and would not be ideal for live users. I even tried Apple's example ClockKit project -> added complications to watch face -> added WidgetKit target, CLKComplicationWidgetMigrator and func widgetConfiguration(from complicationDescriptor: CLKComplicationDescriptor) code -> run the app -> new complications appear correctly replacing old ones -> when hold to add/change complications I see it doubled (screenshot attached) and it's even selected twice If I add more complications, they will appear two times as well except one selected in two places almost like it's two same lists created. class ComplicationController: NSObject, CLKComplicationDataSource, CLKComplicationWidgetMigrator { @available(watchOSApplicationExtension 9.0, *) var widgetMigrator: CLKComplicationWidgetMigrator { self } @available(watchOSApplicationExtension 9.0, *) func widgetConfiguration(from complicationDescriptor: CLKComplicationDescriptor) async -> CLKComplicationWidgetMigrationConfiguration? { switch complicationDescriptor.identifier { case "Coffee_Tracker_Caffeine_Dose": return CLKComplicationStaticWidgetMigrationConfiguration( kind: "WidgetKitComplications", extensionBundleIdentifier: "") default: return nil } }
IIOScanner and PHImageIODecoder crash
I have a user who keeps crashing on his iOS 18 device, I need some help~ Exception 1, Code 26, Subcode 8 > Attempted to dereference garbage pointer 0x1a. 0 ImageIO IIOScanner::getVal32() + 36 1 ImageIO PSDReadPlugin::initialize(IIODictionary*) + 620 2 ImageIO PSDReadPlugin::initialize(IIODictionary*) + 620 3 ImageIO IIOReadPlugin::callInitialize() + 400 4 ImageIO IIO_Reader::initImageAtOffset(CGImagePlugin*, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long) + 164 5 ImageIO IIOImageSource::makeImagePlus(unsigned long, IIODictionary*) + 832 6 ImageIO IIOImageSource::getPropertiesAtIndexInternal(unsigned long, IIODictionary*) + 72 7 ImageIO IIOImageSource::createThumbnailAtIndex(unsigned long, IIODictionary*, int*) + 1352 8 ImageIO CGImageSourceCreateThumbnailAtIndex + 740 9 Photos _createDecodedImageUsingImageIOWithFileUrlOrData + 856 10 Photos __91-[PHImageIODecoder decodeImageFromData:orFileURL:options:existingRequestHandle:completion:]_block_invoke_2 + 176 11 libdispatch.dylib _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 32 12 libdispatch.dylib _dispatch_client_callout + 20 13 libdispatch.dylib _dispatch_continuation_pop + 596 14 libdispatch.dylib _dispatch_async_redirect_invoke + 580 15 libdispatch.dylib _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 392 16 libdispatch.dylib _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 156 17 libsystem_pthread.dylib _pthread_wqthread + 228