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Convert CGPoint into SCNVector3
I want to convert CGPoint into SCNVector3. I am using ARFaceTrackingConfiguration for face tracking. Below is my code to convert SCNVector3 to CGPoint let point = faceAnchor.verticeAndProjection(to: sceneView, facePoint: faceAnchor.geometry.vertices[0]) print(point, faceAnchor.geometry.vertices[0]) which prints below values CGPoint = (350.564453125, 643.4456787109375) SIMD3<Float>(0.014480735, 0.01397189, 0.04508282) extension ARFaceAnchor{ // struct to store the 3d vertex and the 2d projection point struct VerticesAndProjection { var vertex: SIMD3<Float> var projected: CGPoint } // return a struct with vertices and projection func verticeAndProjection(to view: ARSCNView, facePoint: Int) -> CGPoint{ let point = SCNVector3(geometry.vertices[facePoint]) let col = SIMD4<Float>(SCNVector4()) let pos = SIMD4<Float>(SCNVector4(point.x, point.y, point.z, 1)) let pworld = transform * simd_float4x4(col, col, col, pos) let vect = view.projectPoint(SCNVector3(pworld.position.x, pworld.position.y, pworld.position.z)) let p = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(vect.x), y: CGFloat(vect.y)) return p } } extension matrix_float4x4 { /// Get the position of the transform matrix. public var position: SCNVector3 { get{ return SCNVector3(self[3][0], self[3][1], self[3][2]) } } } Now i want to convert same CGPoint to SCNVector3. I tried using below code but it is not giving expected values, which is SIMD3(0.014480735, 0.01397189, 0.04508282) let projectedOrigin = sceneView.projectPoint(SCNVector3Zero) let unproject = sceneView.unprojectPoint(SCNVector3(point.x, point.y, CGFloat(projectedOrigin.z))) let vector = SCNVector3(unproject.x, unproject.y, unproject.z) Is there any way to convert CGPoint to SCNVector3? I cannot use hitTest because this CGPoint is not present on the node. It is present somewhere on the face area.
Jul ’24
CoreText' CTRunDraw can't draw underline attribute in iOS18 with Xcode 16 beta
demo code : - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); // Flip the coordinate system CGContextSetTextMatrix(context, CGAffineTransformIdentity); CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0, self.bounds.size.height); CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1.0, -1.0); NSDictionary *attrs = @{NSFontAttributeName: [UIFont systemFontOfSize:20], NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [UIColor blueColor], NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName: @(NSUnderlineStyleThick), }; // Make an attributed string NSAttributedString *attributedString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello CoreText!" attributes:attrs]; CFAttributedStringRef attributedStringRef = (__bridge CFAttributedStringRef)attributedString; // Simple CoreText with CTFrameDraw CTFramesetterRef framesetter = CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString(attributedStringRef); CGPathRef path = CGPathCreateWithRect(self.bounds,NULL); CTFrameRef frame = CTFramesetterCreateFrame(framesetter,CFRangeMake(0, 0),path,NULL); //CTFrameDraw(frame, context); // You can comment the line 'CTFrameDraw' and use the following lines // draw with CTLineDraw CFArrayRef lines = CTFrameGetLines(frame); CGPoint lineOrigins[CFArrayGetCount(lines)]; CTFrameGetLineOrigins(frame, CFRangeMake(0, 0), lineOrigins); for (int i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount(lines); i++) { CTLineRef line = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(lines, i); CGContextSetTextPosition(context, lineOrigins[i].x, lineOrigins[i].y); // CTLineDraw(line, context); // You can comment the line 'CTLineDraw' and use the following lines // draw with CTRunDraw // use CTRunDraw will lost some attributes like NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName, // so you need draw it by yourself CFArrayRef runs = CTLineGetGlyphRuns(line); for (int j = 0; j < CFArrayGetCount(runs); j++) { CTRunRef run = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(runs, j); CTRunDraw(run, context, CFRangeMake(0, 0)); } } } this code will use CTRunDraw to draw the content , and the underline will draw and show normally in iOS17 & Xcode 15 , But when you build it with XCode16 & iOS18 beta . the underline will be missing .
Jul ’24
Launch screen is black when using UIImageView in storyboard
I'm trying to add an SVG image to my launch screen. The SVG image is working fine in the main storyboard also used in a UIImageView, but the launch screen remains completely black; the launch screen is set with white background, so it seems to be completely ignored. When I remove the image from the UIImageView the launch screen is shown with correct background color but of course without the whished image. I can also correctly implement text in the launch screen, the launch screen shows the text and the background color correctly. As soon as I define an image from the asset catalogue for the UIImageView in the launch screen, the launch screen is completely black not showing anything. I tried also with a simple png image-set instead of the SVG image, but still the same issue. How can I implement a SVG image in my launch screen?
Jul ’24
Every time I try and do something which usually involves financials there’s a price ceiling and a price floor and invalid illogical constructs and destructs which never work correctly
The social engineering is also driving me mad. The foreign direct interference is also driving me mad. I was trying to submit a student loan application and the system starts telling me illogical constraints based on the page design which previously wasn’t an issue or a problem. However is now a problem and if I don’t complete the page design work flows the funds are not released to the university advertising the masters degree services. also there seems to be a variety of universities simultaneously all competing for the same accessibility and or student loan accessibility and it’s quite difficult to decide which one to go with and or which masters degree course to take? Which is less of a problem then the ui/ux bug of not being able to complete and or submit the entire funding application which feels more like malware targeting than actual usability conformation practices. must I put in the funding website? And the university what about privacy?
Jul ’24
Issue with Dynamic Text in Label
I have a label in my project that takes up most of the screen. The label displays text generated from a variable. I am trying to have the text size in the label to auto-adjust in size to fill up the entire dimension.
Jul ’24
Opting into dark mode does not get picked up by app update
Our app has previously not supported dark mode and we had the "Appearance" entry in our Info.plist set to "Light". We are now about to release an update that enables dark mode support. To enable this we have: Added a preference to our app's settings screen that lets users choose between System, Light and Dark options. Based on the user's preference, we set the entire app's preferred color scheme using the SwiftUI .preferedColorScheme modifier on our root view. Removed the "Appearance" entry from our Info.plist This is all tested and working in our local development builds. We are now testing out the app for release using an internal TestFlight build and we've run into a problem - after initially updating the app, it does not seem to detect the change to the Info.plist and the app remains in light mode even if you change the preferred colour scheme. If you force quite the app from the app switched and re-launch it, the colour scheme preference starts working as expected. This is going to be an issue for our users because when they update the app it is going to look like the new color scheme setting does not work. Having to ask customers to force quit the app from the app switcher is not really an acceptable workaround. I'm not sure this is specifically tied to the app process being killed because I would expect that to happen anyway when the app is updated. I'm wondering if this is related to the system caching the UISceneSession for the app and the act of force killing it from the app switcher is what causes the cached session to be created. Is this a known issue and is there any way to solve this?
Jul ’24
How to show overlay on top of all other APP
I'm trying to display overlay on screen by following code: NSRect windowRect = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]; self.overlayWindow = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:windowRect styleMask:NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO screen:[NSScreen mainScreen]]; [self.overlayWindow setReleasedWhenClosed:YES]; [self.overlayWindow setBackgroundColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.0 green:1.0 blue:0.0 alpha:0.1]]; [self.overlayWindow setAlphaValue:1.0]; [self.overlayWindow setOpaque:NO]; [self.overlayWindow setIgnoresMouseEvents:NO]; [self.overlayWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; self.overlayWindow.ignoresMouseEvents = YES; self.overlayWindow.level = NSScreenSaverWindowLevel; self.overlayWindow.collectionBehavior = NSWindowCollectionBehaviorCanJoinAllSpaces | NSWindowCollectionBehaviorCanJoinAllApplications; But when other APP enter full screen, the overlay disappears even I set the collectionBehavior with option NSWindowCollectionBehaviorCanJoinAllApplications. Is it possible to display a overlay on top of all other APPs?
Jul ’24
TipKit: explicit vs. implicit iCloud sync
With iOS 18, TipKit got explicit support for syncing tip state via iCloud. However, before that, TipKit already did iCloud syncing implicitly, as far as I know. How does the new explicit syncing relate to the previous mechanism? Do we have to enable iCloud syncing manually now to retain the functionality in iOS 18? Is there a way to sync with the state that was already stored by TipKit in iCloud on iOS 17?
Jun ’24
I get a blank page when I try to access my site on iOS.
Hello, i'm actually working on an app built with reactJs, i can access it from all the plattforms(Fedora, Android, Windows, Mac OS) very good, but on iphone i just get a blank page, with this error. Any help about where it comes from or how i can debug it will be really appreciated. Versions: react: v18.2.0 iOS: v17.5.1 Host: Hostinger
Jul ’24
Custom Notification Sounds Not Updating Without System Restart on macOS
I'm a macOS app developer, and I'm facing an issue with custom notification sounds in my app. After upgrading the app to include new custom notification sounds, the changes do not reflect until the system is restarted. The sounds do not update immediately after the app upgrade. Is there a way to refresh or reload the custom notification sounds without needing a full system restart? Any guidance or best practices to handle this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Jul ’24
Custom Notification Sounds Not Updating Without System Restart on macOS
Hello, I'm a macOS app developer, and I'm facing an issue with custom notification sounds in my app. After upgrading the app to include new custom notification sounds, the changes do not reflect until the system is restarted. The sounds do not update immediately after the app upgrade. Is there a way to refresh or reload the custom notification sounds without needing a full system restart? Any guidance or best practices to handle this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Jul ’24
iOS UI tests are failing on the pipeline
Issue Description We have an azure pipeline that runs iOS UI tests. These tests can be triggered by a PR, CI, or manually. The UI tests run without issues when triggered by a PR, but they encounter the following error when triggered by CI or manually. All configurations and macOS images are identical. Could someone help us understand the issue and suggest a solution? 2024-07-12 21:13:19.217 xcodebuild[7872:72894] iOSSimulator: 📱<DVTiPhoneSimulator (0x7fa0bcfda2f0), Clone 1 of iPhone 14, unknown class, 17.2 (21C62), CDC2D287-AC4B-49AB-9824-61CEFBCEAEC5> unable to connect to "com.apple.instruments.deviceservice.lockdown" - timed out after 120 seconds 2024-07-12 21:13:19.547 xcodebuild[7872:73563] iOSSimulator: 📱<DVTiPhoneSimulator (0x7fa0bcfe8590), Clone 2 of iPhone 14, unknown class, 17.2 (21C62), D1BE199B-C7B1-4A2D-8FCC-1D70DAC1F461> unable to connect to "com.apple.instruments.deviceservice.lockdown" - timed out after 120 seconds 2024-07-12 21:16:41.608 xcodebuild[7872:72894] iOSSimulator: 📱<DVTiPhoneSimulator (0x7fa0bcfda2f0), Clone 1 of iPhone 14, unknown class, 17.2 (21C62), CDC2D287-AC4B-49AB-9824-61CEFBCEAEC5> unable to connect to "com.apple.instruments.deviceservice.lockdown" - timed out after 120 seconds 2024-07-12 21:16:41.654 xcodebuild[7872:73563] iOSSimulator: 📱<DVTiPhoneSimulator (0x7fa0bcfe8590), Clone 2 of iPhone 14, unknown class, 17.2 (21C62), D1BE199B-C7B1-4A2D-8FCC-1D70DAC1F461> unable to connect to "com.apple.instruments.deviceservice.lockdown" - timed out after 120 seconds 2024-07-12 21:20:00.875 xcodebuild[7872:41113] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: 766.921 elapsed -- Testing started completed. 2024-07-12 21:20:00.875 xcodebuild[7872:41113] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: 0.000 sec, +0.000 sec -- start 2024-07-12 21:20:00.875 xcodebuild[7872:41113] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: 766.921 sec, +766.921 sec -- end 2024-07-12 21:20:06.478 xcodebuild[7872:77327] iOSSimulator: 📱<DVTiPhoneSimulator (0x7fa0bcfe8590), Clone 2 of iPhone 14, unknown class, 17.2 (21C62), D1BE199B-C7B1-4A2D-8FCC-1D70DAC1F461> unable to connect to "com.apple.instruments.deviceservice.lockdown" - timed out after 120 seconds 2024-07-12 21:20:06.575 xcodebuild[7872:79397] iOSSimulator: 📱<DVTiPhoneSimulator (0x7fa0bcfda2f0), Clone 1 of iPhone 14, unknown class, 17.2 (21C62), CDC2D287-AC4B-49AB-9824-61CEFBCEAEC5> unable to connect to "com.apple.instruments.deviceservice.lockdown" - timed out after 120 seconds
Jul ’24
Capture all inbuilt trackpad events and cancel some touch events
I'm trying to capture all trackpad events at OS level and disable few of them - say the ones in left half of trackpad. Following this question, I could level listen to events in current window view with following code. final class AppKitTouchesView: NSView { override init(frame frameRect: NSRect) { super.init(frame: frameRect) // We're interested in `.indirect` touches only. allowedTouchTypes = [.indirect] // We'd like to receive resting touches as well. wantsRestingTouches = true } required init?(coder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") } private func handleTouches(with event: NSEvent) { // 1. Change `in` parameter to listen events at OS level // 2. Disable all events with `touch.normalizedPosition.x < 0.5` let touches = event.touches(matching: .touching, in: self) } override func touchesBegan(with event: NSEvent) { handleTouches(with: event) } override func touchesEnded(with event: NSEvent) { handleTouches(with: event) } override func touchesMoved(with event: NSEvent) { handleTouches(with: event) } override func touchesCancelled(with event: NSEvent) { handleTouches(with: event) } } I'd to accomplish two things further. Change in parameter to listen events at OS level Disable all touch events on some condition - say touch.normalizedPosition.x < 0.5
Jul ’24
AVPlayerViewController (AppleTV) - Dolby (multi-channel audio) visualisation
We noticed that AVPlayerViewController does not always show the "Multi-channel" label in the audio setting in the player when playing a video asset with surround sound as an audio track. (see image) We only serve in the HLS master manifest a multichannel audio track, like this #EXT-X-MEDIA:TYPE=AUDIO,GROUP-ID="audio_0",CHANNELS="6",NAME="Surround",LANGUAGE.... Different tvOS versions will give us different outcomes on whether or not the "multi-channel" label is shown DOES NOT SHOW (the label Multi-channel will not show) Model A1842 (tvOS v 17.5.1) Model A1625 (tvOS v 16.6) DOES SHOW (see image) Model A1625 (tvOS v 15.6) This gives us the impression that the label being shown depends on tvOS version.. Any reason why? This is an ideal way for the user to see that the audio track has surround..
Jul ’24
[Live Activity / Dynamic Island] Countdown Timer issues (ending activity, styling)
Hello! I'm building a Countdown Timer for the Dynamic Island using a Live Activity. I have two issues for which I can't find any solution: We want to display the time in the "X minutes" format, like in this example. I went through the forum but all the answers were wrong, because they were using a Text(:format) which never updates in the live activity, or a Text(:timerInterval) which we can't format. I want the Live Activity to end once the timer gets to zero. I found this staleDate parameter that I thought would helped, but is actually only adding loaders on my design once the date is reached. I tried to implement a solution like the answer of this post, but the if (context.isStale) {...} part is never being rendered. It also looks like the stale sate gets activated only when the app is focus again. I tried several fixes, went through a lot of forum and posts, but I can't find any solution. Thanks!
Jul ’24
Drawing rectangles on Layer upon object detection
Hey, I am natively an ML Engineer so not really well versed in swift. I am currently trying to use a model of mine in a swift app. The model detects knives and has an input size of 640x640. i have set up AV capture and that works well I can just see the camera on my screen. I have also set up the coreML model and it also works and detects the objects. so what doesnt work is the way I draw boxes around the object. e.g. the objects box params are Raw model output: x=342.25, y=293.0, w=105.375, h=150.5 when Im in the middle of the screen. seems ok for me, I want to draw a box now with these params. But the CGRect object is really weird to me, firstly the x value is the y value in the box (i notice this because when I move the object up and down , the x val will change but not the y val). then if I just switch the values, the drawn box will move ok in the y direction but mirrored in the x direction. what things need to be considered/changed here, is it something about the layer setup? See my implementation here: func setupLayers() { previewLayer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: session) previewLayer.videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravity.resizeAspectFill rootLayer = previewView.layer previewLayer.frame = rootLayer.bounds rootLayer.addSublayer(previewLayer) inferenceTimeBounds = CGRect(x: rootLayer.frame.midX-75, y: rootLayer.frame.maxY-70, width: 150, height: 17) inferenceTimeLayer = createRectLayer(inferenceTimeBounds, [1,1,1,1]) inferenceTimeLayer.cornerRadius = 7 rootLayer.addSublayer(inferenceTimeLayer) detectionLayer = CALayer() detectionLayer.frame = rootLayer.bounds detectionLayer.position = CGPoint(x: rootLayer.bounds.midX, y: rootLayer.bounds.midY) rootLayer.addSublayer(detectionLayer) }
Jul ’24