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Is there a way to detect front camera location on the newest iPad Pro's and Air's?
With the newest iPad Pro and iPad Air's, the front facing camera sits on the long horizontal edge, which is different from the previous version which had the camera on the shorter top edge. We have an app that needs to put a UI item near the camera. Is there a way of detecting where the front facing camera is on iOS? I have tried doing simple resolution checks, i.e, if width == ipadProWidth || width == ipadAirWidth { do2024iPadProLayout() } else { doStandardiPadLayout() } But this doesn't feel like the nicest way to do this check, because it's liable to break moving forward, and theres the possibility Apple release more devices with the camera on the horizontal edge. Any help here is appreciated!
How to make iPad app move to display show full-screen and center align
I wrote an app that can show live streaming. When using iPad, I can connect an external display and move app to display, that I can do what I want on my iPad and watch live streaming on external display using cable. But app moving to display is not always full screen, and on some displays it shows larger than the external display range that I should go to Settings -> Display & Brightness -> External Display -> Switching "Allow Display Mode Changes" to fix this issue. Are there APIs to make the App "move to display" programmatically, keep app full-screen, matching the external display's resolution on the External display?
Debug with Xcode while connecting a usb device to iPad Pro
Hi We are developing a iPad accessory that connects to the USB-C port of an iPad Pro. For debugging, we are using iPad pro M4 and iPad Pro 12.9 (fifth gen). We are aware we can debug the app over wifi, but this process is slow and cumbersome. Is there a USB-C hub ( I guess that supports thunderbolt ) that would allow us to connect the iPad to both our Mac and to the iPad accessory simultaneously ? Thanks
When displaying and playing multiple AVPlayers side by side, some video playback unintentionally speeds up.
When displaying and playing multiple HLS videos (4 or 6 screens) side by side using AVPlayer on iPad devices running iOS 17 or later, even though the videos are set to play at normal speed, some frames appear to be skipped, causing the videos to play faster than intended. This issue occasionally occurs when repeatedly playing and pausing the videos, and the more screens there are, the more frequently it happens. However, the occurrence rate is not very high (about 1 in 50 times). This phenomenon has been reproduced on iPad devices running iOS 17 or later and does not occur on devices running iOS 16 or earlier. Devices where the issue has been confirmed: iPad 6th generation / iOS ver 17.6.1 iPad 9th generation / iOS ver 17.6.1 iPad Pro 11-inch 1st generation / iOS ver 17.4.1 I have tried implementing countermeasures based on information from similar issues, such as those mentioned on the following website, but the problem remains unresolved: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77224167/avplayer-unexpected-behaviour-after-ios-and-tvos-update-to-17-0 From the console logs, I observed that on devices running iOS 17 or later, the following log was output: AppleD5500: Bad NAL type 10 I suspect that some kind of decoding failure may be occurring, leading to the issue described above. If you have any information or can provide support on this matter, I would greatly appreciate it.
Lazy Loading Causes Some Images to Disappear Intermittently on iOS Devices
Hey everyone, Back in 2022 and 2023, we noticed that some images on our web pages would disappear randomly. After refreshing, some of the images that were missing would appear, but then another image would go missing. Did anyone else experience this issue? Is there a fix / workaround I can use? This only seems to be an issue on iOS devices and images that have the loading=“lazy” attribute.
Aug ’24
FocusState not working on ipad
I created this simple view to test focus in preview mode and I have no idea why it works absolutely fine on iphone, but not at all on ipad? import SwiftUI struct SimpleFocusTestView: View { @FocusState private var isFocused: Bool var body: some View { Text("Test Focus") .focusable() .focused($isFocused) .onTapGesture { isFocused.toggle() print("Tapped to toggle focus: \(isFocused)") } .onAppear { isFocused = true } .onChange(of: isFocused) { oldValue, newValue in print("Focus changed: \(newValue)") } .background { if isFocused { Capsule() .fill(.indigo) .opacity(0.3) } } } } #Preview { SimpleFocusTestView() } The printouts I get are: if I click on ipad I get this: Tapped to toggle focus: false Tapped to toggle focus: false Tapped to toggle focus: false why is it impossible to change the value of isFocused on ipad? it all works fine on iphone: Tapped to toggle focus: true Focus changed: false Tapped to toggle focus: false Focus changed: true
Aug ’24
Support needed to certify, unbelievably, of possible exploit of mighty iOS. (Im the lucky loser, possibly)
This is an addended post referring to me getting bounced from Bank of America and account shut down and forced to firmware wipe etc my devices due to ‘account takeover’ from ‘malware’ as their crowdstrike or whatever prob read api or ip irregularity? They wouldn’t say, bye this happened to 4 other similar accounts in 6 months. I don’t use proxy or remote etc but the log below apparently reveals some kind of strange activity- I’m not smart enough to put it all together, much appreciated folks!!! terminusd-471.140.5 pid 674 built on Jun 29 2024 06:58:06, iphoneOS 21G80 "iPhone", packet logging disabled Companion link is currently enabled on this device 23:35:36.2420 : time of this status dump --------- NRD Local Device Database Status (0 devices) --------- --------- Director status --------- Name: Link Director Enabled: YES Fixed Interface mode: NO Thermal watcher registered: NO Thermal Pressure: Nominal SOCKS port: 62742 SOCKS server: (null) FD Usage: { NETPOLICY = 2; Total = 6; VNODE = 4; } Unlocked data protection: ClassA --------- Manager status --------- Name: Policy Session Manager Policy Session: { priority = control1 policies = {} } Installed policies: { "NRLinkDirector-Drop" = ( 1 ); } Name: Link Manager - Bluetooth LinkManager type: Bluetooth State: Ready [] Links: {( )} Pipes: {( )} Peripherals: (null) connectPeripheral invoked: (null) CentralMgr: (null) PeripheralMgr: (null) currentAdvertisementState: Idle currentAdvertisementRate: Default BT connection state: (null) Name: Link Manager - WiFi LinkManager type: WiFi State: Ready Links: {( )} WiFi Interface: en0 (index 22) AWDL Interface: (null) (index 0) WiFi Available: NO WiFi WoW Enabled: NO WiFi Client Type: 0 Local WiFi Endpoint: (null) Local WiFi Signature: (null) Remote WiFi Endpoints: { } Remote WiFi Signature: (null) Remote AWDL EndpointDict: { } Available IPv4 addresses: ( ) Available IPv6 addresses: ( ) Available AWDL addresses: ( ) Prefer WiFi asserts: 0 Cleared Prefer WiFi asserts: 0 ---- NRIKEv2Listener ---- IKEv2 Listener: (null) Registered links: (null) Orphaned Device Monitor Connections: {( )} Orphaned Device Preferences Connections: {( )} Ephemeral Device Connections: {( Sent from my iPhone
Aug ’24
Ghost Complile Error and other odd project issues
In my project I had made the following code block I changed //ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .topBarTrailing) to ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .topBarLeading) because I got a compile error. Then I started having the effect of everytime I did a Clean then Rebuild I would get the following Error /Users/barrywest/Desktop/Apple Development/AppleTutorials/APAJSONReader/APAJSONReader/View/SchemaMaintenance/SchemaDetail.swift:149:42 'navigationBarTrailing' is unavailable in macOS once clicked it would hightlight the commeted out code. then the error would magically go away after clicking on the error If you do not click the error it would stay, even if you ran the code it would display but the simulator would run instead of getting an error I then delete the comment, but I still get the ghost complile error with the same effect. I continued to make changes, and now the I get a different older display on the simulator, as compared to my Preivew Display. The colors seem to have gotten saved in the Run Simulator, even after Clean Build, Recompile... I still get the ghost error which has been removed and the new Executable still contains ghost code which shows incorrect colors. I can have the simulator and preview view running at the same time with different View Colors... I have closed the project and reopend the project with no Changes. My guess is some kind of file corruption somewhere ... import SwiftUI import SwiftData struct SchemaDetail: View { @Environment(\.modelContext) var dbContext ... var body: some View { VStack { switch schemaName { case .leagues: switch displayCategory { case .full: leagueFullDisplay case .brief: leagueBriefDisplay case .edit: leagueEdit case .create: leagueCreate } ... } //Text(schemaName.localizedName) } .navigationTitle(schemaName.localizedName) .toolbar { ** //ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .topBarTrailing)** ToolbarItemGroup(placement: .topBarLeading) { switch displayCategory { case .full: Button(action: { }, label: { Image(systemName: "minus.magnifyingglass") }) Button(action: { }, label: { Image(systemName: "doc.badge.plus") }) Button(action: { // Preload from json Warning may be about using background thread ??? Task(priority: .background) { loadLeagues() } }, label: { Image(systemName: "folder.fill.badge.gearshape") }) case .brief: Button(action: { }, label: { Image(systemName: "plus.magnifyingglass") }) Button(action: { }, label: { Image(systemName: "doc.badge.plus") }) case .create: Button(action: { }, label: { Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.down.fill") }) Button(action: { }, label: { Image(systemName: "arrowshape.turn.up.backward.circle.fill") }) case .edit: Button(action: { }, label: { Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.down.fill") }) Button(action: { }, label: { Image(systemName: "arrowshape.turn.up.backward.circle.fill") }) } } } } } #Preview { SchemaDetail(schemaName: LeagueCategory.sessions, displayCategory: DisplayCategory.brief) }
Aug ’24
xcode 15.4 [Debug] -> [Simulate Location] with custom gpx is broken
I'm using location simulation on my device via xcode a lot and it worked as expected since yesterday. Now it's broken :( My custom gpx files are no longer visible in "Simulate Location". I only see the build-in locations. When I try to add a new gpx file with "Add GPX File to Workspace..." the gpx files are greyed out. I created a new project and same here. No custom GPX files shown and cant add via menu. I'm using xcode 15.4 and it worked before, but I updated to macOS 14.6 last week. Did someone have experienced the same ? The Internet has no sign of such a behavior :( Maybe the file association is broken? I already removed xcode and user data related to xcode completly and reinstalled xcode, but this was not helping.
Aug ’24
Center stage control mode not working for iPad on front camera with .photo session preset.
I am working on an iPad app using the front camera. The camera logic is implemented using the AVFoundation framework. During a session I use central stage mode to center the face with front camera . Central stage mode works fine in all cases except when I set the session preset photo. In other presets: high, medium, low, cif352x288, vga640x480, hd1280x720, hd1920x1080, iFrame960x540, iFrame1280x720, inputPriority presets central stage mode working except photo session preset. Can you explain why this happens or maybe it is an unobvious bug? Code snippet: final class CameraManager { //MARK: - Properties private let captureSession: AVCaptureSession private let photoOutput: AVCapturePhotoOutput private let previewLayer: AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer //MARK: - Init init() { captureSession = AVCaptureSession() photoOutput = AVCapturePhotoOutput() previewLayer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: captureSession) } //MARK: - Methods Setup Camera and preview layer func setupPreviewLayerFrame(view: UIView) { previewLayer.frame = view.frame view.layer.insertSublayer(previewLayer, at: 0) setupCamera() } private func setupCamera() { guard let videoCaptureDevice = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInWideAngleCamera, for: .video, position: .front) else { return } AVCaptureDevice.centerStageControlMode = .app AVCaptureDevice.isCenterStageEnabled = true do { let input = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: videoCaptureDevice) captureSession.addInput(input) captureSession.addOutput(photoOutput) /// high, medium, low, cif352x288, vga640x480, hd1280x720, hd1920x1080, iFrame960x540, iFrame1280x720 and inputPriority presets working except photo session preset captureSession.sessionPreset = .photo DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInteractive).async { self.captureSession.startRunning() } } catch { print("Error setting up camera: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } }
Aug ’24
Certain Docusign Url does not load on IOS 17.5.1 but works on 17.4.1
Hello, We are seeing a behavior where we find that a certain Url (docusign signing ceremony which is a webpage) works fine on Ipad with OS version 17.4.1 but NOT on Ipads with 17.5.1. This behavior is exactly same if I use chrome browser, safari browser or our custom application (Maui Application and we host the signing ceremony) I am not sure but since the OS is the difference here just wondering if there can be a potential issue here. or its still the cert issue from the provider. NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID - is the error shown in Chrome and Safari shows "Safari can't open the page because it could n't establish a secure connection t the server".
Aug ’24
iOS 18 beta 5 for “Find My” bug
Since I installed on my iPhone 15 pro IOS 18 beta 5 I have the following problem: When I shutdown my phone, for all “ Find My” friends I have underneath their names “location not found”. The same bug happens with my iPad 10 same version and with my wife’s iPhone 15 same version. The work around I found was going to my address book under my wife’s name stop sharing my location and then reshare my location back with her and then location not found for all my friends disappeared. The solution was provided by an Apple agent but the thing I didn’t know at the time was if you shutdown your iPhone again all this process as to be reimplemented again. That is a bug for IOS 18 beta 5
Aug ’24
Can't install app to iPad when Required Device Capability has NFC?
Hello Is it impossible to install an app to both iPhone and iPad when the app use NFC? The app, I'm working on, use NFC on iPhone but not on iPad. The app program code checks iPhone or iPad and use NFC only on iPhone. However, TestFlight and App Store show "No Compatible Hardware" on iPad and can't download. It works as expected on iPhone. Target Device is set both iPhone and iPad, the configuration is TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "1,2" According to Required Device Capabilities, iPad doesn't support NFC https://developer.apple.com/support/required-device-capabilities/#ipad-devices The app has UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities = nfc configuration only for iPhone. But is it block installing to iPad? If so how to fix this issue? Thanks in advance.
Aug ’24
Assistance Needed: Xcode Version for Testing iOS 17.5.1 on iPhone 14 Pro & iPad Air 5th Gen
Hi, I'm seeking assistance with finding the correct version of Xcode to test an emulator running iOS 17.5.1 for the iPhone 14 Pro and iPad Air (5th Generation). I am experiencing issues with publishing my app to the App Store and receiving a Guideline 2.1 rejection. Although the app functions correctly on TestFlight and other devices, it crashes (white screen) when opened on the specified device and iOS version. I have tested the app on multiple devices, and it works fine on those, but the Apple review team has reported crashes specifically on the aforementioned device and iOS version. Could someone guide me on how to resolve this or direct me to the appropriate XCode version for testing? Thank you for your help.
Jul ’24
SwiftUI TextEdit iPad external keyboard "Return" key
I can intercept the "Return" button and "Shift+Return" on an iPad's external Bluetooth keyboard with the TextField "onKeyPress" method. But - this always dismisses the keyboard. It looks like the TextField loses focus. This happens whether I return ".handled" or ".ignored". How can I maintain focus on the TextField and not have the keyboard dismissed?
Jul ’24