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Instruments is a performance-analysis and testing tool for iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS, and macOS apps.

Instruments Documentation






Xcode 15: Not able to attach system extension process to Instruments tool
Xcode Version 15.2 (15C500b) After upgrading Xcode from 14 to 15.2 I am not able to attach system extension (packettunnel) process to Instruments tools for memory debugging. Same is working fine with Xcode 14. Error displayed: "Process No Longer Exists". But the service is running and is listed in process list. % ps -ax | grep -i pkttunnel | grep -v grep 61910 ?? 0:01.04 /Library/SystemExtensions/5F4AF6EF-****-****-****-F11****9CE78/com.******.client.*****-Client.***ui.***pkttunnel.systemextension/Contents/MacOS/com.******.client.*****-Client.***ui.***pkttunnel.systemextension Note: I am able to attach a normal program to Instruments tool for memory debugging, I have noticed this issue with system extension processes only.
Feb ’24
How can you run Instruments/Logger with a TestFlight app?
If I try to run Instrument's logger for an app downloaded from TestFlight it says "Permission to debug app name was denied". "Recover Suggestion: The app must be debuggable and signed with 'get-task-allow'. How do you make the app debuggable? (I tried creating an archive with the scheme set to Debug, but after uploading that to TestFlight, it doesn't appear. So presumably its not possible to upload an app built with debug scheme builds to TF?). Therefore how can I make a TF build debuggable?, and how to sign it with get-task-allow? Does it have to be a developer distribution .ipa rather than a TestFlight build to enable Instruments/Logger to run it?
Feb ’24
M1 macOS | Memory leaks while using APPLE shipped libcurl/8.1.2 (SecureTransport)
Hi, Machine: M1 sonoma 14.1.1 At my test I am using macOS shipped lib of curl, and its default LibreSSL, that is: curl 8.1.2 (x86_64-apple-darwin23.0) libcurl/8.1.2 (SecureTransport) LibreSSL/3.3.6 zlib/1.2.12 nghttp2/1.55.1 I am getting memory leaks while running the following test: void CallCurl() { CURL *hnd; hnd = curl_easy_init(); curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_easy_perform(hnd); curl_easy_cleanup(hnd); } I track the leaks with macOS instruments, and I see that all leaks are from libcrypto. The leaks are measured after curl_easy_cleanup. Examples for the leaks stack frames: serialize_ECPublicKey ECDSA_do_verify_new ossl_ecdsa_verify EVP_DigestVerifyFinal tls13_server_certificate_verify_recv tls13_handshake_perform tls13_legacy_connect ossl_connect_common ssl_cf_connect cf_setup_connect cf_hc_connect Curl_conn_connect multi_runsingle curl_multi_perform curl_easy_perform CallCurl() main start ccMallocECCryptor CCECCryptorImportKey ECDSA_do_verify_new ossl_ecdsa_verify EVP_DigestVerifyFinal tls13_server_certificate_verify_recv tls13_handshake_perform tls13_legacy_connect ossl_connect_common ssl_cf_connect cf_setup_connect cf_hc_connect Curl_conn_connect multi_runsingle curl_multi_perform curl_easy_perform CallCurl() main start ccMallocECCryptor CCECCryptorImportKey ECDSA_do_verify_new ossl_ecdsa_verify EVP_DigestVerifyFinal tls13_server_certificate_verify_recv tls13_handshake_perform tls13_legacy_connect ossl_connect_common ssl_cf_connect cf_setup_connect cf_hc_connect Curl_conn_connect multi_runsingle curl_multi_perform curl_easy_perform CallCurl() main start Any you familiar with memory leaks issues at curl that is shipped with macOS? Is there a workaround? Thx, Moshe.
Jan ’24
XPC, memory allocation, and much confusion
I asked a similar question last year, and got no responses. I've written a much simpler (no network extension!) case that seems to demonstrate what I'm confused about. Simple app with an XPC service. I have an ObjectiveC class TestObject which has an NSString* and an NSData* (which I never actually use). I have a protocol defined in Swift: @objc protocol XPCTestServiceProtocol { func logData(entry: TestObject) -> Void func logData(entry: TestObject, completion: ((String) -> Void)) } In the Switt XPC service, the code is: class XPCTestService: NSObject, XPCTestServiceProtocol { var totalBytes = 0 var lastName = "" @objc func logData(entry: TestObject) { totalBytes += ( ?? 0) } @objc func logData(entry: TestObject, completion: ((String) -> Void)) { totalBytes += ( ?? 0) completion("Finished") } I've got this code in the ObjC app: id<XPCTestServiceProtocol> proxy = [self.connection remoteObjectProxyWithErrorHandler:^(NSError* error) { self.stopRun = YES; NSLog(@"Proxy got error %@", error); }]; while (self.stopRun == NO) { @synchronized (self) { NSNumber *objNum = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:self.count++]; NSString *objName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Object %@", objNum]; TestObject __weak *toWeak = to; #if USE_COMPLETION [proxy logDataWithEntry:to completion:^(NSString *str) { to = nil; }]; #else [proxy logDataWithEntry:to]; #endif } } attached to a start button (and self.stopRun is set by a stop button, this is all super simple). So I run that, start the test, and things start going (122k calls/second it says). According to Activity Monitor, my app is using about 1gbyte after 20 seconds or so. However, if I run it under Instruments' Leaks template... Activity Monitor says it's used only about 60mbytes. (And at the end of the run, Instruments says it's used about 30mbytes.) Now... if I use the completion and a synchronous proxy, then even without Instruments, Activity Monitor says it's 60mbytes or so. Is the memory reported by Activity Monitor real? Or not real?
Jan ’24
OSSignposts not working after upgrade to Sonoma (14.2.1)
The Points of Interest Instrument is not recording any data when profiling my application on Sonoma. The same code is producing signposts when profiling on a computer running Sonoma. Here's what how the instruments screen looks: Note that there are no Points of Interest being recorded. I created a new project for this test and added code to emit signposts whenever the application becomes active or goes into the background. This is the code I'm using for the test (copied from forum post from a year ago). import os.signpost @main class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate { var window: NSWindow? var blackWindow: NSWindow? var alertWindow: NSWindow? static var originalAppDelegate: AppDelegate! var signposter: OSSignposter var signpostInterval: OSSignpostIntervalState? func applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState(_ app: NSApplication) -> Bool { return true } override init() { signposter = OSSignposter(subsystem: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier ?? "unknown", category: .pointsOfInterest) super.init() assert(signposter.isEnabled) signposter.emitEvent(#function) } required init?(coder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") } func applicationWillResignActive(_ notifiction: Notification) { guard let interval = signpostInterval else { assertionFailure("no interval") return } print("backgrounding, ending active state") signposter.endInterval("active", interval) } func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ notification: Notification) { print("begin active state") signpostInterval = signposter.beginInterval("active") } } Is anyone else having this problem? I tested this on my development machine (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2019) running Sonoma 14.2.1. The problem occurs even with a clean install of Sonoma onto an external boot disk. The same code produces this screenshot when running in Ventura 13.6.1.
Jan ’24
Profiling UITest case always terminates in the middle of testing, which never occurs during normal testing?
In my iOS project, there is an infrequent crash related to virtual memory problem. Therefore, I plan to use UITest in combination with Product/Perform Action/Profile "TestCaseName" to conduct Game Performance-type testing. This allows the automatic testing to continuously operate until the profile stops recording upon a crash. This enables me to observe the various states of the program at the time of the crash. However, I have found that the UITest using Profile is highly unstable. The UITestCase often terminates unexpectedly during execution, leading to failed tests (Instruments is still working). Sometimes, the app is terminated immediately after startup. It seems that the use of sleep() in the code can easily cause interruption issues, which do not occur during normal UI testing. I am wondering if anyone has experience using Profile for UITest and whether they have encountered the issues I described." Working Environment: XCode14.3.1, iPhone Device iOS17.2
Jan ’24
Why Can the Recording Be Normal After the Phone Screen Is Locked During the Allocation Process of Instruments?
When I use Instruments to record Allocation, the phone will display a dialog box indicating that the phone is unlocked when the screen is locked, as shown in Figure 1. When I have started recording allocation and lock the screen 10s later, the allocation can be recorded normally. For details, see Figure 2. I want to know why. Start recording for 10s and lock the screen on the device. The recording can be performed normally. What is the principle of this?
Jan ’24
Instruments freeze when WKWebView is created
Instruments freeze when WKWebView is created I create a very simple mac os application If I create a WKWebView like this " (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // Do any additional setup after loading the view. self.webview = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 500, 500)]; } " Then the instruments freeze when I record allocations Why? If I remove the creation of WKWebView, everything works fine I'm using Xcode 14.2
Jan ’24
Instruments 15.0.1: Unintended Recording of Additional Process Traces
I'm tracing a process, specifically focusing on the Metal device track, which records frames from other processes like Terminal, WindowServer, and sometimes processes that utilize the GPU. I attempted tracing with all apps closed and only Instruments running. However, it also records traces for Instruments. This behavior wasn't present in previous versions of Instruments. Was there a recent change in Instruments/Xcode 15.0.1? I cannot find any relevant information about this in the release notes either. Is there a way to configure Instruments to record only the running process?
Nov ’23
Instruments 15.0.1 on Sonoma 14.1.1 and CORE_ACTIVE_CYCLE kernel always 0
Hi, I have a few traces where I have samples for kernel (and other processes), yet kernel is always 0 for any CPU Counter selected. There are other processes with an equivalent number of samples where the counter values appear. Perhaps there is a bit of 'art' to get the kernel counters to populate? I am trying to understand the workload from the system perspective (not simply the narrower process perspective), and it would be helpful to have the counter values. I've tried running for extended durations, yet that doesn't seem to adjust the counted events. I've adjusted to include "High Frequency Sampling" to resolve issues with VMware counter collection. Yet.. I need help to enable counter values to appear for kernel. Sam
Nov ’23
Instruments in XCode 15.0.1 does not support CPU counters in A16(iPhone 14 Pro Max) with iOS 17.1?
Instruments in XCode 14 used to support CPU counters in A16 with iOS 16.x, but after I upgrade iOS to 17.1 and also XCode to 15.0.1, In "CPU Counters", it says "CPU Name: Unsupported" and thus I cannot choose "Sample by" events etc. Found some link on this: Please help to confirm this is some known issue, and if so, how to fix it. Thanks!
Nov ’23