Tracking domains - Network Instrument Points of Interest


This relates to NSTrackingDomains for Privacy Manifest. Following doc here (Also, I'm quite new to using the Network Instrument).

I'm not seeing any "Points of Interest" but I know my app has domains that should be shown as "Faults". Do I need to os_log to my Objective-C codebase. I don't have access to the code of various 3rd party SDKs. The doc mentioned above made it sound like these domains should automagically appear. Thanks!

Hi! We’d expect that the tracking domain accesses would automatically show up in the Points of Interest instrument without any additional action on your part.

Can you file a report in Feedback Assistant (and then post the number here) telling us what platform you’re targetting, ideally with a small example app that you would expect to see reports from in Instruments but are not able to? If you can’t provide an example app, please attach your trace file along with the privacy manifests for your app and any SDKs you may be using, and a list of domains you’d expect to see warnings about contacting.

Hello, Kind of same issue. My app does ask user's permission for ATT(App Tracking Transparency) and if given, displays some ads. But when i profile the app using instruments tool as suggested by Apple here to detect tracking domains, i see a blue circle with a "S" symbol inside it and not a red circlet for fault lines as per Apple's link.

Do these 2 icons(blue with S symbol and the red circle) both indicate fault lines tracking domains? Can you please clarify this? Also, not seeing the fault lines, does it guarantee that there are no domains tracking? Since i'm asking for user's permission for ATT and displaying ads if permission is given, shouldn't it show the fault lines(instead of blue circle icons) and the corresponding message asking me to include NSPrivacyTrackingDomain as true in privacy manifest?

Hello, I submitted report to via Feedback Assistant FB13700378. I was unable to upload a trace file from my Network Instruments session as it just errored out when I tried to submit. Thanks.

Tracking domains - Network Instrument Points of Interest