Xcode Version 15.2 (15C500b)
After upgrading Xcode from 14 to 15.2 I am not able to attach system extension (packettunnel) process to Instruments tools for memory debugging. Same is working fine with Xcode 14. Error displayed: "Process No Longer Exists". But the service is running and is listed in process list.
% ps -ax | grep -i pkttunnel | grep -v grep
61910 ?? 0:01.04 /Library/SystemExtensions/5F4AF6EF-****-****-****-F11****9CE78/com.******.client.*****-Client.***ui.***pkttunnel.systemextension/Contents/MacOS/com.******.client.*****-Client.***ui.***pkttunnel.systemextension
Note: I am able to attach a normal program to Instruments tool for memory debugging, I have noticed this issue with system extension processes only.