




recoverActiveWorkoutSession() inaccurate for paused sessions
When a workout session is being recovered, if it is paused, the elapsed time will be incorrect. It will seem like that workout never was paused. The recovery works fine if the workout was never paused. Steps to reproduce: Implement recoverActiveWorkoutSession Start workout Pause session and print the elapsed time Stop simulator / cause crash When recoverActiveWorkoutSession is called the elapsed time will not equal the elapsed time when the session was paused. Here is my implementation. I haven't seen any examples online. guard let recovered = try? await healthStore.recoverActiveWorkoutSession() else {return} self.session = recovered self.builder = recovered.associatedWorkoutBuilder() self.session?.delegate = self self.builder?.delegate = self self.builder?.dataSource = HKLiveWorkoutDataSource(healthStore: healthStore, workoutConfiguration: recovered.workoutConfiguration) self.sessionState = recovered.state
AW10 and iPhone 16 notifications not working while using CarPlay
I just switched back to Apple Watch from Garmin, and in the time away I got both work and personal vehicles with CarPlay. I've noticed that my AW10 does not get ANY notifications pushed to it while I am using CarPlay, which is annoying because only texts and calls get pushed to my CarPlay screen, so i miss everything else. Additionally, and this may be a bug issue with iOS18, but I also just noticed that my phone (16) does not light up/make sounds for notifications while using CarPlay - so it doesn't light up, nor do the vehicle speakers make sound with IG/snapchat/etc notifications, and even the screen "lock" sound doesn't audibly go off. I've only had CarPlay for a few months, but I typically keep my phone on Silent anyway, so maybe I'm just noticing this now and its not necessarily a new issue? it does make the sound when i get a text, so logically everything else should make a noise. I've made sure that my general focus and car focus modes are OFF. Sound is ON. Sound volume setting is all the way up. Have also restarted both phone and watch, and “forgot“ the phone from the vehicle and reconnected Am I doing something wrong here? is there a solution for either problem? From what I've seen, some people say that the AW not getting notifications at the same time as Carplay is a built-in safety feature, which most people do not want... maybe its the same with the phone not alerting to non-text/call notifications?
Simulating & tools for testing pre-warming state
Hi there I have a large codebase with many dependencies. I have a bug which I suspect is caused by accessing the keychain when the app has launched for pre-warming and as a result the keychain is inaccessible. Are there any recommendations for simulating or testing this app state, and for identifying any static initialisers in my dependencies that could be contributing to my issue? Thanks
How to cache CloudKit records efficiently in SwiftUI
I'm building a SwiftUI social photo-sharing app that uses CloudKit, where user profiles (including a CKAsset for profile pictures) are displayed throughout the app. To reduce redundant fetching of profiles across multiple views, I’m trying to implement a cache for the profile CKRecord into a custom model. (Important for handling the CKAsset for a user’s profile picture, ensuring it’s moved from the CloudKit fileURL staging area) Here's my current approach: struct UserProfileModel: Identifiable { let id: String let displayUsername: String var profilePicture: UIImage? = nil } class UserProfileCache: ObservableObject { static let shared = UserProfileCache() @Published var cache: [UserProfileModel] = [] } Is this a solid approach for caching CKRecords, or is there a more efficient way to structure this for performance and memory management? I'd appreciate any input or advice on improving this architecture for performance, memory management, and handling profile updates. Thanks in advance for your help!
CKModifyBadgeOperation is no longer working?
Whilst all current answers to this question indicate the depreciation of CKModifyBadgeOperation, all of them had advised up until 2022 that it could still be used due to Apple not having a replacement Api. Upon running the following code: badgeReset.modifyBadgeCompletionBlock = { (error) -> Void in if error != nil { print("Error resetting badge: \(error!)") } } CKContainer.default().add(badgeReset) When run I receive the following error: Error resetting badge: <CKError 0x3001ddf50: "Invalid Arguments" (12/1017); "CKModifyBadgeOperation is no longer supported"> And from testing following this, the badge count incrementation issue continues, indicating that this has been completely invalidated and cannot be used at all. Even with UNUserNotificationCenter.current().setBadgeCount(0) this only clears the badge count temporarily. I'm aware of the proposed "workaround" of creating an extension that manually keeps track of notification count & sets the badge accordingly when a notification is received. However I'm trying to ascertain if as of this current point in time there is now no way whatsoever to clear the badge count on the Cloudkit sever level?
Aug ’24
How to use notification to notify shared container changes in cloudkit?
I would like to create a private container and share a zone between two users with different iCloud accounts. All changes made by one would be notified with push notifications to the other user's db. Both could change the same information. Exactly as it is done in this apple project. However, I have been reading this code for days and I am stuck on it, it is extremely complicated for my level. I would really like to know if there is any simple project that uses the same idea to build this logic with swiftui.
USBDriverKit driver not showing up in settings on iPadOS 18
In iPadOS 17.7 my driver shows up in settings just fine. After recompiling with Xcode 16 and installing my app (containing my driver) on iPadOS 18, the app shows up in settings but the driver-enable button is missing from Settings. When I plug-in my custom USB device, the app cannot detect it and I am left with no way to manually enable the driver, as I did in the previous version of iPadOS.
Host Card Emulation / Card Session for payment URL
We have a financial application where we want to use NFC to broadcast a Payment URL to another iPhone or Android device when initiating a payment transaction. This will then open the banking application installed on the recipient’s device, allowing the transaction to be completed. We have already made the necessary requests to Apple and configured the entitlements file as follows: &lt;key&gt;aps-environment&lt;/key&gt; &lt;string&gt;development&lt;/string&gt; &lt;key&gt;;/key&gt; &lt;true/&gt; &lt;key&gt;;/key&gt; &lt;array&gt; &lt;string&gt;D2760000850101&lt;/string&gt; &lt;/array&gt; &lt;key&gt;;/key&gt; &lt;array&gt; &lt;string&gt;TAG&lt;/string&gt; &lt;string&gt;NDEF&lt;/string&gt; &lt;/array&gt; &lt;/dict&gt; I've tried to use CardSession with the sample code provided by Apple on their site: Card Session The connection between the devices (two iPhones, OS is above iOS 17.4) is established, the event stream's case .received(let cardAPDU): works, however, when I send the response, nothing really happens Initial APDU response: CLA | 0x00 INS | 0xA4 P1 | 0x04 P2 | 0x00 DATA | 0x7D2760000850101 (guess this is the AID) Le | 00 Sending the apdu response in the event stream via: do { guard let request = APDUUtil.createAPDURequest(from: paymentUrl) else { return } try await cardAPDU.respond(response: request) await cardSession.stopEmulation(status: .success) } static func createAPDURequest(from paymentUrl: URL?) -&gt; Data? { guard let paymentUrl else { return nil } let ndefMessage = APDUUtil.createNDEFMessage(from: paymentUrl) APDUUtil.updateNdefRecordFile(ndefMessage: ndefMessage) let data = Data(mNdefRecordFile) let apdu = NFCISO7816APDU(instructionClass: 0x00, instructionCode: 0xA4, p1Parameter: 0x04, p2Parameter: 0x00, data: data, expectedResponseLength: -1) // Tried with different values return } static func createNDEFMessage(from url: URL?) -&gt; NFCNDEFMessage? { guard let url, let payload = NFCNDEFPayload.wellKnownTypeURIPayload(url: url) else { return nil } return NFCNDEFMessage(records: [payload]) } static func updateNdefRecordFile(ndefMessage: NFCNDEFMessage?) { guard let ndefMessage else { return } // Convert the NFCNDEFMessage to Data let ndefMessageData = ndefMessage.records.reduce(Data()) { result, record -&gt; Data in var result = result result.append(record.payload) return result } let nlen = ndefMessageData.count mNdefRecordFile = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: nlen + 2) // Store the length in the first two bytes (big-endian format) mNdefRecordFile[0] = UInt8((nlen &amp; 0xFF00) &gt;&gt; 8) mNdefRecordFile[1] = UInt8(nlen &amp; 0xFF) // Copy the NDEF message data into the data starting at index 2 mNdefRecordFile.replaceSubrange(2..&lt;mNdefRecordFile.count, with: ndefMessageData) } Could someone please help? I also tried to send the payment url as Data made from url. We have a working Android application, which uses HCE too (they use NDEF message and byte arrays in communication). As I've seen, the NFCNDEFReaderSessionDelegate and NFCTagReaderSessionDelegate is not suitable for communication between two iOS devices...
Bluetooth State Restoration: Relaunch app after update?
Hi. Background: We have an app acting as central, keeping a persistent connection to a peripheral body worn sensor, in order to ensure that the sensor behaves as expected. We've managed make a robust system, that stays connected while the peripheral is in range. When the peripheral gets out of range we're fine with the app being suspended, as long as it's revived when the sensor gets back in range. This works fine using the Restoration Identifier This revival works also works fine after a phone restart. Now for the question: It doesn't work when upgrading the app. (tested in testflight) As the App Upgrade case isn't specified in: we'd like to know if this case is supported. If it is supported, we'd be happy if you could provide some additional insights. Best Regards Rasmus Tønnesen UNEEG medical
How to allow my app to receive BLE data from sensor while running in background?
I have a sensor that communicates via BLE periodically. The intention is for it to be a set it and forget it kind of thing. The user will check the app periodically but won't be doing so frequently. I need the app to be able to still receive the BLE data from the sensor even if it's running in the background so that when the user does check the app, they can see everything that's been happening. I've read a lot from 2020 - 2021 where it seems many developers are struggling with the same issue. Is there a supported way to do this now? How to have my app run in the background and still be able to receive BLE data?
Live Caller ID Lookup Extension - No option in phone settings
iOS 18 (22A3354) will not offer a option in settings (> Apps > Phone) after calling openSettings to enable live caller id lookup extension. iPhone and MacBook are in the same network. The PIRService runs on MacBook and is reachable via iPhone Safari (via http://MacBookPro:8080/). Hummingbird print log: hb_method=GET hb_uri=/ [Hummingbird] Request. After deploying the application via Xcode to the iPhone no requests are printed in the terminal. The extension was added like documented and bundle id is also checked multiple times. issuerRequestUri in service-config.json is http://MacBookPro:8080/issue. As far as I can tell, everything has been set up in accordance with the Testing Live Caller ID instructions. Is there something missing?
SwiftData ignore changes on App Intents
Hello everyone, Xcode 16.0 SwiftData project. CloudKit. WidgetConfigurationIntent. For some reason, I see a really weird behavior. I have a shared ModelContainer and an interactive widget where I update the model data through an app intent. This is my model - @MainActor class ItemsContainer { static let shared = ItemsContainer() var sharedModelContainer: ModelContainer! init() { self.sharedModelContainer = container() } func container() -> ModelContainer? { if let sharedModelContainer { return sharedModelContainer } let schema = Schema([ Session.self, ]) let modelConfiguration: ModelConfiguration modelConfiguration = ModelConfiguration(schema: schema, isStoredInMemoryOnly: false, cloudKitDatabase: .automatic) do { let container = try ModelContainer(for: schema, configurations: [modelConfiguration]) self.sharedModelContainer = container return container } catch { fatalError("Could not create ModelContainer: \(error)") } } } And this is how I get the model context across the app and the app intent - let modelContext = ModelContext(ItemsContainer.shared.sharedModelContainer) The problem is that somehow, when I update the model context in the app and then in the widget (I save the context after every change), the data is synced between the app and the widget, but then, the data is changed back to the previous state and kind of ignores the widget changes. Didn't happen before iOS 18/Xcode 16. Any idea? Thanks a lot!
iOS app transfer effect in app's documents
Hi, We are currently planning an app transfer between two developer accounts. We are concerned about files stored in the app's documents surviving the first update of the app released with the new developer account. Since app files in documents are part of the app's container, is it safe to assume that if the user just updates the app after the transfer, the files in documents would still be there? It is important for us to confirm this before we execute our plans Also, our app currently uses iCloud containers to save another set of files. Are these transferred with the app transfer or will the app lose access to these files? Are the files however accessible by users' by looking for them on their iCloud Drive? Thank you!
DriverKit driver doesn't appear in Settings when installed with iPad app
I'm working on a DriverKit driver. I have it running on macOS, including a very simple client app written in SwiftUI. Everything is working fine there. I've added iPadOS as a destination for the app as demonstrated in the WWDC video on DriverKit for iPadOS. The app builds and runs on my iPad, as expected (after a little work to conditionalize out my use of SystemExtensions.framework for installation on macOS). However, after installing and running the app on an iPad, the driver does not show up in Settings->General, nor in the app-specific settings pane triggered by the inclusion of a settings bundle in the app. I've confirmed that the dext is indeed being included in the app bundle when built for iPadOS (in I also can see in the build log that there's a validation step for the dext, and that seems to be succeeding. I don't know why the app isn't being discovered -- or in any case surfaced to the user -- when the app is installed on the iPad. Has anyone faced this problem and solved it? Are there ways to troubleshoot installation/discovery of an embedded DriverKit extensions on iOS? Unlike on macOS, I don't really see any relevant console messages.
Feb ’23
Can from carplay when user tap an app and open the app as noralmy like Spotify
Currently, when on the phone, like Spotify, I fully close the Spotify app, and in Carplay, when the user clicks on the Spotify app, this app can open as normal. I also developed my app but when I open the app in carplay, it shows a white screen, and then the app auto-terminates (closes permanently). How Can I do the behavior like the Spotify app, My app also enabled background mode in xCode. Please help me. Thanks so much
iOS 18 strange SwiftData fatal error
Hey developers! I updated to Xcode 16 and iOS 18. I wanted to publish my first iOS 18 update but I keep getting a very strange error after building and launching the app: "Fatal error: This model instance was destroyed by calling ModelContext.reset and is no longer usable." (I haven't changed anything regarding swift data and I never call ModelContext.reset) This error happens only after building. When I close the app and open it again (without running it through Xcode) the app never crashes and all the data is still there. I couldn't find much bout this error online. Is anyone experiencing the same? I wonder if this is a bug in Xcode 16 or there is something wrong with my code. I also wonder if I can safely publish my update to App Store, since the error only happens after building. Thank you!
Is there anything wrong in operating with ModelContainer.mainContext?
Consider this code @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var appDelegate init() { let schema = Schema([ ... ]) let modelConfiguration = ModelConfiguration(schema: schema, isStoredInMemoryOnly: false) do { sharedModelContainer = try ModelContainer(for: schema, configurations: [modelConfiguration]) } catch { fatalError("Could not create ModelContainer: \(error)") } SettingsViewModel.shared = SettingsViewModel(modelContext: sharedModelContainer.mainContext) } I'm basically saving a copy of mainContext in a viewModel. And then later on uses that viewModel to operate on the models while using the mainActor. Is this ok? That same container is also pass into the view using .modelContainer(sharedModelContainer) Can it be used in both ways like that?
Syncing changes between main app and extension
I have an app that starts a Live Activity on a certain user action. This Live Activity contains a button that the user can tap, which updates a SwiftData model instance. However, when you return to the main app after tapping the button on the Live Activity, the views do not update to reflect the changes, even though the changes were written to the database. The underlying issue here is that the ModelContainer/ModelContext used by the AppIntent (performed from the LiveActivity when the button is tapped), are different from the instances in the main app. Meaning that while the changes are written to the underlying storage, the in-memory instances of ModelContext/ModelContainer in the main app don't get the changes from the extension, so SwiftUI doesn't update either. What is the recommended way to handle this scenario? Or is there one? :) Shared access to a SwiftData container is clearly supported through App Groups, so is there not a mechanism to ensure changes made by an extension are updated in real-time for the main app? Otherwise, it seems I would have to go through and manually rerun queries that views depend on to make sure they are showing the most recent data. This is cumbersome and error-prone. Perhaps I'm missing something? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.