Regression: Heavy Delay of Push Notifications on iOS 18.1 beta (10s and more)

My app one sec uses push notifications to guide the user back to the app from a Screen Time Shield (screenshot attached).

On iOS 18.1, notifications are delivered with a delay of 10+ seconds, even though they are classified as time sensitive:

notificationContent.interruptionLevel = .timeSensitive
notificationContent.relevanceScore = 1.0

The notification trigger is nil, which according to the documentation should show the notification banner immediately:

var notificationTrigger: UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger? = nil

"The condition that causes the system to deliver the notification. Specify nil to deliver the notification right away."

In the sysdiagnose I have noticed that activity related to Apple Intelligence Priority classification delays the notification by 10 seconds ("UserNotificationsCore.IntelligenceActor"):

[create, [id=43C0-B333, time=2024-09-27 06:03:26, bundle=***], Time elapsed=10.373 sec]: Timeout of 10.0 reached. Cancelling work.

[create, [id=43C0-B333, time=2024-09-27 06:03:26, bundle=***], Time elapsed=10.377 sec]: Calling out to completion with failure(UserNotificationsCore.StepFailure.timedOut(exceeded: 10.0 seconds, summaryStatus: Optional(UserNotificationsServices.NotificationSummaryStatus.inferenceTimedOut), priorityStatus: Optional(UserNotificationsServices.NotificationPriorityStatus.inferenceTimedOut))) from 'scheduleTimeoutToPerform(after:for:)'

[create, [id=43C0-B333, time=2024-09-27 06:03:26, bundle=***], Time elapsed=10.378 sec]: Step: UserNotificationsCore.IntelligenceActor, index: 0 exceeded 10.0 seconds

This seems like a bug to me, time sensitive notifications should be exempted from being analyzed for priority, especially if that comes at the cost of delaying notifications by 10 seconds.

Tracked in Radar: FB15255061

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Regression: Heavy Delay of Push Notifications on iOS 18.1 beta (10s and more)