Non Optional AppIntent Param

After building my app with Xcode 16 beta 6 I'm getting this warning in my AppIntents.

Encountered a non-optional type for parameter: computer. Conformance to the following AppIntent protocols requires all parameter types to be optional: AppIntents.WidgetConfigurationIntent, AppIntents.ControlConfigurationIntent

The intent looks something like this

struct WakeUp: AppIntent, WidgetConfigurationIntent, PredictableIntent {
    @Parameter(title: "", requestValueDialog:"")
    var computer: ComputerEntity

    init(computer: ComputerEntity) { = computer
    init() {
    public static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary {
        Summary("Wake Up \(\.$computer)")

    static var predictionConfiguration: some IntentPredictionConfiguration {
        IntentPrediction(parameters: (\.$computer)) { computer in
                title: "Wake Up \(computer)"

    func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ProvidesDialog {


According to the docs though specifying optional is how we say if the value is required or not.

So is this warning accurate? If so, how do I specify that a parameter is required by the intent now?

Same question here...

Non Optional AppIntent Param