Explore the integration of media technologies within your app. Discuss working with audio, video, camera, and other media functionalities.






MusicKit Queue broke in iOS18
It's simple to reproduce. The bug is simply when you queue a bunch of songs to play, it will always queue less than what you gave it. Here, I'm attempting to play an apple curated playlist, it will only queue a subset, usually less than 15, but as low as 1 out of 100. Use the system's forward and backwards to test it out. Here is the code, just paste it in to the ContentView file and make sure you have the capibility to run it. import SwiftUI import MusicKit struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack{ Button("Play Music") { Task{ await playMusic() } } } } } func getOnlySongsFromTracks(tracks:MusicItemCollection<Track>?) async throws ->MusicItemCollection<Song>?{ var songs:[Song]? if let t = tracks{ songs = [Song]() for track in t { if case let .song(song) = track { songs?.append(song) print("track is song \(track.debugDescription)") }else{ print("track not song \(track.debugDescription)") } } } if let songs = songs { let topSongs = MusicItemCollection(songs) return topSongs } return nil } func playMusic() async { // Request authorization let status = await MusicAuthorization.request() guard status == .authorized else { print("Music authorization denied.") return } do { // Perform a hardcoded search for a playlist let searchTerm = "2000" let request = MusicCatalogSearchRequest(term: searchTerm, types: [Playlist.self]) let response = try await request.response() guard let playlist = response.playlists.first else { print("No playlists found for the search term '\(searchTerm)'.") return } // Fetch the songs in the playlist let detailedPlaylist = try await playlist.with([.tracks]) guard let songCollection = try await getOnlySongsFromTracks(tracks: detailedPlaylist.tracks) else { print("no songs found") return } guard let t = detailedPlaylist.tracks else { print("no tracks") return } // Create a queue and play let musicPlayer = ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared let q = ApplicationMusicPlayer.Queue(for: t) musicPlayer.queue = q try await musicPlayer.play() print("Now playing playlist: \(playlist.name)") } catch { print("An error occurred: \(error.localizedDescription)") } }
Sep ’24
Bug: Duplicate audio playback in QuickLook with .reality files in iOS 18
I'm experiencing an issue with QuickLook in iOS 18 where.reality files with audio playback are affected. When I open a.reality file that includes audio, the audio track plays twice: once from the moment the file is opened, and again from the start of the animation. This results in a duplicate audio playback. I've tested this issue on multiple devices running iOS 16, 17, and 18, and the problem only occurs on iOS 18. I've tried restarting the devices and checking for any software updates, but the issue persists. Steps to reproduce: Open a.reality file with audio playback in QuickLook on an iOS 18 device. Observe the audio playback. Expected result: The audio track should play only once, from the start of the animation. Actual result: The audio track plays twice, once from the moment the file is opened and again from the start of the animation. Device and iOS version: I've tested this issue on iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro running iOS 18, iPhone 13 running iOS 16 and iPhone 11 Pro running iOS 17,
Sep ’24
SFSpeechRecognizer is broken on iOS 18
Hello, I noticed that SFSpeechRecognizer is broken on iOS 18. During a recognition task, it keeps dropping the recognized text on every pause. For example, if you say "how are you fine", it will drop the "how are you" part and only give you "fine" as the result. Say "how are you <pause> fine" // iOS 17 ✅ (perfect final result) How How are How are you How are you. How are you. Fine. // iOS 18 ❌ How How are How are you How are you Fine (the text before the pause is dropped, and fail to recognize the punctuations.) Reproducing the issue: Download the official sample project. Run it on an iOS 18 device or simulator. Say "how are you fine" Only "fine" will be displayed.
Sep ’24
AVExternalStorageDevice permissions behavior completely broken on iOS 18?
I'm attempting to use AVExternalStorageDevice.requestAccess on iOS 18 using Xcode 16. When calling requestAccess, a dialog does appear, but the completionHandler closure is never called to indicate whether access was granted. If using the async version, the function just never returns. Calling requestAccess also results in a mediaServicesWereReset (-11819) error without fail. Supposedly, "the system only presents the dialog to a person the first time your app calls the method." That also doesn't appear to be the case. The dialog appears every time requestAccess is called, regardless of previous invocations and whether "Allow" or "Don't Allow" was selected. The dialog itself says "You can change this in Privacy settings." I cannot find this permission anywhere in the Settings app, neither under Privacy &amp; Security nor under the app-specific settings page. Has anyone else experienced these issues? Am I missing something here? I did suspect permissions issues and tried adding a NSRemovableVolumesUsageDescription entry to the app. This did not appear to change anything.
Sep ’24
IOS 18 Voicemail feature
I am facing an Issue regarding the voicemail feature. when someone calls me, it would go to voicemail only if I click on the voicemail icon. If I do not respond at all to the incoming call, it does not give the caller an option to record voicemail. I have tried switching the voicemail on and off, its working on other devices Iphone 14 and 15 for my family member, just not for me. How can i resolve this?
Sep ’24
AVDevice is ignoring 60fps
Hello, I try to get the Video from an HDMI USB capture card and show it in a PreviewLayer with 60fps. The device I am using (ShadowCast 2) is supporting 1080p with 60fps in "yuvs" and "420v". This is my code with stripped away uninteresting stuff and removed error handling to build the previewLayer. I am using the AVFrameRateRange because the capture device is not directly supporting 60.00 but <AVFrameRateRange: 0x600000875680 60.00 - 60.00 (1000000 / 60000240 - 1000000 / 60000240)> fps. @Observable final class AVFoundationService: AVService { // Live View private let session: AVCaptureSession = .init() var previewLayer: AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer { let layer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: session) layer.videoGravity = .resizeAspect return layer } var activeVideoDevice: AVCaptureDevice? { // TODO: implement correct logic if let device = videoDevices.first(where: { $0.localizedName.contains("Shadow") }) { return device } return AVCaptureDevice.default(for: .video) } func setupStreamDemo(completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { session.beginConfiguration() if let device = activeVideoDevice { do { let input = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: device) if session.canAddInput(input) { session.addInput(input) } else { print("explode") } for format in device.formats { let dimensions = CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetDimensions(format.formatDescription) if dimensions.width == 1920 && dimensions.height == 1080 && format.formatDescription.mediaSubType.description == "'yuvs'" { let foundFPS = format.videoSupportedFrameRateRanges.first { Int($0.minFrameRate) == 60 && Int($0.minFrameRate) == 60 } try device.lockForConfiguration() device.activeFormat = format device.activeVideoMinFrameDuration = foundFPS!.minFrameDuration device.activeVideoMaxFrameDuration = foundFPS!.minFrameDuration device.unlockForConfiguration() } } } catch { return completion(error) } } session.commitConfiguration() session.startRunning() completion(nil) } } I am using the following code in SwiftUI to show the AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer. struct VideoPreviewView: NSViewRepresentable { private let previewLayer: AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer func makeNSView(context: Context) -> NSView { let view = NSView() view.layer = self.previewLayer view.layer?.frame = view.bounds return view } func updateNSView(_ nsView: NSView, context: Context) { if let layer = nsView.layer as? AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer { layer.session = self.previewLayer.session } } } When I now run my app, it will ignore whatever I set on device.activeVideoMinFrameDuration and/or device.activeVideoMaxFrameDuration. If I set it to 10 fps - it's running with 30, if I set 60 it is running with 30. If I start in parallel to my app QuickTime and start a "Recording" from my USB Capture Card, it will switch to 60fps mode. I am on Mac Sequoia 15.0 with Xcode 16.0. What I am doing wrong?
Oct ’24
Take correctly sized screenshots with ScreenCaptureKit
I've been using CGWindowListCreateImage which automatically creates an image with the size of the captured window. But SCScreenshotManager.captureImage(contentFilter:configuration:) always creates images with the width and height specified in the provided SCStreamConfiguration. I could be setting the size explicitly by reading SCWindow.frame or SCContentFilter.contentRect and multiplying the width and height by SCContentFilter.pointPixelScale , but it won't work if I want to keep the window shadow with SCStreamConfiguration.ignoreShadowsSingleWindow = false. Is there a way and what's the best way to take full-resolution screenshots of the correct size? import Cocoa import ScreenCaptureKit class ViewController: NSViewController { @IBOutlet weak var imageView: NSImageView! override func viewDidAppear() { imageView.imageScaling = .scaleProportionallyUpOrDown view.wantsLayer = true view.layer!.backgroundColor = .init(red: 1, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1) Task { let windows = try await SCShareableContent.excludingDesktopWindows(false, onScreenWindowsOnly: true).windows let window = windows[0] let filter = SCContentFilter(desktopIndependentWindow: window) let configuration = SCStreamConfiguration() configuration.ignoreShadowsSingleWindow = false configuration.showsCursor = false configuration.width = Int(Float(filter.contentRect.width) * filter.pointPixelScale) configuration.height = Int(Float(filter.contentRect.height) * filter.pointPixelScale) print(filter.contentRect) let windowImage = try await SCScreenshotManager.captureImage(contentFilter: filter, configuration: configuration) imageView.image = NSImage(cgImage: windowImage, size: CGSize(width: windowImage.width, height: windowImage.height)) } } }
Oct ’24
MusicKit and sorted artist and album names?
I have an app that gets data from Music.app with both the iTunesLibrary and MusicKit. iTunesLibrary has ITLibArtist.sortName and ITLibAlbum.sortTitle and ITLibAlbum.sortAlbumArtist. I can’t seem to find an equivalent in MusicKit. How are those properties obtained using MusicKit? Thanks. FYI I have filed FB15554956 on this. You also may see my code at https://github.com/bolsinga/itunes_json
Oct ’24
Realitiy Composer file size and iOS 18
Hi folks: I've been creating .reality files out of Reality Composer for over a year. Some of the files are up to 500 mB and, prior to the last month they opened fine as AR projected experiences on even basic iPhones and iPads. Now, I think since iOS 18, a 64Mb file will open as an AR experience but files it seems from about 350MB up don't open. Files just opens a window displaying the name of the file, that it's a .reality file and the file size. But it no longer opens into either an AR or Object display of the .reality scene. Has there been a new file size limit put on .reality files that Files will open or what else is going on here. Have a client who was about to launch and experience based on the .Reality file I can no longer open. Please help.
Oct ’24
Upstream Service Error on Apple Music Feed API
Hi, I'm working on an integration with the Apple Music Feed, but over the last day, I've been getting a 500 Upstream Service Error on 99% of the API calls I make. Remarkably, retrying the same endpoint 20-30 times sometimes gives the correct response, but mostly it's a 500 error. Just to give an example, this: GET https://api.media.apple.com/v1/feed/album/latest Returns this generic error: { "errors": [ { "id": "U4ARRA2QDCGYKYRI2IPEJVBTHY", "title": "Upstream Service Error", "detail": "Call to get metadata for album feed failed", "status": "500", "code": "50001" } ] } The same goes for other feeds like song, artist, and so on. Before today, I did get the same error message sometimes, but a few retries would solve the issue. Any insight on what's happening and/or an ETA on fixing it? Thank you
Oct ’24
Big ColorSync Bug? macOS Interprets Rec 705 Profile Differently Between 15 and 14
ColorSync throughout the system interprets the Rec. ITU-R BT.709-5 color profile differently in macOS 15 than it did on macOS 14 leading to severe color differences. This is breaking/problem-causing color change. Here's a comparison of one way the results can appear different. Steps to Reproduce Open this image above (named here as sRGB_Bars.png) in ColorSync Utility. (This should be an sRGB profiled image if the forums don't mess with that.) With Digital Color Meter open and set to "Display in sRGB" [0-255] you can see the gray bars progress left-to-right as 0, 23, 46, 69, 92, 115, etc... ] Those are the correct reference values. At the bottom of the window in ColorSync use [Match to Profile] [Display -> Rec. ITU-R BT.709-5], then click the Apply Button. You can verify the image now uses the Rec 709 profile with the (i) Get Info button in the toolbar. Use "Save As…" to save the image with a different name. **) Do the steps above on macOS 14 and macOS 15 to create two images. Rec709_CreatedOnMacOS14, and Rec709_CreatedOnMacOS15. **) Compare the two images on BOTH operating system versions, and you'll see they are significantly different from each other. Rec709_CreatedOnMacOS14.png when viewed on macOS 15 has the gray values of: [0, 1, 18, 43, 67, ...] Rec709_CreatedOnMacOS14.png when viewed on macOS 15 has the gray values of: [0, 51, 72, 94, 115, ... ] These are MASSIVE differences. Significance This is not just a problem that affects ColorSync Utility or Preview, etc. This same gamma interpretation difference is affecting the Core Video, Core Image, Video Toolbox, etc pipelines as well. That gets complicated to talk about, and this is example is the simplest I can boil it down to. Conclusion Significant bug? What's going on?
Oct ’24
Linking to iTunesLibrary requires access every launch?
Hello, I have a command line application that uses iTunesLibrary to "save" the state of what I have listened to. I have it run every night via a LaunchAgent. You can see the source here: https://github.com/bolsinga/itunes_json Prior to Sequoia it would run nightly. I'd just have to grant it access to the Music library once, and it would be fine thereafter. However with Sequoia it requires UI interaction to grant it access every time. This makes it no longer run unattended overnight, defeating its purpose. I have the console logs of when this happens. You can see it in my issue tracking it here: https://github.com/bolsinga/itunes_json/issues/410 One thing that makes me wonder is that it is a command line application, not a bundle. How do I make a command line application get access to MusicKit / iTunesLibrary, and keep it thereafter? I'd like to get my pre-Sequoia behavior back. I've filed FB15592660 too. I've granted it access to run in the background, as well as access to my Music library (please see attached screenshots). AMPLibraryAgent 10:48:29.489944-0700 xpc Connection from framework client invalidated pid:57606 clientname:iTunesLibrary(itunes_json) AMPLibraryAgent 10:48:29.492763-0700 service Unloading domains(14) for ClientID:iTunesLibrary(itunes_json)-1229 previous open:15 new open:1 itunes_json 10:48:59.980864-0700 connection [0x157f05800] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false name=com.apple.amp.library.framework tccd 10:48:59.982568-0700 access AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=1795.214, attribution={accessing={TCCDProcess: identifier=itunes_json, pid=57652, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Users/bolsinga/Applications/itunes_json/Products/usr/local/bin/itunes_json}, requesting={TCCDProcess: identifier=com.apple.AMPLibraryAgent, pid=1795, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AMPLibrary.framework/Versions/A/Support/AMPLibraryAgent}, }, tccd 10:48:59.982651-0700 access requestor: TCCDProcess: identifier=com.apple.AMPLibraryAgent, pid=1795, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AMPLibrary.framework/Versions/A/Support/AMPLibraryAgent is checking access for accessor TCCDProcess: identifier=itunes_json, pid=57652, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Users/bolsinga/Applications/itunes_json/Products/usr/local/bin/itunes_json tccd 10:48:59.995636-0700 access AUTHREQ_SUBJECT: msgID=1795.214, subject=/Users/bolsinga/Applications/itunes_json/Products/usr/local/bin/itunes_json, tccd 10:48:59.996283-0700 access -[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier /Users/bolsinga/Applications/itunes_json/Products/usr/local/bin/itunes_json, type: 1: 0xc00341b00 at /Users/bolsinga/Applications/itunes_json/Products/usr/local/bin/itunes_json tccd 10:49:00.018205-0700 access Failed to match existing code requirement for subject /Users/bolsinga/Applications/itunes_json/Products/usr/local/bin/itunes_json and service kTCCServiceMediaLibrary cdhash H"6bc380972f4df49b337a2a05308fb7b98fbe6473" or cdhash H"0708bcaabbfbab8770522050f7e2642d4d864f31" cdhash H"6bc380972f4df49b337a2a05308fb7b98fbe6473" or cdhash H"0708bcaabbfbab8770522050f7e2642d4d864f31" tccd 10:49:00.018997-0700 access AUTHREQ_PROMPTING: msgID=1795.214, service=kTCCServiceMediaLibrary, subject=Sub:{/Users/bolsinga/Applications/itunes_json/Products/usr/local/bin/itunes_json}Resp:{TCCDProcess: identifier=itunes_json, pid=57652, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/Users/bolsinga/Applications/itunes_json/Products/usr/local/bin/itunes_json}, AMPLibraryAgent 10:49:02.489170-0700 xpc ampld> register framework ClientName:iTunesLibrary(itunes_json) tccd 10:49:02.488189-0700 events Publishing <TCCDEvent: type=Create, service=kTCCServiceMediaLibrary, identifier_type=Path, identifier=/Users/bolsinga/Applications/itunes_json/Products/usr/local/bin/itunes_json> to 4 subscribers: { 633 = "<TCCDEventSubscriber: token=633, state=Initial, csid=(null)>"; 628 = "<TCCDEventSubscriber: token=628, state=Passed, csid=com.apple.chronod>"; 464 = "<TCCDEventSubscriber: token=464, state=Passed, csid=com.apple.cloudd>"; 513 = "<TCCDEventSubscriber: token=513, state=Passed, csid=com.apple.photolibraryd>"; } AMPLibraryAgent 10:49:02.490391-0700 xpc ampld> registered framework ClientName:iTunesLibrary(itunes_json) with clientID:1230 itunes_json 10:49:02.792084-0700 connection [0x147e04340] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false name=com.apple.amp.artworkd itunes_json 10:49:02.801482-0700 <Missing Description> openDatabase 0xe4af30f4493e5ef5 artwork folder Y '<private>' itunes_json 10:49:02.805087-0700 <Missing Description> openDatabase 0xf2db6e8d7672edc9 artwork folder Y '<private>' itunes_json 10:49:02.806736-0700 <Missing Description> openDatabase 0xfb2acd898c951851 artwork folder Y '<private>' itunes_json 10:49:02.813286-0700 <Missing Description> openDatabase 0xf0f4919c5ff0e88 artwork folder Y '<private>' itunes_json 10:49:09.634928-0700 connection [0x600002b6a0d0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false name=com.apple.cfprefsd.daemon itunes_json 10:49:09.635019-0700 connection [0x600002b78000] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false name=com.apple.cfprefsd.agent AMPLibraryAgent 10:49:12.382878-0700 xpc Connection from framework client invalidated pid:57652 clientname:iTunesLibrary(itunes_json) AMPLibraryAgent 10:49:12.383474-0700 service Unloading domains(14) for ClientID:iTunesLibrary(itunes_json)-1230 previous open:15 new open:1 itunes_json.log
Oct ’24
Phone turns black
My iphone 15 plus suddenly turns black and a losing icon keeps spinning. Then it turns off and I can use it again, it is only for a few seconds. I have updated to iOS 18.1 beta, could this be the issue. Is my phone broken? I have tried restarting my phone
Playlist IDs from MusicKit not working with Apple Music API
I am building an app for MacOS and I am trying to implement the code to add songs to a library playlist (which is added below). The issue I am having is that if I use Music Kit to load a users library playlists, the ID for the playlist (which is just a string of numbers) does not work with the Add tracks to a Library Playlist endpoint of Apple Music API. If I retrieve the playlists from the Apple Music API and use that playlist ID (which is different than the id I get from MusicKit) my code works fine and adds the song to the playlist. The problem is that when getting a users library playlists from Apple Music API is that it does not give me all of the library playlists that I get when using Music Kit and it also does not give me Artwork for playlists that have the collage of album covers, so I would prefer to use Music Kit to get the playlists. I have also tested trying to retrieve a single playlist using the Apple Music API with the playlist Id from Music Kit and it does not work. I get the error that the resource cannot be found. Since this is a macOs app I cannot use MusicKit to add songs to library playlists. Does anyone know a way to resolve this? Or a possible workaround? Ideally I want to use MusicKit to get the library playlists and have some way to use the playlist Id and add songs to that playlist. Below is my code for adding a song to a playlist using the Apple Music API, which works correctly only if I originally get the library playlist's id value from a playlist retrieved from the Apple Music API. Also, does anyone know why the playlist Id's are not universal and are different when using Music Kit and Apple Music API? For songs and tracks it does not seem to matter if I use music kit or Apple Music API, the Id's are in the correct format for Apple Music API to use and work with my code. Thanks everyone for any and all help! func addToPlaylist(songs: [Track], playlist: Playlist, alert: Binding<AlertItem?>) async { let tracks = AppleMusicPlaylistPostRequestBody(data: songs.compactMap { AppleMusicPlaylistPostRequestItem(id: $0.id.rawValue, type: "songs") // or "library-songs" }) let playlistID = playlist.id // Build the request URL for adding a song to a playlist guard let url = URL(string: "https://api.music.apple.com/v1/me/library/playlists/\(playlistID)/tracks") else { alert.wrappedValue = AlertItem(title: "Error", message: "Invalid URL for the playlist.") return } // Authorization Header guard let musicUserToken = try? await MusicUserTokenProvider().getUserMusicToken() else { alert.wrappedValue = AlertItem(title: "Error", message: "Unable to retrieve Music User Token.") return } do { var request = URLRequest(url: url) request.httpMethod = "POST" request.setValue("Bearer \(musicUserToken)", forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") request.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type") let encoder = JSONEncoder() let data = try encoder.encode(tracks) request.httpBody = data let musicRequest = MusicDataRequest(urlRequest: request) let musicRequestResponse = try await musicRequest.response() // Check if the request was successful (status 201) if musicRequestResponse.urlResponse.statusCode == 201 { alert.wrappedValue = AlertItem(title: "Success", message: "Song successfully added to the playlist.") } else { print("Status Code: \(musicRequestResponse.urlResponse.statusCode)") print("Response Data: \(String(data: musicRequestResponse.data, encoding: .utf8) ?? "No Data")") // Attempt to decode the error response into the AppleMusicErrorResponse model if let appleMusicError = try? JSONDecoder().decode(AppleMusicErrorResponse.self, from: musicRequestResponse.data) { let errorMessage = appleMusicError.errors.first?.detail ?? "Unknown error occurred." alert.wrappedValue = AlertItem(title: "Error", message: errorMessage) } else { alert.wrappedValue = AlertItem(title: "Error", message: "Failed to add song to the playlist.") } } } catch { alert.wrappedValue = AlertItem(title: "Error", message: "Network error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } }
Batch transcribe from file fails on all but the last, async problem?
I am attempting to do batch Transcription of audio files exported from Voice Memos, and I am running into an interesting issue. If I only transcribe a single file it works every time, but if I try to batch it, only the last one works, and the others fail with No speech detected. I assumed it must be something about concurrency, so I implemented what I think should remove any chance of transcriptions running in parallel. And with a mocked up unit of work, everything looked good. So I added the transcription back in, and 1: It still fails on all but the last file. This happens if I am processing 10 files or just 2. 2: It no longer processes in order, any file can be the last one that succeeds. And it seems to not be related to file size. I have had paragraph sized notes finish last, but also a single short sentence that finishes last. I left the mocked processFiles() for reference. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. import Speech import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State private var processing: Bool = false @State private var fileNumber: String? @State private var fileName: String? @State private var files: [URL] = [] let locale = Locale(identifier: "en-US") let recognizer: SFSpeechRecognizer? init() { self.recognizer = SFSpeechRecognizer(locale: self.locale) } var body: some View { VStack { if files.count > 0 { ZStack { ProgressView() Text(fileNumber ?? "-") .bold() } Text(fileName ?? "-") } else { Image(systemName: "folder.badge.minus") Text("No audio files found") } } .onAppear { files = getFiles() Task { await processFiles() } } } private func getFiles() -> [URL] { do { let documentsURL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first! let path = documentsURL.appendingPathComponent("Voice Memos").absoluteURL let contents = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: path, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil, options: []) let files = (contents.filter {$0.pathExtension == "m4a"}).sorted { url1, url2 in url1.path < url2.path } return files } catch { print(error.localizedDescription) return [] } } private func processFiles() async { var fileCount = files.count for file in files { fileNumber = String(fileCount) fileName = file.lastPathComponent await processFile(file) fileCount -= 1 } } // private func processFile(_ url: URL) async { // let seconds = Double.random(in: 2.0...10.0) // await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in // DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + seconds) { // continuation.resume() // print("\(url.lastPathComponent) \(seconds)") // } // } // } private func processFile(_ url: URL) async { let recognitionRequest = SFSpeechURLRecognitionRequest(url: url) recognitionRequest.requiresOnDeviceRecognition = false recognitionRequest.shouldReportPartialResults = false await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in recognizer?.recognitionTask(with: recognitionRequest) { (transcriptionResult, error) in guard transcriptionResult != nil else { print("\(url.lastPathComponent.uppercased())") print(error?.localizedDescription ?? "") return } if ((transcriptionResult?.isFinal) == true) { if let finalText: String = transcriptionResult?.bestTranscription.formattedString { print("\(url.lastPathComponent.uppercased())") print(finalText) } } } continuation.resume() } } }
Apple music feed parquet files
Hi, I am in need to get the total number of parquet files that are present in the apple music feed api for songs, artists. As there is option for limit and offset. But limit is limited to 200 records and offset is uncertain. How to get total number of parquet files number without quering apple music feed api mulitple times? Need help regarding this. Thanks!