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Posts under Accessories tag

13 Posts
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How to get cycling speed and cadence from natively connected sensors?
When I connect a speed and cadence sensor to my Apple Watch in Bluetooth settings I expect to see the following HKQuantity types in workoutBuilder:(HKLiveWorkoutBuilder *)workoutBuilder didCollectDataOfTypes HKQuantityTypeIdentifierCyclingSpeed, HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceCycling, and HKQuantityTypeIdentifierCyclingCadence. However, after starting an HKWorkoutSession I only get updates for HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceCycling. I know that these metrics are being updated because the Apple Workout app displays them. I have authorized my app to read and write these quantity types, so what could I be missing here? Are these quantities only available to the workout app, as I haven't found a third-party app that sees these metrics when the sensors are connected this way?
Apr ’24
EAWiFiUnconfiguredAccessoryBrowser configureAccessory not showing UI modal up
Hello everyone, I'm trying to configure my WAC device trough an App. This App finds the device without problems using startSearchingForUnconfiguredAccessoriesMatchingPredicate but when I try to use configureAccessory method I get only 3 messages in Xcode and nothing happens. These messages are: 2024-03-14 12:55:56.261969+0000 App[1394:380785] ### WAC: -[EAWiFiUnconfiguredAccessoryBrowserManager configureAccessory:withConfigurationUIOnViewController:]_block_invoke_3:368 Other Region SKU 2024-03-14 12:55:56.266191+0000 App[1394:374248] ### WAC: _notificationCleanup:42 responseFlags: 3 ### WAC: _notificationCleanup:43 responseFlags: 3 For me they don't look like an Error but would be nice if someone could give me some advice on this, I didn't find nothing about it. Thanks in advance!
Mar ’24
BPA 100 Connection/Capture Issues
Hello, I’m trying to use the Frontline Teledyne Lecroy BPA100 Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer with Apples ATS v7.15.0 to capture Bluetooth connections between our device and another companies radio (or troubleshoot the lack thereof more accurately). While the probe physically doesn’t display any signs of life, it does seem to get detected by ATS when I plug it in as the field in ATS Capture “BPA 100/600” autofill’s with “FBA41199”. But it tells me this When I do try to reconnect the probe ATS crashes. Is the device broken?
Mar ’24
Information on vibrations harmful to iPhone devices
Hey, I am writing to you on behalf of a startup company that is developing a device to protect iPhone cameras from the negative effects of vibrations, such as those generated while riding a motorcycle. We are currently in the research phase of our project and are seeking information on the specific types of vibrations that can be harmful to iPhone devices. We have found some information that suggests that micro-vibrations with frequencies between 1 and 100 Hz can be particularly damaging. Would you be able to provide us with any additional information on this topic? Any insights you can share would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Feb ’24
Control HID USB Device from iPad?
I have a custom HID USB device that I can control on Mac with IOKit via the default HID MacOS driver. I am using IOHIDManager to detect it and send reports to it. I would like to extend this capability to iPad but the full IOKit framework is not supported on iOS/iPadOS. I saw that USBDriverKit is now supported on iPads with an M1 chip or newer. But, both MacOS and Windows can operate the device with their generic HID driver. As such, having to create a whole custom driver to interact with an HID device on iOS is really overkill. Would registering it in the MFi Program and operating it with the External Accessory framework be the correct route to take here? Or is there another framework for controlling HID devices on iPad over USB that I am not aware of?
Dec ’23
WAC2 and QR code
I am implementing WAC2 on mu Accessory my accessory is using WiFi my bridge is broadcasting beacons according to the WAC2 requirements. my iPhone is able to see the SSD of my device as HomeKit Accessory and it link me to the home app when I select the device SSID. when redirecting to the home app, it opens directly QR code scanner, I scan the old QR code of my device something like that (X-HM://0024BWBIC2V7B). But this will not proceed to connect to my device. Do I have use another QR code that contains SSID and passphrase? If o ho to generate this QR code ?
Nov ’23
What CoreBluetooth physical layer?
We have a process in our iPhone app that uses CoreBluetooth to transfer a large amount of data over time using Bluetooth LE. Now I'm looking for ways to speed up this process. From what I have gathered, there is no way to set a preferred phyaical layer (PHY) for CoreBluetooth. How does iOS determine the best PHY to use? Is there any way I can influence it? I was not able to locate any documentation from Apple mentioning "physical layer" or "phy" for CoreBluetooth, only a brief GitHub Issue for a multiplatform networking library that discussed setting a "PreferredPhy" for iOS.
Oct ’23
Reading data from Payment terminal
Hello! Thank you very much for your WWDC NFC sessions! I really like the format and the information you provided in those session :) I have a question regarding my app that I am planning to develop using an NFC technology. I tried to find a necessary information in WWDC sessions and documentations but I couldn't find anything that might be helpful for me. The idea is simple. I want to use my app as the proxy between user's payments cards (debit or credit) and the payment terminal. The logic is something like this: User taps an iPhone to a payment terminal (just like in the Wallet) and my app reads the data from the payment terminal through NFC (merchant name, merchant category, amount to be paid, etc.) My app receives this information, does some formatting and other operations My app sends the user's card information to the NFC (a card information is received and stored in my app through some 3rd party service, like Plaid) Payment terminal receives this information and shows either the payment succeed or failed. I am wondering is it possible to achieve this using the current API of NFC framework? While I am aware that the NFC framework supports the ISO-7816 standard, based on my research so far, it seems there is no way to achieve this functionality. Correct me if I am wrong. Thanks!
Aug ’23