




How to renew my annual membership (Apple Developer program)
My membership expires in 10 days and I'm trying to find out how I can renew it.According to Applet:"You can renew starting 30 days before the expiration date of your existing membership or any time after it expires. Your expiration date is available in your account on the developer website. To renew, sign in to your account with the Apple ID you used to enroll, and click the "Renew Now” button. If your membership is still active when you renew, your new membership will activate as soon as your current membership expires and you will receive two (2) new TSIs."So, I sign in to my account with the Apple ID I used to enroll and I can't see the "Reset Now" button anywyere.All I can see is the "Overview", "Membership", "Certificates, IDs & Profiles", "iTunes Connect", "CloudKit Dashboard" and "Code-Level Support" under the "Programs Resources" section, on the left, and the "Documentation", "Forums", "Bug Reporter" and "News & Updates" under the "Additional Resources" section, again on the left.I went to each and every of these and there is no "Renew Now" button anywhere.Any ideas?Thanks in advance.
Jun ’16
Xcode source editor scrolling speed
Heylo all,I've noticed an "issue" of sorts with scrolling through code that's really throwing me off. I don't think it was doing this before, but maybe I just never noticed? I'm not sure.The scrolling speed with the trackpad changes depending on how much scrollable content there is. That is to say, if the window only shows say 40% of the total file, scrolling speed feels like it does everywhere else in the OS. When it covers 80% or 90%, it slows way down so the same amount of physical scrolling translates to moving up or down fewer lines at a time. This change even happens live: if I open a source file in a separate window and shrink the window size, scrolling speeds up; expand it to be the full height of the monitor and it slows down again. (It's literally a difference of 3 lines vs 15 lines)It doesn't do this with a regular mouse wheel; just touch surfaces. I tried restarting, different projects, new projects, playing with the system scroll speed settings in accessibility, turning inertia off...nothing changes it.Has anyone else actively noticed this? Is there a setting to change or a "fix" for it?
Jun ’16
the team has already reached the maximum number of iPhone devices
hi,i'm no longer registered as an paid apple developer, but now we can push our own apps on our device via xcodei recently try to push my app to my friend iphone and it works great, but now i cannot push it anywhere, i tryied my own iphone and an other one, it prompt me the same message :Unable to add device 'iPhone de xx_me_xx*' because the team has already reached the maximum number of iPhone devices.Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: *" doesn't include signing certificate "iPhone Developer: ***_me_***".Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: *" doesn't include the currently selected device "iPhone de ***_meagain_***".Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.1'as i understand, i cannot find the place to remove device from my account nor the place to edit provisioning profilemy iphone have the latest ios version as my mac and xcodethank you
Nov ’16
No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle Identifier ' ' os correct.
So this is very frustrating. My bundle ID is the same in the itunes connect store as it is in xcode. However, when I try and validate my archive for submission I am left with this prompt. My only thought is I had someone code this for me and I added a splash screen as well as changing the app name. I thought I made all the right corrections. Any ideas guys?
Feb ’17
Xcode 9 - Can't Update Help Book
I "upgraded" to XCode 9 today, hoping that it would support the new ISO Appendix K safe string functions (it doesn't). It has always been difficult to get XCode to update a Mac application's Help Book. In the past I have been able to do it by following these instructions:Delete any other versions of the app and empty the trash.Update the Help.plistCreate a new Help.helpindex file using the Help IndexerRemove the help folder from project.Delete the system’s cached help folder using the terminal command: rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/*Sometimes it helps to restart your machine nowSometimes it helps to execute the termanal command rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/* againClean and rebuild the project without the Help folderAdd the new Help folder, clean and rebuildCheck to be sure that the new help book is addedNow this doesn't work. When I run my project with the new Help Book the Help Book window says:The selected topic is currently unavailable.The topic you were trying to view could not be found.XCode logs:2017-09-20 13:45:49.466114-0600 app[2349:187674] Entering AHRegisterHelpBookWithURL2017-09-20 13:45:49.466228-0600 app[2349:187674] Entering AHRegisterHelpBookWithURL: 0Can anyone tell me how to get XCode 9 to do this?
Sep ’17
Can't register DUNS
I want to register apple developer program, first , I'll check my DUNS, but,the page show some information when I input my company infomation:Before enrolling, look up your organization to see if you have a D-U-N-S Number. Dun & Bradstreet may have already assigned one to you. If your organization is not listed, you'll have the option to submit your information to D&B for a free D-U-N-S Number.and a list of some other company information.but my company don't in the list,and I can't submit it.Who can help me?
Oct ’17
Developer account pending for more that 48 hours
My developer account pending for more that 48 hours.When I login to, it show the following message:Purchase your membership.To continue your enrollment, complete your purchase now.Your purchase may take up to 48 hours to process.I have already paid the membership fee and got the E-invoice from apple.Could anyone help to solve this problem?Thanks.
Feb ’18
How do you delete a Signing Certificate from Xcode?
I have found multiple forum postings where people have asked for how they can delete or remove a Signing Certificate. Unfortunately none of them are helpful. Some respond with non-helpful questions like "Why do you want to delete your Signing Certificate?" I'll tell you why I want to delete it. It's mine and I don't want it any more. I want it gone! Others have responded to similar questions by saying to just create a new Apple ID. I don't want to do that either. I like my world clean and orderly without junk laying around, so that answer is not acceptable either. I want clear instructions on how to delete or remove a Signing Certificate. Interestingly, the option to delete it is there but it's grayed out. Why have it there if you can't delete it? Can someone please help me with this?
Jun ’18
Xcode 10.0 diagnosticd high CPU w/iPhone XR Simulator
Hi All,I've got the new 2018 MacBook Pro 15" (15,1) running High Sierra 10.13.6 and the Xcode 10.0 (10A255) release version and am having the following recurring issue.I've got an iOS project that I'm running in the simulator. In this case I'm actually running XCTests. The total tests run for about 4 seconds.At this point, Xcode looks like it's idle, but my fans spin up to full speed and Activity Monitor shows me: diagnosticd 170% cpu diagnosticd 82% cpu notifyd 78% cpu SpringBoard 78% cpuSometimes it shows diagnosticd higher like 350% CPU, but always diagnosticd is the highest.The computer doesn't seem to be doing anything. Both Xcode and Simulator are responsive.If I close the simulator, these disappear and the fans spin back down.This happens 100% of the time with the iPhone XR simulator, but doesn't seem to happen at all with any of the others, including the XS and XS Max.Anyone else seeing this?
Sep ’18
Can't type in input in Xcode 10.1 using C++
I'm new to Xcode and programming in general, and I'm having an issue with Xcode. After I made my code and built it successfully the first time, I can type in input in the bottom console no problem. But then I made a few tweaks and went ahead to build it again. It did successfully build but this time I can't type in anything in the bottom console. So I have to close Xcode and reopen it again everytime I want to make any tweaks and it's getting annoying. Would love to know how to fix this. Thank you in advance.
Nov ’18
How do I downgrade the simulator in Xcode?
My app is working as expected in the simulator on iOS 12.1, but not on my iOS 11.x device, and it is just a layout issue. I'm not aware of any major changes in layout constraints from 11 to 12, so I'm perplexed... I upgraded an older device from iOS 10 to 12 and my app layout works on it, so it seems something changed between iOS 11 and 12 regarding layout, but I don't know what that is...How can I get a simulator running iOS 11.x to debug? I'll start debugging on my actual 11.x device, but I would also like to know how to get a simulator running older iOS versions? xcodebuild -showsdks says I only have 12.1 iphone/simulator 12.1 -- how do I run 11.x in the simulator, or older iOS versions in general in the simulator?
Nov ’18
unable to boot the simulator launchd failed to respond
After I updated to Mac OS Catalina I'm no more able to run the simulator. I always get this: "Unable to boot the Simulator - launchd failed to respond".I'm runningMac OS 10.15 CatalinaXcode 10.3I can't update to Xcode 11 (anyway my collegue installed Xcode 11 and he's getting the same error too)I already try these:- Simulator/Hardware/Erase all contents and services... (the result was a black screen on simulator and nothing happened)- Delete all simulators and download them again- /private/tmp directorysudo mkdir /private/tmp sudo chmod 1777 /private/tmp- I tried thisxcrun simctl shutdown all xcrun simctl delete $(xcrun simctl list | grep -o '[0-9A-F]\{8\}-[0-9A-F]\{4\}-[0-9A-F]\{4\}-[0-9A-F]\{4\}-[0-9A-F]\{12\}' | xargs) xcrun simctl delete unavailableNothing seems working... The simulator looks working in the morning, than after few builds it stop working.Ideas?
Oct ’19
How to actually enable the feedback assistant app??
This page talks about the Feedback Assistant app for developers, and how it's the preferred way to submit feedback. But I didn't see anything obvious about how to get it. So I look for it in the app store. Nothing.About 5 minutes of searching brings me back to a well-hidden sentence on that page saying that it's on the home screen if you have a Beta version installed, but you can enable it on the publicly released versions by "installing a beta profile".I have no idea what that means. I can find no info on the web or the searching the developer site about how to "install a beta profile". I find instructions for installing Beta versions of iOS, but don't see anything about how to get the app without actually installing a beta OS.I did find a (sketchy as F...) website called <--- (don't click) that downloads and tries to install software on my Mac. (To which I said 'ell no). Seems an opportunist noticed this gaping vacuum that Apple created and stepped in to "fill it". I wonder how many people have gotten malware because of this lack of documentation.Sorry, frustrated as heck.OK, finally stumbled on the instructions in a MacWorld article. I guess I've started downloading "the profile", it will supposedly notify me when it's finished downloading, but I can't confirm that's actually happening. And I still don't even know what a "profile" is or what will happen if I "install" it.Seriously, this info should be easier to find. Searching these terms should bring up an informative article on at the top of the results, not some shady (AFAICT) malware site, and the best info being on MacWorld.
Oct ’19
Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program
Hey guysI’ve been trying to pay for Apple Developer Program enrollment for about a week and still no luck. As well as I got from a small talk with the customer support – Apple never got my money. So it seems like my payment authorization fails all the time. But I don’t know what’s really going on.Have any of you ever had issues like that?Or maybe you just know what’s going on and how to fix it?
Nov ’19