How to actually enable the feedback assistant app??

This page talks about the Feedback Assistant app for developers, and how it's the preferred way to submit feedback. But I didn't see anything obvious about how to get it. So I look for it in the app store. Nothing.

About 5 minutes of searching brings me back to a well-hidden sentence on that page saying that it's on the home screen if you have a Beta version installed, but you can enable it on the publicly released versions by "installing a beta profile".

I have no idea what that means. I can find no info on the web or the searching the developer site about how to "install a beta profile". I find instructions for installing Beta versions of iOS, but don't see anything about how to get the app without actually installing a beta OS.

I did find a (sketchy as F...) website called <--- (don't click) that downloads and tries to install software on my Mac. (To which I said 'ell no). Seems an opportunist noticed this gaping vacuum that Apple created and stepped in to "fill it". I wonder how many people have gotten malware because of this lack of documentation.

Sorry, frustrated as heck.

OK, finally stumbled on the instructions in a MacWorld article. I guess I've started downloading "the profile", it will supposedly notify me when it's finished downloading, but I can't confirm that's actually happening. And I still don't even know what a "profile" is or what will happen if I "install" it.

Seriously, this info should be easier to find. Searching these terms should bring up an informative article on at the top of the results, not some shady (AFAICT) malware site, and the best info being on MacWorld.

In lieu of the app, is there some reason you didn't just use the FA website found via This page as an example? This opened the FA application v4.6 (path /System/Library/CoreServices/Applications, dated 9.16.19, which is when I installed Catalina, I think) on my mac, and I'm able to send feedback for both release and betas, all platforms, sans, beta installs and/or profile hoop jumping...

If you click on the link in the overview (, you get there.

I just bookmarked this link.


You can now submit developer feedback and file bug reports to Apple using the native Feedback Assistantapp for iOS and Mac, or the Feedback Assistant website. When you file a bug, you’ll receive a Feedback ID to track the bug within the app or on the website. Feedback Assistant replaces Bug Reporter, which is no longer available.

The app requires iOS 12.4 or later, or macOS Catalina. If you are on earlier releases, you can use

I agree the documentation is kinda bad.

On the Mac, the app is installed, but tucked away. KMT gave you the path, but the easiest way to find it is to use Spotlight (Command-Space, type "feedback"). If you've ever installed a macOS beta (from this page:, then an alias to the app will be in your Applications/Utilities subfolder, and the icon will also be put in your dock.

On iOS, the app isn't installed at all unless you install an iOS beta (same page as above).

In one way, it's easier just to use the web page, except that the apps capture a sysdiagnose for you. Getting a sysdiagnose on iOS is a bit hard to get right, so it helps to use the app to get it.

This is so bizarre. The “traditional” bug reporting paths (e.g. ) tell you to use the iOS Feedback Assistant app and why it is so much more convenient and preferred (“Automatic on-device diagnostics! Remote filing! More detailed forms! More feedback statuses!” Oh boy!)

But that app is not installed on my iPhone, and when I tried to install it from App Store, it is not even listed.

Make up your mind Apple, do you want us to use the Feedback Assistant app, or is this just your idea of a little joke?
I'm having the same problem. I've have a beta profile installed (though I'm using the GM 14 right now) and cannot figure out how to install the Feedback Assistant app. This link ( points to the website to report bugs but there's no link to install the app. When I try to use the website, the header is "Where would you like to start your feedback?" but the text says I can't start my feedback. Can @apple provide the steps? Thanks!
Create this shortcut and add it to your Home Screen:

Open 💬Feedback
One reason to use the native app vs the website is that the native app will automatically pull sysdiag info while the website won’t. For certain big reports you have to submit that file. And it also just works better.
Still no profile for iOS to show the Apple Feedback Assistant app?
I found solution. You may type "applefeedback://" in the Safari of the iOS and FeedBack Assistant application will be opened.

I found The official beta website and it works!

Text translation not working in iOS 16

This FeedBack app popped up and I’ve been trying to remove it, not realizing it’s Fr Apple. So I can definitely tell you how I installed it.

Hit Settings, General, Software Updates, then ADD Beta Developer io16

if you’re still having problems then try going to >Settings, Screentime, ITunes ‘your code/password if needed), and make sure the ‘installing apps’ is toggled to ALLOW. Then try step 1 again, ‘adding Beta Developer’

The app is very helpful, now that I’m familiar with it, know what it is & that’s it’s actually from Apple. How this helps

How to actually enable the feedback assistant app??