




I don't know how I can test my Testing App on my iPhone anymore
I am new. I have never used Swift nor XCode or the CLI. But I have found and managed to test my App that I created for testing on my iPhone. I have absolutely no intentions to put it on the App Store. I even made it Open-Source on GitHub. I learned a lot of things and ways to prevent crashes, but unfortunately I am slowly starting to lose the ability to put my App on my iOS. I am new here as a developer. But I have troubles to create a Developer Account, so I am not sure what I should do. Here's what I think I am having issues with: I feel like you can only create a Developer Account if you have a business, is this true? I really find it cool to test my own App on my own phone. But I want to do it in an official way. But I don't know how. Others have told me that you'd need a License for the App Store. But I am not trying to put it on the App Store, will this make it impossible for me to test my own app? Why make an app if not putting it on the App Store? You can learn. If you make good Apps or Libraries, you can provide them to other Developers! Maybe even an opportunity to collab with someone and even indeed put it on the App Store with a valid Developer Account. Seriously, if I wouldn't have been able to test my iOS app through other ways on my iPhone, I'd have never been able to make a short breakdown about AVAudioEngine and AVAudioSession. I've seen people that have run into these crashes. I tried to look up for a fix, but found none. I saw apps that allowed you to use a Microphone on a Laptop/PC and I decided to make my own one to test, and succeded, while I yet need to figure out a few crashes, I managed to do it, and I really want to continue and actually use my own App... So I was really happy that I could make a post to provide a guide in hopes that it would help someone. And I would do more, but I really need help with figuring out how I can test my own app on my own phone. I hope that Developer Relations can help with this.
Xcode 16 won't pair with iPhone, Error is: DeviceLinkListener.c:_copyMobileDeviceValue| ERROR: Attempt to copy a value from an unpaired device. Cowardly refusing to do so
Any Apple Engineers out there who wrote this error message? DeviceLinkListener.c:_copyMobileDeviceValue| ERROR: Attempt to copy a value from an unpaired device. Cowardly refusing to do so ERROR: .... Cowardly refusing to do so Any thoughts? I click on 'trust this computer' (on the iPhone) and the error is triggered. FB15285137 MacOS Sequoia iOS 18, iPhone 13 mini (previously paired happily with Xcode 15)
Hang Reports Don't Add up to 100%
We have noticed that the hang reports provided in Xcode include the percentage of hang time, which are used to sort from high to low (effectively sorting by priority). However when adding these percentages up we do not get 100%. For newer releases the total may be quite low (5-20%) but even for older releases we only get up to around 85%. Are there reports we are missing? Is there a threshold or something that lower percentage reports are not hitting? Any level of understanding here would be appreciated!
Instruments "Failed to split user provided arguments: working directory doesn't exist"
Trying to examine performance issues in Xcode Instruments using the Animation Hitches instrument in Xcode 16.0 beta 6 (16A5230g). When connected to my iPhone 15 Pro Max and I try to start a run with my app, it has an error “Failed to split user provided arguments: working directory doesn't exist” with timestamp “(Before Run Started)”. When running the app on an iOS simulator, the instrument runs fine—but I want to profile on a real device.
 Instruments > Settings, Recording Location set to Default and that directory does exist.
Sep ’24
Swift Package Manager (SPM) can't load recently used dependencies or find new one since upgrade to Xcode16
Since upgrading to Xcode 16 Swift Package Manager seems to be broken. It can't load recently used packages (just spins the progress indicator). Same thing when trying to search for a new package. I've looked online and can't find anything useful. I've deleted all the caches. Resetting existing packages completes successfully. Anyone else seen this before and have any suggestions? Thanks
Xcode Cloud build phase has massively slowed down
Hi, recently something happened in Xcode Cloud, and the build times increased massively. In our CI workflow we run test, and one of the phases executes xcodebuild build-for-testing: the duration of this phase moved from about 8 minutes to about 36 minutes, without any major changes on our side. We observed this: in different apps; even when running a build on a old tag. All other phases don't seem affected, it's just the xcodebuild build-for-testing phase. I'm attaching 2 screenshots of the logs from AppStoreConnect that show the duration of each phase, where build 7600 is older and 7700 is more recent (but was run on a tag from a few weeks ago, to exclude issues related with the code base itself). We had not other option than to disable the CI checks for PRs, because they would take too long, and use up too much of Xcode Cloud time. What's happening? Thanks
May ’24
How to: Add File... w/o moving nor copying that file
I have a number of utility functions/extensions in a .swift file at a central location. In Xcode 15, I used to be able to Add File... and uncheck the box that said COPY. The project would then have a REFERENCE to the file. I could make changes to the shared file and all projects that referenced that file would see the latest version. I don't see how to do that in Xcode 16. Add File... opens a dialog and the only options (in a drop-down) are Copy and Move -- neither of which I want to do. How do you make a reference in Xcode 16?
Xcode 16 Beta Swift Compiler Settings Missing
Really stumped on this issue my team is seeing with the Xcode 16 Beta (both Xcode 16 version 6 and Xcode 16.1). Wondering if anyone was having a similar issue and if this is a bug or something configured incorrectly. Basically, when I go to build settings and search for anything related to "Swift Compiler" nothing shows up. The only thing that appears with "Swift" in the title is under the User Defined keys (see attached) As such, I'm unable to change the Swift version for the project and I'm stuck in Swift 6 language mode which we're not quite ready for yet. This is only occurring on one of our targets. Our other app projects are behaving as expected. The project in question has the main target we build the project with and 2 support frameworks. The supporting frameworks are also working correctly. Its just the primary build target giving us fits. Curious if anyone is seeing something similar or has suggestions. Thanks!
“Unable to check for update” ios 18
Hi I am on an iphone 15 pro (US version) running ios 18 build number 22A5282m and the software update page of settings says that beta updates are off (cannot be turned on (there are no public or developer beta options either)) and the main page displays this error message: “Unable to Check for Update An error occurred while checking for a software update. Try Again“ <— in blue i tried to put my device into recovery mode to restore but it just started bootlooping and only stopped when i let go of the power button. next was the factory reset. i completely emptied the phone and set it up again. i restored from an earlier backup but the problem still remained. I am unable to update and my battery life is really suffering (3-4h of screen on time. Background app refresh and location services are turned off and low power mode is turned on) any ideas would be appreciated thanks
Swift Macro for SwiftUI Previews Not Recognized in Xcode
Here's a concise post for the Apple Developer Forums: Title: Swift Macro for SwiftUI Previews Not Recognized in Xcode Hello everyone, I've developed a Swift macro swift-inject-preview that generates SwiftUI previews (PreviewProvider or #Preview). However, Xcode seems to ignore the previews generated by the macro, likely because it searches for PreviewProvider/#Preview or similar text in the file before macro expansion. Has anyone encountered a similar issue or found a workaround for getting Xcode to recognize previews created through Swift macros? Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! Daniil Voidilov
Xcode won't download manual provisioning profles
Since a few days now, I'm using Xcode 16 and I try to install a newly made provisioning profile for my app. On the development profile I always get the message "Failed to install one or more provisioning profiles on the device". But no message at all for the distribution profile. I even tried setting up completely new certificates as I updated to macOS 15 and Xcode 16. No success. When checking the installed profiles via Finder under open ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles I only see profiles from my last project from june this year. It does not matter how often I press "Download Manual Profiles" in Xcode nothing new lands here. Is there any other way to install newly created profiles? As my project is done with .NET and not a native Xcode project I do not have the option to let Xcode it generate for me (if this would even work).
BuildConverter: AudioConverterNew returned -50
AudioQueueObject.cpp:1580 BuildConverter: AudioConverterNew returned -50 from: 0 ch, 16000 Hz, .... (0x00000000) 0 bits/channel, 0 bytes/packet, 0 frames/packet, 0 bytes/frame to: 2 ch, 16000 Hz, Int16, interleaved AQMEIO_HAL.cpp:2773 iOSSimulatorAudioDevice-15111-0: Abandoning I/O cycle because reconfig pending (1). HALC_ProxySystem.cpp:163 HALC_ProxySystem::GetObjectInfo: got an error from the server, Error: 560947818 (!obj) HALC_ShellObject::HasProperty: there is no proxy object AudioHardware-mac-imp.cpp:1224 AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener: no object with given ID 160 HALSystem.cpp:2216 AudioObjectPropertiesChanged: no such object why? Can't record on ios17. Normal recording before iOS 16.
IOS 18.1
Bug with my keyboard , emoji portion. my emojis all show, but certain ones try to turn themselves into stickers and I can’t use them as normal emojis. is there a way to fix this ? it’s super annoying that I can’t use them without them turning into stickers/pictures.