




no response to request for family controls entitlement
About 5 weeks ago, I requested a Family Controls Entitlement using this form: I have yet to hear anything back. About a week ago, I submitted a support request through my Apple developer account, asking about the entitlement, and have also not heard anything back. Is it normal to wait this long? Is there a way to check on the status of my request? Is there some other channel I should be using to ask for information about this process?
How to refresh local Swift Package after adding files in Xcode 16?
Since upgrading to Xcode 16, I've noticed that when I add new files to my local Swift packages, the "Update Package" option is no longer available when I right-click on my local package. In previous versions of Xcode, I used this feature to make Xcode recognize newly added files without any issues. Now, with Xcode 16, the only way I've found to get Xcode to recognize new files is to remove and re-add the entire package, which is obviously not ideal. I've tried cleaning the build folder and rebuilding the project, but it doesn't seem to help. Is there a new workflow or method in Xcode 16 to refresh or update local Swift packages without needing to remove and re-add them every time? Any suggestions or workarounds would be greatly appreciated! What I’ve tried so far: Cleaning and rebuilding the project Looking for any options under "File > Packages" menu Environment: Xcode 16 Local Swift Package Thanks in advance!
Unable to get Metric Kit logs on iOS devices for past 24 hours on Test Flight Build I am unable to get the MetricKit logs for past 24 hours time period on my test flight build. I have been able to achieve immediate logs for crash, cpu exception and diskwrite exceptions. But the logs which contains all the crashes, cpu exceptions and diskwrite exceptions, battery and network details, etc for the previous day/24h are never generated. I have used the following method to log the payloads in the file systems. I have tested the same on normal xcode builds as well as TestFlight build. func didReceive(_ payloads: [MXDiagnosticPayload])
Swift xcframeworks built with Xcode 16 not works in Xcode 15 projects
Hello, when I use xcode 16 build swift xcframeworks and provide it for my customer, however they can not use it their xcode 15 projects. Undefined symbol: _swift_FORCE_LOAD$_swift_Builtin_float Undefined symbol: _+ _swift_FORCE_LOAD$_swift_errno Undefined symbol: _+ _swift_FORCE_LOAD$_swift_math Undefined symbol: _+ _swift_FORCE_LOAD$_swift_signal Undefined symbol: _+ _swift_FORCE_LOAD$_swift_stdio Undefined symbol: _+ _swift_FORCE_LOAD$_swift_time Undefined symbol: _+ _swift_FORCE_LOAD$_swiftsys_time Undefined symbol: _+ _swift_FORCE_LOAD$_swiftunistd What should I do? And macOS Sequoia does not support Xcode 15.4. I can not build my frameworks with Xcode 15.4 now.
iOS 18 beta 5 Bugs
I am experiencing a bug on my iPhone 13 after updating to iOS 18 beta 5. This bug causes my phone to unexpectedly show a black screen with a "loading" indicator, and then it returns to the lock screen. I have to unlock it for the phone to return to normal. This issue occurs repeatedly. I am not entirely sure what is happening with my device. I believe it is also experiencing overheating issues. Although the battery seems to be optimized, the phone is getting hot and still has the same bug mentioned above after the iOS 18 beta 5 update. Please help me, I would like to so much resolve this issue.
Xcode 16 warning about missing symbols of static framework
I work on an SDK, and one of the ways we distribute it is as a pre-compiled static XCFramework. As far as I know, it’s the nature of a static framework to not contain symbols since the framework will be embedded in the final app binary, and the symbols should then be generated. However, when testing the "Validate" function of the Xcode 16 deployment process, our users are receiving a warning that says the framework does not contain symbols. Is my assumption about static frameworks and symbols incorrect? Could this be a bug in Xcode 16? Should we modify something in our framework to inform Xcode that symbols are not needed?
Aug ’24
MacOSX Sonoma 14.7 + XCode 16.0 + iOS 17.6.1:
I am trying to install an app from a XCode project onto a iOS 17.6.1 device. The Macbook is a MacOSX Sonoma 14.7, Apple M2 Pro. I'm running XCode 16.0. I receive a series of alerts before receiving the final message. I tried to delete everything in this folder: rm ~/Library/Caches/* I reviewed the XCode components currently installed: I downloaded more runtime simulators from this link. I then followed the instructions provided in this link. For example: xcrun simctl runtime add "~/Downloads/iOS_17.4_Simulator_Runtime.dmg" xcrun simctl runtime add "~/Downloads/iOS_17.5_Simulator_Runtime.dmg" I'm still getting a message beside the device I want to install my app: The Developer Disk Image Could Not Be Staged On The Host I need help. I don't know what else to do. I don't see any matching simulators available for 17.6.1 and 17.7. Does anyone have any ideas?
AppIntents don't show up in Shortcuts app when in SPM package
Hi there, I successfully created an AppIntent for our app, and when I had it in the same target as our main app it showed up fine in the shortcuts app. Then I realized that many of the new System Control widgets introduced in iOS 18 (e.g. lockscreen, control center) live in the widget extension target, but they also need to reference that same AppIntent. So to fix this, I thought I'd migrate out the code into it's own SPM package that both the WidgetExtension and the Main App processes can reference. However, after doing that and rebuilding, the intent no longer shows up in the Shortcuts app. Furthermore, my AppShortcutsProvider class now has this error when trying to define the list of appShortcuts: App Intent <name> should be in the same target as AppShortcutsProvider Is this intended, and if so, how do we reference the same AppIntent across multiple targets?
Jul ’24
Xcode - Product > Archive files
Hello. I'm working on an app which works on multiple platforms (iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS). It builds and runs fine on the simulator and a real device but when trying to create a Product > Archive on macOS, it fails. Here's the error message I get: Build target RailBoardMac Project RailBoard | Configuration Debug | Destination Any Mac | SDK macOS 15.1 Link RailBoardMac (x86_64) 0.3 seconds Could not parse or use implicit file '/Applications/ Versions/A/SwiftUlCore.tbd': cannot link directly with 'SwiftUlCore' because product being built is not an allowed client of it less Undefined symbol: _main × Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Build failed 20/09/2024, I know this used to work. I must have changed something somewhere and it no longer does. I'd be grateful for any assistance.
How to I archive macros into a static library as xcframework?
I'm trying to make an xcframework from my static library (SPM btw) with macros. My script doesn't work properly My SPM declaration of macros: // swift-tools-version: 5.9 // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package. import CompilerPluginSupport import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "SomeMacr", platforms: [.macOS(.v10_15), .iOS(.v13), .tvOS(.v13), .macCatalyst(.v13)], products: [ .library( name: "SomeMacr", targets: ["SomeMacr"] ), .executable( name: "SomeMacrClient", targets: ["SomeMacrClient"] ) ], dependencies: [ .package(url: "", from: "509.0.0") ], targets: [ .macro( name: "SomeMacrMacros", dependencies: [ .product(name: "SwiftSyntaxMacros", package: "swift-syntax"), .product(name: "SwiftCompilerPlugin", package: "swift-syntax") ] ), .target(name: "SomeMacr", dependencies: ["SomeMacrMacros"]), .executableTarget(name: "SomeMacrClient", dependencies: ["SomeMacr"]), .testTarget( name: "SomeMacrTests", dependencies: [ "SomeMacrMacros", .product(name: "SwiftSyntaxMacrosTestSupport", package: "swift-syntax") ] ) ] ) My .sh script: xcodebuild archive \ -scheme $1 \ -sdk iphoneos \ -archivePath "Products/archives/ios_devices.xcarchive" \ SKIP_INSTALL=NO \ BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES xcodebuild archive \ -scheme $1 \ -sdk iphonesimulator \ -archivePath "Products/archives/ios_simulators.xcarchive" \ SKIP_INSTALL=NO \ BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES xcodebuild archive \ -scheme $1 \ -sdk macosx \ -archivePath "Products/archives/macos.xcarchive" \ SKIP_INSTALL=NO \ BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES xcodebuild -create-xcframework \ -library Products/archives/ios_devices.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/lib$1.a \ -library Products/archives/ios_simulators.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/lib$1.a \ -library Products/archives/macos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/lib$1.a \ -output Products/xc/$1.xcframework It requires destination (But in other tutorials, authors clearly shows, that after this script I will get an xcframework) xcodebuild: error: Building a Swift package requires that a destination is provided using the "-destination" option. The "-showdestinations" option can be used to list the available destinations But when I setup the destination it was compiled to exec file, which I don't mind how to include to another SPM package / or xcframework What am I doing wrong?
Compatibility Issue with WebKit.WKWebView.evaluateJavaScript(_:completionHandler:) in Xcode 16
I've encountered an issue after upgrading to Xcode 16. I have an overridden func of WebKit.WKWebView.evaluateJavaScript(_:completionHandler:), which no longer compiles in the new Xcode. I noticed that in Xcode 16, the completionHandler now has @MainActor and @Sendable annotations, which causes a compilation error. public override func evaluateJavaScript(_ javaScriptString: String, completionHandler: (@MainActor @Sendable (Any?, (any Error)?) -> Void)? = nil) When I add these annotations to my overridden method, it compiles fine in Xcode 16. However, this breaks compilation in older versions of Xcode. The documentation for this API doesn't explicitly mention any changes, but the behavior is clearly different between versions. Xcode 15: Xcode 16: What would be the best way to handle this situation? Should I use a compilation condition to differentiate between the versions? If so, what would be the correct condition to check? Was there a Swift compiler update in Xcode 16 that could be affecting this? Or is it better to drop support for versions of Xcode earlier than 16? Or I should not override that? Thanks in advance for any insights!
WidgetKit keep crashing and widgets not displaying
So I have a MacOS application that was working just fine before Xcode 16. The Widgets are not working anymore. The main application and the widgets share a file in a common App Group. The widget app now get a permission error when accessing the file. Also, the Widget Kit simulator keeps crashing. I also try to start a new project in Xcode, add a target with a Widget extension with an App Intent and run it, and it also crashes. Sometimes, it doesn't crash but just display the error: "Failed to load widget. The operation couldn't be completed. (WidgetKit_Simulator.WidgetDocument.Error error 2.). Edited to attach WidgetKit error log widgetKitError.txt