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modifying labs
I teach Swift coding to high school students. I would like to be able to assign the various labs in the Fundamentals curriculum where I reduce the opportunities for cheating. Students will share images of the coding answers with each other or they can go on the internet to see the answers. I would like individualize the labs for each student. For example: When they have an assignment where the directions require a longitude property to be set to 50.001. Then changed to another number. I would like to automatically generate slightly different numbers in the lab (a different number for each student) and then save this new lab in the intended student's name. Is that possible? Is it easy to do? Harold Peaden
Nov ’23
Bug: Can't file Feedback reports in Feedback Assistant
I'm unable to file bug reports in Feedback Assistant. To reproduce: Navigate to https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/ (I'm logged in) Click the Create button in the header, taking you to https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/new-form-response Click any category button Expected: A form to fill out Actual: A blank white screen; no way to fill out the form I've tested this in Safari 17.1 and Chrome 119 on macOS Sonoma 14.1 I see an error in when I open Safari Web Inspector: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) https://appleseed.apple.com/sp/en-US/feedback/forms/3027
Nov ’23
Debug a process by hand from a c program on an Apple Silicon CPU
Hello, My purpose is to understand how macOS works. Here is what i've done: I have wrote a c program on a M1 CPU with this lines: printf("Before breakpoint\n"); asm volatile("brk #0"); printf("After breakpoint\n"); When i run this program with lldb, a breakpoint is hit on the second line. So i suppose lldb is writing a "brk #0" instruction when we put a breakpoint manually. I can't continue to next line with lldb "c" command. PC stays on the brk instruction. I need to manually set PC to next instruction in lldb. Now, what i want to do is to create my own debugger. (I want to understand how lldb works). I have managed to ptrace the target program and i was able to catch an event with waitpid when "brk #0" is hit. But i don't know how i can increase PC value and continue execution because i can't do this on Silicon CPU: ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, child_pid, NULL, &regs); ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, child_pid, NULL, &regs); kill(child_pid, SIGCONT); So my question is: How does lldb managed to change ARM64 registers of a remote process ? Thanks
Nov ’23
Brazil Tax Forms - error: The Tax ID entered can not be used.
I'm trying to finish the migration process from individual to company account, and now I've been asked to enter the Tax ID number from Brazil (CNPJ) form my company. But the form is rejecting saying that I can not use that ID. The ID is correct, I have already opened a support ticket, but they asked me to include the question on the forum. The support ticket is: Nº do caso: 102143162870. This is the only step missing on the migration process. Can anyone help me ?
Nov ’23
Generic Protocol Specification for USB Flash Drive to communicate with IOS App
Hello Everyone, I am developing an IOS application for communicating with USB Flash Drive. For that I am going to use EAAccessory Framework. To be use EAAccessory Framework I need to mention protocol specification of USB Flash Drive (hardware) in info.plist file. Looking forward to know generic protocol specification which will enable IOS application to communicate with most or all USB flash drives.
Nov ’23
Enterprise License Agreement
Language in the "Apple Enterprise License Agreement" restricts enterprises to installing apps developed internally using Apple tools or downloaded from the Apple Business Manager application store. This prevents the enterprise from installing third party apps purchased outside of the application store on managed employee devices. In compliance with EU DMA, will Apple be removing this restrictive language from the Enterprise Licensing agreement and replaced it with language that allows the enterprise to freely develop apps internally; purchase apps from application stores; or purchase directly from third parties for digital signing and distribution to enterprise managed devices?
Nov ’23
Need a clarification
I currently have four apps available for the general public on the App Store. However, our company is now looking to publish applications specifically for our employees. To achieve this, we need to create a new Business Manager account with Apple. Alternatively, if we already have an enterprise account, we would like to confirm whether the Business Manager feature is available within the same account.
Nov ’23
Extra utun interfaces
I know this has been discussed before, but I can't seem to find a solution for this. I have the following on my machine: utun0: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet6 fe80::76b0:d199:d69b:c85b%utun0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xd nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD> utun1: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1380 inet6 fe80::97b:790d:3666:a064%utun1 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0xf nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD> utun2: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 2000 inet6 fe80::af07:a5a1:f350:ccf3%utun2 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x10 nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD> utun3: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1000 inet6 fe80::ce81:b1c:bd2c:69e%utun3 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x11 nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD> I use GlobalProtect VPN, and that's it.. I uninstalled it, removed the routes for all these tunnels, and restarted my machine. These still remain. I can't find any way to set GP to use utun0 like it used too.. seems it increments from time to time and I can't remove all these extras. I tried disabling other network services like USB and Thunderbolt.. but to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -- Dan
Nov ’23
Need to exclude Watch from Info plist
So I have an iOS app that I inherited written in MS Visual Studio and it worked last year. I had to update it with a new cert and when I did, now I get this error when publishing via Transporter: Asset validation failed (90906) Missing Info.plist value. A value for the key “WKApplication”, or “WKWatchKitApp” if your project has a WatchKit App Extension target, is required in “epass.iOS.app/build/Release-iphoneos/epass.iOS.app” bundle. For details, see: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/watchkit/creating_independent_watchos_apps/setting_up_a_watchos_project (ID: 629ed136-f531-4079-87c2-f91ee6bdcc58) Now I tried adding to the Info.plist: WKApplication WKWatchKitApp That however had no effect. Any thoughts on how to bypass this?
Nov ’23
Expected in: /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
dyld: Symbol not found: __ZTTNSt3__114basic_ofstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/19315D00-BA14-46B0-83BD-0961BBFFC9B8/VBell.app/VBell Expected in: /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib in /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/19315D00-BA14-46B0-83BD-0961BBFFC9B8/VBell.app/VBell Who knows how to solve this problem?
Nov ’23
How will the retirement of Azure Media Services impact existing customers' workflows?
The retirement of Azure Media Services is likely to have an impact on existing customers' workflows, and users should consider the following potential impacts: Workflow Disruptions: The retirement may temporarily disrupt existing media workflows as users transition to alternative solutions. This could lead to downtime or adjustments in content delivery processes. Migration Efforts: Users will need to invest time and resources in migrating their media assets, configurations, and workflows to the recommended alternatives. The complexity of the migration process may vary based on the scope of individual workflows. Learning Curve: Adopting new services often comes with a learning curve. Existing users may need to familiarize themselves with the features, APIs, and nuances of the chosen alternative solutions. Potential Feature Differences: The recommended alternatives may have different features and capabilities compared to Azure Media Services. Users should carefully evaluate these differences to ensure that the chosen solution meets their specific requirements. Testing and Quality Assurance: The migration process may require thorough testing to ensure that media content is transferred correctly and that the new workflows function as expected. Quality assurance measures are crucial to maintaining the integrity of media assets. Resource Allocation: Organizations may need to allocate resources, both in terms of personnel and budget, to facilitate a smooth transition. This includes training staff on the new services and adjusting configurations. Timeline Adjustments: Depending on the complexity of the workflows, users may need to adjust project timelines to accommodate the migration process. Proper planning is essential to mitigate any potential delays. Collaboration and Communication: Teams involved in media production and distribution need to collaborate effectively during the transition period. Clear communication is vital to ensure that everyone is aware of the changes and can adapt to the new workflows seamlessly. Data Migration Challenges: Moving media assets from Azure Media Services to alternative platforms may pose challenges, especially if there are large volumes of data. Users should anticipate potential issues related to data integrity, metadata preservation, and format compatibility. Extended Support Considerations: Users should be aware of the timeline for extended support, if available, and plan accordingly. This may influence the timing of their migration efforts and considerations for ongoing maintenance. While the retirement poses challenges, Microsoft typically provides support and resources to assist users during the transition. Staying informed about the retirement timeline, migration guides, and support channels will be crucial for minimizing disruptions and ensuring a successful transition to alternative solutions.
Nov ’23
Provisioning Profile
Hi all I have made an application on Windows Adobe Animate /Air ios. when I tried to get a provisioning profile from Adobe, they said I would have to get this from Apple. So I had to join an Apple developers program which I did at a cost of £79 non-refundable. I began to make up my Provisioning profile on apple developers site and at the very end of the process it told me to press a dedicated button on my Apple computer well I don't have an Apple computer that's why I made the application on Windows Adobe Animate with Air ios converter. When I pointed this out to Adobe their reply was to ask Apple if there is a way round this problem. Well I am asking you guys, is there a way round this? Alan
Nov ’23
Moving From Enterprise App to Unlisted App
We have an enterprise app distributed through our website. Time to time some older device users get issue not being able to open app as, when they click trust developer, Nothing happens. We are now planning to create a unlisted app, to be distributed in appstore. I was not able to find where to create a new app in appstore connect, Maybe that is because we use Enterprise account. So we tried creating a normal account with the same apple id used for enterprise account. It failed saying there is already a account associated. So in brief Is it possible for an enterprise account to upload app to app store as unlisted app Is it possible for 1 apple Id to have both enterprise and developer account
Nov ’23