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Clearing activation lock returns 404
For the past 2+ years I have been using the same process/code to enable and disabling/clearing activation lock from a device and since last week trying to clear the code is returning a 404 error response: <head> <title>404 Not Found</title> </head> <body> <center> <h1>404 Not Found</h1> </center> <hr> <center>Apple</center> </body> </html> I can confirm that the request looks ok and all the necessary params are being sent as expected.
Dec ’22
In Xcode Cloud the archiving process keeps failing due to time out.
Every time I the Xcode Cloud want to archive the project, after 30 minutes it says "The step invocation hit a user timeout. The xcodebuild archive invocation timed out. No activity has been detected on stdout, stderr or the result bundle in 30 minutes." I added a step before archiving to build the project and it was ok. Do you have any suggestions on why this keeps happening? It happens constantly to me.
Dec ’22
Error in installing enterprise build from XCode15 beta to iOS 17 beta OS device
After updating the os to iOS17 beta, not able to install the enterprise app through ipa, it throws error Error installing '//Downloads/-Internal-Appstore-23.6.5-1.ipa', ERROR: Error Domain=com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError Code=3002 "Failed to install the app on the device." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x600019bcc750 {Error Domain=com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError Code=3000 "The item at -Internal-Appstore-23.6.5-1.ipa is not a valid bundle." UserInfo={NSURL=file:////Downloads/-Internal-Appstore-23.6.5-1.ipa, NSLocalizedDescription=The item at -Internal-Appstore-23.6.5-1.ipa is not a valid bundle., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Failed to read the bundle.}}, NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to install the app on the device., NSURL=file:///Downloads/-Internal-Appstore-23.6.5-1.ipa} Kindly update on this. Do any code side changes have to be done for this to fix these issue?
Jun ’23
Can @AppStorage be used on Storyboard objects?
The need is to persist between launches the state of storyboard objects such as of type UISwitch, UITextField, etc. Can this be done using @AppStorage? If so how can @AppStorage be set to watch these? I tried getting @AppStorage to watch an outlet class member variable that is connected to the storyboard object: @IBOutlet weak var iPhoneName: UITextField! @AppStorage("iPhoneName") var iPhoneName: String = "" This got an error because the variable to be watched is already declared. I decided to make the the watched variable different than the one connected to the Storyboard's UITextField object: @AppStorage("iPhoneName") var striPhoneName: String = "" and got the error: Unknown attribute 'AppStorage' . In what import library is @AppStorage defined? If @AppStorage cannot be used for this, what is the easiest way to code storyboard object persistence? I am looking for an easy, and quick way. I am not concerned with memory usage right now.
Jun ’23
Metrickit opt in rate and actual crash numbers dont match
The crash data opt in rate is 36% for my app. I have another crash reporting framework PLC in the app. The total number of crashes reported by MetricKit health report was 43% of the total crash count from PLC in May. This almost matched the 36% opt in rate. In the month of June we fixed a series of crashes. Now the total number of crashes reported by MetricKit health report is 80% of the total crash count from PLC. The crash data opt in rate has stayed at 36% for the past 90 days and I am not able to understand how the ratio flipped from 43% to 80%. Looking for guidance here.
Jul ’23
Unable to Verify App in iOS 17 beta
It is likely a system issue, as the device's identity data necessary to verify the app has been lost. To resolve this problem, resetting the iPhone should be done. You can do this by going to 「Settings - General - Transfer or Reset iPhone」 and clicking on 「Erase All Content and Settings」. I hope that Apple will fix this issue in their next update. 02:51:20.843662-0700 online-auth-agent Returning cached certificates: <cert(0x606b1a140) s: b95570ba47af014e052e3748f48b7ff267315bcb9cd436cd56d0741be057507a i: Basic Attestation User Sub CA1> Not Valid Before: Tue Mar 14 08:59:53 2023 Not Valid After: Tue Jul 18 00:11:53 2023 <cert(0x606b19cb0) s: Basic Attestation User Sub CA1 i: Basic Attestation User Root CA> Not Valid Before: Thu Apr 20 08:42:00 2017 Not Valid After: Mon Mar 22 08:00:00 2032 Server Timestamp: Wed Mar 15 08:59:53 2023 02:51:20.843772-0700 online-auth-agent Error Domain=com.apple.MobileActivation.ErrorDomain Code=-1 "Failed to copy UCRT." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to copy UCRT., NSUnderlyingError=0x606e0c540 {Error Domain=com.apple.MobileActivation.ErrorDomain Code=-4 "UCRT is unavailable." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=UCRT is unavailable.}}} 02:51:20.843821-0700 online-auth-agent Couldn't get device identity Error Domain=com.apple.MobileActivation.ErrorDomain Code=-1 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=, NSUnderlyingError=0x606e0c540 {Error Domain=com.apple.MobileActivation.ErrorDomain Code=-4 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=}}}
Jul ’23
Interface is not propagated when using mergeable libraries
Hi! I've been dealing with mergeable libraries quite some time. However I can't achieve the following scenario: I have 2 xcframeworks A and B that are merged as part of a third xcframework called C. And my app needs to import something from A and B. As per the documentation we have to remove the references from A and B from the final app and replace it with C. If I work on the same xcodepoj it works like a charm (maybe because of caches), but if I try to compile C as a separate XCFramework and distribute it as a packed library, the app is not able to resolve the symbols to A and B classes. This C xcframework is compiled with BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION se to true and if I check its swiftinterface files it is not declaring the symbols from A and B. However the size of the binary seems to have A and B. Is there any way to export A and B symbols as part of C's swiftinterface? If I add @_exported, it is forcing me to declare the import of A and B wherever I use them and therefore I'm going to have duplicated symbols Thanks!
Aug ’23
Xcode 15 beta 6: ld: warning: building for 'macCatalyst', but linking in dylib built
In Xcode 15 beta 6, building any Mac Catalyst project will encounter the following Linker warning. ld: warning: building for 'macCatalyst', but linking in dylib (/Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa.tbd) built for 'macOS'
Aug ’23
dyld not searching in /usr/local/lib (cmd line tools 2397)
It seems impossible to me, but around the time I installed the latest command line tools (xcode-select version 2397) binaries what were built with linkages to @rpath/libfoo.dyld stopped being able to find their dependency. The error looks like this. dyld[1471]: Symbol not found: _GEOSGeomGetX Referenced from: <16DBE67F-CB32-31EE-BCE0-BFB58EEC9740> /Users/pramsey/tmp/capi_indexed_predicate Expected in: <no uuid> unknown zsh: abort ./capi_indexed_predicate If I turn on DYLD_PRINT_SEARCHING, I can see the linker giving up on the rpath entry. dyld[1501]: find path "@rpath/libgeos_c.1.dylib" dyld[1501]: not found: "@rpath/libgeos_c.1.dylib" I can work around, partially, by setting DYLD_LIBRARY_FALLBACK_PATH to have /usr/local/lib in it, but that is only a partial fix, because SIP will strip that variable for any child processes, which means most of my development and database work is borked. This seems like a very new quirk, maybe related to the XCode 15 update, at least in my personal time line, has anyone else seen it, or have any clue as to what has changed? (Worth noting, nothing changed in my code, just one day my builds wouldn't run anymore, and that day was the day after I had installed the new commandline tools).
Sep ’23
Clang 15.0 produces slow c++ applications
Hello, I Run MacOs ventura 13.6 and command line tools 15.0 on MacBook Intel I7 post 2018. After installing clang 15.0 the performance of C++ test programs shows 4 at 5 times slower execution time compared to Clang 13.0 Has anybody observed this slow down ? The tests using a lot of mathematical computations is compiled with the folowing command : g++ -std=c++17 -march=native -funroll-loops -Ofast -DNDEBUG -o a atest.cpp So I had to revert to Clang 13.0 to have reasonnable execution time . What makes C++ code so slow ?
Sep ’23
Certificate issue with https://ppq.apple.com
Hi there, some of our users can't verify their enterprise apps currently. Does anybody know of certificate issues with https://ppq.apple.com ? When I open https://ppq.apple.com in Safari, it redirects sometimes to https://ppq-ext.v.aaplimg.com, and then the certificate is not trusted because it doesn't match the hostname (certificate is for https://ppq.apple.com). Some hours ago, it would't do that redirect and it was working in Safari, but now it redirects and I get the error. When doing curl https://ppq.apple.com on the command line, I don't get the redirect and the connection is working. Cheers, Matthias
Oct ’23
Network tunneling through Telepresence not working on MacOs Sonoma
Did Apple make changes in tunneling or something, I used to point my local Java code to my Kubernetes pod in MacOs Ventura it used to work fine I used to run these commands in my terminal: export KUBECONFIG=/Users/tusharraina/Downloads/qa-kubeconfig telepresence --also-proxy --deployment telepresence-perm --run env -i bash --norc now im getting this error: T: Using a Pod instead of a Deployment for the Telepresence proxy. If you experience problems, please file an issue! T: Set the environment variable TELEPRESENCE_USE_DEPLOYMENT to any non-empty value to force the old behavior, e.g., T: env TELEPRESENCE_USE_DEPLOYMENT=1 telepresence --run curl hello T: How Telepresence uses sudo: https://www.telepresence.io/reference/install#dependencies T: Invoking sudo. Please enter your sudo password. Password: T: Starting proxy with method 'vpn-tcp', which has the following limitations: All processes are affected, only one telepresence can run per machine, and you can't use other VPNs. You may need to add cloud hosts and headless services with --also-proxy. T: For a full list of method limitations see https://telepresence.io/reference/methods.html T: Volumes are rooted at $TELEPRESENCE_ROOT. See https://telepresence.io/howto/volumes.html for details. T: Starting network proxy to cluster using the existing proxy Deployment telepresence-perm T: No traffic is being forwarded from the remote Deployment to your local machine. You can use the --expose option to specify which ports you want to forward. T: Connected. Flushing DNS cache. T: Setup complete. Launching your command. T: Your process exited with return code -9. T: Exit cleanup in progress
Oct ’23
My app is rejected because I get a message to change my account to organizational account
I am getting: The account that submits the app must be enrolled in the Apple Developer Program as an organization, and not as an individual. While we are a very small startup in Egypt consist of 2 team members and we are just launching the app to test the market. We have company papers and everything is registered in Egypt but do we still need to change our account to Organizational? And how? And what will happen to the 99$ payment we already paid? Do you also support organizations in Egypt? Thanks,
Oct ’23
iOS App continually crashing for out of memory errors, anyone got any advice?
I have a hybrid iOS app that continually is crashing, I have posted a crash report for this issue before. It appears to be happening when it is trying to save data to storage, it is taking all the data and attempting to convert a large object to a JSON string with the built in javascript Stringify method. Is there anything that sticks out to anyone? Original app name is redacted. Crash_Report.txt
Oct ’23
Switch between known Wi-Fi networks in unattended mode using Apple Enterprise/MDM
We are currently testing the idea of using an iPhone instead of a Raspberry Pi for our IoT project. We are part of the Apple Enterprise program, and the app is intended for internal use within the company. The only challenge we've encountered while porting the software to iOS is that there isn't an obvious way to switch between WiFi networks in unattended mode. Is there a way to switch between WiFi networks without requiring manual confirmation from the user? Does MDM or the Apple Enterprise program enable this feature? Our desired outcome is: To be able to scan nearby WiFi networks and connect to any of them programmatically using the SSID and password. Thank you.
Oct ’23