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Conda uninstallation
Hello everyone, I installed anaconda day before yesterday on my mac but I believe somehow it has overwriiten the homebrew command which I used to install applications for development purpose. Right now even after uninstalling the anaconda application and removing everything related to it, I can still see the conda getting used in terminal. Can anyone please help me out on this, as to how can I remove the conda and bring in homebrew instead? I'm sharing the .zshrc screenshot for your reference.
Jun ’24
Call history problems after iOS 18 beta update
I've 14-Pro and I recently did update to "iOS 18 beta" using beta channel. However, the first I noticed was a deleted call-history... After several tries (using tips from forums), nothing showed up. Finally, I did reset all and reverted back to "17.5.1" and used the last iCloud backup (right before iOS 18 upgrade). Call history is back, however it is limited to "only 1-month" back in time! Why? I've 2 TB iCloud storage, why my call history is gone why? I keep backup of everything, and call-history contains very important details as well. Please help in getting back my data asap.
Jun ’24
WWDC 2024 notes by rtrouton
Notes from What's new in Privacy - Wednesday, June 12th 2024: Notes from What's new in device management - Thursday, June 13th 2024: Answered questions from Security lab session: Answered questions from Device Management lab session:
Jun ’24
React Native build issue
Created an app in react native but it fails when trying to load the iOS application. The error block is too large to pull any useful debug information A summarised version is below 2024-06-28 12:57:20.459 xcodebuild[4719:53569] DVTAssertions: Warning in DVTiOSFrameworks/DTDeviceKitBase/DTDKRemoteDeviceData.m:408 Details: (null) deviceType from 7ecf611b5088b150372e24fd68af930bd7afd085 was NULL when -platform called. Object: <DTDKMobileDeviceToken: 0x7fce74c8d030> Method: -platform Thread: <NSThread: 0x7fce702108b0>{number = 3, name = (null)} Please file a bug at with this warning message and any useful information you can provide. 2024-06-28 12:57:20.712 xcodebuild[4719:53646] DVTAssertions: Warning in DVTiOSFrameworks/DTDeviceKitBase/DTDKRemoteDeviceData.m:408 Details: (null) deviceType from 7ecf611b5088b150372e24fd68af930bd7afd085 was NULL when -platform called. Object: <DTDKMobileDeviceToken: 0x7fce74c8d030> Method: -platform Thread: <NSThread: 0x7fce74cca640>{number = 10, name = (null)} Please file a bug at with this warning message and any useful information you can provide. 2024-06-28 12:57:20.817 xcodebuild[4719:53646] DVTAssertions: Warning in DVTiOSFrameworks/DTDeviceKitBase/DTDKRemoteDeviceData.m:408 Details: (null) deviceType from 7ecf611b5088b150372e24fd68af930bd7afd085 was NULL when -platform called. Object: <DTDKMobileDeviceToken: 0x7fce74c8d030> Method: -platform Thread: <NSThread: 0x7fce74cca640>{number = 10, name = (null)} Please file a bug at with this warning message and any useful information you can provide. ** BUILD FAILED ** The following build commands failed: PhaseScriptExecution [CP-User]\ Generate\ Specs /Users/mobiledev/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ScanValidate-evohoxurqotysugjrrxkbpjnbrzn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ (in target 'React-Codegen' from project 'Pods') (1 failure) Build logs written to /Users/mobiledev/Desktop/React-Native/ScanValidate/.expo/xcodebuild.log
Jun ’24
System Data taking 30G on iPhone 12
I’m on the iOS 18 Beta 1 with my iPhone 12. Since I only have 64 gigs on this phone, storage is sometimes an issue, though I can normally decrease it by getting rid of apps. As of downloading iOS 18, though, “System Data” is always taking half of my storage. Because of this, I am unable to update to a newer version of iOS 18. It also sometimes prevents me from taking photos, where I then have to restart my whole phone to get a little bit extra storage. Is there any way to update without the storage, or some way to decrease System Data?
Jun ’24
Casino app appears on appstore
Gambling apps use real money bets, somehow they get past apple censorship. I hope the management will handle this
Jun ’24
Tokenised text search in SwiftData help
The SwiftData predicate documentation says that it supports the contains(where:) sequence operation in addition to the contains(_:) string comparison but when I put them together in a predicate to try and perform a tokenised search I get a runtime error. Unsupported subquery collection expression type (NSInvalidArgumentException) I need to be able to search for items that contain at least one of the search tokens, this functionality is critical to my app. Any suggestions are appreciated. Also does anyone with experience with CoreData know if this is possible to do in CoreData with NSPredicate? import SwiftData @Model final class Item { var textString: String = "" init() {} } func search(tokens: Set<String>, context: ModelContext) throws -> [Item] { let predicate: Predicate<Item> = #Predicate { item in tokens.contains { token in item.textString.contains(token) } } let descriptor = FetchDescriptor(predicate: predicate) return try context.fetch(descriptor) }
Jun ’24
My Developer Account Has Expired, No Option to Renew
Hello, My developer account has expired, and I can't renew it. Despite checking on both my iPhone and Mac App Store, my subscription doesn't show up in the subscription list. The renew button is missing in the Developer app on both iPhone and Mac, and it’s also absent on the website: I’ve tried logging in and out multiple times on both devices. I’ve even contacted Apple Support, but haven’t received any response. My apps are at risk of being removed from the store. I’m in the middle of an important project and can't even publish a TestFlight version. It's incredibly frustrating. It's disappointing that such a large company like Apple could have such a glaring issue. Can anyone please suggest a way to fix this?
Jul ’24
Complaint Regarding iPhone 14 Screen Issue Case ID: 102323069276
Dear Apple Support, I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the handling of my case regarding my iPhone 14 screen issue Case ID: 102323069276. From last 1 month, I contacted Apple Support and reported that my iPhone 14 screen turned black after a software update. I spoke with an advisor but every time they tell that they can't reach me. Since then, I haven't received any further updates or solutions. I am frustrated by the lack of progress and would appreciate it if you could escalate this matter. Thank you for your time and attention to this issue. Sincerely, Mohammed Arsh
Jul ’24
Question About App Tracking Transparency for Delivery App
I have delivery app for customer, driver and we collected location data from user. With the app for driver, we collected location data for provide direction to deliver, tracking location on Admin to support and send nearest order request. With the app for customer, we collect location data to show nearest restaurant in 1 km and send current location on Admin for support. So, I still concern that the app for driver or customer should have request App Tracking Transparency permission?
Jul ’24
How to ensure current SKScene has fully loaded before engaging it with the GamePad Controller?
How to ensure current SKScene has fully loaded before engaging it with the GamePad Controller? The problem is this = when stopping sound is involved when I do switch SKScenes, if I press the buttons of the GamePad Controller (which cycle thru these other SKScenes) too fast, the movement of the Game Pieces fails to resume when I return to the Game Scene after the above cycling. This problem occurs only with the os(tvOS) version, but not with the iPad version. And the reason for this distinction is that each SKScene for the iPad has to fully load due to the fact that the button I press to switch SKScenes is at the top-left corner of the iPad -- so, by definition, by the time I have access to this button, the current SKScene has fully loaded. By definition, there is no such button for os(tvOS). Given this button’s absence, I believe I need the Swift version of jQuery’s $(document).ready (function() {. Any help will be appreciated to the rafters ...
Jul ’24
Can I pay for more than one Apple Developer Program Enrollment with one Visa card?
Hello dear forum members and Apple Team! I paid for Enrollment membership in Apple Developer Program 8 months ago and this account is active. My question is: can I use the visa card I used in the first account I opened to pay for another Enrollment on the Apple Developer Program platform? My second question: I filled in all the required information to become a member of the Apple Developer Program platform and completed the last stage of payment, but my visa card has not been charged. And I haven't received any message for this membership application, what should I do? Thanks in advance for the answers.
Jul ’24