Apple News

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Apple News is an iOS, iPadOS, and macOS app that delivers articles from newspapers, magazines, websites, and other sources.

Posts under Apple News tag

15 Posts
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Default Hyperlink Tag (<a>) Apple News Format
Is there a way to give a default text color to tags in apple news format. I'm testing this in Apple News Preview currently, and I can't figure out what's wrong. According to the documentation, I should be able to style the tag using "default-tag-a" However, this doesn't appear to work. It works perfectly when I do paragraph tags like "default-tag-p" or span tags like "default-tag-span". Maybe, I'm missing something. Here is my code "textStyles": { "default-tag-a": { "textColor": "#1967d2" } } when I add a font like "textStyles": { "default-tag-a": { "fontName": "Georgia", "textColor": "#1967d2" } } This does change the font. So i'm wondering can I change the text color for links in apple news? and if so, how? Thanks for your assistance.
Hire In-house iOS Team Vs Offshore Outsourcing
I am looking forward to develop an ecommerce IOS application. When I conducted my research for the same I found that offshore developers are offering solutions in quite less price compare to onshore developers. At the same time I also have some doubts over offshore development such as reliability, quality, collaboration and more.. Anyone can suggest me what would be the best in long term.
May ’24
In what cases do the upcoming third-party SDK requirements apply exactly?
Please help me understand the phrasing from Apple's articles about this topic. Of course, I am referring to the SDKs from the official list, as only those are affected by the new regulations. 1, Starting in spring 2024, you must include the privacy manifest for any SDK listed below when you submit new apps in App Store Connect that include those SDKs, or when you submit an app update that adds one of the listed SDKs as part of the update. That states 2 cases in which fresh SDK versions are needed, containing privacy information: If you submit a completely new app If your app update contains a framework which was not present in the previous version of the app So, according to my understanding, if I create an app update, which does not contain any new SDKs, only the ones that I have been using for a while now, I can keep using these older SKD versions. And it is not mandatory to update them to newer versions. Does Apple state anywhere that we have to update every SDK from the list this spring in every case? Because that would contradict what I quoted from the article. 2, And if you add a new third-party SDK that’s on the list of commonly used third-party SDKs, these API, privacy manifest, and signature requirements will apply to that SDK. Again, this states that you have to use a fresh version of an SDK in case you add it newly to your app. This seems to reinforce my point that if a 3rd party SDK was already used in previous app versions, the new requirements do not apply to that SDK and I can keep using its older release which does not have its own privacy manifest file. My main concern here is that there are many 3rd party SDKs from the list that we already use in our projects, and it would be a huge effort if my team had to update all those SDKs in every project by May. But if I'm right, it is not mandatory for us. (Of course, it would be wise to update the SDKs every now and then, but that's not the point here.) Can anybody confirm whether my understanding is correct? Maybe link some proof if I'm not right? It would be nice to have a reply from someone working at Apple, to have a reliable answer.
Mar ’24
Apple News API
Is it necessary to enroll to Apple devloper program to get into apple news publisher to get my Apple news API credentials. At last. I need a gudance how to publish the articles on the apple News using News API. a detailed explanation till getting Apple News API credentials ( Key, secret key channel id) is much appreciated!
Jan ’24
Apple News: adding padding around text with background color
I can't figure it out. the "padding":10 either is ignored or the background extends to the left and right edge. See attached screenshot from the simulator. "role": "heading", "text": "News", "format": "markdown", "textStyle": { "textAlignment": "center", "backgroundColor": "#006FBA", "textColor": "#FFFFFF", "fontSize": 14, "lineHeight": 16, "fontWeight": "bold", "fontScaling": false }, "style": { "backgroundColor": "#006FBA" }, "layout": { "padding":5, "ignoreDocumentMargin": false, "margin": { "bottom": 15, "left":30, "right":30 } } }, { "role": "heading", "text": "News", "format": "markdown", "textStyle": { "textAlignment": "center", "backgroundColor": "#006FBA", "textColor": "#FFFFFF", "fontSize": 14, "lineHeight": 16, "fontWeight": "bold", "fontScaling": false }, "layout": { "padding":5, "ignoreDocumentMargin": false, "margin": { "bottom": 15, "left":30, "right":30 } } }, { "role": "container", "components": [ { "role": "heading", "text": "News", "textStyle": { "textAlignment": "center", "backgroundColor": "#006FBA", "textAbove": "1", "textColor": "#FFFFFF", "fontSize": 14, "lineHeight": 16, "fontWeight": "bold", "fontScaling": false }, "style": { "backgroundColor": "#006FBA" }, "layout": { "padding":5 } } ] },
Nov ’23
Channel is Only Preview Allowed (didn't used to be), How to fix?
I have a website that had been publishing to Apple News for a good while via RSS feed. At some point I implemented the Word Press plugin for publishing, created the PAPI file and that was working. I could login to Apple News Publisher and see my most recent articles. The RSS feed also still shows in the ANP dashboard. This appears to have stopped working in September as those are the most recent articles I can see in the Apple News Publisher dashboard. If I attempt to publish an article within the plugin it returns an error about "ONLY_PREVIEW_ALLOWED" So it appears my channel is back in a preview only mode. But nowhere in the News Publisher dashboard can I see anything to resubmit for approval. If I go to All Published Articles I can see where they stopped in September. If I go to Draft Articles and click "Preview these articles" I can see the channel in the Apple News app and it contains the most recent articles published. But back in the APN dashboard I don't have anything that allows me to submit to being published again. Any advice? Thanks!
Nov ’23
Help me with iOS API's Declared reasons
Hello team, I require your support to resolve doubts regarding the API Listing announcement ( currently we have SDKs from different providers integrated into our app. The question we have is whether each provider must update their SDK indicating the iOS API they use, for example UserDefaults, or if in our project in general we can specify everything that the SDKs use without having to update the SDKs of all providers. What option do we have? A) Our project in general must report eg: UserDefaults and everything that third-party SDKs use. B) Our project in general must inform and in addition all the SDKs must be updated so that they inform the iOS API they use. Option A is the most optimal for us, since we would only have to apply the setting in our app, informing the iOS APIs that we generally use. Option B is critical, since we would have to update all SDKs to contain the requested setting. (Firebase, Medallia, Biocatch among others) Thanks for your help
Nov ’23
Isaac VPN
This is my first time here, and I'm excited to seek assistance in creating my own VPN app. While I do have some experience with Swift 5, I'm not sure where to begin. I've successfully set up my VPN server using L2TP IPsec, and it has been running smoothly for several months. I can manually connect to it using my iPhone and Mac without any issues.
Oct ’23
Accessing Publisher Settings
I need to update publisher details as per - however, my developer account has no iCloud account associated with it. Can anyone advise how to access publisher settings from a developer account? Thanks
Sep ’23
Apple News Publisher
Hi all this is my first post on the Dev community.I'm just been approved by Apple News and I have my news channel. My problems is that I can't access on my iPad as I don't have a Mac.Can anyone tell me if is a known problem? or if there is any way to use it on iPad?I know with the plug-in you can write your article on CMS but I don't have any of them and I'm writing through iCloud.Is Apple making the New Publisher accessible to iPad too?M
Jul ’23