




Standalone watchOS not displaying location authorisation dialog
This is a standalone SwiftUI app w/ watchOS 11. To make things simple, I'm using the new concurrent API, like that: for try await update in CLLocationUpdate.liveUpdates() { … } watchOS is supposed to show the auth dialog, but it doesn't show up, even though update.authorizationRequestInProgress is true. What could be the reason? (Note that I also tried with the procedural old CLLocationManager API, it doesn't work that way as well)
Warning in Xcode console: Couldn't read values in CFPrefsPlistSource
I have enabled an App Group in my App and the Widget Extension. I use it to share my UserDefaults. Every time the app starts I now get the following error message in the Xcode console: Couldn't read values in CFPrefsPlistSource<0x303034510> (Domain: group.XX.XXXX.XXXX, User: kCFPreferencesAnyUser, ByHost: Yes, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: Yes): Using kCFPreferencesAnyUser with a container is only allowed for System Containers, detaching from cfprefsd The shared UserDefaults itself works without problems. Any ideas how I could get rid of this warning?
Has iOS 18 changed the threshold for decoding base64 into ASCII code?
This code fails to decode when running on iOS 18.0 or 18.1 beta device. But succeeds below iOS 18, such as iOS 17.5. Xcode Version 16.0 (16A242d) let base64String = "1ZwoNohdE8Nteis/IXl1rg==" if let decodedData = Data(base64Encoded: base64String, options: .ignoreUnknownCharacters) { if let decodedString = String(data: decodedData, encoding: .ascii) { print("Decoded string: \(decodedString)") } else { print("Failed to decode string using ascii encoding") } } else { print("Failed to decode Base64 string") }
HealthKit permission sheet appears every time for some users - bug?
The HealthKit permission sheet is showing up every time the app opens for a few users of my app. It doesn't matter what action they take in the sheet. I have had them try toggling the permissions from the HealthKit system settings but that did not happen to fix the problem. Has anyone experienced this problem or know a fix? Its affecting a few users of my app. I haven't been able to find what in my code could be doing this, I suspect its a bug on HealthKit's side for specific users. I can't find anyone reporting this problem elsewhere so I have to assume its my fault, but the docs clearly state that the permission sheet will only be presented once.
Feb ’24
Home app on apple watch
This is a repost as it seems to be a reoccurring issue. ‘I have a number of accessories setup on homekit and everything works fine from my phone. However, recently, no homekit accessories works on apple watch, everything is no response (on watch face or through siri). Everything still works on the phone. iOS 16.5, Watch OS 9.5.1’ I have the same issue with iPhone 14 pro ios 18.1 apple watch 9 watch os 11.1 tried turning off and on restarting app renaming home this is beta software but was hoping there was an easy fix.
A server with the specified hostname could not be found exception
Hi, I have been working on the app that implements DNS Proxy Extension for a while now, and after a couple builds to TestFlight I noticed that I got a couple crashes that seem to be triggered by EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP) After some investigation, it was found that crashes are connected to CFNetwork framework. So, I decided to additionally look into memory issues, but I found the app has no obvious memory leaks, no memory regression (within recommended 25%, actual value is at 20% as of right now), but the app still uses 11mb of memory footprint and most of it (6.5 mb is Swift metadata). At this point, not sure what's triggering those crashes, but I noticed that sometimes app will return message like this to the console (this example is for PostHog api that I use in the app): Task <0ABDCF4A-9653-4583-9150-EC11D852CA9E>.<1> finished with error [18 446 744 073 709 550 613] Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1003 "A server with the specified hostname could not be found." UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=8, NSUnderlyingError=0x1072df0f0 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1003 "(null)" UserInfo={_kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=12, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=8, _NSURLErrorNWResolutionReportKey=Resolved 0 endpoints in 2ms using unknown from cache, _NSURLErrorNWPathKey=satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0[802.11], ipv4, dns, uses wifi}}, _NSURLErrorFailingURLSessionTaskErrorKey=LocalUploadTask <0ABDCF4A-9653-4583-9150-EC11D852CA9E>.<1>, _NSURLErrorRelatedURLSessionTaskErrorKey=( "LocalUploadTask <0ABDCF4A-9653-4583-9150-EC11D852CA9E>.<1>" ), NSLocalizedDescription=A server with the specified hostname could not be found., NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=12} If DNS Proxy Provider uses custom DoH server for resolving packets, could the cache policy for URLSession be a reason? I had a couple other ideas (HTTP3 failure, CFNetwork core issues like described here) but not sure if they are valid Would be grateful if someone could give me a hint of what I should look at
Built-in Spin Control?
On and off I've been trying to figure out how to do hang detection in-application (at least from the user's point of view). Qualitatively what I'd like to do is have a process which runs sample(1) on the application after it's been unresponsive for more than a second or so. Basically, an in-app replacement for Spin Control. The problem I've been stuck on is: how do I tell? There used to be Core Graphics SPI (CGSRegisterNotifyProc with a value of kCGSEventNotificationAppIsUnresponsive) for doing this, but it doesn't work anymore (either due to sandboxing or system-wide security changes, I can't tell which but it doesn't matter). One thought I had was to have an XPC service which would expect to receive a checkin once per second from the host (via a timer set up by the host). If it didn't, it would start sample(1). This seems pretty heavyweight to me, since it means that once per second, I'm going to be consuming cycles to check in with the service. But I haven't been able to come up with a scheme that doesn't include some kind of check-in by the target process. Are there any APIs or strategies that I could use to accomplish this? Or is there some entitlement which would allow the application to request "application became unresponsive"/"application became responsive" notifications from the window server?
Ensuring Successful Video Uploads in iOS Background Mode(terminated state)
If we start uploading a video file from the foreground and then switch to another app or press the home button, we can enable background processing by selecting the 'Background processing' option in the app's background modes. We utilize URLSession to handle the upload. I have a few questions regarding this process: If the user manually kills the app, will the upload continue in the background? For files around 100 MB, if the user locks the phone while the upload is in progress (and the app is in the background but not terminated), will the upload still be successful? Does Apple provide any additional APIs that would facilitate successful file uploads even if the user terminates the app? I would appreciate any solutions or insights you can provide. Thank you!
Issues with Apple Nearby Interaction app not detecting DWM3001CDK accessory
Hi everyone, I’m having trouble getting my iPhone 11 to detect a DWM3001CDK as an accessory using the Apple Nearby Interaction app. Here’s the background: Two years ago, I successfully tested UWB ranging between the same devices (iPhone 11 and DWM3001CDK, which is based on the Qorvo DW3110 IC and an nRF52833 SoC with Bluetooth 5.2). At that time, the Nearby Interaction app was in beta and worked well for my tests. Now, with the stable version of the app, I’m encountering an issue. Here’s what I’ve done so far: I erased the DWM3001C and flashed it with the Qorvo Nearby Interaction firmware (v3.2.0, "DWM3001CDK-QANI-FreeRTOS_full_QNI_3_0_0.hex") using J-Flash Lite V7.86g on Windows. With this configuration, I can connect the iPhone 11 to the accessory using the Qorvo NI apps, both in the foreground and background. However, when I compile and run the project "ImplementingSpatialInteractionsWithThirdPartyAccessories" (available on the Apple Developer website) on my iPhone 11 (running iOS 17.7), the app remains stuck on the "Scanning for accessory" screen and doesn’t find the device, even though I’ve given the app permission to use Bluetooth. Could this be due to an issue with the firmware I flashed on the DWM3001CDK, or might there be something else causing the problem? Any help or insights would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.
iOS 18 beta 5 Bugs
I am experiencing a bug on my iPhone 13 after updating to iOS 18 beta 5. This bug causes my phone to unexpectedly show a black screen with a "loading" indicator, and then it returns to the lock screen. I have to unlock it for the phone to return to normal. This issue occurs repeatedly. I am not entirely sure what is happening with my device. I believe it is also experiencing overheating issues. Although the battery seems to be optimized, the phone is getting hot and still has the same bug mentioned above after the iOS 18 beta 5 update. Please help me, I would like to so much resolve this issue.
Apple Wallet Interference During NFC RFID Tag Writing with NFCISO14443ReaderSession
Hello, I am developing an application that involves writing data to RFID tags using NFC (ISO/IEC 14443A/B, Mifare, and FeliCa standards) for an electric vehicle charging station. However, I am consistently facing an issue where the Apple Wallet app is automatically triggered during NFC operations on iOS. This problem occurs every time I attempt to write data to the RFID tags, preventing the application from properly detecting or interacting with the NFC tags. Here are the key details of the issue: Device: iPhone (tested on various models and iOS versions) Issue: Apple Wallet automatically opens during NFC tag writing operations. Expected Behavior: My application should write data to RFID tags without triggering Apple Wallet. RFID Standards: ISO/IEC 14443A/B, Mifare, FeliCa. Code Implementation: I am using the Core NFC framework and NFCISO14443ReaderSession to communicate with the RFID tags. The same code works seamlessly with Android devices, but iOS continuously triggers the Wallet app. Here’s a brief code snippet that demonstrates the problem: import CoreNFC func startNFCSession() { let session = NFCISO14443ReaderSession(delegate: self, queue: nil, invalidateAfterFirstRead: false) session?.alertMessage = "Hold your iPhone near the NFC tag." session?.begin() } func readerSession(_ session: NFCISO14443ReaderSession, didDetect tags: [NFCISO14443Tag]) { guard let tag = tags.first else { return } session.connect(to: tag) { (error: Error?) in if let error = error { session.invalidate(errorMessage: "Connection failed: \(error.localizedDescription)") return } // Write data to the tag here // The Wallet app opens instead of allowing data writing. } } I've taken steps to ensure that I am not using NDEF tags, as I understand that may interfere with the Wallet functionality. Despite using the lower-level NFCISO14443ReaderSession API, the issue persists. I’ve also tried disabling all Wallet settings on the device, but the problem still occurs. Additionally, no such issues are experienced on Android devices with similar functionality, so it appears to be an iOS-specific problem. Is there a way to prevent Apple Wallet from being triggered when using Core NFC to interact with RFID tags? Any assistance or guidance on how to solve this issue would be greatly appreciated, as this is a critical feature for the functionality of the electric vehicle charging station system we are building. Thank you in advance!
"Unexpected error" returned from PKPassLibrary.activate()
Hi, We have a bank app which can activate tokenized payment cards (in Requires Activation status) on Apple devices. In my case some customers tried to activate their card token on their Apple Watch. Our card system gathered all the required card data with the PNO and sent them to our app. Our app called the PKPassLibrary.activate() method, but got back the Swedish localizedDescription "Oväntat fel" which means "Unexpected error" in English. We checked our card system logs and contacted our PNO, both found no issue and no explanation to the unexpected error. How can we identify the issue here? Can we somehow find a more detailed error log from Apple Server? Best regards, Adrian Lui
SwiftData/ModelContext.swift:3253: Fatal error: Failed to identify a store that can hold instances of SwiftData._KKMDBackingData<Presents_2024.Item> from [:]
I'm still getting this error (SwiftData/ModelContext.swift:3253: Fatal error: Failed to identify a store that can hold instances of SwiftData._KKMDBackingData<Presents_2024.Item> from [:]) in Xcode 16.1 Beta (16B5001e). The app works for a limited amount of time and then crashes with this error. It looks like the SwiftData model isn't being created properly and when a context is saved it crashes. Can you tell me if this error will be fixed in the next beta?
Iphone 16 Pro Max Mobile Data Not Working
Hi, last night (30.09.2024) I received a security update for my new iPhone 16 Pro Max, and this morning I discovered that my mobile data wasn't working. When I switched to airplane mode, it started working again, but I have to do this every time. I hope this is a software issue that Apple can resolve quickly. I'm currently in the Maldives using the Dhiraagu network. If anyone else is experiencing the same issue with the iPhone 16 model, please let me know.
Product.SubscriptionInfo.status(for:) is sometimes empty even though a subscription has been registered
My app calls Product.SubscriptionInfo.status(for:) to get the subscription status when the app starts. Users with multiple Apple IDs have reported that every few days they get an unpurchased status, and when I checked that, the Product.SubscriptionInfo.status(for:) result array was empty. (When the app is restarted, Product.SubscriptionInfo.status(for:) gives the correct result.) StoreKit.Transaction.currentEntitlements, which is executed immediately after Product.SubscriptionInfo.status(for:), seems to be getting the correct result, so I am trying to check the subscription status with this result. Is it a bug that Product.SubscriptionInfo.status(for:) returns an empty result for the purchaser? There is a mismatch between Product.SubscriptionInfo.status(for:) and StoreKit.Transaction.currentEntitlements. Is it possible for a mismatch to occur?  And In such a case, which result should be adopted?
Nov ’22
Supported URL Schemes
Some Apple URL schemes are documented for third-party use. It’s fine to use those URL schemes for their intended purpose. Other Apple URL schemes are not officially documented. Their use is unsupported. If you rely on such implementation details, things might work, or they might not, and that state might change over time. IMPORTANT If you ship via the App Store, pay attention to clause 2.5.1 of the App Review Guidelines. The Apple URL scheme documentation is not always easy to find. I’m aware of the following: Apple URL Scheme Reference QA1924 Opening Keyboard Settings from a Keyboard Extension [This Q&A was retired years ago.] The doc comments for es_new_client in <EndpointSecurity/ESClient.h> (macOS only) Developer > Bug Reporting describes the applefeedback scheme Additionally, as questions about this most commonly crop up in the context of opening Settings (System Settings on macOS), I wanted to highlight the following: UIApplication.openSettingsURLString property (in Objective-C this is UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString) AccessibilitySettings.openSettings(for:) method FIFinderSyncController.showExtensionManagementInterface() class method SMAppService.openSystemSettingsLoginItems() class method If your app needs to perform some action that’s not covered by the above, file an enhancement request for a supported way to do that. Make sure to describes your use case in detail. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Revision History 2024-10-01 Added info about the applefeedback URL scheme. 2024-09-29 Added a link to SMAppService.openSystemSettingsLoginItems(). 2024-09-27 Added a titbit for Finder Sync extension developers. Added an invitation to file feedback. 2024-08-05 First posted.
Aug ’24
NEHotspotConfigurationManager apply method error always return Success
I'm trying to handle the error in NEHotspotConfigurationManager connection method.When i try even OS network connect dialog showing with "Cannot connect" response return as "Success". In my flow i'm trying to connect to a private network. First i connect using below code and then set the IP Address,SubNetMask,Router and DNS server address manually to already added Wifi by running below code. I'm doing this manually because as i understand you cannot set the IP Address,SubNetMask,Router and DNS server address using Swift. I read the above thread and what i can understand from that is it's a bug in the os method. So does this problem fixed on latest iOS version? or is there a way to handle this problem? Error handler code→ let eapSetting = NEHotspotEAPSettings() eapSetting.username = self.username eapSetting.password = self.password eapSetting.supportedEAPTypes = [NEHotspotEAPSettings.EAPType.EAPPEAP.rawValue as NSNumber] eapSetting.trustedServerNames = ["ABC"] NEHotspotConfigurationManager.shared.removeConfiguration(forSSID: self.ssid) let hotspotConfiguration = NEHotspotConfiguration(ssid: self.ssid, eapSettings: eapSetting) manager.apply(hotspotConfiguration){ (error) in if let error = error { print("Error") return } else { print("Success") return } }
Connecting to Wi-Fi programmatically in iOS version(16) with Swift
I want to connect to Wi-Fi programmatically using swift in my iPad application and I want to create according to bellow flow. Enter the network name programmatically Set the programmatically "WAP2-Enterprise" for security. Set username/password. A certificate popup will appear, so tap "Trust". "Turn on the following information." otherwise off. Automatic connection Restrict IP address tracking Set the programmatically IPV4 address below. Configure ID: Manual IP address: 192.***.***.*** For tablets, ○○: 1 to 20 Subnet mask: Router: 192.***.***.*** Configure DNS server(Set the programmatically) Manual Add server: HTTP proxy(Set the programmatically) Configure proxy: off if anyone you can guide me to proper way much a appreciated!!!
Jun ’23
Determining "volumes" of paths on macOS and iOS.
Hi, so as I understand it is not possible to know what all possible sources of files are available on iOS using some api call (by sources I mean smb shares connected, iCloud, gdrive, etc), the only paths I can get are the app sandbox, app group container and the same on iCloud. I can get the list of mount points in macOS using getmntinfo(), app/group sandbox and apart from these whatever standard locations I have given access to to my sandboxed app. Are there other paths that I can get? I want to know how I can determine the volume given a user picks a file using a file picker. Say, they picked 10 files from gdrive and another 5 from local storage. If I encounter some errors on the files from gdrive I want to stop working on all 10 of them but to do that I need to be able to determine that that are on this particular volume. Is there a way to do this programmatically? Ex: gdrive on iOS : "/private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/6208BBEE-24BF-4CC9-A9ED-846F987C0442/File Provider Storage/39822865/1P8WD1tWEaq81ZB_DodTTZhXm0p00QaF7/test.txt" on MacOS: "/Users/username/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive-useremailid/My Drive"