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Make your apps function for a broad range of users using Accessibility APIs across all Apple platforms.

Posts under Accessibility tag

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Seeking guidance on intercepting system-wide notifications in macOS app
I'm developing a macOS application called Blurt, which aims to provide enhanced notification management in MacOS. The core functionality I'm trying to implement is the ability to intercept and display notifications from various applications in a custom interface. Current implementation: Using AppDelegate to handle application lifecycle Implemented UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate for handling notifications Created a custom NotificationService extension Challenges: Unable to intercept notifications from other applications System notifications are not being captured by our app What I've tried: Using DistributedNotificationCenter to observe system-wide notifications Implementing a Notification Service Extension Exploring NSWorkspace notifications Current roadblocks: Apple's sandboxing and security model seems to prevent direct access to other apps' notifications Unable to find a sanctioned API for system-wide notification interception Questions: Is there a recommended approach to creating a centralized notification management system within Apple's guidelines? Are there any specific system notifications or events we can legally subscribe to that might help achieve similar functionality? How do other notification management apps (if any exist) handle this limitation? Are there any upcoming APIs or features in macOS that might address this use case? I'm open to alternative approaches or pivoting the app's functionality if necessary. Any insights, suggestions, or resources would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!
Xcode Accessibility audit in UI Tests gives less than stellar results
I have added a UI test that uses the newish app.performAccessibilityAudit() on each of the screens in my SwiftUI app. I get a handful of test failures for various accessibility issues. Some of them are related to iOS issues (like the "legal" button in a map view doesn't have a big enough tappable are; and, I think, there is a contrast issue with selected tabs in a tab bar, or maybe it is a false positive). Two of the error type I get are around Text elements that use default font styles (like headline) but that apparently get clipped at times and apparently "Dynamic Type font sizes are unsupported". For some of the errors it supplies a screenshot of the whole screen along with an image of the element that is triggering the error. For these text errors it only provides the overall image. After looking at the video I saw that part of the test runs the text size all the way up and I could see that at the largest size or two the text was getting cut off despite using default settings for the frames on all the Text elements. After a bit of trial and error I managed to get the text to wrap properly even at the largest of sizes and most of the related errors went away running on an iPhone simulator. I switched to an iPad simulator and the errors re-appeared even though the video doesn't show the text getting clipped. Does anyone have any tips for actually fixing these issues? Or am I in false positive land here? Also, is there any way to get more specific info out of the test failures? Looking at the entire screen and trying to guess where the issue is kinda sucks.
iMessage content on iPhone displayed on SSH Bitvise Client on the Windows Laptop !
If "send and receive" on imessages has my Microsoft work email address, can my imessage content be synched with Microsoft ? Because I recently logged into our big data system through SSH client using my work email address, on a Console I saw one of my imessage thread printed. I reached Microsoft and their reply was to get advise reaching out to Apple support as their knowledge of iMessage is limited. Based on general knowledge about data protection the messages are most likely not synced unless there is a setting that you can allow from my side. PLEASE HELP ! This is a Mystery !!
Caller does not have kTCCServiceVoiceBanking access to personal voices. No speech will be generated
Hello, I'm trying to leverage PersonalVoice to read a phrase in my iOS application. My implementation works correctly on an iPhone 15, but does not work when I run the iOS application on an M2 Macbook Air. Here are some snippets from my implementation // This is how I request Personal Voice AVSpeechSynthesizer.requestPersonalVoiceAuthorization() { status in if status == .authorized { var personalVoices = AVSpeechSynthesisVoice.speechVoices().filter { $0.voiceTraits.contains(.isPersonalVoice) } } } // this is how I'm attempting to read let utterance = AVSpeechUtterance(string:textToRead) if let voice = personalVoices.first { utterance.voice = voice } var synthesizer = AVSpeechSynthesizer() synthesizer.speak(utterance) I get the following error messages when I try this: Cannot use AVSpeechSynthesizerBufferCallback with Personal Voices, defaulting to output channel. Caller does not have kTCCServiceVoiceBanking access to personal voices. No speech will be generated Voice not allowed to render speech! Will not set up synthesizer. Bailing now Any suggestions on how to mitigate this issue?
(After upgrading to iOS 17.5.1) MFi hearing devices appeared to be paired, but app is unable to resolve the connection to the peripheral
Hey Apple, We (our customer support teams) have received feedback from our customers complaining their hearing devices (hearing aids) appear to be connected to MFi and OS controls are working, but audio stream isn't working, and the app is unable to resolve a connection to the device via the CBCentralManager.retrieveConnectedPeripherals(withServices:) The issues appear to disappear once the user unpairs and re-pair the hearing devices in the Accessibility > Hearing Devices options (they might also need to uninstall and reinstall the app as it is getting stuck due to invalid state), but we are unable to replicate this issue on our environments given it is intermittent and once we have upgraded a device to iOS 17.5.1, we don't have a mechanism to revert to an earlier version of it. So far, we have received about 30 reports for the past 2 weeks. Most of our customers complain about the app not connecting to the devices, but the fact the audio stream is not happening could hint to a deeper problem than our app. Are you guys aware of a problem affecting MFi hearing devices restoring after the OS upgrade process?
Seeking Best Practices for Enhancing Accessibility in iOS Applications
Hello everyone, I'm currently working on an iOS application and I want to ensure it is as accessible as possible for all users, including those with disabilities. While I have a basic understanding of iOS accessibility features, I'm looking to deepen my knowledge and apply best practices comprehensively. Specifically, I would like to know: VoiceOver Optimization: What are the best practices for ensuring all UI elements are properly labeled and navigable with VoiceOver? Color Contrast and Visual Design: How can I effectively check and adjust color contrast ratios to accommodate users with visual impairments? Dynamic Type and Font Sizes:What are the recommended approaches for supporting Dynamic Type, and how can I ensure a consistent and readable layout across different text sizes? Accessibility in Custom UI Elements: How can I make custom controls (e.g., custom buttons, sliders) accessible, especially when they do not follow standard UIKit components? Testing Tools and Techniques: Which tools and techniques are most effective for QA to test accessibility on iOS? Thank you in advance for your insights and advice. Best regards, Ale
Eye Tracking as a General API Feature for iPadOS 18+?
I'd like to use the eye tracking feature in the latest iPadOS 18 update as more than an accessibility feature. i.e. another input modality that can be detected by event + enum checks similar to how we can detect and distinguish between touches and Apple pencil inputs. This might make it a lot easier to control and interact with iPad-based AR experiences that involve walking around, regardless of whether eye-tracking is enabled for accessibility. When walking, it's challenging to hold the device and interact with the screen with touch or pencil at all. Eye tracking + speech as input modalities could assist here. Also, this would help us create non-immersive AR experiences that parallel visionOS experiences that use eye tracking. I propose an API option for enabling eye-tracking (and an optional calibration dialogue within-app), as well as a specific UIControl class that simply detect when the eye looks at the control using the standard (begin/changed/end) events. My specific use case is that I'd like to treat eye-tracking-enabled UI elements or game objects differently depending on whether something is looked at with the eyes. For example, to select game objects while using speech recognition, suppose we have 4 buttons with the same name in 4 corners of the screen. Call them "corner" buttons. If I have my proposed invisible UI element for gaze detection, I can create 4 large rectangular regions on the screen. Then if the user says "select the corner" the system could parse this command and disambiguate between the 4 corners by checking which of the rectangular regions I'm currently looking at. (Note: the idea would be to make the gaze regions rather large to compensate for error.) The above is just a simple example, but the advantage over other methods like dwell is that it could be a lot faster. Another simple example: Using the same rectangular regions, instead of speech input, I could hold a button placed in just one spot on the screen, and look around the screen with my gaze to produce a laser beam for some kind of game, or draw curves (that I might smooth-out to reduce inaccuracy). OR maybe someone who does not have their hands available. This would require us to have the ability to get the coordinates of the eye gaze, but otherwise the other approach of just opting to trigger uicontrol elements might work for coarse selection. Would other developers find this useful as well? I'd like to propose this feature in feedback assistant, but I'm also opening-up a little discussion if by chance someone sees this. In short, I propose: a formal eye-tracking API for iPadOS 18+ that allows for turning on/off the tracking within the app, with the necessary user permissions the API should produce begin/changed/ended events similar to the existing events in UIKit, including screen coordinates. There should be a way to identify that an event came from eye-tracking. alternatively, we should have at minimum an invisible UIControl subclass that can detect when the eyes enter/leave the region.
AX Elements in some apps only exposed when using VoiceOver or Accessibility Inspector
i build apps that act as Screen Readers to 1) add Vim motions everywhere on macOS 2) click (and more) AX Elements through the keyboard 3) scroll through the keyboard. it works extremely well with native apps. with non-native apps, i need to blast them with some extra AX Attributes (AXManualAccessibility, AXEnhancedUserInterface) to get them to expose their AX Elements. but there are a couple of apps tho which i can't get them to expose their AX Elements programmatically. now the weird thing is as soon as i start VoiceOver, those apps open up. or for some, if i use the Accessibility Inspector to go through their AX Elements, then they start opening up. so i'm wondering, is there one public known way that i'm missing to open up those apps, or is Apple using private APIs? any way i could make my apps behave like VoiceOver or the Accessibility Inspector to force those recalcitrant apps to open up? thanks in advance.
Show `swipeActions` in `editMode`
I have a List in a NavigationStack and the list items have swipeActions struct ListItem: Identifiable { var id: String { return name } let name: String } struct ContentView: View { @Environment(\.editMode) var editMode @State var listItems = [ ListItem(name: "Cow"), ListItem(name: "Duck"), ListItem(name: "Chicken") ] var body: some View { NavigationStack { List(listItems) { listItem in NavigationLink { Text( } label: { Text( } .swipeActions(edge: .trailing) { Button(action: { }, label: { Text("Edit") }).tint(.blue) Button(role: .destructive, action: {}, label: { Text("Delete") }) } } .navigationTitle("Animals") .navigationBarItems(trailing: EditButton()) } } } For users who might have problems with the swipe gesture, I would like to have the Swipe Actions display when the list is in editMode. Is there a programmatic way to show the swipeActions? I have also tried using ForEach with an onDelete modifier. Then if you hit the edit button, it shows a circular button on the left for each row. If you click the circular button then it will show the swipe actions but I don't want the extra step of pressing the circular button.
Triple Click Accessibility Shortcut triggers the Shut Down Screen
The triple click accessibility shortcut is assigned to trigger the assistive touch icon , this works very rarely as intended and triggers the shut down screen. I have tried assigning different shortcuts but it the shut down screen is always triggered. On restarting the phone , it seems to work a few more times as intended , but then again reverts to the bugged state. I have create a feedback (FB13459492) for this in December 2023 but haven't received any reply. Updated recently with a screen recording.
Is it possible for an app in the Mac App Store to obtain Accessibility permissions?
I have an app developed using ElectronJS that requires Accessibility permission to monitor mouse and keyboard events through the iohook package. I want to publish it on the Mac App Store, but it seems that: The Mac App Store mandates Sandboxing, and Sandboxing prohibits Accessibility permission. As a result, it seems that an app on the Mac App Store cannot obtain Accessibility permission. Can someone confirm if this is accurate or if there's a workaround?
May ’24
Keyboard shortcuts iPad cannot be used until screen is pressed.
Hello I have this issue where I have "shortcut keys" that I have added to a ViewController. When navigated to the ViewController I cannot use the "shortcut keys" right away. I first need to "press" anywhere on the screen to be able to use the shortcut. I use this code: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; UIKeyCommand* commandA = [UIKeyCommand keyCommandWithInput:@"a" modifierFlags:UIKeyModifierCommand action:@selector(handleCommand:)]; [self addKeyCommand:commandA]; } - (void)handleCommand:(UIKeyCommand *)keyCommand { // Hangup call. [self btnIncomingAnswerPressed:NULL]; } I am not sure why this happens, but I it would be really good if a user could use a shortcut key as soon as they navigate to the ViewControllor, instead of first have to press anywhere on the app.
May ’24
App running in background with External accessory background mode enabled doesn't receive sometimes the EAAccessoryDidConnect or the EAAccessoryDidDisconnect notification
Hi there! folks. Hope you are fine We want our two applications to listen to connection and disconnection notifications in the External accessory when we connect a device to USB These application are running in the background and we need to know when the device connects and disconnects from USB. In those cases, we have configured our apps to listen to local notifications as follows: EAAccessoryManager.shared().registerForLocalNotifications() NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(didConnectAccessory(_:)), name: Notification.Name.EAAccessoryDidConnect, object: nil) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(didDisconnectAccessory(_:)), name: Notification.Name.EAAccessoryDidDisconnect, object: nil) When the apps are running in foreground, everything works correctly. On the other hand, when the apps are running in the background mode and with the external accessory background mode enabled, the disconnection or connection event is not sent to the applications, causing them to not be able to initialize correctly. We attach traces of the two applications running in the background in a connection event through the USB. in The first application the Notification event is received correctly. In The second application the Notification event is NOT received correctly We would like to investigate with you what may be happening. We have opened a case in the feedback assistant (FB13800710) so you can investigate further. We open the case here so that other people can collaborate with us in depth. Thank you so much Looking forward to hearing from your side. All the best! LogsApplication
Accessibility Hint When There are Multiple Actions
Hi there -- I'm cleaning up the accessibility in our app and making sure it adheres to Apple's suggested guidelines. For accessibilityHint, apple lists a couple of suggestions in the doc here: Notably this one is one that I'm having to change a lot in our app: Don’t include the action type in the hint. For example, don't create hints like “Tap to play the song” or “Tapping plays the song.” However, we have some buttons that do different actions based on a double or triple tap in VoiceOver, so our hint looks something like: "Double tap to do X, Triple Tap to do Y" This violates the accessibilityHint guidelines, but I feel like changing this would mean the customer loses out on valuable information. What does apple suggest we do in this case? Thanks in advance!
May ’24
Is it possible to enable Dwell Control on Vision OS within your app?
Hi everyone, I'm currently developing an application for VisionOS and I'm interested in implementing Dwell Control to improve accessibility for users with limited mobility. Specifically, I would like to include a toggle within my app's interface that allows users to enable or disable Dwell Control at the app level. I've gone through the VisionOS documentation and the general accessibility guidelines, but I couldn't find detailed information on how to programmatically enable or disable Dwell Control within an app. Here are my main questions: Is it possible to programmatically enable or disable Dwell Control from within a VisionOS app? If so, what are the specific API calls or methods needed to achieve this functionality? Are there any best practices or additional resources for implementing Dwell Control in VisionOS that you could point me to? Thanks!
May ’24
why SwiftUI accessibility not supporting screen Simplified Chinese language?
It seems that when you tested the official code today, you found that screen reading works fine with English characters, but when using Chinese characters, the Text and Button elements cannot be read correctly.. It's important to address this issue to bring convenience to your blind friends. The official code address is:
May ’24
Custom rotor is always playing end-of-list sound
I have a custom rotor that changes the skim speed of the skim forward/backward feature of my audio player. The rotor works, but it's always playing an end-of-list sound. Here is the code: // Member variables private let accessibilitySeekSpeeds: [Double] = [10, 30, 60, 180] // seconds private var accessibilitySeekSpeedIndex: Int = 0 func seekSpeedRotor() -> UIAccessibilityCustomRotor { UIAccessibilityCustomRotor(name: "seek speed") { [weak self] predicate in guard let self = self else { return nil } let speeds = accessibilitySeekSpeeds switch predicate.searchDirection { case .previous: accessibilitySeekSpeedIndex = (accessibilitySeekSpeedIndex - 1 + speeds.count) % speeds.count case .next: accessibilitySeekSpeedIndex = (accessibilitySeekSpeedIndex + 1) % speeds.count @unknown default: break } // Return the currently selected speed as an accessibility element let accessibilityElement = UIAccessibilityElement(accessibilityContainer: self) let currentSpeed = localizedDuration(seconds: speeds[accessibilitySeekSpeedIndex]) accessibilityElement.accessibilityLabel = currentSpeed + " seek speed" .announcement, argument: currentSpeed + " seek speed") return UIAccessibilityCustomRotorItemResult(targetElement: accessibilityElement, targetRange: nil) } } The returned accessibility element isn't read out, and instead an end-of-list sound is played. I can announce the change manually using, but it still plays the end-of-list sound. How can I prevent the rotor from playing the end-of-list sound?
May ’24