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UIDatePicker next/previous months keyboard navigation
Hello, I would like to make it possible for keyboard-only users to select the next and previous month buttons in a UIDatePicker, to prevent confusion due to having interactive images in my app which are not interactable with a keyboard. The official documentation only says that the UIDatePicker component is accessible by default, and does not offer information on how to customize the keyboard navigation. Is this possible?
Jul ’24
iPhone mirroring accessibility feature needed
As disabled man, I find it how to use my iPhone on the Mac. The reason pain is that you have to use a physical keyboard to type messages on your phone. I would like a way where you get over in a grade at the accessible keyboard could do the typing or you could get the iPhone keyboard to pop up whilst mirroring to the computer. I would really like to see this in the next update so we are disabled community can use the iPhone Mirroring to its fullest potential.
Jul ’24
MacOS 15 Beta 2 Bug
Hello everyone, I own a MacBook Air M1, have installed beta 2, since then the memory of the disc is full after logging in. Unfortunately, I can't update to the current beta 4 because it takes too long to download and install. What is the best way to solve the problem? Can something be switched off so that the volume does not fill up completely? Please let me know if you have any questions, thank you in advance for your help. Best regards and have a nice day.
Jul ’24
Issues sending messages to wife, iOS 18 public beta 1
Device is an iPhone 15 pro max, running ios 18 public beta 1. today my wife sent two screenshots and they both appeared as blank little bubbles (image attached), which my wife then also said she was unable to see images from me. I checked with a friend by sending him a picture, and we were both able to send and receive images to each other no problem. Just wanting to bring this to attention as seemed like an odd situation. I suppose I may need to restore my iPhone, unsure when it was last backed up before a beta though 😅 otherwise may just wait it out
Jul ’24
Iphone 14 Pro Max- IOS 18 Beta 3 Torch issue
Throughout the IOS 18 update feature, my iPhone has been working extraordinary well and there seems to be no issues with the update for the latest gen iPhones/apple products. The only issue I’ve experienced these few months include the torch feature. after the IOS 18 Beta Version 3 dropped, my iPhone seems to have problems when it comes to turning the torch on. It mostly bugs out, like when i turn the torch on, it turns on for a split second and immediatly turns off again. It seems as though now my IPhone 14 Pro Max is unable to run the torch feature. Even after the Version 4 of Beta IOS 18, my iPhone is still unable to run the flashlight and it does the same thing since the last version for now.
Jul ’24
Invert VoiceOver swipe direction in a `UICollectionView`
Hello! I am working on an application with a chat feature. The chat is implemented using a UICollectionView. The content in our chat grows from the bottom and upwards, as is standard (like for instance the Messages app), with the most recent item being shown at the bottom. We have implemented this using a "hack", flipping the collection view upside-down by using a transform, and flipping the content views of the cells upside down again. This works nicely; the only remaining problem is ensuring that elements are read in the correct order for users with VoiceOver enabled. Standard behaviour with VoiceOver enabled for collection views is that swiping right moves focus to the next element, while swiping left moves focus to the previous element. Despite the collectionView being inverted (upside-down) swiping right with VoiceOver enabled moves focus to the element above, while swiping left moves focus to the element below. Is there any way to invert this behaviour? I have looked at subclassing the collection view and overriding accessibilityIncrement and accessibilityDecrement, but it did not have any effect. It seems the standard collection view accessibility container implementation does not call these methods.
Jul ’24
Eye Tracking Programming Help
Hello, I've downloaded the iOS 18 Beta on my iPhone 13 to be able to test the functionality of Eye Tracking. As far as I can tell, I and others are having an issue with its functionality. It's glitchy and doesn't react correctly to eye position. Example: I'm looking at the "Dwell Control" selection in the settings and my phone thinks that I'm looking at "Snap to Item" or "Auto-Hide." I've watched others testing this and they also say that it's still glitchy to the point of being unusable. On top of that, I also wanted to test its functionality within one of our apps and none of the buttons are recognized as "Snap to." The only apps that recognize it are Apple apps. Is this expected? In short, how are we as programmers supposed to be able to test with this iOS version and this specific functionality if it still isn't working properly? And, will it even work for our own apps?
Jul ’24
iOS 18 open settings URLs
A lot of apps use undocumented App-prefs URLs to help users get to the iOS Settings screen needed to set up the app. In iOS 18, it seems like these all stopped working. Here are the ones I currently use: App-prefs:MESSAGES - broken in iOS 18 Used for SMS Protection. App-prefs:Phone - broken in iOS 18 Used for Live Voicemail, Silence Unknown Callers, and SMS Reporting. Some but not most paths have specific documented replacements. E.g. for Call Blocking & Identification you can use CXCallDirectoryManager.sharedInstance.openSettings() and this still works in iOS 18. But I don't see any other direct replacements. Apple probably doesn't consider this a bug but I filed FB14378568 anyway. I consider this an accessibility issue because many older, inexperienced, or users with disabilities have trouble finding the right Settings screen based on a textual description alone.
Jul ’24
Local Payment Integration for Nigerian Users
Dear Apple Support Team, I am writing to seek assistance regarding the payment issues faced by users of my mobile app in Nigeria. Due to recent changes by the Central Bank of Nigeria, users are unable to make payments for in-app purchases with their local bank cards. This has significantly impacted our ability to monetize the platform. We are requesting support in either the review of how the billing is set up or for permission to integrate local payment solutions that accept Nigerian bank cards. Any assistance or direction you can provide on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and support. Best regards, AYo
Jul ’24
Accessibility for DAC user issue, focus is on same place after we switch from one web app page to another page
Hi, We have an Accessibility for DAC user issue, We are using Angular 17 for our Front End application. there is a case where after they press a section one page it re-reroutes to next page to show some details, where the focus is persist on the same place whatever we select the previous place. this is only issue on ios 17.5.1 version, all the andriod and desktop this is fine.
Jul ’24