Wrong price for in-app purchases

There is an issue with the price-setting on in-app purchases. The interface for setting the price of an IAP is out of sync with what is actually set. For instance, I changed the price to $6.99 and in the app it displayed $7.99. Later I changed it to $5.99 and the app displayed $6.99. I think the frontend is setting the wrong value in the backend (database).

This has been observed in sandbox, can you provide details to your case and reply with the FB#? http://feedbackassistant.apple.com

This happens in sandbox and TestFlight, I don't know about production. I haven't released the update with the in-app purchases yet. I've written feedback in feedbackassistent.

There is no known case in production, should be Sandbox (incl. TestFlight) only. Please provide the FB# if you have it available.

I have the same problem, I just submitted a report: FB11729666

We have the same problem since 10.26.2022, and the online price is 5.99 but the Testflight version display 1.99, which price is 3 years before.

I'm having the same issue. My application should have a price of 5.49, but it is appearing as 0.49 in the sandbox and my application is not being approved because of this.

Mine is also showing this today, but didn't last week.

Does anyone know what team can help? Who we need to raise a support ticket too? This is keeping my application from being approved.

The AppConnect Review group are stating I'm violating the policy.

The policy they referenced is:

Guideline 3.1.2 - Business - Payments - Subscriptions

  • The billed amount of your auto-renewable subscription does not match the amount displayed on the Subscriptions page.

Has anyone else experienced this?

My app is also having this issue as dkapsalis my app has been rejected, it displays the original price not the current price. A bit stuck as I need to get bug fixes approved.

Hello I have the same problem and I hope the apple team will solve this bad bug !!

I am using Storekit 2 and have a monthly and yealy subscription

Everything was working perfectly Monthly - 1,99. and Yearly 19,99 in debug and released app

Then I have increased the prices Monthly 2,49. and Yearly 29,99 this is working on debug mode

When the application is released I have the following problems _

On my monthly button it shows: Monthly - 29, 99 and on click it opens yearly payment Yearly - 2,49 and on click it opens monthly payment

My other apps with the "without " increasing the prices are working fine like before. These problems only occurred after "changing" the prices"

This is totally weird and there must be a big bug in storekit 2 !!!! With updading the prices and ids in release mode

I hope you will fix it soon.

I cannot use my payment anymore with these bad bugs. No I am trying do decrease the prices to the old ones and hope it will work or maybe making another payment group. Just will try this out but I really hope you fix this soon.

@Franky11 - Thanks for providing some additional context on your experience. On my end, I've not changed any prices. The issue presented itself after my last release and its review. Approximately Nov 15.

Maybe we can start to collect some notes from each of our experience to see when this started happening? Maybe we can take it to support then? I have a feeling that the AppleConnect review team and the other support teams are not talking to each other. If the bug was communicated to the review team, maybe they would allow our apps to move forward in the review process?

I do understand though that they want to ensure everything is correctly implemented before releasing a new product version.

Sent feedback, as I'm having this issue as well. FB11869850

I also have this issue with sandbox, please take a look for my feedback, https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/11857841

I have not had any update to the FB ticket I raised. Has anyone else here?

I may need to raise a TSI.

This problem is so obvious that many people encounter it. Can't Apple be seen? It's very frustrating

Wrong price for in-app purchases