Explore the integration of media technologies within your app. Discuss working with audio, video, camera, and other media functionalities.

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Anyone has any issues with voice control and high quality visuals in the Vision Pro
We are working on an app for the vision pro which has high polygons count and lots of high resolution textures. Everything looks smooth and in general very well, The issue is the moment we turn on voice control even if it is not being used the visuals at the center start to stutter left to right. Has anyone seen this ?, it must be a bug, any workaround ? Thanks, Guillermo
Sep ’24
While AirPlaying, MPVolumeView snaps to different volume when I play my app media
I have an app that plays sound files stored locally. I'm using a single SwiftUI view with a MPVolumeView so the user can control system volume from the player in my app. When I'm playing the sound file on the iPhone, my volume slider operates as expected. When I AirPlay to my AppleTV, the volume slider still works to control the volume, but when I hit play in my app, the volume snaps to a different value, but actual sound volume doesn't change. Control still works. Flipping to control center, I see a volume mismatch between system volume and the MPVolumeView. Here's the code that I use to put the slider in my app. struct VolumeSlider: UIViewRepresentable { func makeUIView(context: Context) -> MPVolumeView { let vv = MPVolumeView(frame: .zero) vv.showsVolumeSlider = true vv.setVolumeThumbImage(UIImage() ,for: UIControl.State.normal) return vv } func updateUIView(_ uiView: MPVolumeView, context: Context) { // No need to update the view in this case } } I'm using AVFoundation and AVAudioPlayer to playback the sound file. I'm using MediaPlayer to tell MPNowPlayingInfoCenter the track info and AlbumArt. Audio control via control center works perfectly. Does the same if I target iOS 16 or 17. Is this a bug with the MPVolumeView or the way I added it to the app?
Sep ’24
Launching an app with Camera Control
I've just received my iPhone 16 Pro to develop some of the Camera Control features. I am trying to set up my app to be launched from a button press, and from my research in the documents this is only possible if I develop a LockedCameraCaptureExtension. Is this correct? My app is written in React Native, so to build an extension would require me to re-create the entire UI in Swift which just isn't possible with my resources. Ideally I could build a simple extension that requires Authentication to open the app but I'n not sure that will work: The app extension terminates shortly after launch if it doesn’t have an active camera view that uses AVCaptureEventInteraction to handle events from the hardware buttons, or if access to the camera hasn’t been requested. This is a bit frustrating for something so simple as to just opening an app. Thanks, Alex
Sep ’24
AVPlayer.replaceCurrentItem(with:) "Incorrect actor executor assumption" runtime crash when building for iOS 18
Hi there, I have some code that's been working fine for the last few versions of iOS and macOS and all the others, and now causes a runtime crash in iOS 18/macOS 15 etc. I have an actor called Player which is basically a big wrapper around an AVPlayer. It all gets compiled down to a Framework, and my clients use it by dropping it in to their video player app code. It handles everything needed for them to be able to talk to our media infrastructure and handles telemetry. It has its own property called avplayer which is an AVPlayer. Gets created at the init(). It has a function called load(_ avPlayerItem: AVPlayerItem) which the clients use to load a new video into player. The offending code (which used to work!) looks like this: Task { @MainActor in avplayer.replaceCurrentItem(with: avPlayerItem) } No warnings in Xcode. When you run it, it crashes on iOS 18 and macOS 15 with this error in the debugger: Incorrect actor executor assumption I thought, "Okay well maybe replaceCurrentItem has changed and doesn't need to be on the main actor anymore, so even if you say this outside of a Main Actor-scoped task: avplayer.replaceCurrentItem(with: avPlayerItem) ...it still crashes the exact same way. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm under some heavy pressure here to get this working and I don't even know where to start with this. Big thanks in advance.
Sep ’24
Progress tracking does not work after the download has been paused and resumed
Hello, I recently started integrating HLS downloads into my application by using AVAssetDownloadTask and AVAssetDownloadConfiguration. I took an example from the documentation as a basis, with only one small difference: the minimum target for my application is iOS 16, so I replaced urlSession(_:assetDownloadTask:willDownloadTo:) with urlSession(_:assetDownloadTask:didFinishDownloadingTo:). And I encountered the following issue: after pausing a download and resuming it later, the progress no longer functions as expected. Could you, please, help me with this? What are the right approaches to implementing pause and progress tracking? Some details: I used devices with iOS 16.0.2 and 17.6.1 for testing. There was no code in the example that pauses the download and resumes it. So, I used the following methods to do this: suspend and resume Also, I have tried to track downloading progress using two different approaches: Using task.progress.observe(\.fractionCompleted) { ... }, which was presented in the example. In this scenario, after a pause, an observation callback will only be called once, when the download has completed, despite the fact that data is being successfully downloaded over the network. Using urlSession(_:assetDownloadTask:didLoad:totalTimeRangesLoaded:timeRangeExpectedToLoad:) and calculating progress as totalTimeRangesLoaded.reduce(0.0) { $0 + CMTimeGetSeconds($1.timeRangeValue.duration) / CMTimeGetSeconds(timeRangeExpectedToLoad.duration) }. In this scenario, I have noticed that the result of the calculation does not always increase, but sometimes there are outliers. Example of logs: 68%, 69%, 70%, 72%, 63%, 65%, 66%, 69%, 70%, 71%, 72%. Such fluctuations are most easily reproduced when I try to resume the download after pause. However, sometimes they occur spontaneously. It's important to mention, that this method marked as deprecated, perhaps for this reason. In both cases download is successful, the problem is with progress reporting only. Full version of code can be found here.
Sep ’24
Sound quality
Am a musician/DJ. Jumped from 14 Pro Max iOS 17 to 16 Pro Max iOS 18.1 b4. For each audio source(music app/yt music etc.) same track/eq/volume compared side by side. With the new device, overall it's a bit muffled and damping music when highs and lows are mixed. Most noticeable when listening to high vocals and acoustic instruments. Drum and bass sound much like on an old Nokia. On 14 Pro it's nothing like that. Thank you
Sep ’24
How to generate thumbnails for protected content using AVAssetImageGenerator?
I have a FairPlay-encrypted HLS stream and played the video in an AVPlayer.And I want to generate scrubbing thumbnails using the AVAssetImageGenerator. Also, I am able to generate thumbnails for clear streams but get errors for protected content. *How to generate thumbnails for protected content. func getImageThumbnail(forTime: CMTime) { let generator = AVAssetImageGenerator(asset: asset) generator.appliesPreferredTrackTransform = true generator.cancelAllCGImageGeneration() generator.generateCGImagesAsynchronously(forTimes: [NSValue(time: forTime)]) { [weak self] requestedTime, image, actualTime, result, error in if let error = error { print("Error generate: \(error.localizedDescription)") return } if let image = image { DispatchQueue.main.async { let image = UIImage(cgImage: image).jpegData(compressionQuality: 1.0) self?.playerImg.image = UIImage(data: image!) } } } }
Sep ’24
How to fetch all albums after performing a library request
Hi, In my app I am using MusicLibraryRequest<Artist> to fetch all of the artists in someone's Library collection. With this response I then fetch each artists albums: artist.with([.album]). The response from this only gives albums in the users Library collection. I would like to augment it with all of the albums for an artist from the full catalogue. I'm using MusicKit and targeting iOS18 and visionOS 2. Could someone please point me towards the best way to approach this?
Sep ’24
iOS18 AVPlayerViewController 出现卡住界面
(AVPlayerViewController *)avPlayerVC { if(!_avPlayerVC){ _avPlayerVC =[[AVPlayerViewController alloc] init]; _avPlayerVC.videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravityResizeAspectFill; _avPlayerVC.showsPlaybackControls = NO; [self addSubview:_avPlayerVC.view]; [_avPlayerVC.view mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) { make.edges.mas_equalTo(0); }]; [self sendSubviewToBack:_avPlayerVC.view]; } return _avPlayerVC; } 我在一个cell里添加这个,界面无法动弹。只有在iOS18会这样
Sep ’24
HLS streaming from a Uniview IP camera
Hi I'm trying to stream a H264 video feed that is coming from a uniview IP camera in a browser however the stream is just not displaying. Either I get a single frame or just a black screen. I get the same issues on safari on the mac or any browser on an iphone. However the video stream works just fine using hls.js in Windows or on Android. We are grabbing the the RTSP stream from the camera and using ngix to serve the .m3u8 url. However even if we save the stream to a file and try an play it on the iphone it has the same issue (unless we use a separate media player like VLC). I know if we use ffmpeg to reencode as H264 rather than copy it the it will play. My guess there is an incompatibility between how uniview encode the video and what apple can accept. I've asked uniview and they are not sure what the problem is either. Is there a way to get more debug information on why a particular HLS stream is failing in safari on mac or iPhone.
Sep ’24
How best to handle AirPods audio glitches in Game Mode?
Hello! The new lower latency support for AirPods in Game Mode is impressive, but I'm not sure of the best way to handle the transition into/out of Game Mode while audio is playing. In order to lower the latency, the system appears to drop some number of samples, with the result being a good deal less latency. My use case is macOS where it's easier to switch in/out of the fullscreen game (a simple swipe left), thus causing more issues for Game Mode since the audio is playing the entire time. It would be nice if offscreen games could remain in game mode, but I understand not wanting to give developers that control. Are there any best practices for avoiding or masking the audio glitch caused by this skip-ahead? Is there a system event I can receive to know when Game Mode is about to be enabled or disabled, where I could perhaps fade out the audio? My callback checks the inTimestamp->mSampleTime value to detect gaps, but it only rarely detects a Game Mode gap, even though the audio skip-ahead always happens. BTW, I am currently only developing on macOS (15.0) and I'm working at a low level with AudioUnit callbacks and a SpatialMixer. I am not currently using any higher-level audio APIs. And here's a few questions I don't necessarily expect answers to, but it doesn't hurt to ask: Is there any additional technical details about how this latency reduction works, or exactly how much of a reduction is achieved (or said another way, how many samples are dropped)? How much does this affect AirPods battery life? And finally, is there a way to query the actual latency value? I check the value for kAudioDevicePropertyLatency but it seems to always report 160ms for AirPods. Thanks!
Sep ’24
iOS 18 arm64 simulator disables audio output with unknown "AudioConverterService" error
Hello, I'm getting an unknown, never-before-seen error at application launch, when running my iOS SpriteKit game on the iOS 18 arm64 simulator from Xcode 16.0 (16A242d) — AudioConverterOOP.cpp:847 Failed to prepare AudioConverterService: -302 This is occurs on all iOS 18 simulator devices, between application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) and the first applicationDidBecomeActive(_:) — the SKScene object may have been already initialized by SpriteKit, but the scene's didMove(to:) method hasn't been called yet. Also, note that the error message is being emitted from a secondary (non-main) thread, obviously not created by the app. After the error occurs, no SKScene is able to play audio — this had never occurred on iOS versions prior to 18, neither on physical devices nor on the simulator. Has anyone seen anything like this on a physical device running 18? Unfortunately, at the moment I cannot test myself on an 18 device, only on the simulator... Thank you, D.
Sep ’24
MusicKit Queue broke in iOS18
It's simple to reproduce. The bug is simply when you queue a bunch of songs to play, it will always queue less than what you gave it. Here, I'm attempting to play an apple curated playlist, it will only queue a subset, usually less than 15, but as low as 1 out of 100. Use the system's forward and backwards to test it out. Here is the code, just paste it in to the ContentView file and make sure you have the capibility to run it. import SwiftUI import MusicKit struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack{ Button("Play Music") { Task{ await playMusic() } } } } } func getOnlySongsFromTracks(tracks:MusicItemCollection<Track>?) async throws ->MusicItemCollection<Song>?{ var songs:[Song]? if let t = tracks{ songs = [Song]() for track in t { if case let .song(song) = track { songs?.append(song) print("track is song \(track.debugDescription)") }else{ print("track not song \(track.debugDescription)") } } } if let songs = songs { let topSongs = MusicItemCollection(songs) return topSongs } return nil } func playMusic() async { // Request authorization let status = await MusicAuthorization.request() guard status == .authorized else { print("Music authorization denied.") return } do { // Perform a hardcoded search for a playlist let searchTerm = "2000" let request = MusicCatalogSearchRequest(term: searchTerm, types: [Playlist.self]) let response = try await request.response() guard let playlist = response.playlists.first else { print("No playlists found for the search term '\(searchTerm)'.") return } // Fetch the songs in the playlist let detailedPlaylist = try await playlist.with([.tracks]) guard let songCollection = try await getOnlySongsFromTracks(tracks: detailedPlaylist.tracks) else { print("no songs found") return } guard let t = detailedPlaylist.tracks else { print("no tracks") return } // Create a queue and play let musicPlayer = ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared let q = ApplicationMusicPlayer.Queue(for: t) musicPlayer.queue = q try await musicPlayer.play() print("Now playing playlist: \(playlist.name)") } catch { print("An error occurred: \(error.localizedDescription)") } }
Sep ’24
Apple Relay Registration
I was wondering if anyone could assist with the following query. Apple's Private Relay functionality requires companies to register all email-sending subdomains for the service to function properly. With 26 markets and 3 subdomains per market for one department, and another department with around 20 markets and even more subdomains, the limit of 100 sending domains is exceeded. As a result, we’re unable to register all the domains currently being used to send emails to our customers. Does any have any recommendations to overcome this?
Sep ’24
carplay audio lost after ios18
Iphone 13mini updated to ios18. Carplay is wired on my 2021 RAM Laramie. After the update => Premium audio is lost, I can only hear low quality audio. When I manually change to Bluetooth instead of usb on the car, then audio comes in speaker mode on my phone and not on the truck.
Sep ’24
iOS18 and Xcode16 using AVPlayer prints lots of warning logs
<<<< FigPlayerInterstitial >>>> fpic_ServiceCurrentEvent signalled err=-15671 (kFigPlayerInterstitialError_ClientReleased) (no primary) at FigPlayerInterstitialCoordinator.m:7885 <<<< FigPlayerInterstitial >>>> fpic_ServiceCurrentEvent signalled err=-15671 (kFigPlayerInterstitialError_ClientReleased) (no primary) at FigPlayerInterstitialCoordinator.m:7885 <<<< FigPlayerInterstitial >>>> fpic_ServiceCurrentEvent signalled err=-15671 (kFigPlayerInterstitialError_ClientReleased) (no primary) at FigPlayerInterstitialCoordinator.m:7885 <<<< FigPlayerInterstitial >>>> fpic_ServiceCurrentEvent signalled err=-15671 (kFigPlayerInterstitialError_ClientReleased) (no primary) at FigPlayerInterstitialCoordinator.m:7885 <<<< FigPlayerInterstitial >>>> fpic_ServiceCurrentEvent signalled err=-15671 (kFigPlayerInterstitialError_ClientReleased) (no primary) at FigPlayerInterstitialCoordinator.m:7885 My project uses AVPlayer (AVPlayerViewController) to play video. There are continuous warning logs while playing and when it goes to dealloc, it prints information below. <<<< PlayerRemoteXPC >>>> remoteXPCItem_handleSetProperty signalled err=-12860 (kFigPlayerError_ParamErr) (propertyValue should be MTAudioProcessingTap) at FigPlayer_RemoteXPC.m:2760 This only happens in iOS 18 and I have no idea about this. There is no any information for FigPlayerInterstitial and else.
Sep ’24
Song releaseDate always nil
I am fetching playlist songs from the users library and also need the releaseDate (or year) for the song for my use case. However, the releaseDate is always nil since I have upgraded to sequoia. I am pretty sure, this was working before the upgrade, but I couldn't find any documentation on changes related to this. Furthermore I noticed, the IDs also now seem to be the catalog IDs instead of the global ones like i.PkdZbQXsPJ4DX04 Here's in a nutshell what I am doing func fetchSongs(playlist: Playlist) async throws { let detailedPlaylist = try await playlist.with([.tracks]) var currentTracks: MusicItemCollection<Track>? = detailedPlaylist.tracks repeat { for track in currentTracks! { guard case .song(let song) = track else { print("This is not a song") continue } print(song.releaseDate) } currentTracks = try await currentTracks?.nextBatch() } while currentTracks != nil }
Sep ’24