Apple Intelligence

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Apple Intelligence is the personal intelligence system that puts powerful generative models right at the core of your iPhone, iPad, and Mac and powers incredible new features to help users communicate, work, and express themselves.






VisionKit crashes on iOS 16.4.
App crashes on iOS 16.4 when there is usage for ImageAnalysisInteraction api from VisionKit. App crashes before even starts. Here is output: dyld[3240]: Symbol not found: _$s9VisionKit24ImageAnalysisInteractionC7subject2atAC7SubjectVSgSo7CGPointV_tYaFTu Referenced from: <BAD7A699-FB4E-3D0E-8CD4-45CC9FC3D5E5> /Users/sereza/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/B64EAF39-0DD9-49EC-A3F7-69675C94B8BE/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/F4E30E86-ED4D-4748-AB99-434208D55483/ Expected in: <F05E3A17-D74A-3EE2-BC8D-DDCC23E48707> /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_20E247/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 16.4.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Frameworks/VisionKit.framework/VisionKit Here is enough code to produce this crash. Please note that this code never gets called. It is enough that it exists in the project: import VisionKit @MainActor final class LiftHelper: ObservableObject { func doSomething() async throws { let interaction = ImageAnalysisInteraction() let _ = try await interaction.image(for: []) } }
Jul ’24
AssistantIntent for Photos without library access
The new .photos AssistantSchema for intents allow integrating App Intents for Photos-related actions with Apple Intelligence. I was wondering if it would be possible to create intents that do not require full library access. Our app supports loading image from Photos via the PHPicker, which doesn't require any user permission. Now we want to support the .photos.openAsset schema in an app intent to allow interactions like "Open this image in BeCasso and apply preset X". Would that be possible without full library access?
Jul ’24
Dependency between AssistantSchema.CameraEnum
Hi, I have some questions about the new AssistantSchema.CameraEnum.captureMode and AssistantSchema.CameraEnum.captureDevice introduced with iOS 18 beta 4. Here's the context. I create a intent: @AssistantIntent(schema: .camera.startCapture) struct StartCaptureIntent { var captureMode: CaptureMode var timerDuration: CaptureDuration? var device: CaptureDevice? func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { .result() } } And these app enums: @AssistantEnum(schema: .camera.captureDevice) enum CaptureDevice: String { case front case back case ultrawide } @AssistantEnum(schema: .camera.captureMode) enum CaptureMode: String { case modeA case modeB } Some CaptureDevice cases are not available in some CaptureMode. e.g: CaptureMode.modeA only supports CaptureDevice.back and CaptureDevice.front. In a classic AppIntent, I would create an AppEntity to represent CaptureDevice and use @IntentParameterDependency<CapturePhotoIntent>( \.$captureMode) to create a dependency between the captureMode and the captureDevice parameters. How can we create this dependency between two @AssistantEnum? I'm not sure this is possible as @AssistantEnum creates AppEnum.
Jul ’24
iOS 18 @AssistantIntent's marked with @available crashing on older OS's
Is anyone else seeing their apps crash on iOS/macOS 17.4/14.4 and newer when building a project that simply just includes the iOS 18 @AssistantIntent Macro? The beta 4 releases still have this problem. There are no notes about this that I have seen in the beta release notes. Crash message shown in console when trying to run on 17.4, 17.5, 17.5.1, etc: dyld[21935]: Symbol not found: _$s10AppIntents15AssistantSchemaV06IntentD0VAC0E0AAWP Referenced from: <F7A1FEF0-F3B0-379C-A914-D1FB0BA7C693> /Users/jonathan/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/CA308F47-BCA8-4429-8599-1BB1CCEAB5B6/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/D7DC8E16-90DB-406A-A521-20F18326E4A7/ Expected in: <88E18E38-24EC-364E-94A1-E7922AD247AF> /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_21F79/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 17.5.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Frameworks/AppIntents.framework/AppIntents Obviously, the new Apple Intelligence AssistantIntents only work on the 2024 OS releases. However, even when these new App Intents are marked with @available(iOS 18, macOS 15, *), the app crashes on any earlier OS version. But it runs just fine on iOS 18 and macOS 15... I would love for me to just have done something wrong but I don’t think I have… Here is the sample project: Maybe it's a compiler issue thats failing to strip out the macro when building for older OS's or an Xcode issue - I have no idea. I just would like to know why its not working and how to resolve it. Thanks in advance for anyones help...
Jul ’24
Dynamic AssistantSchema.CameraEnum
Hi, I have some questions about the new AssistantSchema.CameraEnum.captureDevice introduced with iOS 18 beta 4. Here's the context. I create a intent: @AssistantIntent(schema: .camera.setDevice) struct SetDeviceIntent { var device: CaptureDevice func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { .result() } } @AssistantEnum(schema: .camera.captureDevice) enum CaptureDevice: String { case front case back case ultrawide } Some CaptureDevice cases are not available on some devices. e.g: CaptureMode.ultrawide is only available on iPhone, not on iPad. How can we make CaptureDevice dynamic? I don't think AppEnum supports @Dependency or something else.
Jul ’24
Country List for iOS18 features?
Hi, does anyone know if there is a country list for the iOS18 features, specifically Apple Intelligence? As a developer in Switzerland it seems pretty confusing when only terms like "EU" are used without specific countries. For example: Apple Intelligence is not available in the EU or China for now Third-party App Stores are only available in the EU Switzerland has neither. So does Apple consider us part of the EU, EEA, geographically in Europe... differently on a feature-by-feature basis? I'm aware that it can get confusing as Switzerland is not part of the EU yet has many individual agreements, and that this can make things complicated in Betas. However, a clear list of feature availability by country for iOS18 must exist somewhere - I haven't found it yet though :)
Jul ’24
Apple Intelligence remains stuck in the "Preparing" status (MacOS)
Hello I have on my MacBook Air M2 MacOS 15.1 and it runs amazingly Super Good also fie battery life I am aware of problems with a beta but Apple Intelligence can not be activated properly. I live in the EU but many still got it with the requirements that you really set everything to American unfortunately nothing really happened with the very long wait I came into the waiting list and with "Preparing" it stops and that a whole day (almost 24h) and I also restarted the waiting list by changing region but no succes.
Jul ’24
Apple intelligence feature in macOS 15.1 beta software testing not working with compatible hardware and system settings
I am attempting to install the macOS 15.1 update alongside the Apple Intelligence beta feature, to experience and then integrate into my developing application. I have a compatible MacBook Air M2 with a regional designation of the United States and language as US English, but is however purchased in mainland China. i have downloaded 15.1 but apple intelligence does not display, is this arising from buying it in China?
Aug ’24