




Creating an installer for a V3 AudioUnit
I've got a bunch of AudioUnit projects approaching release, and am attempting to build an installer for them. All are based on the AudioUnit template in Xcode 14. What actually governs how the system detects an AudioUnit? The instructions I have seen say that the built .appex should be renamed to have the extension .component and installed into /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/ - great, I am able to build a signed installer that does that (i.e. strip out the built Application project that is part of the AudioUnit template but useless to, say, a Logic Pro user), include the .appex that declares the plugin and embeds a Framework that contains the actual code (so it can be loaded in-process). auval -l does not show it after running the installer, nor does Console show anything logged suggesting that it was found but malformed or something like that. Meanwhile, simply building the project causes auval -l to show an install of it in the build directory, and I have noticed that if I delete that, auval -l would still show the plugin installed, but now in the location I exported an archive of the project (!!). What black magic is this? However, deleting both the recent build and the archive, after running the installer, and there is no indication that AudioComponentRegistry even sees the copy of it in one of the two locations actually documented to be valid install locations for an AudioUnit. I have, however, installed one third-party free AUv3 which installed into /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/ Am I misunderstanding something about how this works? Is there some string other than AudioComponentRegistry I should filter on in Console that might provide a clue why my AudioUnit installed there is not picked up? Must I ship the semi-pointless Application that is part of the Xcode template project, and whatever magical mechanism detects it when I build will work its magic on end-users' machines? Or could the problem be that the Framework with the actual code under Contents/Frameworks inside the audio unit, rather than installed independently into /Library/Frameworks?
Current iOS 17.6.1 Restore images useless
I wanted to take an old iPhone 11 Pro and downgrade from iOS 18 beta to iOS 17 for testing. I can download today (Sept 26) the restore image for the iPhone 11 Pro (and many others) but when I try to restore it (Finder Option click, select restore image), Apple rejects it (I guess they won't sign it). If find this to be a problem. There is no reason why an iPhone in developer mode can't be used for testing a release less than a few weeks after the next release comes out. Why do they have the restore images if you can't use them? Why is there no restore images for iOS 17.7?
Xcode 14.3.1 for Ventura 13.6.9
Where do I download this version of Xcode? Xcode 14.3.1 Or whatever is the latest version for Ventura 13.6.9 I'm trying to learn Unreal Engine which is asking for Xcode to be installed. When I got to the app store I get an error: "Xcode can’t be installed on “2017 iMac27” because macOS version 14.5 or later is required." Please advise Thanks
cannot open Runner.xcworkspace
I cannot open the Runner.xcworkspace on xcode even though i have tried everything (all ran with cleaned and not cleaned derived data) -i am running xcode on the latest version -tried deleting/installing again/updating pods more than enough times -tried opening from terminal/xcode/finder (all end up either opening Runner.xcodeproj or not opening at all) what are other options left to do ?
MacOSX Sonoma 14.7 + XCode 16.0 + iOS 17.6.1:
I am trying to install an app from a XCode project onto a iOS 17.6.1 device. The Macbook is a MacOSX Sonoma 14.7, Apple M2 Pro. I'm running XCode 16.0. I receive a series of alerts before receiving the final message. I tried to delete everything in this folder: rm ~/Library/Caches/* I reviewed the XCode components currently installed: I downloaded more runtime simulators from this link. I then followed the instructions provided in this link. For example: xcrun simctl runtime add "~/Downloads/iOS_17.4_Simulator_Runtime.dmg" xcrun simctl runtime add "~/Downloads/iOS_17.5_Simulator_Runtime.dmg" I'm still getting a message beside the device I want to install my app: The Developer Disk Image Could Not Be Staged On The Host I need help. I don't know what else to do. I don't see any matching simulators available for 17.6.1 and 17.7. Does anyone have any ideas?
loudKit Containers are not being created or connecting back do apple dev besides the default container
Every new container i create for cloudkit doesn't work and or connect back to my icloud dev account. Here are the errors: Communication with Apple failed. An iCloud Container with Identifier '' is not available. Please enter a different string. Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: CGL.CannaGrowLog" doesn't support the iCloud Container. Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: CGL.CannaGrowLog" doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the entitlement. STEPS TO REPRODUCE Went into xcode > Project name > targets > icloud > containers > + sign and anytime i try to add it fails with the above issues. Also, going into apple dev website has no option to even see or add containers.
Problem installing debugging on IOS 18 with Xcode 16
Project previously built and installed fine (Xcode 16). Upgrade to IOS 18 and now debug install 'Prepares' for ever (never finishes) on both my iPhone 11 Pro and my 12.9 iPad. Tried clearing buffers, derived data, restarting/rebooting. The projects are projects that I have tested and run for several years on many versions, not new to the Xcode world. Permissioning (i.e. Developer mode) enabled on all devices, tried various cables on all devices. Relinked all devices..but no success. Projects build and run fine on simulators, but just can't finish installing on the real hardware. Stunning frustrating and NO USEFULL error messages.
Can't build with Xcode 14: "Doesn't match platform DriverKit"
I have an app that includes a DriverKit extension that up until now I've been building without issue using Xcode 13. It was time to regenerate my Developer ID Application certificate so I needed to rebuild the app. However, I'm now running macOS Ventura and Xcode 14.3.1, and cannot get it to build in this later version of Xcode for reasons that are totally inscrutable to me. I've tried using both the newly generated provisioning profiles I've manually created in the "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" developer page, and the (still valid) provisioning profiles I already had installed. The trouble is that, when I select a provisioning profile I made for the DriverKit extension, Xcode won't accept it for the following reason: Platform: macOS Doesn't match platform DriverKit This makes no sense to me! There is no way to create a distribution provisioning profile for the "DriverKit" platform. All I can select is either "Mac" or "Mac Catalyst". So there's seemingly no way out of this. What am I missing?
tabview tabviewstyle sidebaradaptable in macos 15.1. beta 5 is non responsive
Whan using a tabview set with a tabviewstyle of sidebaradaptable on macOS 15.1 beta 5 the tabs are non responsive and is basically broken. Example code... If you click around on these tabs you will see it is not responsive. When you add a lot more tabs from a for loop for example you really get poor performance. But this is not the case with earlier beta releases. TabView {                 Tab("One", systemImage: "") {                     Text("Test One")                 }                 Tab("Two", systemImage: "") {                     Text("Test Two")                 }                 Tab("Three", systemImage: "") {                     Text("Test Three")                 }             }             .tabViewStyle(.sidebarAdaptable)
Not able to inspect react native drop down element in iOS
Am trying to automate below drop down but iOS Accessibility inspector is unable to detect the element. Even we tried with Appium Inspector issue is same. Drop down: We tried to debug the dropdown component. In that we can see the value is rendered properly from react. We have raised the issue with Appium, but they have given few suggestions in the Appium setting but it didn't solve. Now it's something that has to be done from XCTest Framework end. Appium issue git link:
Unable to build Core Image kernels in XCode 16
My app is suddenly broken when I build it with XCode 16. It seems Core Image kernels compilation is broken in XCode 16. Answers on StackOverflow seem to suggest we need to use a downgraded version of Core Image framework as a workaround, but I am not sure if there is a better solution out there. FYI, I am using [[ stitchable ]] kernels and I see projects having stitchable are the ones showing issue. air-lld: error: symbol(s) not found for target 'air64_v26-apple-ios17.0.0' metal: error: air-lld command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Showing Recent Messages /Users/Username/Camera4S-Swift/air-lld:1:1: ignoring file '/Applications/', file AIR version (2.7) is bigger than the one of the target being linked (2.6)
KeyedUnarchive a previously object archived with NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject
Hi, in my previous macOS app I used to archive a dictionary to a preference file using [NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:dictionary]; and to unarchive it using [NSUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:dataFromDisk]; Now I would like to replace the 2 deprecated methods with NSError *error; NSSet *classSet = [NSSet setWithObjects:[NSDictionary class], [NSArray class], [NSString class], [NSNumber class], [NSData class], nil]; NSDictionary *dictionary = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchivedObjectOfClasses:classSet fromData:dataFromDisk error:&error]; But I get a nil dictionary and the error 4864: non-keyed archive cannot be decoded by NSKeyedUnarchiver. So I guess I should first keep on unarchiving the preferences dataFromDisk using the old deprecated method [NSUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:dataFromDisk]; Then I could use the new NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver methods for the upcoming release. But, if this deprecated method [NSUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:dataFromDisk]; fails to unarchive the old data (and on some machines now it fails), how could I use the new methods? Should I consider my old preference file gone? Is a way to force the new NSKeyedUnarchiver method to unarchive data previously archived with NSArchiver ?
How to I archive macros into a static library as xcframework?
I'm trying to make an xcframework from my static library (SPM btw) with macros. My script doesn't work properly My SPM declaration of macros: // swift-tools-version: 5.9 // The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package. import CompilerPluginSupport import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "SomeMacr", platforms: [.macOS(.v10_15), .iOS(.v13), .tvOS(.v13), .macCatalyst(.v13)], products: [ .library( name: "SomeMacr", targets: ["SomeMacr"] ), .executable( name: "SomeMacrClient", targets: ["SomeMacrClient"] ) ], dependencies: [ .package(url: "", from: "509.0.0") ], targets: [ .macro( name: "SomeMacrMacros", dependencies: [ .product(name: "SwiftSyntaxMacros", package: "swift-syntax"), .product(name: "SwiftCompilerPlugin", package: "swift-syntax") ] ), .target(name: "SomeMacr", dependencies: ["SomeMacrMacros"]), .executableTarget(name: "SomeMacrClient", dependencies: ["SomeMacr"]), .testTarget( name: "SomeMacrTests", dependencies: [ "SomeMacrMacros", .product(name: "SwiftSyntaxMacrosTestSupport", package: "swift-syntax") ] ) ] ) My .sh script: xcodebuild archive \ -scheme $1 \ -sdk iphoneos \ -archivePath "Products/archives/ios_devices.xcarchive" \ SKIP_INSTALL=NO \ BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES xcodebuild archive \ -scheme $1 \ -sdk iphonesimulator \ -archivePath "Products/archives/ios_simulators.xcarchive" \ SKIP_INSTALL=NO \ BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES xcodebuild archive \ -scheme $1 \ -sdk macosx \ -archivePath "Products/archives/macos.xcarchive" \ SKIP_INSTALL=NO \ BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES xcodebuild -create-xcframework \ -library Products/archives/ios_devices.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/lib$1.a \ -library Products/archives/ios_simulators.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/lib$1.a \ -library Products/archives/macos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/lib$1.a \ -output Products/xc/$1.xcframework It requires destination (But in other tutorials, authors clearly shows, that after this script I will get an xcframework) xcodebuild: error: Building a Swift package requires that a destination is provided using the "-destination" option. The "-showdestinations" option can be used to list the available destinations But when I setup the destination it was compiled to exec file, which I don't mind how to include to another SPM package / or xcframework What am I doing wrong?
Swift Package Manager (SPM) can't load recently used dependencies or find new one since upgrade to Xcode16
Since upgrading to Xcode 16 Swift Package Manager seems to be broken. It can't load recently used packages (just spins the progress indicator). Same thing when trying to search for a new package. I've looked online and can't find anything useful. I've deleted all the caches. Resetting existing packages completes successfully. Anyone else seen this before and have any suggestions? Thanks