Build, test, and submit your app using Xcode, Apple's integrated development environment.

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Xcode tests stuck in testing state
Issue: When I click run unit tests the tests get 'stuck' and in the top bar is says "Testing..." and never completes - I even left it for an hour. I have created new projects with no code written and the same thing happens. I have deleted and re-downloaded code as well. Current Xcode: 14.3 I don't believe it's a project issue since I have tried multiple but rather something with Xcode. and my CPU % for Xcode shoots to 365+ when this is happening. I have a M1 Max with 64GB. Any help would be appreciated.
May ’23
Xcode error : "You do not have required role to perform an operation" with an Admin account
Hi, Since yesterday (May 11, 2023) I can no longer send an update on TestFlight for the Apple Developer account of a client on which I am admin. It gives me the following error: The last time I sent a version to TestFlight was May 4, 2023 and I had no problem. With other client applications I have no problem sending my updates to TestFlight. I have no problem connecting to Apple Connect with my Apple ID, I can see that I am an admin on the Apple Developer account. My config: macOS 13.3.1 (a) Xcode Version 14.3 (14E222b) Regards Tof
May ’23
Xcode 14.3: Restarting after unexpected exit, crash, or test timeout - How to debug?
My tests fail with "Restarting after unexpected exit, crash, or test timeout". This is what I have so far established: Does only happen when building with xcodebuild (14.3) but not when building with Xcode (14.3) Tests that are failing are in a .testTarget within a local swift package and part of a test plan together with tests that are in subprojects there are no crashlogs, so likely these tests are not crashing with Xcode 14.2 there are no problems whatsoever (xcodebuild or Xcode) Any ideas on how to debug this any further? Best Roddi
May ’23
Problems updating to Xcode 14.3
When I upgraded Xcode to the latest version 14.3, I have some problems with AEPServices. Showing Recent Errors Only underlying Objective-C module 'AEPServices' not found failed to verify module interface of 'AEPServices' due to the errors above; the textual interface may be broken by project issues or a compiler bug So I use more solutions about config search paths, target in build settings, and build phases, but it does not work for me. If anyone has encountered this problem, please give me a solution to fix it. Thanks a lot!
May ’23
Archiving failing: Multiple commands produce GoogleUtilities.framework
Hi friends, I have a problem suddenly by archiving my app in XCode 14.3 I'm getting this errors: Showing All Errors Only Prepare build note: Building targets in dependency order error: Multiple commands produce '/Users/razvanu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-aeiwqtydtcicmbcjpyzoxtfwhzig/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Runner/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/GoogleUtilities.framework' note: Target 'GoogleUtilities-00567490' (project 'Pods') has create directory command with output '/Users/razvanu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-aeiwqtydtcicmbcjpyzoxtfwhzig/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Runner/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/GoogleUtilities.framework' note: Target 'GoogleUtilities-54e75ca4' (project 'Pods') has create directory command with output '/Users/razvanu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-aeiwqtydtcicmbcjpyzoxtfwhzig/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Runner/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/GoogleUtilities.framework' Multiple commands produce '/Users/razvanu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-aeiwqtydtcicmbcjpyzoxtfwhzig/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/Runner/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/GoogleUtilities.framework' I tried all the solutions that I found, nothing works for me :( please guide me how to fix this issue, thanks in advance!
May ’23
Transfer App Issue
Our App use iCloud Key-Value Storage, after being transferred from old team to new team, app build failed and the error shows "Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: "appbundleid"" doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the entitlement.", I look up the Provision profile, value for the is oldteamid.appbundleid, the value should be newteamid.appbundleid. how can i solve this?
May ’23
Xcode cloud build error: archive of binary target ... does not contain expected binary artifact named
Though everything works fine locally, while trying to build a project in xcode cloud, i get the error archive of binary target 'libjsoncpp.a' does not contain expected binary artifact named 'libjsoncpp.a' It is referenced in a Package.swift file as so .binaryTarget( name: "libjsoncpp.a", url: "", checksum: "f29acc8d9e5b983fde90d2f8b8c8091bed8c25d42cc58d487ef0b8f7db303ba6" ), I've also tried checking the .zip into the project and referencing locally as such .binaryTarget(name: "libopen3d.a", path: "./PreBuilt/"), However I get the same error. Can anyone offer any insight? The error is quite vauge. The link above is valid if anyone would like to check the archive.
May ’23
Missing iOS 17 device support files
I just have downloaded Xcode 15 beta version, and upgrade my iPhone to iOS 17 (which I use for developer proposes). Everything works fine, but when I tried to switch back to Xcode 14.3 (coping iOS 17 Device Support files from Xcode 15), I found that there're missing. I re-download Xcode 15, but the result was the same. Anyone knows what's happening? Or Where should the files be?
Jun ’23
Xcode 15: "Cycle inside ...; building could produce unreliable results" due to DSTROOT=/
Offering this here for those who may run into the same issue... There is more than one reason you may get the following error message when attempting to build your targets: Cycle inside ...; building could produce unreliable results But if you just switched to Xcode 15 and you are currently customizing DSTROOT to set the root install location for the deliverables (app, bundle, etc) built by your Target, Xcode 15 will refuse to build any target with dependencies on other targets that use the same underlying configuration. There is obviously no real cycle: Xcode 15 is just confused by both targets sharing the same DSTROOT. For example, if you set up your projects with: DSTROOT=/ INSTALL_PATH=/Applications (notice that DSTROOT=/ is even mentioned in the docs) Xcode will wrongfully detect a circular dependency as both targets share the build destination and thus refuse to build. The solution is to not customize DSTROOT, thus allowing it to have a directory name that is target-dependent and thus fairly immune to collisions. Instead, customize the INSTALL_ROOT setting. While this setting does not appear in the Build Phases tab, it defaults to reusing the DSTROOT value. If you set it explicitly, it allows DSTROOT to remain for other purposes, while using the value of INSTALL_ROOT to deploy your deliverables: INSTALL_ROOT=/ INSTALL_PATH=/Applications This allows the build system to proceed without errors.
Jun ’23
Error message "Thread 10: EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x10515fd44)" in Xcode
I have been getting these error messages in debug window in Xcode: 2023-06-06 07:46:15.412684-0500 Courier[8456:442818] [LayoutConstraints] Unsupported layout off the main thread for _UIModernBarButton with nearest ancestor view controller, UINavigationController 2023-06-06 07:46:15.413268-0500 Courier[8456:442818] [Assert] -[UIImageView _invalidateImageLayouts] must be called on the main queue 2023-06-06 07:46:15.413730-0500 Courier[8456:442818] [Assert] -[UIImageView _layoutForImage:inSize:cachePerSize:forBaselineOffset:] must be called on the main queue (lldb) The messages come when my code crashes and gives this error message in a red ribbon in the editor window: Thread 10: EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x10515fd44) In the Debug navigator on the left pane of Xcode, it shows the code stopped at: #0 0x000000010515fd44 in _dispatch_assert_queue_fail () This is what shows at the end in the editor window. At the very end is where the error message in the red ribbon shows: 0x10515fd10 <+68>: add x9, x9, #0xf2f ; "BUG IN CLIENT OF LIBDISPATCH: Assertion failed: " 0x10515fd14 <+72>: stp x9, x8, [sp] 0x10515fd18 <+76>: adrp x1, 65 0x10515fd1c <+80>: add x1, x1, #0xefa ; "%sBlock was %sexpected to execute on queue [%s (%p)]" 0x10515fd20 <+84>: sub x0, x29, #0x18 0x10515fd24 <+88>: bl 0x10519cfc8 ; symbol stub for: asprintf 0x10515fd28 <+92>: ldur x19, [x29, #-0x18] 0x10515fd2c <+96>: str x19, [sp] 0x10515fd30 <+100>: adrp x0, 65 0x10515fd34 <+104>: add x0, x0, #0xf65 ; "%s" 0x10515fd38 <+108>: bl 0x1051986b0 ; _dispatch_log 0x10515fd3c <+112>: adrp x8, 98 0x10515fd40 <+116>: str x19, [x8, #0x268] -> 0x10515fd44 <+120>: brk #0x1 I have no idea which code is causing the error, so I don't even know what code to put in my question. I created a symbolic breakpoint with 'LayoutConstraints' in the Symbol field. It is never tripped. I get no purple warnings that says a line of code should not be in the main thread. I have no idea where to go from here. I don't ind anything when I do a search in the internet that is narrowed down to address my error. I am running the code on an iPhone 13 Pro Max device with iOS 16.5. I am using Xcode 14.3 on a Mac Pro running Ventura 13.4
Jun ’23
Xcode 15 beta build issues
Sandbox: rsync.samba(12698) deny(1) file-write-create /Users/shrek/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PhotoPC-dejmlgrmwbxazrgvfwpxvhadwsuy/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Sandbox: rsync.samba(12698) deny(1) file-write-create /Users/shrek/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/PhotoPC-dejmlgrmwbxazrgvfwpxvhadwsuy/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ ![]("" "title=Screenshot 2023-06-07 at 00.48.08.png;width=1429;height=232") Please help me.
Jun ’23
Xcode15 Beta1: Firebase iOS SDK: Unable to process Info.plist during build process #11400
Description Environment Xcode version: Xcode15 Beta1 Firebase Component: Crashlytics Installation method: Swift Package Manager (SPM) Firebase SDK version: 10.4.0 Problem During the build process of my iOS application, I encountered an error related to processing the Info.plist file. Here is the error message: error: Info.plist Error Unable to process Info.plist at path /Users/...../Info.plist This could be a timing issue, make sure the Firebase run script build phase is the last build phase and no other scripts have moved from the location Xcode generated it. You can also add '$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/$(INFOPLIST_PATH)' as an "Input Files" dependency for your Firebase run script build phase. Github Link: Reproducing the issue Steps to Reproduce [Add the steps you take to reproduce the issue. This could be setting up a new project, adding Firebase via SPM, adding a Run Script phase, etc.] What I've tried I've checked the order of Build Phases to make sure the Run Script phase for Firebase is the last phase. I've verified the location and reference of the Info.plist file. I've cleaned the project and cleared the derived data. [Add any other troubleshooting steps you've tried.] Despite these attempts, the issue persists. Any guidance or suggestions to resolve this would be appreciated. Thank you. Firebase SDK Version 10.4.0 Xcode Version 15.0 Beta1 Installation Method Swift Package Manager Firebase Product(s) Crashlytics Targeted Platforms iOS Relevant Log Output No response
Jun ’23
Xcode 15 linking error
Hi, I am getting a linking error when building my app to run against an iOS17 device, using Xcode15. Same project builds and runs fine with Xcode 14 and iOS16. The linking error just says: clang: error: unable to execute command: Segmentation fault: 11 clang: error: linker command failed due to signal (use -v to see invocation) Not sure what I should try to overcome this. I can't run my app on an iOS17 device. It builds, links and runs just fine on a simulator.
Jun ’23
Anyone having trouble getting "Export Localizations" to build complex projects?
Running on a Core i9 MacBook Pro with macOS 13.4 (22F66) and the Xcode 15 beta. Running "Export Localizations" seems to work fine with smaller projects, but in my larger project, it's not working unless I do a "Clean" first. The way my project is set up is that the main project depends on a few dynamic frameworks built from other Xcode projects which are incorporated into the main project and set as dependencies. What happens is that I'm getting the error "Unable to build project for localization string extraction. See the build logs for failure description." In the logs, I see that the Link (x86_64) step succeeds, but the Link (arm64) step fails, with a Could not find or use auto-linked framework 'MyFramework' message for each framework dependency that's in another Xcode project. This would suggest that the dependencies are being built only for x86_64. If I clean the project, the "Export Localizations" will then succeed, but if I do a regular build again, "Export Localizations" goes back to being broken. What I think is happening is that the "Export Localizations" workflow is using the same binaries as Debug builds, and leveraging any existing Debug builds that happen to exist instead of rebuilding them, but it's also trying to build for all supported architectures whereas a Debug build usually only builds the current one. This, of course, causes a failure to link to dependent libraries/frameworks, since they don't have binaries for the non-active architecture. Is there any way to turn off building for all architectures for the "Export Localizations" workflow? I don't think it's necessary just for localizations TBH.
Jun ’23